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Unit 2 Text A Less Is More10页.docx

1、Unit 2 Text A Less Is More10页Unit Two Text A Less is MoreDetailed Study of the Text: 1.I could never understand how my eating all of the food on my plate would help the starving children in African. (para.1)In this sentence, “my” is the logic subject of the gerund “eating”, more examples:I appreciat

2、e your coming to see me. The presidents attending the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.2.Europe and American waste enough food to feed the world 3 times over. (para.3)In Europe and American, people waste so much food that is enough to feed more than three times the world popul

3、ation.3. grabbing a quick bite from a fast food joint, but never get around to fixing the food I bought. (para.5) eating something quickly at a fast food restaurant, but never find time cooking the food I bought.grab a quick bite: to eat sth. in a hurry, e.g.Americans living at a fast pace often jus

4、t “grab a quick bite”. I skipped lunch today, so I need to grab a quick bite. joint: a cheap place where people go for some form of entertainment, e.g. a hamburger joint 汉堡包店 get around to (doing) sth.: to try to find time doing sth., e.g. I said I would write to you, but as usual I never got around

5、 to it. Ive got bags of photographs and one day Ill get around to putting them in an album. Pay attention to the different meanings of the word fix in different contexts, e.g. why someone wasnt fixing the problem. (para.1) (to solve) Too often we expect everyone else to fix the world. (para.12) (to

6、make more beautiful) Let me fix you a drink. (to make; to prepare) Harry tried to fix the car, but he was all thumbs. (to repair) Its fixed. He is going to meet us at the airport. (to arrange) She kept her mindfixed on the practical problems which faced her. (to give full attention) The government h

7、as really got itself into afix. (a difficult situation)4. let alone the sad fact that in this day and age we still have people starving in this world. (para.8) not to mention the sad truth that in these days there are still people who are suffering from hunger in this world. let alone: not to mentio

8、n, e.g. We cant afford a bicycle,letalonea car. Hes the best shot in the world,letalonein England. Im so sick today that I couldnt walk as far as the kitchen,letalonego to the zoo with you. in this day and age: in modern times, e.g. In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well. 5. t

9、hey can both be addressed with the same solution (para.9) they can both be resolved with the same method address: v. to cope with, e.g. Mr. King sought toaddressthose fears when he spoke at the meeting. address oneself to sth.: to try to understand and deal with sth., e.g. Throughout the book we hav

10、eaddressed ourselves to the problem of ethics.6.When we weigh the expenditure of energy used to produce food, package it up, transport it, store it, transport some more, only to have 40% of it end up in the garbage, which in turn has to be translated once again, and in the elimination process we gen

11、erate harmful greenhouse gases that only add to our environment problems. (para.10)When we measure the use of energy to produce food, package it up, transport it, store it, 40% of the energy turns into garbage. The garbage needs to be transported again, and in the process to get rid of it we produce

12、 harmful gases which make our environmental problems more serious.end up in: to come to an end in, e.g.The match ended up in a victory for the home team.If you continue to steal, you will end up in turn: correspondingly, e.g. Our parents take good care of us when we are young, and we in tu

13、rn should take good care of them when they are old. Theory is based on practice andinturnserves practice. add to: to increase, e.g. I dont want to add to your troubles. Her comments willaddtothe uncertainty of the situation.7.As small as our individual contribution may seem, when we look at the over

14、all picture and see the impact of many of us acting consciously and responsibly, the effect is awesome. (para.12)Although the contribution of one person is small, when many people take their responsibilities to make conscious efforts, the effect is shocking. 8.Nature has an incredible way of balanci

15、ng and providing. (para.13)Nature has an unbelievable way to keep a balance and to make provisions. balance: v. to keep steady; to make all parts equal in strength or importance, e.g. He balanced a football on his head. The state has got to find some way tobalancethese two needs. n. the ability to r

16、emain steady; in a situation that all parts are equal in strength or importance, e.g. the ecologicalbalanceof the forest She was holding onto the rail to keep herbalance As is explained above, balance can be used as both a verb and a noun. There aremany other examples in this text, such as waste, cl

17、aim, experience, address,end, impact, toss, package, attempt, benefit, etc.9. people, the majority being children, have to endure. (para.15) people, most of whom are children, have to suffer.Key to ExercisesWork on the TextQuestions for comprehension:1.The author could never understand how his eatin

18、g all of the food on his plate would help the starving children in Africa.2.Very serious.3.He never eats it.4.People always buy much food and stock fridge, but never eat it or prepare the amount of food or order too much at a restaurant , etc. 5.Yes, very harmful.6.He has been guilty of this himself

