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1、三至四年级英语知识点汇总三至四年级知识点大集合一、字母(26个英文字母大小写及顺序) 二、词汇&短语1.数字:一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 2.动物:动物园 cat 狗 鱼 兔子 狮子 老虎 熊 熊猫 大象 猴子 动物 3.学习用品:书包 橡皮 铅笔 钢笔 蜡笔 直尺 书 一块橡皮 4.交通工具:飞机 船 小汽车 自行车 5.食物和饮料:鸡蛋 冰激凌 果汁 梨 苹果 牛奶 橘子;橙子 水 蔬菜 6.颜色 红色 蓝色 棕色 绿色 黑色 白色 橘色;橙色 黄色 7.人物和人称:男孩 女孩 爸爸 妈妈 小姐 先生 you your it they I my 8.生活用品和玩具:雨伞 盒子

2、钥匙 球 风筝 9.日常打招呼用语: 你好 (或者) 早上好 下午好 晚上好 晚安 再见 (或者) 谢谢 你好吗? 我很好 (或者) 见到你很高兴 我也是 10.词语缩写形式 Im= whats= its= isnt= arent dont= thats= 11.专有名词简称: CCTV ID VIP TV UN PRC UK USA 三、重点句型你叫什么名字? 我叫(我的名字是) 这个是什么? 它是一本书 那个是什么? 它是一把雨伞 这些是什么? 它们是熊猫 哪些是什么? 它们是玩具 你有什么? 我有一只钢笔 你的书包里有什么? 你有多少根蜡笔? 我有八只 它是什么颜色? 它是绿色 它们是什

3、么颜色? 它们是白色 这是一只猫吗? 是的,它是 那是一条狗吗? 不,它不是 这些是熊吗? 是的,它们是 那些是猴子吗? 不,它们是狮子 你有一个直尺吗? 是的,我有 你有一辆自行车吗? 不,我没有 看!我有一个书包。 好极了 我是A,A在apple里 给我看看你的书包 给我展示一下蓝色 让我们一起玩 对不起,我不知道 Where do they live? 新年快乐 圣诞节快乐 四、情景交际1.当你要介绍Alice时,你应该说 A .This is Alice B.I am Alice2.当你想询问他人的健康状况是你应该说 A.Whats your name? B. How are you?

4、3.当他人指着远处的东西问你是什么时,他应该说 A.Whats this? B. Whats that?4.下午在校门口遇见张老师,你该怎么说? A.Good morning,Miss Zhang! B.Good afternoon,Mr.Zhang5.你想告诉同学你有一本书,你应该怎么说? A.I have a book B.Here is my book6.你想让你的朋友给你看一下他的书包时,你应该说 A. This is your bag B.Show me your bag7.你想知道你的朋友有什么,你该怎么说? A.What do you have? B. Whats do you

5、have?8.你想知道你同学的书包里有什么,你该怎么问? A.Whats in your bag? B.Do you have a bag?9.你想询问你的同学是否有蜡笔,你该怎么问? A.Do you have a crayon? B.Do you have a book?10.你想知道小李有多少条狗,你怎么说? A.How many dogs do you have? B. How many dogs?11.你想知道小明的书包是什么颜色你怎么说? A. What color is your bag? B. Whats in your bag? 陕旅版三年级英语下册知识点复习一 词类复习(一

6、) 名词1 名词分类1)可数名词 (1) 一般情况下+s.如:apple-apples.monkey-monkeys.可数名词变复数 (2) 以辅音字母+结尾的单词变y为i,+es. 如:candy-candies (3)以s,x,ch,sh结尾的单词+es. 如box-boxes.dress-dresses (4) 不规则变化如:foot-feet.2)不可数名词.如:water milk bread tea grass 注意:不可数名词作主语,谓语用单数。如Grass is green.2 本册书的名词1)身体部位(body)类:head 头 hair 头发 face 脸 eye 眼睛 e

7、ar 耳朵 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴 face 脸 arm 手臂leg 腿 foot 脚 hand 手2)家庭成员(family)类: grandma 奶奶,外婆grandpa 爷爷, father 父亲 mother 母亲 brother 兄弟 sister 姐妹 3)交通工具类 bike car bus taxi train plane ship 4) 服装类 cap 帽子 dress 连衣裙 skirt 裙子 coat 大衣 sweater 毛衣 , trousers 裤子 shoes 鞋 socks袜子5) 水果类: grapes banana 6) 糕点类: candy cak

