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1、全国卷高考英语精品卷完形填空和语法填空两篇全国卷高考英语精品卷:完形填空和语法填空(两篇)完形填空和语法填空(1)I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The rain was coming down heavily and I was going to be late for an important conference. Dressing up quickly, I called for a taxi, 1 that it

2、would be faster than the subway.It wasnt.After a long wait, I finally got one, but the traffic was heavy. I looked at my 2 from time to time. Just as the traffic started moving, the driver 3 a man up ahead in a wheelchair.“Wouldnt he be cold sitting right there!” the driver cried and began to 4 .I c

3、ould see there would be another 20 minutes 5 6 him into the cab, folding up his chair and putting it into the taxis small 7 , then dropping him off who knows where.“What are you doing?” I shouted to the driver.As the 8 came out, I wanted to take them back. The wrongness of my 9 to the driver shocked

4、 me. Why did I let out the shout?The driver 10 me and we continued the journey. Eventually I got out of the taxi and 11 to the office. As I ran, I understood that, though it wasnt my duty to take the time to help others, I shouldnt have 12 the drivers stopping. I should have been able to see beyond

5、my impatience to notice what was most inerrant (不会错的). Whenever I think of this incident, this is my 13 : I am not a 14 self-centered person, but I still feel 15 of being self-centered. Living a busy life in a fast-paced big city, do we still need to stop to help those who are in need of help?【文章大意】

6、本文叙述了作者坐出租车的故事,作者因为要赶着去开会,他害怕迟到,所以想不去做地铁而改成做出租车认为这样可能快点,可没有想到交通拥挤,司机看见了一个坐着轮椅的人又帮助他把他送回了家,耽误了作者的时间,开始时作者感觉对司机不满,后来司机的做法感动了他,使作者也认识到了自己的错误。1. A. reminding B. expecting C. realizing D. attempting【答案】B【 解析】考查分词及上下文语境的理解。 A. reminding提醒;B. expecting希望; C. realizing 实现; D. attempting企图。根据I was going to b

7、e late for an important conference.因为担心开会迟到。叫一辆出租车,希望(expecting)它比坐地铁快点,故选B。2. A. computer B. document C. message D. watch【答案】D【 解析】考查名词及上下文语境的理解。 A. computer计算机; B. document文件; C. message消息; D. watch手表。根据上文可知作者着急去开会,时间紧,所以他应该不停地看表。等了很长的时间我终于等到了一辆出租车,交通繁忙,我不时地看看我的手表(watch),故选D。3. A. witnessed B. pic

8、ked C. spotted D. observed【答案】C【 解析】考查动词及上下文语境的理解。 A. witnessed目击; B. picked捡起; C. spotted发现; D. observed观察。根据Just as the traffic started moving,可知司机突然发现的有个坐轮椅的人。当车辆开始慢慢地向前动了,司机发现(spotted)了一个在前面坐着轮椅的人,故选C。4. A. pull over B. take off C. pass by D. run away【答案】A【 解析】考查动词短语及上下文语境的理解。A. pull over靠边停车; B

9、. take off起飞; C. pass by经过。 D. run away逃跑。司机叫喊道“他在那里难道不冷吗?”,于是他就开始把车靠边停下(pull over),故选A。5. A. complaining B. suffering C. waiting D. struggling【答案】C【 解析】考查动名词及上下文语境的理解。A. complaining 抱怨; B. suffering遭受; C. waiting等候; D. struggling斗争。根据下文可知司机要帮助这位坐着轮椅的人,当然需要耽误时间。我能看出还需20分钟的等候(waiting),故选C。6. A. indic

10、ating B. recommending C. lifting D. urging【答案】C【 解析】考查动名词及上下文语境的理解。A. indicating表明; B. recommending推荐;C. lifting抬起,抱起,举起; D. urging催促。根据上文可知这是一个坐着轮椅的人他的腿脚肯定不灵活,所以司机要把他抱进车里。把这个坐着轮椅的人抱起来(lifting)放进车里,把他的轮椅折叠好放进车的后备箱,故选C。7. A. trunk B. box C. window D. carriage【答案】A【 解析】考查名词及上下文语境的理解。A. trunk树干,后备箱; B.

