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英语六年级下 Lesson 1 Xi.docx

1、英语六年级下 Lesson 1 Xi英语六年级下 Lesson 1 Xian is a beautiful city.第一课时教学目标:1.掌握并会说会用句子。Where are you going? Im going to .Who will take you there?Are you ready for your trip?2.能听懂、会说、会用名胜古迹名称:Qin Shihuangs Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses ; the Bell Tower; the Great Wall; the West Lake3.理解、会用一般将来时态两种表态法:(1)I

2、m going to ./Were going to .(2) I will ./I shall.4.掌握并运用常用语:buy tomorrows air tickets take some pictures take a picture ofhave a good time be ready for.教学重难点:1. 会说会用这些句子:Where are you going ? Im going to (名胜古迹名称) Who will take you there?2. 能听懂会说会用名胜古迹名称:Qin Shihuangs Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses;

3、 The Bell Tower; the Great Wall; the Weat Lake.3.理解会用一般将来时态的两种表达法:Im going to I will4. 会说会用常用语:take a picture of be ready for have a good time一.讲解所要学习的重点句型和重点短语。A: What are you doing now?B: Im buying a train ticket. Why are you here?A: I want to buy a train ticket, too.B: Where are you going?A: Im g

4、oing to go to Sichuan.B: Who will take you there?A: My brother. Where are you going?B: Beijing. Ill visit my grandparents.A: Beijing is a famous city. Do take more photos and have a good time.B: Thank you . The same to you. A: Goodbye.B: Byebye.二.重点知识巩固练习 英汉互译:秦始皇兵马俑 钟楼 西湖 长城 根据首字母填空This is the Terr

5、a-cotta Warriors and Horses. Its in Xian.Its famous and great.This is the Bell Tower.Its in Xian.Its famous and beautiful.This is the West Lake.Its in HangzhouIts famous and nice.The second period2) 语言点讲述1. 教师拿出一张照片,询问 Whats this? 学生回答 Its a picture.或Its a photo. 从而引出短语照相 take a picture of some plac

6、e take a photo of some place . e.g take a picturephoto of the Bell Tower课文中在take some pictures 之前加上do, 用来加强语气,可理解为“一定要”。 For example,Do take some pictures of The Bell Tower when you are in Xian.2. be ready for sth (为做好准备)例如:Are you ready for English test?3. have a good time ( 玩得高兴) 还可以说 have a nicew

7、onderful time.3) 语法点讲述教师将语法点进行讲解,一般将来时态是指在将来时间发生的事情和动作。有两种表达法:be going to do something will do something教师出示各个景点图片,师生互动,进行问答练习。Where are you going?Im going to go to Beijing.Who will take you there?My father will take me there.3.巩固练习(1) Im _to Xian.Ill _some pictures of Qin Shihuangs Terra-cotta Warr

8、iors and Horses.(2) Im going _Shandong.Ill take some pictures _Mount Tain.(3) Im goin gto Hangzhou.Ill take some pictures of the _Lake.课后反思Lesson 2 I am a visitor here.教学目标:1、会读、会写单词。2、会读对话。3、弄懂对话的意思。教学难点分析1、单词的读法、写法。2、对话的理解及朗读。3、能够进行简单的对话。The first lesson1.学习单词hotel visitor England America Australi

9、a France2.读会写会单词hotel visitor England America Australia France问题:1.who is a visitor? did he come here?Is it the first time you come to?(肯定回答)二.练习巩固1.英汉互译Hotel_ visitor-_England_ America_Australia _ France_2.练习册PThe second lesson一、复习检查。1、抽读单词hotel visitor England America Australia France2、听写单词ho

10、tel visitor England America Australia France3、讲解重点句子:二.重点句型讲解Welcome to our hote.How did you come here?I hope you will enjoy yourself here.句型:Welcome to+some place 欢迎来某地How 引导的特殊疑问句询问方式方法Hope+to do sth 希望做某事Hope+句子表达某人能够实现的愿望三.练习巩固1.练习册P课后反思 Lesson 4 Were glad to have her at home.教学目标:1. 会认会说会写会用以下单