8、e bread cookie7) 房间布局类: home school classroom chair desk window door floor TV blackboard fan light 8) 人物(people)类: student teacher 9) 其它: grass tree(二) 动词:表示动作行为的词。1 单词有:go - come wear like can find see2 动词变单三的变法,和名词变复数是一样的。 1)不规则变化 do-does dont -doesnt have -has 2)用法 :当句子的主语为单数时,谓语动词必须变单三3 be 动词的用法

9、(am is are )1)主语为I 时,用am .如:I am a student.2)主语为 you,they ,these ,those 等复数时,用 are . Are these your dresses? 这些是你的连衣裙吗?3)主语为he ,she ,it 等单数时,用is.4 have has 用法 当主语为单数,用has。如:She has a book. 当主语为I ,you,复数时,用have。如:Do you have a sweater?(三) 代词:第一人称 I -my we 第二人称 you-your 第三人称 she -her he-his it-its the

10、y 指示代词 this-these that-those疑问代词 who whose what (四) 数词:1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 .seventeen. 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty(五) 形容词: long-short big-small short -tall nice beautiful new

11、(六) 介词: in on under near about by (七) 冠词:a an the .(八) 连词:and but (九) 短语1.on foot 步行 bike (car ,ship等)乘自行车(小汽车,船) 3.very much 很,非常 4. excuse me 打扰一下 5. go home 回家 7. go(come) to school 上学8 go to Xian 去西安 9. go to the zoo. 去动物园 二 句子陈述句1.This (be) the head and this the face.2.These (be) the eyes.

12、3.It (be) a nice bear. 4.It (have) a big mouth.5. He (go) to Xian by train.6.The girl and the boy (go) to school by taxi.7.They (be) near the desk.8.The socks (be) on the chair.9.There (be) a TV in the classroom.10.There (be) two blackboards.11.The cars (be) big. The bikes (be) small.12.Liuzhaoyangs

13、 (be) hair short.13.It (has) two small ears ,but its arms (be) long. 一般疑问句 1. Does it have legs? -Yes, it does. 或者 No, it doesnt.2. Is this my mom? - Yes , I am. 或者I m not3. Do you go home by bus? -Yes, I do. 或者 No , I dont.4. Do you like candies? -Yes, I do. 或者 No , I dont.5. Does the monkey like b

14、ananas? -Yes, it does. 或者 No , it doesnt.6. Can you find the ruler? -Yes, I can. 7. 特殊疑问句where ,who , whose, what, how, how many , what about . 1. is he ? He is my father.2. do you come to school? I come to school on foot . you ? I come to school by bike. 3. coat is this? Its Miss Whites coat.4. tro

15、users are these? They re Dads trousers.5. do you like ? I like cakes very much.6. does your cat like ? It likes fish.7. Excuse me , is my eraser? Look,its there, on the floor.8. students are there in the classroom.?There are twenty students are there in the classroom.9. is in your desk? There is a b

16、ag in it.10. Is seven and eight? Its fifteen.11. can you see? I can see a short tree.情景交际1.Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you,too.或者 Me too.2.Thank you very much. -Youre welcome.感叹句1. How big it is ! 2.How beautiful!四年级英语上册知识要点Unit 1 What is your father?(你的爸爸是干什么的?)【单词】家庭成员类 :grandpa grandma father

17、 mother brother sister aunt(阿姨)职业类: farmer worker driver nurse doctorteacher student cook policeman形容词: great(伟大的) kind(慈祥的)【句型】1、问职业用特殊疑问词“what”:What are you ? I am a .What is he/ she? He/She is a .What is your father? My father is a . What are your _ and _? My _ and _ are _s.(职业加S) 2、询问职业一般疑问句:Are

18、 you a _? Yes , I am. / No, I am not.Is he/she a ? Yes, He/she is. / No, he/she is not.3、问人称用特殊疑问词“who”:Who is he/she ? He/ she is 。(家庭成员类)。4、“XX想为一名什么”:I want to be a .(职业)He wants to be a .(职业).Unit 2 What do they have on the farm?(在农场上他们有什么?)【单词】动物园动物: lion tiger elephant panda monkey农场动物: cat do

19、g rabbit horse cow sheep(不加S)-goat hen duck介词短语: on the farm in the box/classroom/bedroom【句型】1、问“有什么”用特殊疑问词“what”:What do you/they have on the farm? I /They have _ on the farm.What does he/she have on the farm? He/she has on the farm.2、否定句: I/ they dont have any horses. He/she doesnt have any horses