11、 box盒子; C. window窗子; D. carriage四轮马车。根据常识可知一般情况下把乘客的东西放在车的后备箱里。把这个坐着轮椅的人抱起来(lifting)放进车里,把他的轮椅折叠好放进车的后备箱(trunk),故选A。8. A. anxieties B. words C. results D. comments【答案】B【 解析】考查名词及上下文语境的理解。 A. anxieties担心; B. words话,言语; C. results结果; D. comments评论。根据上文“What are you doing?” I shouted to the driver.作者已经

12、说出了这些话。可知当这些话(words)说出时,我想把它们收回去,故选B。9. A. reaction B. request C. comment D. suggestion【答案】A【 解析】考查名词及上下文语境的理解。 A. reaction反应,反映; B. request请求; C. comment评论; D. suggestion建议。根据上文作者看见司机的做法一时的反应是他感觉不满,紧接着作者又有点后悔自己的做法。我对司机的不公正的反应(reaction)使我震惊,故选A。10. A. comforted B. prevented C. encouraged D. ignored【

13、答案】D【 解析】考查动词及上下文语境的理解。 A. comforted 安慰; B. prevented阻止; C. encouraged 鼓励; D. ignored不理睬,忽视,不顾。根据上文可知作者对司机大吼大叫,司机并没有理睬他而是继续按照他的想法去做。司机不理(ignored)我,我们继续前行,故选D。11. A. escaped B. fled C. settled D. flooded【答案】B【 解析】考查动词及上下文语境的理解。 A. escaped 逃离; B. fled 逃走; C. settled解决,定居;D. flooded淹没。根据上文作者向司机大吼大叫后已经认

14、识到了自己的错误,到了下车的时候所以感觉自己像是罪犯逃跑一样。我下了车向办公室逃去(fled),故选B。12. A. excited at B. thought about C. made fun of D. complained about【答案】D【 解析】考查动词短语及上下文语境的理解。 A. excited at高兴; B. thought about考虑; C. made fun of取笑; D. complained about抱怨。根据上文可知开始时作者抱怨司机去帮助那位坐轮椅的人而耽误了他的时间。我不应该抱怨司机的停车,故选D。13. A. feeling B. motto C

15、. dream D. determination【答案】A【 解析】考查名词及上下文语境的理解。 A. feeling感觉; B. motto格言; C. dream梦想;D. determination决心。每当我想到这个事情的时候这就是我的感觉(feeling),故选A。14. A. skillfully B. strangely C. particularly D. hopefully【答案】C【 解析】考查名词及上下文语境的理解。 A. skillfully巧妙地; B. strangely奇怪地; C. particularly 特别地;D. hopefully希望地。根据上文可知作

16、者已经认识到了自己的错误。我不是一个特别的(particularly)自私的人,故选C。15. A. proud B. aware C. ashamed D. confident【答案】C【 解析】考查形容词及上下文语境的理解。 A. proud自豪; B. aware意识到的; C. ashamed惭愧的; D. confident自信的。根据上文可知作者虽然对司机大吼大叫了一次,但是毕竟还是同意帮助了那个人。我不是一个特别的自私的人,但是我仍然感觉惭愧(ashamed),故选C。第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求

17、,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为1625的相应位置上。Once, a rich man was near death. He was very upset because he had worked so hard for his money 16 he hoped he could take it with him to heaven. So he prayed to God he might be able to take some money with him. 17 angel heard his pray and appeared.

18、 “Sorry, 18 you cant take your wealth with you.” The man begged the angel to speak to God to see 19 he might break the rules. The angel reappeared and said that God could allow him to take one suitcase. Excitedly, the man gathered his suitcase and filled it 20 pure gold bars. Afterward, he died and

19、showed up in heaven to greet St. Peter. 21 (see) the suitcase, St. Peter said, “Hold on, you cant bring that here!” The man explained that he had Gods 22 (permit). St. Peter checked it out, came back and said, “You are right. You are allowed one carry-on bag, but Im supposed to check its contents (内

20、容) 23 letting it through.”St. Peter opened the suitcase to inspect the things 24 the man found too precious to leave behind and exclaimed (感叹), “You brought pavement? As you can see, the great street of the city of heaven 25 (make) of pure gold!”语法填空:16 that 17 An 18 but 19 if / whether 20 with 21 S

