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1、印尼煤炭购销合同对外版Sale and Purchase ContractFor Steam Coal 煤炭购销合同Contract Number: PAR04032011IN10021合同号:Contract Number: 合同号:PAR04032011IN10021Table of Contents合同内容1. Definitions and Interpretation定义和解释2. Term合同期限3. Quantity and Delivery数量和运送4. Coal Quality煤炭质量5. Weight and Quality Determination重量和质量定值6. P

2、rice价格7. Price Adjustment价格调整8. Rejection拒绝收货9. Payment支付10. Ocean Transportation of Coal煤炭的海上运输11. Shipping Schedule装运计划12. Shipment Nomination Procedure装运指定程序13. Demurrage and Dispatch滞期费和速遣费14. Passing of Property财产权转移15. Force Majeure不可抗力16. Mutual Collaboration相互协作17. Arbitration仲裁18. Governing

3、 Law管制法律19. Assignment转让20. Waivers弃权21. Entire Agreement and Amendment完整协议和修正22. Others其它THIS CONTRACT is made on 27 April 2022.本合同于2022年4月27日由下列双方签订:BetweenSeller: AndBuyer: 买方:Company Address 公司地址 Tel 电话:Fax 传真:Email:电邮:WhereasA) Seller has access to coal mines in Indonesia to export large tonnag

4、es of steam coal;卖方可从印度尼西亚运营的煤矿提供大吨量的动力煤用于出口;B) Seller desires to sell and Buyer desires to purchase steam coal;卖方愿意出售煤炭,买方愿意购买煤炭;C) Seller has agreed to sell to Buyer and Buyer has agreed to purchase from seller, coal on the terms set out in this agreement and with mutual understanding that each pa

5、rty will perform its obligations in accordance with the principles of trust and good faith.卖方和买方均已同意按照本合同的条款出售和购买煤炭,并且双方一致同意任何一方将基于信任的善意的原则履行其义务。Product and Origin 货物名称及产地Steam coal, origin is Indonesia.动力煤,产地为印度尼西亚。Packing: 包装 In Bulk 海运散装 Load port: 装运港Main Port/Anchorage of XXXX, Indonesia at sel

6、lers option. 印度尼西亚XXXX主要口岸/锚地装货。Destination port: 目的港Main port of Guangzhou, China or other main safe sea port south of Shanghai, mutually agreed to between buyer and seller中国青岛港NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS:双方特此协议如下:1. DEFINTTIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS定义和解释The following terms when used in the co

7、ntract shall have the meanings stated below:本合同中使用的条款遵循如下定义:a. “Coal” means steaming coal offered to be supplied under the contract.“煤炭”指该合同项下供应的动力煤。b. “Ton” or “Tonne” or “MT” means metric tonne of 1,000 kilograms as defined in “International System of Units”.“Ton”或者“Tonne”或者“MT”在此均解释为国际计量单位制1000公斤

8、,即公吨。c. “Dollar”, “USD” means United States Dollars.“Dollar”, “USD”在此定义为美元。d. “Freight” means the ocean freight cost needed to bring the coal to the discharge port.“运费”在此定义为将煤炭运往卸港的海上运输成本。e. “CIF” means cost, insurance and freight delivered to the discharge port, only applicable for contract on CIF

9、basis (Incoterms 2000).“到岸价格”依据2000年国际贸易术语解释通则中的定义为货物成本、保险费加货到卸港之运费。f. “China” means Peoples Republic of China (for the purpose of this Contract, exclusive of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan).“中国”指中华人民共和国(在本合同项下,不含香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区以及台湾地区。)g. “Discharge Port”, “Discharging Port” means one berth, one port,

10、China. “卸港”指中国主要港码头一个泊位。h. “Load Port” means the designated port of loading from the country of origin.“装港”指货物原产地的指定装货港口。9) “Vessel(s)”means ocean going mother vessel(s) nominated by the seller to the Buyer.“船舶”指卖方向买方派出运输货物的运载船只。10) “ISO” means the standard for testing of coal based on the Internati