20、. 3、一般疑问句:Does he have any balls in his box? Yes, he does./ No, he doesnt.4、There be 句型:There is a/an 介词短语 。 There are many (复数) 介词短语 【语法】1、变否定句:在句中找be 、 can.有be 、 can在be 、 can后添not;没有be 、 can,在主语人称后添dont 或 doesnt.(I you we they 复数人称添dont,he she it 单数人称添doesnt)2、变一般疑问句:在句中找be 、 can.有be 、 can把be 、 ca

21、n提前;没有be 、 can,在句子开头添do 或 does,动词变回原形.(I you we they 复数人称添do,he she it 单数人称添does)3、have / has 用法:I you we they 复数人称用have,he she it 单数人称用has.Unit3 Whats for breakfast?(早餐吃什么?)【单词】一日三餐:breakfast lunch dinner (supper) 食物类: rice noodles dumplings meat chicken soup ( 全部不可加S)【短语】 very much (非常) very littl

22、e(很少) at home(在家) welcome (欢迎)【句型】1、问“早餐吃什么?”What is for breakfast? I have for breakfast.What do you have for breakfast? I have for breakfast.What does he/she have for breakfast? He/she has for breakfast.2、一般疑问句:(你早餐吃 吗?)Do you have for breakfast? Yes, I do./No,I dont.Does he have for breakfast? Yes

23、, he does./No, he doesnt.3、Dinner is ready.(晚餐准备好了。)Unit4 When do you have classes?(你们什么时候上课?)【单词】动词短语:一日三餐 have brealfast/ lunch/ dinner/ supperget up -go to bed go home - go to school have classes (have a class) play games watch TV 反义词:big -small long- short early-late介词短语:in the morning / afterno

24、on/ evening at night(在几点钟也用at) at school at home【句型】1、问“你什么时候做什么事”用特殊疑问词“when”:When do you play games? I play games at seven oclock.When does he play games? He plays games at seven oclock.结构形式:When do you 动词短语 ? I动词短语 at 时间 。2、一般疑问句: Do you play games at school? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. Does she go t

25、o bed early? Yes, she does./ No, she doesnt.3、Early to bed and early to rise.(早睡早起身体好)Unit5 Our school.(我们的学校。)【单词】场所类介词短语:at the school gate in the classroom in the teachers, office in the library/toilet/garden on the playground 名词:computer desk chair 短语:of course(当然了)【句型】1、询问“在你的学校有什么?”:what is in

26、 your school/ classroom? There is/are 2、There be 句型一般疑问句:Is there a ? Yes ,there is. / No, there isnt.Are there any ?(复数) Yes ,there are. / No, there arent.【语法】1、There be 句型be的用法:There be 句型人称在be的后边,be的用法采取就近原则。单数人称用is ,复数人称用are. 如:There is a pen and two rulers.There are two rulers and a pen.2、some和

27、any用法:some和any 都表示一些,some用于肯定句,any用于否定句和一般疑问句。Unit6 What subjects do they have this morning?(他们早晨上什么课?)【单词】科目类:(subjects) Chinese Math English PE Music Art Science ME反义词:tall-short big-small long- short短语:Let me see.(让我想一想)【句型】1、问“你有多少门科目?”用特殊疑问词Hw many subjects:How many subjects do you have? I have

28、 subjects.How many subjects does he have? He has subjects.2、问“你有什么科目?”用特殊疑问词What subjects:What subjects do you have? I have What subjects does he have? He has 3、问“你喜欢什么科目?”What subjects do you like? I like What subjects does he like? He likes 4、一般疑问句:Do you like ? Yes, I do . / No I dont. Does he li

29、ke ? Yes, he does . / No he doesnt.5、“你擅长于它么?”:Are you good at it? Yes, I am. / No, I am not.Unit7 Its Tuesday.(今天星期二。)【单词】 星期类(Week):Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday短语:draw some pictures(画画) every day (每天)【句型】1、问“今天星期几?”用特殊疑问词“What day”:What day is it today? Its .(星期)What day is today? Its .(星期)2、问“你做什么?“What do you do? I 动词短语 。 What does he do? He 动词短语 (加s) 。【语法】1、介词 in on at 用法:在早晨、在中午、在晚上用in,在夜晚,在几点钟用

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