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1、八年级英语下册Unit6Sunshineforall试题牛津版 Unit6 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit1、浏览课本78-79页,翻译下列短语。1.训练当一名志愿者 2.支持我 3.需要更多的食物吃 4.有他们自己的地方住 5.给当地的政府写信 6.给无家可归的人提供专门的地方住 2、根据句意或汉语提示完成单词。1. The player is _(训练) hard for the coming Olympic Games.2. The Class One, Grade Eight students will _(支持) Daniel to be the

2、new chairperson.3. Mr Li is very active though he is an _(上了年纪的) man.4. A bat is _(瞎的) and it can see nothing at all.5. We should do something to help those _(无家可归的) people.三、预习comic strip,回答下列问题。1.What is Hobo training for?2.What does Hobo need at work?3.What does Eddie think of Hobos idea?四、根据短文内容

3、和首字母提示完成单词。One day, Eddie saw Hobo e_1_. He told Eddie that he was t_2_ for the Olympic Games. Eddie thought it was m_3_ to support the Olympics. However, Hobo told Eddie that he didnt need m_4_, but some m_5_ food to eat at work.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _五、预习welcome to the unit,完成A部分的练习,收集你新学到的短语,并思考

4、社会上还有其他的哪些需要帮助的人。学到的短语:_ _ _其他需要帮助的人:_ _ _六、阅读B部分的对话,根据A部分的内容编写新的对话。_七、背诵文中的句子。1. 我正训练成为奥林匹克运动会的一名志愿者。_2. 你会支持我吗,艾迪?_3. 为奥林匹克做些事情是有意义的。_八下Unit6 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit检测反馈1、根据句意及中文提示完成单词。1. We have _(培训) many local nurses.2. He is unable to walk, he is a _(残疾的) person.3. Dont be afraid. We

5、 all _(支持) you.4. He cant see anything with his eyes. He is a _(瞎的) person.5.-Whats wrong with the old man? He cant hear us. -Maybe he is _(聋的). 1.I will (支持)you to collect money for Project Hope.2. We should give seats to the (年老的)on the bus.3. Its wrong to look down on (聋的) people.4.-What are you

6、doing? -Im (训练)my pet dog.5. How would you explain colour to a (瞎的)person?2、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I dont need food, but I need some _(much) water during the walk.2. I would like to be a _(voluntary) for Project hope.3. What can we do to help the _(home) people?4. It was a _(meaning) trip. Ill remember

7、it forever.5. He has to face more problems than others because of _(blind). 1.Its (mean) to support charities.2.I think the government should provide shelter for the (home).3.I want you (help) me. Do you have time?4.He needs some paper (write) on.5.Those poor people dont have places (live).3、单项选择1.

8、( ) You can cat food and drink water _ the long rest time. A on B during C for D over2. ( ) -What are the students doing? -They are training _ their future jobs. A as B to C for D at3. ( ) Being a volunteer, Ill try my best to offer _ help as I can to old people. A so much B as many C as much D so m

9、any4. ( ) Sun Yang _ ten hours every day for the next Olympic Games. A trains for B trains as C trained for D trained as5.( ) Time is not enough for so much work. _ people are needed, I think. A Other two B Only two C Two more D Two other4、句型转换1. I need money to buy stationery. (否定句)I _ _ money to b

10、uy stationery.2. People should do a lot of things for the Olympics.(否定句)People _ _ a lot of things for the Olympics.3. We are here to provide people with service. (同义句)We are here to _ _ _ people.4. Mike needs two more apples. (同义句)Mike needs _ _ apples.5、完成句子1. 你可以每周给妈妈写信。You can _ _ your mom every

11、 week.2. 他们为我们提供了食物和衣服。They _ food and clothes _ us.3. 为奥林匹克运动会做事情是有意义的。Its _ _ do something _ the Olympics.八下Unit6 Reading 1学案1、课前预习单词1. _ 期待,指望;预料 2. _ 成年人3. _ 机会 4. _必须的,必要的5. _ 自信的 6. _ 实现,达到7. _同样的,类似的 8. _ 智力的2、朗读课文,回答下列问题。1. Where is Li Hai from? _2. Who is Li Hais swimming coach?_3. How many

12、 people gave up their free time for the 2007 Special Olympic World Games?_4. Who can take part in the Special Olympics World Games?_3、完成P82-83的练习,通过下面的练习来检测自己的掌握情况。1. _ time when they are not working or busy2. _ the person who provided swimming lessons3. _ come true4. _ the international sports fest