11、onal Standards Organization Standard.“ISO”指国际标准化组织规定的煤炭检验标准。11) “ETA” means Estimated Time of Arrival.“ETA”指船舶抵达的预计时间。12) “Weather Working Days”, “WWD” means exclusion of time lost through bad weather.“Weather Working Days”, “WWD”指因不良天气造成的时间损失应排除在外。13) “ARB” means As Received Basis, analytical data

12、calculated to the as received moisture content. “ARB”指收到基,用来计算收到基水分时的数据。14) “ADB” means Air Dried Basis, analytical data expressed at the moisture content at which the sample was analyzed.“ADB”指空干基,用来计算空干基水分时的数据。15) “DB” means Dry Basis, analytical data calculated to a condition of zero moisture.“DB

13、”指干基,用来计算空干基水分时的数据。16) “Laytime” means time available for loading or discharging a vessels cargo without incurring demurrage.“Laytime”指在没有逾期的情况下船舶装货或者卸货需要的时间。17) “Pratique” means permission to do business at a port by a ship that has complied with all applicable government regulations.“Pratique”指到港船

14、舶得到当地政府的入港许可。18) “Calendar Days” means the number of days including Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays.“Calendar Days”指包括周六日以及假日的天数。19) “Working day” means a day upon which business is regularly transacted and unless expressly stated, the term “day” shall be deemed to mean “calendar day”.“Working day”指

15、正常工作日,除了明确规定,合同中的“day”指的是“calendar day”。20) “Weather Working Day” means day of 24 consecutive hours on which work in loading or discharging coal on board or from a vessel may be carried out without loss of time due to the weather.“Weather Working Day”指装卸或者卸货时不受天气影响造成时间损失的24连续小时。21) “CIQ/CCIC” means

16、China Entry-Exit Inspection & Quarantine Bureau“CIQ/CCIC”是指中国出入境检验检疫局;22) “CCIC” means China Certification & Inspection (Group) Co., Ltd.“CCIC”是指中国检验认证集团;Unless the content otherwise requires, the singular shall including the plural and vice versa.除非本合同上下文另有要求,任何词语的单数应包含复数的含义,反之亦然。2. TREM合同期限 Delive

17、ry of Steam Coal shall be made by Seller during March 2011 till February 2013. The first trial shipment should be delivered by Seller to the designated Discharging Port within 35 days after receiving the LC from buyer。卖方应在2011年3月至2013年2月期限内支付动力煤。第一船试运船需在卖方收到信用证后35个工作天内运往指定码头。3. QUANTITY AND DELIVERY

18、数量和运送3.1 Seller shall sell and deliver and Buyer shall purchase and accept totally 3,300,000MT(+/-10%)of steam coal from March 2011 to February 2013.卖方应向买方出售和交付,而买方应从卖方购买和接受共3,300,000公吨(+/-10%)的动力煤炭,交货期从2011年3月至2013年2月。First month 100,000 MT +/-10% via two (02) vessel loads and is TRIAL SHIPMENT. Th

19、e second month shipment is 200,000 MT +/-10% via four (04) vessel loads. From the third month to the end of contract, shipment is 300,000 MT +/-10%.per month via six (06) vessel loads,第一个月分二船装运100,000吨+/-10%,是试装运。第二个月分四船装运200,000吨+/-10%,从第3个月至合同结束每月分六船装运300,000吨+/-10% 。3.2 Subsequent shipments stipu

20、lated under the Contract shall be made within thirty (30) days upon Buyers Letter of Credit having been received workable by Seller.根据本合同规定,以后的各批货物在卖方收到买方开出的信用证30天内运到。3.3 The conditions at Discharge port are: draft 15 meters, length 200 meters, width 19 meters, discharge rate is 12,000 MT per day.卸货

21、港的条件至少应为:水深15米,长200米,宽19米,卸货率为12,000吨/天。4. COAL QUALITY煤炭质量4.1 Commodity: STEAM COAL产品名称:动力煤4.2 Specification:Seller guarantees the quality of Steam Coal delivered hereunder in bulk shall conform to the following typical specification determined in accordance with ASTM Standards as specified in Clau

