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人教版高中英语选修8全国Learning about LanguageUsing Language2.docx

1、人教版高中英语选修8全国Learning about Language Using Language2Learning about Language & Using Language.重点单词1. freezing adj.冰冻的;严寒的freeze vt.&vi.冻结;凝固2. identification n.鉴定;辨认;确定;身份证明identify vt.确认;鉴定identified adj.被识别的;被认可的3. dial vt.拨(电话)4. innocent adj.清白的;无罪的;天真的innocence n.清白;无罪;天真5.bear vt.(bore,borne)忍受;

2、忍耐;负担6.tap vt.&vi.轻打;轻拍;轻敲;n.轻轻地敲击(声);(水)龙头7.stable adj.稳固的;稳定的;安定的8.associate vt.联想;联系;n.同伴;伙伴association n.社团;联系;联想9.practical adj.实际的;实践的;实用的practically adv.实际上;事实上practice vt.& vi.& n.实践;练习petence n.能力;胜任;本领competent adj.能胜任的;有能力的;称职的.重点短语1.take up拿起;开始;从事2.dive into迅速把手伸入;一心投入3.set out (to do)开

3、始(做)4.hang on不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住5.out of order次序颠倒;发生故障6.get through(设法)联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过7.ring back回复电话8.ring off挂断电话.重点句式 do.In a courtroom it is sometimes difficult to recognize(recognize) who is innocent and who is guilty.在法庭上,有时很难辨别谁是无辜的,谁是有罪的。2.asadj./ is not as easy as it s

4、ounds.这听起来没有那么容易。3.祈使句and陈述句Follow(follow) it up,explore all around it,and before you know it,you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind.跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得思考的东西占据着你的头脑。.课文判断正(T)误(F)1.It was his interest in problems and his hard work that led to his most famous invention.

5、(F)2.During the design of a multiple telegraph,Bell invented the telephone occasionally.(T)3.Alexander Graham Bell was not a man to rest and he was an inventor all his life.(T).课文阅读理解1.Alexander Graham Bell invented the microphone because .A.he was interested in the microphoneB.he liked inventing an

6、ything he likedC.he wanted to help deaf people like his mother to communicate with othersD.he had nothing to do but kill the time答案C2.Which of the following is WRONG?A.Bells exploration and dynamic spirit led to his invention of the telephone.B.Bell invented the first telephone in searching to impro

7、ve the telegraph.C.Bell was always aimed at improving the quality of everyones life.D.Bell sent his first telephone message before he got his patent.答案D3.From the whole passage we can see that Alexander Graham Bell was a(n) person.A.intelligent B.creativeC.brave D.diligent答案B重点词汇1.I cannot bear the

8、smell of burnt sausage on the barbecue.我无法忍受烤架上香肠烤糊的气味。bear vt.(bore,borne)忍受;忍耐;负担bear doing/to do sth.忍受做某事bear that.忍受,忍耐 mind (that.)牢记注意:(1)bear意为“忍耐,忍受”时,通常与can,could连用,用于疑问句或否定句中,常见的近义词还有stand等。(2)borne和born是bear的两个过去分词,表示“出生,出自”时用born,并且仅用于被动式;表示“生育”时用borne。(3)bear doing sth.表示习惯性动作;b

9、ear to do sth.表示某一次的具体动作。(1)Theyve been too badly hurt and they cant bear to let it happen again.他们已经伤得太重,不能忍受它再次发生了。(2)I cant bear having(have) cats in the house.我受不了家里有猫。(3)Bear in mind that hard work leads to success.记住,努力工作才能取得成功。【单句改错】(4)She was with a weak heart.2.Although he is most often ass

10、ociated with the invention of the telephone,he was indeed a continuing searcher after practical solutions to improve the quality of everybodys life.虽然人们常把他与电话的发明联系在一起,但是他的确是一位永不停息的探索家,不断寻求着改善人们生活质量的途径。(1)associate vt.联想;联系associate.with.把和联系在一起be associated with.与有关(2)association n.联合;联想;交往;团体in ass

11、ociation with.与合作(1)My mother asks me not to associate with dishonest people.妈妈让我不要和不诚实的人交往。(2)Most people often associate happiness with money.大多数人经常把幸福和金钱联系在一起。(3)The man made it clear that he didnt want to be associated(associate) with her project.这个人明确表示:他不想和她的工程有关系。(4)The book was published in

12、association(associate) with a local company.这本书是与当地的一家公司合作出版的。【高级表达】(5)There are some serious health problems which are associated with smoking.(用过去分词短语作定语改写)There are some serious health problems associated with smoking.3.Hang on,please.请别挂断。hang on不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住;坚持下去hang on to.紧紧抓住;保留hang up把挂起;挂断电话h

13、ang about/around逗留,闲荡;慢悠悠(1)Hang on a minute,and Im just coming.稍等一下,我这就来。(2)Id hang on to that letter.I might need it later.我会留着那封信,我或许以后用得着。(3)He hung up before I could say a word.我还没来得及说话,他就挂断了电话。(4)She knew all the clubs where he usually hung about/around.她知道他经常逗留的所有俱乐部。4.Im sorry,but this phone