11、词 a shopping list, a supermarket, a shopping basket2. 通过学习本课,学会怎样为某事做准备。Youd better doWere glad to have her at home.Would you like to ?Yes, Id love to.教学重点难点分析:1. 熟练并灵活运用邀请别人的句型 Would you like to ?Youd better2. 学习并熟练掌握对话内容,并能在实际生活中运用出来。课时划分:2课时一.自学探究单词:a shopping list, a supermarket, a shopping bask

12、et二.重点内容进行讲解。重点句型: will come to our home tomorrow. Were glad to have her at home. Would you like to Wed better 重点短语: go shopping a shopping list a supermarket a shopping basket1)学习邀请别人做某事和对别人的邀请表示感谢的一般表达方法For example, John will come to our home tomorrow.(这里我们用一般将来时态表示将来要发生的事情。)2.如果想要对别人的造访表示欢迎,可以说:

13、We are glad to have you at home.这里我们可以将glad换成其他单词。Eg. Were glad to have you at home.( 你能来我们家我们很高兴。)Were happy to have you at home.Its nice to have you at home.3.当我们想要邀请别人去做什么事情时,我们可以说Would you like to ?这是一种委婉的语气,用来对别人提出建议。For example, Would you like to go shopping with me?(你愿意和我一起去购物吗?)4.Would you l

14、ike to ? 肯定回答 Yes, Id like to. 否定回答 No, thanks三.巩固练习A:Who will come to Li Shans home tomorrow?B: Alice will come to her home.A: What does Li Shan w_to do?B: She wants to have lunch w_ Alice.A: What does Li Shans mother want to do?B: She will go s_with Li Shan in the supermarket.A: Which supermarket?

15、B: The nearest one.A: Will they make a shopping list?B: Yes, they will.Lesson 5 Thank you for having me!一.教学目标(Teaching aims)1.理解课本第21页对话内容,并能熟练、自如地进行对话练习。2.“四会”词句:a big dinner,nice and delicionsIts time I must go now.Thank you and your.for having me.It was really nice and delicions.二.教学重、难点(Key poi

16、nts and difficult points)1.听、说、认、读两个词组:a big dinner,nice and delicions。2.学生熟悉本课对话内容,并进行对话练习。3.熟练运用“四会”词句课时划分:2课时掌握句型Thank you for doing sth.Its really.I must go home now.(must +do )Thank you and your parents for having me.Youre so. 巩固练习一.根据首字母填空1.Its a big dinner.2.lts really rice and d_.3.Thank you

17、 and your parents for h _ me4.Youre w_.We are good friends. 5.,its time I must go home now.6.Thank you and your parents for having me.7.You are so k_.二.做练习册P 英语六年级下 Lesson 6 I want a C一.教学目标(Teaching aims)1.学习并掌握对话内容。2.可以用一些基本句型进行对话练习。3.可以将所学习对话内容灵活运用于实际情景中。4.“四会”词句:a pop song ,cheap ,a tape foreign

18、 ,a CD ,folk musicCan I help you?/Yes,I want.about.二.教学重、难点(Key points and difficult points)1.掌握“四会”句子。2.能灵活运用所学的基本句型做对话练习。3.能将所学对话内容灵活运用于实际情景中。第一课时预习自学:一、听对话内容,回答以下问题。Where is Li Shan?Who is Li Shan talking with?What does Li ShanWhich does she like better,foreign ones or Chinese ones?How much is it

19、? Is it cheap enough to Li Shan?( cheap 便宜)二、巩固练习练习册P27-28第二课时一. 教学目标(Teaching aims)1.复习巩固上节课所学对话内容。2.能将所学的内容灵活运用于实际中。3.“四会”句型:Which does your like better?I like .better.How much is it? Its.Its not cheap enough,but Ill buy it.二.教学重、难点(Key points and difficult points)1.熟练掌握“四会”句型:2.创设实际的交际情景,灵活运用以上句型

20、进行对话。这是一个选择问句,学生应选其一回答。学生此时会指向这两个文具盒中一个,老师立刻说I like better.我比较喜欢 。转向这个文具盒的主人,问How much is it?讲解这是询问价钱的常用句型,并引导学生Its 回答。老师可接着说Its not cheap enongh,but Ill buy on(不太便宜,但是我会买一个的。)(三)巩固练习1.让学生做Lets practise(I)部分,并根据图和图下文字,填写每组对话中所缺单词。2.Its a CD about folk music. Its a VCD about foreign folm. They are so