13、ival for people with intellectual disabilities5. _ different from other usual games6. _ the first prize7. _ offer to help without getting paid8. _ be sure he can do better4、这些短语你掌握了吗?1. 为世界特奥会做志愿者工作 2. 他一生中最令人惊奇的经历 3. 给有智障的儿童和成人向世界展示他们才能的机会 4. 放弃他们的业余时间 5.接受训练 6.向运动员提供支持 7.使这次活动取得成功 5、你能在课文中找到含有下列短语

14、的句子,并完成下列练习吗?1. It is + adjective + to-infinitive(在课文中找) _2. It is + adjective + for. + to-infinitive(在课文中找) _3. It is + adjective + of. + to-infinitive(在课文中找) _4. 你帮助我学英语真的太好了。 Its _ _ you to help me with my English.5. 进入房间之前先敲门是有礼貌的。 Its _ _ knock at the door before you come into the room.6. 对他们来说

15、和那些专业人员亲密工作是很好的。 Its _ _ them _ work _ with those professional workers.7. 刘明不知道什么期望时,他自愿参加了上海世界特殊奥运会。 _8. 他们包含了许多类似奥林匹克里面的活动如篮球、足球和游泳。 _9. 4万多人为了2007年的世界特殊奥运会放弃了他们的业余时间。 _八下Unit6 Reading 1检测反馈1、英汉互译1. 最重要的事情_ 2. 因为 _3. 来自不同的背景 _ 4. 亲密地工作 _5. 实现自己的梦想 _ 6. 听说 _7. 不同于 _ 8. 参加比赛 _9. try his best to do s

16、omething _ 10. make a great success _2、根据句意及中文提示完成单词。1. My parents _(期待) me to pass the examination successfully.2. I dont think its _(必要) for me to learn it.3. It was quite an _(大事) when a woman first became a president.4. I have a pen _(相似的) to my little brothers.5. Liu Xiangs _(教练) is the best on

17、e in the world, I think.3、用短语的适当形式完成句子。 give up; e true; pay for; provide. with; be sure to 1. Jim _ 100 yuan _ the clothes.2. Our school _ us _ hot water in winter.3. You _ get to school on time.4. Dont _ studying, if you put heart into it, you will catch up with others.5. I hope you can _ your dre

18、am _ one day.4、单项选择( )1.It was a difficult time for the quake-hit victims in Yaan, but they didnt hope. A. give up B. give off C .give in D .give out( )2. - Can you tell the differences between these two pictures? -Differences? Oh, no. They look quite . A. Different B. similar C .strange D. interest

19、ing( )3. It is very brave him the Special Olympic World Games. A .of; to join in B .for; to join C. of; to join D .for; to join in ( )4. The climate in Nanjing isnt similar to in Harbin. A .those B .that C .this D .these( )5.Jack has many hobbies, swimming, football, basketball and so on. A .for exa

20、mple B .as a example C .such for D . such as5、完成句子。1. 刘明他非常勇敢参加比赛。It was very brave _.2. 对我们来说和这些运动员在一起亲密工作太棒了。Its great for us _.3. 刘明在他成为一名志愿者之前就知道期待什么。Liu Ming knew _.4. 这个组织经常向无家可归的孩子提供食物。The organization often _ food _ _ _.5. 他觉得这是他一生中最令人惊讶的经历。He thinks its _ _ _ _ in his life.八下Unit6 Reading 2

21、学案1、流利地朗读课文,判断正误。1. Li Hai won first prize.( )2. Volunteers offered to help with getting paid for the Special Olympic World Games.( )3. The 2007 Special Olympic World Summer Games were held in Shanghai.( )4. Li Hai is a disabled person.( )5. Liu Ming was Li Huas basketball coach.( )二、重点短语或单词解析。1. Th

22、e Special Olympics World Games give children and adults with intellectual disabilities a chance to show their skills to the world.句中 with intellectual disabilities为后置定语,修饰children and adults。介词短语作定语一般要后置。The key is missing. 我门上的钥匙不见了。The girl is my sister.戴眼镜的女孩是我妹妹。句中to show their skills to the wor

23、ld是不定式短语作定语。Please give me a chance .请给我一个解释的机会。2.They include many events similar to those in the Olympics. 用those替代events, 在句中为了避免重复,those替代复数,that替代单数和不可数名词。The weather in Nanjing is different from in Beijing.His stories are more interesting than I told.3.expect与look forward to区别 二者都有“期待,等待”之意。其区别是:expect指“等待某事发生”,常有一定的根据,发生的可能性较大;look forward to 指以欢乐或焦急的心情期待某事发生。(翻译) 我期望假期能看上几部好电影。I _ _ _ some fine films during the holidays.4.volunteer 志愿者;志愿做,义务做 (单项选择)Id like _ for the Games. A be a volunteer

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