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初中英语Do it yourself教案1 译林牛津版.docx

1、初中英语Do it yourself教案1 译林牛津版TopicUnit 4 Do it yourselfPeriod 1TitleComic strip Welcome to the unitType of lessonNew教学目标1.掌握DIY的工具的单词。2.掌握漫画大意,体会漫画的幽默之处。3.能理解DIY的意思,并就DIY的话题展开一段对话。重点难点能理解DIY的意思,并就DIY的话题展开一段对话。教学过程备 注Welcome to the unitStep1呈现一导入What do you do in your free time?Do you know the meaning

2、of DIY?Do you like DIY?Do you often do DIY?Do you like DIY?What do you need for DIY? 由free talk 鼓励学生发表自己的观点。二操练1.Here are some tools for DIY. Look at the picture and match the words in the box with the tools.利用图片和语境完成习题AStep2呈现一导入. 教师与学生交流,以检查学生对新知识的理解。然后学生之间Work in pairs.T: Whats DIY exactly?S: T:

3、What are you going to do then?S:T: What do you need for that?S:T: Do you like DIY?S:T: Thats fun.二.操练师生对话演示,生生对话操练。从实际运用中掌握对话。Comic stripStep 1 呈现一导入.放录音,看图片,理解对话内容。回答下列问题:What do they buy ? What should they do next?Do Eddie help Hobo make his new house?二.操练提醒学生根据自己的理解揣摩Eddie和Hobo的心理状态,运用适当的语音语调朗读。H

4、omework:1. 背诵漫画和B部分对话。2. 用英语写你的一个IY的过程。课堂检测 即学即练来源:学#科#网单选: 1Its too late. Youd better home as soon as possible. A. go B. to go C. goes D. going2. -My English is very poor. Can you help me with it this Saturday? - . A. Youright B. Good idea C. No problem D. Thank you3. It is a new song. It very good

5、. A. sounds B. tastes C. looks D. turns 4. We would like to go to the cinema watching TV at home. A. because of B. pay attention to. C. instead of D. look after.5. Danny , come here. I have to tell you. A. something new B. new something C anything new D. new anything.板书设计Unit 4 Do it yourself Comic

6、strip Welcome to the unitWhat do you do in your free time?Do you know the meaning of DIY?Do you like DIY?Do you often do DIY?Do you like DIY?What do you need for DIY? 教学反思TopicUnit 4 Do it yourselfPeriod 2TitleReading Type of lessonNew教学目标1.会用本课时的四会单词。2.To analyze the phrase, sentences for the stude

7、nts to get a better understanding.3. To get more detailed information about Andrew and his DIY jobs.4.To train the Ss ability of learning by doing5. To train the students happily to make things themselves.重点难点1.To train the Ss ability of learning by doing2.To train the students happily to make thing

8、s themselves.教学过程备 注Step1 Free talkWhat do you often do in your free time?Guess what I often do in my free time? Do you know DIY?Do you like DIY? Give us some examples.Step2 Presentation1.出示Andrew手拿DIY工具的图片呈现课题My cousin and DIY.2.快速阅读文章,回答:Whats the article mainly about?3.分析文章结构,归纳大意:Part 1: ( para1

9、) Introduction of AndrewPart 2( para2-4 ) Andrews DIY jobsPart 3: ( para5) Advice from Suzy4. 仔细阅读文章,划出生词、难以理解的短语和句子。(教师巡视课堂,把部分生词、短语板书在黑板上) decorate put in a brighter light have a power cut put up a picture hit a pipe ceiling take a course in DIY attend lessons instead通过生生之间、师生之间的互动解决难题。Step3 Pract

10、ice1.听录音,判断正误,给出正确答案。Wh-questions.2.大声朗读文章。Step4 Activity仔细阅读文章的主体Andrews DIY jobs,完成下面的表格:What Andrew didProblemsStep5 Retell根据关键词复述文章。Step6 DiscussionWhat do you think of Andrew?What should we do when we do DIY jobs?Step7 Homework复述或背诵课文。写一个自己的DIY故事,下节课大家分享。板书设计Unit 4 Do it yourself Reading What d

11、o you often do in your free time?Guess what I often do in my free time? Do you know DIY?来源:学科网ZXXKDo you like DIY? Give us some examples.Part 1: ( para1) Introduction of AndrewPart 2( para2-4 ) Andrews DIY jobsPart 3: ( para5) Advice from Suzy教学反思TopicUnit 4 Do it yourselfPeriod 3TitleReading Type o

12、f lessonNew教学目标1.会用本课时的四会单词。2.To analyze the phrase, sentences for the students to get a better understanding.3. To get more detailed information about Andrew and his DIY jobs.4.To train the Ss ability of learning by doing5. To train the students happily to make things themselves.重点难点1.To train the

13、Ss ability of learning by doing2.To train the students happily to make things themselves.教学过程备 注Step 1. Leading in。 Yesterday we learnt the story of Andrew and his DIY jobs. Can you say something about Andrew?( 小组展示)Ste p 2. Presentation1. Reading: Let the Ss read the context carefully and then answ

14、er the QS.Qs: 1.) What is Andrew crazy about ?2.) What does he love to do ?3.) Is he good at DIY ? Why ? 4.) How long did Andrew put up the shelf on the wall ?5.) If you were Andrew , how would you paint the living room ?6.)What did Suzy advise him to do ?2. Say Andrew and his DIY jobs and what prob

15、lms he caused , then discuss how to solve these problems. 3.Translate the useful expressions:1. put in a brighter light 2. have a power cut 3. make a mistake 4. put up a picture on the wall5. hit a pipe 6. fill the room with water7.keep on doing sth. 8. not only.but also.9.put up the shelf 10. advis