21、eeing 22 permission 23 before 24 that / which 25 is made完形填空和语法填空(2)I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分35分)第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 In the future, schools will teach at least one thing we do not teach today: the art of self-discovery. There is nothing more_1_in

22、 education. We turn out students from our universities who know how to give answers, but not how to_2_questions.Our students do not really get into the centres of wisdom in our culture. They_3_ universities with skills for the workplace, but with no knowledge of how to live, or what_4_is for. They a

23、re not taught how to see. They are not taught how to listen. They are not taught the great_5_of obedience(遵守、服从).They are not taught the true art of_6_. True reading is not just passing our_7_ overwords on a page, or_8_information, or even understanding what is being read. True reading is a_9_act. I

24、t means seeing first, and then using the_10_. Higher reading ought to be a new subject. As we read, we should try to get something new. I meet people in all 11 of life, and most known in the fields of literature and science, who, though professionals, do not_12_read what is in front of them. They on

25、ly read what is_13_known to them. I suspect this is happening now, even as you read this_14_.All our innovations(革新), our discoveries, our_15_come from one source: being able first to see what is there, and what is not; to hear what is said, and what is not; but also to think clearly. 1 A. technical

26、 B. . importantC. serious D.common 2A. afford B. . tell C. repeat D. ask 3A. attend B. enter C. leave D enjoy 4A. learning B. working D. thinking 5A. art B. themeC. idea D. style 6A. listening B. speaking C.reading D. writing 7A.lips B. arms C.hands D. eyes 8A. gathering B. delivering C. se

27、nding D. passing 9A. native B . creative C.detectiveD. sensitive 10A. appreciation B. imagination C.presentationD. instruction 11A. walks B. kinds C.sidesD. items12A. generally B. obviously C actuallyD. deliberately13A. even B. forever. C.still D. already14A. topic . B. page C.subject D. book15A. cr

28、eativity B. possibility C.program D. project【文章大意】本文叙述了我们未来的教育重点是培养学生的自我发现的能力。在文化方面尤其是阅读方面,让学生做到真正的阅读。真正的阅读不仅只是用眼睛看,而且还要收集信息和理解他们所读的内容。阅读应是一个创造的过程。我们不仅要看和听已经知道的知识,而且还要了解发现刚发生的知识。1.【答案】B【 解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. 技术的; B. 重要的; C.严肃的; D.共同的。根据schools will teach at least one thing we do not teach today: the ar

29、t of self-discovery.可知未来学校将教学生自我发现的方法。由此可知这是教育中最重要的事。nothing more important最重要的事。否定词+比较级=最高级。故选B2. 【答案】D【 解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. 提供,买得起; B. 告诉; C.重复; D.询问,要求。根据self-discovery.可知未来的学校侧重教育学生学会自我发现问题,说明现在的学生缺乏发现问题的能力。故选D。3. 【答案】C【 解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. 参加,出席; B. 进入; C.离开; D喜欢,享受。根据. for the workplace,可知此处是学生毕业后,离

30、开学校去参加工作,故选C。4. 【答案】C【 解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. 学习; B.工作; C.生活; D.思考,认为。根据with no knowledge of how to live,可知学生毕业后不懂得如何生活,因此此处是学生不知将过什么样的生活。故选C。5. 【答案】A【 解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. 艺术; B.主题; C.主意,想法; D.风格。根据They are not taught the true art of可知此处是他们没有被教会遵从的艺术。故选A。 6. 【答案】C【 解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. 听; B. 说; C. 读; D.写。根据True

31、reading可知此处是说阅读的艺术。故选C。7. 【答案】D【 解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. 嘴唇;B. 胳膊; C.手; D.眼睛。根据It means seeing first,可知,真正的阅读不只是用眼睛看。故选D。8. 【答案】A【 解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. 收集; B. 传送; C. 发送; D.经过。根据As we read, we should try to get something new.可知真正的阅读要获得,收集一些东西。故选A。9. 【答案】B【 解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. 土生土长的; B. 创造性的; C. 侦探的; D.敏感的。根据It means seeing first, and then using the_10_.可知真正的阅读是一个读后获得知识再运用他们,因此这是一个创新的过程。故选B。10. 【答案】B【 解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. 欣赏; B. 想象力; C. 展示,描述; D.指示,命

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