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本文(湖南省长郡中学株洲市二中江西省南昌二中等十四校届高三第一次联考 英语.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

湖南省长郡中学株洲市二中江西省南昌二中等十四校届高三第一次联考 英语.docx

1、湖南省长郡中学株洲市二中江西省南昌二中等十四校届高三第一次联考 英语湖南省、江西省2018届高三十四校第一次联考英语试卷由长郡中学;衡阳八中;永州四中;岳阳县一中;湘潭县一中;湘西州民中;石门一中;澧县一中;益阳市一中;桃源县一中;株洲县一中;株洲市二中;麓山国际;江西南昌二中;江西九江一中联合命题第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分) 做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段

2、对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is theshirt?A. 19.15. B. 9.15. C. 9.18. 答案是C。1. Wheredoestheconversationprobablytakepace?A. Inalibrary. B. Inacinema. C. Inabookstore. 2. Whenwillthemancallhiswife?A. 9:30a.m. B. 10:00a.m. C. 10:30a. m. 3. Whatsportscoursewillthewomanprobablytakethist

3、erm?A. None. B. Football. C. Swimming. 4. Whatcanweinferaboutthegirl?A. Shedislikeshermom. B. Shecannotaffordapresent. C. Sheisnotgoodatstudy. 5. Whatswrongwiththeman?A. Heatesomethingwrong. B. Histonguehurts. C. Hisheadaches. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项选出最佳选

4、项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每段对话或独自读两遍。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. WhatdoesthemanthinkofJennifer?A. Mysterious. B. Cool. C. Scary. 7. WhatbooksdoesPettylikereading?A. Detectivestories. B. Fantasies. C. Romances. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Whatisthemanworriedabout?A. Highertax. B. Lowerorangeprice

5、s. C. Weatherdisasters. 9. Whatdoesthewomanadvisethemantodo?A. Buysomeinsurance. B. Consultsomeexperts. C. Waitforthegovernmentshelp. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. HowmuchdidJohnweighwhenhewasborn?A. 8pounds. B. 7pounds. C. 5pounds. 11. WhyisthewomanworriedaboutJohn?A. Heisntputtingonweight. B. Heisntsleepin

6、gwell.C. Heisnteatingmuch. 12. Whatdoesthemantellthewoman?A. Thebabyishealthy. B. Thebabyisbigforhisage. C. Thebabyshouldstopcryingsoon. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Whatisthewomanprobably?A. Ateacher. B. Areporter. C. Adoctor. 14. WhatgaveBentheideaofdesigningclothes?A. Abirthdaypresent. B. Anartclass. C.

7、ATVprogram. 15. HowdidBenputdesignsonhisT-shirt?A. Bysewingthedesignsonit. B. Bydrawingthedesignsstraightontoit. C. Byironingspecialpaperwiththedesigns. 16. HowdidBensschoolfriendsreacttohisbehavior?A. Theyfollowedhim. B. Theylaughedathim. C. Theytookphotosofhim. 听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。17. Howmanyyounga

8、rtistswillbeselectedtotrainintheUS. ?A. Around10. B. Around15. C. About100. 18. Whatwilltheyoungmusiciansdoattheendoftheirtraining?A. StudyintheuniversityinNewYork. B. Playinsomewell-knownconcerthalls. C. Haveaconversationwithmusicmasters. 19. What is the National Youth Orchestra dedicated to doing

9、through this program?A. Showing Chinese cultures. B. Exchanging talented young artists. C. Providing world-class education resources20. When will the winners head to the WesternConnecticut State University?A. In July. B. In February. C. In December. 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30 分)阅读下列短文,

10、从每题所给的A、B、C 和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AThe worlds 4 best spots for wild swimmingEco-Arqueological Park, Chichen Itza, MexicoVines surrounding around the pool, pure blue water and schools of friendlycatfish all combine to give Ik Kil Cenote in Chichen Itza a supernatural quality. “This place offers a swim like

11、youre on another planet, ”says TripAdvisor userDavid T from Anaheim, Southern California. “Dive into the water like its yourlast swim in paradise. You wont find another like it. Grotta della Poesia, Roca Vecchia, Italy“You have to see this place to believe itwhen Ifirst saw the pictures I wasnt sure

12、 it was real!”says TripAdvisor user Chaitdesh from London. The Grotta della Poesia is in Roca Vecchia. Sitting on the Adriatic coast, the grottois made up of two turquoise(绿松石)and blue karst sinkholes. “When Iarrived atthe natural pool my breath was taken away by its beauty, ”says Joan R from NewYor

13、k City. Las Grietas, Puerto Ayora, EcuadorTheres the ocean water pool Las Grietas, positioned between two tall cliffson the central island of Santa Cruz. “It was the most amazing experience Ihadever had,” says user Belepv from Buenos Aires. “We could dive here and see thecoral reef.” Belepv offers a