16、e do11. take a course in DIY 12. make him angry13. attend lessonsD、Language points Ask Ss to highlight the words、 phrases、sentences they do not know. Then ask them to discuss them in pairs and try to work out the meanings from the context. At last the teacher tries to help them and explain the

17、 language points.1.fillwith 用填满Eg:I filled the pillow with cotton.To keep fish ,we should the tank water first.2.not onlybut alsoEg: 1)The living room not only has blue walls, but also a blue ceiling and floor.2)Tomatoes are not only a kind of vegetable but also a kind of fruit.3)Not only Miss Lin b

18、ut also Miss zhou likes DIY4)Not only Miss Lin but also some students like DIY Not only some students but also Miss Lin likes DIY.Work out rules:当not onlybut also 用于行为动词时,动词相同,通常省略第二个动词。be动词通常在not onlybut also之前3) 当not onlybut alsol连接主语时,动词使用就近原则3.instead, instead of Eg: Andrew is stubborn. He didnt

19、 take Suzys advice. Instead, Suzy is learning about DIY herself.= Suzy is learning about DIY herself instead.Andrew does his DIY jobs instead of taking Suzys advice.1), he will go to London. = he will go to London,.2) He wants some milk Coke.3) He will listen to the radio watching TV.Work out the ru

20、le: Instead 常用于句首或句末,instead of后跟名词或动名词。Step 3. practiceGet the students to read the passage together aloud again, 1) Now you know Andrew and his DIY jobs well.Can you retell the text ? 2) Complete the conversation on Page 46 B4. 3) Here is a DIY advertisements ,can you finish it? Want to ( 安装电灯 ) .

21、 ( put in a light )来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K Want to ( 修理坏掉的水管 ) . ( repair the broken pipe )Dont know how to deal with (停电 ) . ( a power cut ) We ( 建议 ) you ( 修一门课程 ) in DIY . ( advise , take a course )You can ( 上课 ) every weekend . (attend lessons)Call us on 88221546 .Step 4. ActivitiesEnjoy DIY : Ask Ss to

22、 work in groups ,according to the teachers instructions to do their DIY jobs A:Having a discussion in groups Group 1 : making a lovely envelope Group 2 : making a birthday card Group 3 :painting the paper.Homework 1、To recite the text . 2、Write a passage about how to do your DIY jobs ( such as paint

23、ing a room , fixing a bicycle , making cakes, repairing computers )板书设计Unit 4 Do it yourself Reading 1.fillwith 用填满2.not onlybut also3.instead, instead of教学反思TopicUnit 4 Do it yourselfPeriod 4TitleGrammar Type of lessonNew教学目标1. 能掌握祈使句的三种句型,肯定祈使句,否定祈使句,加please的祈使句。2. 能使用祈使句进行日常交流对话。重点难点重点:掌握祈使句的三种句型

24、。难点:能使用祈使句进行日常交流对话。教学过程备 注Step 1 Greetings One-minute speech Step 2 Lead in1. Play a game学生根据听到的指令,做相应的动作。E.g. Please have a seat!Sit down please!Open the door!Please dont close the window!Step 3 Presentation1. 学生观察黑板上呈现的句子和普通的句子有何不同。(讨论) 板书:Put up a picture on the wall.Dont stand on the desk.Please

25、 pass the book to me.2. 学生讨论回答祈使句与普通句子的区别。3. 学生总结祈使句的概念和句型结构概念:祈使句是用来发出命令或指示,提出要求或建议的句子。主语为第二人称you,通常不表示出来,而是以动词原形为开头。结构:肯定祈使句以动词原形开头Put up a picture on the wall.否定祈使句以Dont开头Dont stand on the desk.Please可以加在这两种句型的前后,表示更有礼貌。Please pass the book to me.Step4 Practice1. 学生完成书本P47的练习 How to make cards.学生

26、完成练习的校对。学生朗读练习中的5个句子。4. 多媒体呈现多个图片,学生根据图片说出相应的祈使句。Step 5 Exercise将下列句子改成肯定或否定祈使句Come here early.Ask him.Dont climb the tree.Read the book carefully.Dont wait for her.Lets go there together.板书设计Unit 4 Do it yourself Grammar Put up a picture on the wall.Dont stand on the desk.Please pass the book to me

27、.结构:肯定祈使句以动词原形开头否定祈使句以Dont开头Please可以加在这两种句型的前后,表示更有礼貌。教学反思TopicUnit 4 Do it yourselfPeriod 5TitleGrammar Type of lessonNew教学目标1.掌握四会单词2.能正确使用should/had better来表达建议 3.在语境中使用祈使句和should/had better重点难点能正确使用should/had better来表达建议,在语境中使用祈使句和should/had better教学过程备 注Step one :Warming-up One-minute speech (r

28、eading)Step Two: PresentationFree talkDo you like DIY?What kind of things do you like to do by yourself?(I like doing something delicious in the kitchen )Can you give us some examples?E.g. Be careful with fire. You should be careful with fire.2. Present the sentences Cooking is difficult.There are m

29、any books about cooking.Fire and knives can be dangerous.Sometimes we will spend a lot of time on the food.Advice is important.You should read books about cooking. Cooking is difficult. You should join a club to learn mote about it. Fire and knives can be dangerous. You had better be careful with th

30、em. Sometimes we will spend a lot of time on the food. You should be patient.Advice is important. You had better listen to your teacher or mother/read some to learn more about it.Step Three PracticePart B Complete the sentences.More exercisesCheck out the answers (在讲解的过程中适当的扩展点内容。ought to/ must.)should/had better学生不陌生。情态动词should 常用来表示劝告、建议或义务,意思是“应该”;来源:学科网ZXXKhad better 是固定词组,意思是“

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