21、me tapes about English Lessons.3.学生利用自己准备的学具进行这部分的对话练习。4. A:Can I help you?B:Yes, I want a tape about folk music.A:How about this one? Its popular.B:How much is it?A:Its 7 yuan.B:Oh! Its not cheap enough, but Ill buy it.5.两人一组替换练习,上台表演。6. 做练习册P29英语六年级下 Lesson 7 My mother is looking for a dress for m

22、e.第一课时一.教学目标(Teaching aims)1.掌握询问衣服颜色,尺寸大小,价钱等的英语表达方式。2.会用所学内容进行对话练习。3.可以将所学习对话内容运用于实际情境之中。4.“四会”词句:size,expensive, a clothes shop, slippers, looking for, sunglasses, sneakers.What can I do for you?Im looking for a dress for my dlaughter.What size does she wear?What colour do you like, little girl?I

23、t s expensire.二.教学重、难点(Key points and difficult points)1.“四会”词句的掌握及时用。2.学习并练习对话内容。3.创设实际情境,灵活运用所学词语和句型进行对话练习。【 预习自学】:1.放录音,回答问题:What are they?/What size are they?Theyre dress. And this is small,this is middle ,this is large.小How many people are there in this dialogue?Who are thy?What does Mrs Zhang

24、want to buy?Who is she buying for?What size does Mrs Zhangs a aughter wear? What colour does she like?How much is it?第二课时1)句型词汇学习:a clothes shop ,这个短语还可以说成a clothes store.slippers. We can see slippers. 我们也可以说 a pair of slippers.sneakers. We can see sneakers.我们也可以说 a pair of sneakers.sunglasses. We c

25、an see sunglasses. Sun-太阳;glasses- 玻璃 。 同样的我们还可以说 a pair of sunglasses.讲解基本句型:当我们走进店里的时候,店员都会问我们想要什么,最基本的表达法是 What can I do for you? 或者Can I help you?Im looking for a 或者 I want 在这里 looking for 有寻找和挑选的意思。2)询问衣服颜色,价钱和尺寸大小的句型当我们想要知道别人衣服的码时,我们一般可以这样问What size do you wear? (出示图片 size,码)L- large size 大码 I

26、 wear large size.M- middle size 中码 I wear middle size.S- small size 小码 I wear small size.当我们想要知道别人喜欢的颜色时,我们可以这样说:What colour do you like best?I like 当我们想要知道衣服的价钱时,我们可以说How much is it are they?Its yuan pounds dollars.在这里我们还可以简单对价钱做出评价,Its cheap (便宜的). Its expensive (贵的).【巩固练习】1.重复对话内容。2.师生或生生对话练习3.几个

27、人一组,利用自己制作的各类衣服、鞋帽等的模型构建一个模拟商店。4.做练习册第7课 Lesson 8 In the library 教学目标:1. 熟悉会说课本中的英文书名。Snow White, the Moonstone , the Abrabian Nights.2.理解会说会用会写 a library card, borrow a story book, return a book.3. 理解会说会用在图书馆向管理人员借书时需要用到的基本句型。What can I do for you?Id like to borrow a Would you like an English one o

28、r a Chinese one?Please return this book in two weeks.4. 能够在实际场景中会说会用以上这些句型。教学重点难点分析:1. 听,说,识记,写并且能够运用以上的四会单词。2. 熟悉课本中的英文故事书名,并且能在实际生活中熟练运用和图书管理员之间的对话。教学课时:2课时课前预习: 白雪公主的图片- Snow White)(出示月亮宝石的图片- the Moonstone)出示一千零一夜的图片- The Abrarian Nights)(出示睡美人的图片- Sleeping Beauty)讲解在图书馆借书时,我们需要用到借书证。(出示借书证的图片)

29、A library card所以工作人员会让我们出示借书证Show me your library card. (出示你的借书证)borrow -借 ; borrow books- 借书。Return-还 ; return books - 还书【.巩固练习】.Do the exercise.Lets practise ()A: What can I do for you?B: I want to borrow a book in Ehglish.A: Whats the name of the book?B: the Moonstone.A: Show me you library card, please.B: Here you are.Lets practise ()A: Hello! Mike, I want to borrow a tape.B: OK.A: Do you have any pop music tapes?B: Yes. Would you like English one or Chinese one?A: English one is better.B: Look at this one. Its about the songs by

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