14、 tip:”Even if you cant swim, you can ask for a lifevest. ”Visitors have to take a boat ride from the main dock on Santa Cruz to getto the creek. Veterans suggest bringing your own snorkeling(浮潜)gear, but youcan also rent equipment in Puerto Ayora. Blue Lagoon, Grindavik, IcelandIts obvious why the B

15、lue Lagoon is a hit in chilly Iceland. This naturallyheated geothermal pool has a constant temperature of 40. Even better, youdont have to leave the water to get a drink at the Lagoons outdoor bar. Ryan Bfrom Atlanta agrees, “Drinking beer in a geothermal spa? YES!”And RachelRaven from Quincy descri

16、bes the experience as “like bathing on the moon”.21. From the passage, we can know that .A. the Blue Lagoon is very popular in chilly IcelandB. the Grotta della Poesia consists of two sinkholesC. catfish swim individually in Ik Kil Cenote in Chichen ItzaD. the ocean water pool Roca Vecchia is a natu

17、rally heated geothermal pool22. If you want to take a hot spring bath, where should you go?A. Roca Vecchia, Italy. B. Blue Lagoon, Grindavik, Iceland. C. Eco-Arqucological Park, Mexico. D. Las Grietas, Puerto Ayora, Ecuador. 23. Which of the following statements about Las Grietas is FALSE?A. It is l

18、ocated on the central island of Santa Cruz. B. It is recommended that visitors take their own snorkeling gear. C. Visitors need to get to the creek by boat. D. Life vests are necessary for all people diving here. BWhenI moved to Rome from Washington D. C., one sight struck me morethan any ancient co

19、lumn or grand basilica: people doing nothing. Id frequentlyglimpse old women leaning out of their windows, watching people pass below, orfamilies on their evening strolls, stopping every so often to greet friends. Evenoffice life proved different. Forgetthe rushed desk-side sandwich. Come lunchtime,

20、 restaurants filled up with professionals tucking into proper meals. As we fill our days with more and more doing,many of us are finding thatnon-stop activity isnt the apotheosis(神话)of productivity. It is its adversary. One meta-analysis foundthat long workinghours increasedthe risk ofheartdisease b

21、y 40%-almost as much as smoking (50%). Another found that peoplewho worked long hours had a significantly higher risk of stroke, while peoplewho worked more than 11hours a day were almost 2. 5 times more likely to havea major depressive episode than those who worked seven to eight. In Japan, thishas

22、 led to the disturbing trend of karoshi, or death by overwork. Whether its walking away from your desk for 15 minutes or logging out ofyour inbox for the night, part of our struggle is control the fear that if we relax agrip for a moment, everything will come crashing down. Thats all wrong, says poe

23、t, and life coach Janne Robinson. “The metaphorIlike to use is of a fire. We start a business, and then after a year, its like, when can we take a week off, or hire someone to come in? Most of us dont trustanyone to come in for us. Were like, The fire will go out,”she says. “What ifwe just trusted t

24、hat those embers(余火) are so hot, we can walk away, someonecan throw a log on and itll burst into flames?”That isnt easy for those of us who feel like we have to constantlydo. Butin order to do more, it seems, we may have to become comfortable with doingless. 24. What impressed the writer most after

25、moving to Rome?A. The ancient column and grand basilica. B. Peoples relaxing lifestyle. C. Peoples hurried lunchtime. D. The ways to greet friends. 25. Janne Robinson uses the metaphor to tell us that we need to .A. take time outB. do nothingC. take quick actionD. hold on26. According to the article

26、, .A. in most cases, more hard work means more productivityB. after Janne Robinson started a business, she hired someone to take it overC. walking away from desks for 15 minutes is impossible for busy business peopleD. long working hours may increase health risk27. Which of the following would be th

27、e best title of the passage?A. Devote yourself more to workB. Quit work for longer lifeC. Work a lot less!D. Achieve a high productivityCOnce a thief, always a thief?Washington Post, November, 21st, 2017. Martha Stewart was charged, tried and convicted(定罪)of a crime in 2004. Asshe came nearer to the

28、 end of her prison sentence, a well-known columnist wrotethat she was “paying off her crime”and that “there is simply no reason foranyone to attempt to deny her right to start a new life”. Surely, the American ideal of second chances should not only belong to therich and powerful. Unfortunately, man

29、y laws set post-conviction restrictions on a shockingly large number of Americans, who are prevented from ever fully paying their debt to society.At least 65 million people in the United States have a criminal record. Thiscan result insevere punishments thatcontinue long after the sentence is comple

30、ted. Many of these punishments are set regardless of the seriousness of thecrime. Laws can restrict or-ban voting, obtaining public housing, and gettingbusiness licenses. They can affect a persons ability to get a job and qualificationfor benefits. In all, more than 45,000 laws and rules serve to st

31、op vast numbers of peoplefrom fully participating in American life. Therefore, these law are also counterproductive, since they make it harder for people with criminal records tofind housing or land a job, two key factors that reduce backsliding(重蹈覆辙). Arecent report makes several recommendations, including the cancel of most post-conviction punishments, except forthose specifically needed to protect

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