22、se 5:卖方保证本合同项目下散装交付的动力煤炭质量应符合按照本合同第5条规定的按照ASTN标准所确定的以下规格:ITEMGuaranteedRejectionGross Calorific Value(ADB)6,300-6100 kcal/kgbelow 6,100 kcal/kgNet Calorific Value (NCV)收到基低位发热量5,500 kcal/kgbelow 5,300 kcal/kgTotal Moisture(ARB) 全水份 (收到基)13-16%Above 20%Inherent Moisture(ADB) 内水份 (空干基)10%Ash Content(A

23、DB) 灰份 (空干基)11-14%Above 17%Volatile Matter(ADB) 挥发份 (空干基)40%-45%30%OR(或)45%Fixed Carbon(ADB) 固定碳 (空干基)42-45Total Sulfur(ADB) 全硫份 (空干基)1.0% maxabove 1.0%HGI(ADB) 哈氏可磨指数50-60Ash Fusion temperature (DT) 灰熔点1,250 degrees (Min)Below 1,200 degreesSize 0-50mm 粒度90%()5. QUALITY AND QUANTITY DETERMINATION 重量

24、和质量测定5.1 The quality of each shipment shall be determined in accordance with the ASTM test method for sampling and analysis.每船货物均应按ASTM检测方法采样及分析。The SELLER appoints SUCOFINDO/CCIC/GEOSERVICE INDONESIA or an Independent Surveyor in Indonesia at Sellers cost to conduct sampling and analysis of the coa

25、l shipment at port of loading. SUCOFINDO/CCIC/GEOSERVICE INDONESIA or an Independent Surveyor in Indonesia shall take representative samples and conduct analysis of the shipment in accordance with ASTM method. The laboratory of SUCOFINDO/CCIC/GEOSERVICE INDONESIA or an Independent Surveyor in Indone

26、sia shall issue a Certificate of Sampling and Analysis, which shall be facsimiled by the SELLER to the Buyer with 7(seven)working days from departure of vessel at the load port. SUCOFINDO/CCIC/GEOSERVICE INDONESIA or an Independent Surveyor in Indonesia shall prepare and hold an Arbitration Sample f

27、or three months which will be used in the event that there is a substantial difference between the analysis results above as determined at the Loading Port.The quantity of coal delivered by vessel shall be determined at the load port through a vessel draft survey conducted by SUCOFINDO/CCIC/GEOSERVI

28、CE INDONESIA or an Independent Surveyor in Indonesia. Expenses for the draft survey shall be for the account of the SELLER. The said surveyor shall issue a Certificate of Weight by means of draft survey at the loading port.卖方负责在装港指定SUCOFINDO/CCIC/GEOSERVICE INDONESIA或者其它任意一方独立的印尼检验机构作为品质检测机构,费用由卖方承担

29、。SUCOFINDO/CCIC/GEOSERVICE INDONESIA或者其它任意一方独立的印尼检验机构应按照ASTM标准进行采样以及检测。SUCOFINDO/CCIC/GEOSERVICE INDONESIA或者其它任意一方独立的印尼检验机构应出具装港品质检验证书,并由卖方负责在船离开装港后七个工作日内将此证书传真给买方。SUCOFINDO/CCIC/GEOSERVICE INDONESIA或者其它任意一方独立的印尼检验机构应保留一份检验样本三个月,如装卸港质量检验结果出现较大差距时,此样本用以复检。装船重量应由SUCOFINDO/CCIC/GEOSERVICE INDONESIA或者其它

30、任意一方独立的印尼检验机构在装港通过水尺的方式进行测量。此水尺的费用应由卖方承担。上述商检机构须出具重量证书(由水尺测量)。5.2 The Buyer appoints CIQ/CCIC at Buyers cost to conduct sampling and analysis of the coal shipment during vessel discharging at discharge port in accordance with the ISO test method for sampling and analysis. The laboratory of CIQ/CCIC

31、shall issue a Certificate of Sampling and Analysis at discharge port, which shall be facsimiled by the BUYER to the Seller within 3(three) working days after discharge the cargo from the vessel at the discharge port. The results of analysis reflected on the certificate of Analysis and Sampling issued by CIQ/CCIC at the discharging port shall be final and binding upon the parties for price adjustment and settlement under the Contract.CIQ/CCI shall prepare and hole an Arbitration Sample for three months which will be used in the event that there is a substantial difference bet

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