14、 is out of order.对不起,这个电话出故障了。(1)out of order发生故障;次序颠倒in order按顺序;整齐;状况良好(2)常见的“out ofn.”其他短语:out of breath上气不接下气out of control失去控制out of date过时的,过期的out of place不合适的out of patience失去耐心out of question没问题out of sight看不见out of shape变形out of pity出于同情out of respect出于尊重(1)Some of the names on the list are

15、 out of order.名单上有些名字的顺序颠倒了。(2)Ill see that everything is in order when the guests arrive.客人到时我将确保一切井然有序。(3)After running for a mile yesterday,I was almost out of breath.昨天跑了一里路之后,我几乎就上气不接下气了。(4)The mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was out of sight.妈妈挥手和女儿道别,直到火车驶出了视线。5.I cant ge

16、t through.我无法接通。get through接通电话;(设法)做完;通过;度过,熬过(困难时期等)get across被理解get away离开;出发get back回来;取回get over克服(困难);从中恢复过来(1)We are certain that she will get over her illness soon.我们确信她很快会战胜疾病。(2)He is not good at getting himself across.他不擅长把自己的意思表达清楚。【一词多义】写出下列句子中get through的汉语意思(3)If you keep disturbing h

17、er,she will never get through her work.(设法)做完(4)Focusing on that goal helps me get through tough times.熬过(困难时期)(5)They spent only a few minutes getting through the customs.通过经典句式Follow it up,explore all around it,and before you know it,you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind

18、.跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得思考的东西占据着你的头脑。(1)“祈使句and/or/otherwise陈述句”为常用句式。前面的祈使句表示假设的情况,相当于if引导的条件状语从句;后面的陈述句表示结果。祈使句and陈述句If.,主句;祈使句or/otherwise陈述句If.not./Unless.,主句。(2)该句式前面除了用祈使句以外,还可以使用名词(短语)。(3)该句式中的and/or/otherwise还可以用破折号表示。(1)Lend her a hand,and she will be grateful to you.帮她一把,她会感激你的。(2)It is

19、really very dangerous.One more step,and the baby will fall into the well.真的很危险。再多迈一步,这个小孩儿就掉进井里去了。(3)Try some of this juiceperhaps youll like it.尝尝这种果汁,也许你会喜欢的。【一句多译】(4)如果你努力学习,你迟早会成功的。Work hard,and you will succeed sooner or later.(祈使句and陈述句)If you work hard,you will succeed sooner or later.(含if条件句

20、的复合句)Working hard,you will succeed sooner or later. (现在分词作状语)【单句改错】 (5)If you dont work harder,and you will lose the valuable chance.(6)Just to him,and you will see how unusual he is.或Just listening to him,and you will see how unusual he is.单句语法填空1.He is associated(associate) with Mr Brown in busine

21、ss.2.When I go on a trip,my mother often offers me some practical(practice) advice.3.Having dialed(dial) the number several times,he still couldnt get through.4.The little girl is learning to deal with such a hard situation.5.Encouraged by my workmates,I decided to apply for a patent.6.If you put yo

22、ur heart into it,you are certain to find(find) something.7.When was it that they set out to design(design) such a new bridge?8.Currently(current),a great many people buy something on the Internet.9.The days when women were looked down upon are gone in this country.10.Her mother used to work as an as

23、sistant(assist) in this big company.完成句子11.我再也不能听下去了,所以离开了房间。I couldnt bear listening any longer,so I left the room.12.努力学习,否则你会考试不及格的。Study hard,or/otherwise youll fail in the exams.13.老人与年轻人之间的交流不像你想的那么困难。Communication between old and young people is not as/so difficult as you think.14.你知道,酒后开车是非常

24、危险的。As you know,it is dangerous to drive after drinking.15.他们正在讨论一些与教育有关的问题。They are discussing some questions associated with education.课文短文改错Alexander Graham Bell born in 1847 in Scotland.When he was young,his family moves to Boston,USA.His mother was almost entire deaf.After that,he became intere

25、sted in help deaf people communicate and in deaf education.He found that by pressing his lips against his mothers forehead,he could make the bones move in so a way that she could understand that he was saying.It was his exploring around problems and his dynamic spirit which led to his inventions.Wha

26、ts more,he was in the truth a continuing searcher.I improved the quality of everybodys life by finding much practical solutions.答案Alexander Graham Bell born in 1847 in Scotland.When he was young,his family to Boston,USA.His mother was almost deaf.After that,he became interested in deaf people commun

27、icate and in deaf education.He found that by pressing his lips against his mothers forehead,he could make the bones move in a way that she could understand he was saying.It was his exploring around problems and his dynamic spirit led to his inventions.Whats more,he was in the truth a continuing sear

28、cher. improved the quality of everybodys life by finding practical solutions.微写作写作素材(关于专利)1.Thomas先生是一个谨慎的商人,他的产品获得了专利。2.但是,后来他发现他的产品没有达到标准。3.他抓住机会着手来改善产品。4.他希望自己的产品能经受得住检验。5.他也希望他的收入会稳定增长。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用who引导的定语从句,that引导的宾语从句。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)Mr Thomas,who was a cautious businessman,got a patent for his products.But later he found his products didnt live up to their criteria.He seized the chance and set out to improve them.He expected that his products could bear the tests and that his income would have a stable increase.

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