19、. 7. Eating less will not only save money but may find your weight going down, clothes fitting better, feeling more energetic and having a brighter outlook on life.8. Yes, there is more that you can do than “cleaning your plate”. You can acknowledge that it is a sad fact that many people in this wor

20、ld are starving, in every country, including America. You can decide that this is unacceptable to you, and educate yourself about the problem, and take action in what ever small way (or big way) that you can.9. It implies that the narrator often waste food.10. To solve the world hunger, every body n

21、eeds to realize the importance of this issue and take action in realistic life.Vocabulary exercisesI. Word formation a. Change the following nouns into adjectives by adding the suffix “ial”. proverbial beneficial commercial confidential ceremonialfacial partial gerundial presidential provincialmanag

22、erial secretarial official industrial ceremonial financial substantial essential burial socialb. Form new words by adding the prefix a to the following and then translate them into Chinese.acentric 无中心的 asocial 不好社交的 amoral 非道德性的apolitical. 不关政治的 asymmetry不对称的 awake 醒着的 asleep 睡着的 aside 在边上 ahead 在前

23、面的 awash .泛滥的 alive 活着的 ashore 在岸上c. Complete the sentences with the words in the brackets in their proper forms.proverbial beneficial commercial confidential facial partial secretarial ceremonial financial essential d. Complete the sentences based on the Chinese given in the brackets.acentric asoci

24、al amoral apolitical. asymmetryawake asleep aside ahead awashII. Find in Column B descriptions that fit the words and expressions in Column A.(1)g (2) e (3) j (4) c (5) h (6) b (7) f (8) i (9) a (10) dIII. Give words or expressions that have similar meanings with the following words. (1) problem (6)

25、 try(2) neglect (7) produce(3) influence/ effect (8) final(4) stand/bear (9) deep(5) useful (10) repair/ mendIV. Choose the best expression for each blank. Change the form if necessary.(1) let alone (6) lead to(2) in turn (7) As long as (3) be aware of (8) plug into(4) went down (9) add to (5) take

26、action (10) end upV. In this section, there are twenty incomplete sentences, each followed by four choices. Choose the one answer that best completes each sentence. (1) C (2) C (3) C (4) D (5) A (6) C (7) B (8) D (9) C (10) A (11) B (12) D (13) A (14) B (15) D (16) A (17) B (18) C (19) A (20) BVI. R

27、ead the following passage and choose the best answer for each of the blanks.(1) B (2) C (3) D (4) A (5) D (6) A (7) C (8) A (9) D (10) C (11) B (12) A (13) B (14) D (15) A (16) C (17) A (18) B (19) C (20) CVII. Put in prepositions.(1) up (2) from (3) for (4) to (5) on (6) about (7) behind; with (8)

28、of; for (9) in (10) fromVIII.Translation: 1. The foreign teacher is amazed at his fluent English. 2. I am guilty of my wrongful deeds. 3. I will get around to doing my homework after watching TV.4. I am on a diet, but I have a bar of chocolate once in a while.5. You should take action to make your d

29、ream come true.6. The purpose of negotiation is making an attempt to settle the dispute.7. As long as you work hard, your future is definitely not a dream.8. The losses were irreplaceable both on a personal and national level.Grammar1) Multiple choices1-5DCADA 6-10 BCBCD 11-15 DBDBC 16-20 ABDCA2) Er

30、ror correction 1. wherethat/which或去掉where。 2. 把for放在looking之后。英语中,有些短语动词,介词或副词不可与动词相分离。又如:look after, run into等。 3. whowhom。尽管在口语中who, whom都能作宾语,但在介词后只能用whom。 4. thatwhich。 5. thatwhich。that不可以引导非限制性定语从句。 6. whichthat或去掉which。当先行词被all, every, no,some, any, little等修饰时,常用that引导定语从句。 7. whichthat或去掉whi

31、ch。当先行词被序数词、形容词的最高级或the only,the very等所修饰时,常用that引导定语从句。 8. whothat。如果先行词既指人又指物时,常用that引导定语从句。 9. whichthat或去掉which。当先行词为something, anything,everything, nothing, all等时,常由that引导定语从句。 10. thatwhich。 11. whichwhy/which前加for或去掉which。 12. wantswant。定语从句中谓语动词的数应与先行词一致。 13. hiswhose。 14. themwhom或both前加and。 15. 去掉there。 16. havehas。当one of+名词复数作先行词时,从句的谓语用复数;但是当one前有the (only)时,从句谓语要用单数。 17. whichthat/which前加in或去掉which。 18. Those后加who。 19. 第二个whothat。当主句是以who 或which开头的疑问句时, 定语从句常用that 引导, 以避免重复。 20. whichwhen或which前加in。Keys:is,is;are,are;are;is;am.Keys:which;who. 答案与部分解析: 1. wherethat/w

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