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1、双语儿科题库3第三章儿童保健1围生期是指 A从出生脐带结扎开始至生后28天 B胎龄满37周至不满42足周 C从出生脐带结扎开始至生后7天 D胎龄满42周至生后7天 E胎龄满28周至生后7天2新生儿病室的适宜温度是 A1820 B2022 C2224 D2426 E16183婴儿病室适宜的温度是 A1820 B2022 C2224 D2426 E16184幼儿期保健不包括的内容是 A合理喂养 B生长发育监测 C预防感染及预防接种 D语言能力培养 E促进感觉的发育5培养幼儿良好生活习惯不包括 A睡眠习惯 B个人卫生习惯 C帮助其学习 D饮食习惯 E排便习惯6最容易造成小儿发生意外事故的年龄期为 A

2、新生儿期 B婴儿期 C幼儿期 D学龄前期 E学龄期7找出下列各项中幼儿期的特点 A新陈代谢旺盛,营养需要量相对较多 B身体各器官系统已逐渐发育成熟 C易发生硬肿症、颅内出血 D能用语言和简单的文字进行学习 E生长发育相对缓慢,乳牙已出齐8婴儿期重点预防的疾病应除外 A佝偻病 B营养性缺铁性贫血 C营养不良 D先天性心脏病 E婴儿腹泻9下列哪项是小儿各系统最迟发育的 A神经系统 B生殖系统 C脂肪组织 D淋巴系统 E肌肉组织10下列哪项是青春期生长发育的最大特点 A神经发育成熟 B内分泌调节稳定 C生殖系统迅速发育,并渐趋成熟 D体格生成 E以上都不是11以下哪一项不是学龄期儿童保健的重点 A加

3、强体格锻炼 B培养良好的生活习惯 C培养良好的品格 D加强学校卫生指导 E完成计划免疫12以下内容哪一项不是幼儿期保健重点 A保证均衡的营养 B提倡母乳喂养 C合理安排小儿生活和培养良好的生 活习惯 D进行生长发育系统监测 E完成计划免疫13新生儿保健的重点应放在 A生后第1h B生后10天内 C生后1周 D生后第l天 E生后半个月内14以下哪一项不是青春期保健重点 A保证充足的营养 B加强早期教育,培养独立生活能力 C形成健康生活方式 D加强生理、心理卫生教育 E培养良好的品德15目前我国暂定的生长发育监测的对象是 A新生儿至2周岁 B新生儿至3周岁 C新生儿至4周岁 D新生儿至5周岁 E新

4、生儿至6周岁16新生儿期的保健护理重点为 A保温 B合理喂养 C注意清洁卫生 D预防交叉感染 E以上都正确17婴儿期是指 A出生后到满1岁前 B出生后到2岁 C出生后到10个月 D出生后28天到1周岁 E出生后28天到10个月18幼儿期的特点不包括 A体格和生长发育速度较婴儿期减慢 B中枢神经系统发育也渐次减慢 C言语、动作及心理方面发展较慢 D前囟闭合、乳牙出齐 E能控制大小便19小儿淋巴系统的发育,哪种说法不正确 A在婴儿期淋巴结的淋巴组织发育很 快,尤以幼儿期迅速 B到1213岁淋巴结发育已达顶点, 以后渐缩小萎缩 C2岁时扁桃体增大 D67岁时扁桃体第2次生理性增大 E新生儿期淋巴结大

5、多可触及20幼儿期保健工作的重点包括下列各项, 但除外 A加强饮食卫生 B预防佝偻病 C防止意外事故 D培养良好的生活习惯 E加强传染病及常见防治 21按计划免疫程序4个月应种 A流脑疫苗 B乙脑疫苗 C卡介苗 D脊灰质炎疫苗 E乙肝疫苗22婴儿期计划免疫,下列哪项不正确 A2个月开始服脊灰减毒活疫苗糖丸 B23个月接种卡介苗 C8个月注射疫苗 D3个月接种百、白、破三联疫苗 E1岁后结合季节、注射乙脑疫苗23下列各种计划免疫制剂及其类别,哪组 排列是正确类毒素、灭活菌(疫)苗、 减毒活菌(疫)苗 A白喉、破伤风、麻疹 B百日咳、麻疹、流脑 C白喉、百日咳、卡介苗 D破伤风、流脑、乙脑 E破伤

6、风、麻疹、脊髓灰质炎24学龄儿童复种卡介苗前,应做何种特异 试验,以检查体内有无结核菌感染 A0T试验 B卡介苗试验 C链霉素皮试 D利福平治疗试验 E以上都不是25脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫苗,初次免疫时需要 A口服1次 B每周1次,口服2次 C每月1次,口服3次 D每月1次,口服2次 E每周1次,注射3次26麻疹减毒活疫苗,初次免疫需要 A注射1次 B每月1次,注射2次 C每月1次,注射3次 D每周1次,注射2次 E每周1次,注射3次27乙肝疫苗初次免疫的年龄是 A生后l2天 B2个月以上 C8个月以上 D3个月以上 E1岁以上28世界卫生组织推荐的预防接种的4种疫 苗是 A卡介苗、麻疹疫苗、百白

7、破混合疫 苗、脊髓灰质炎疫苗B卡介苗、流感疫苗、髓灰质炎疫苗C卡介苗、麻疹疫苗、白喉疫苗、脊伤寒疫苗、霍乱疫苗D卡介苗、麻疹疫苗、风疹疫苗、脊髓灰质炎疫苗E麻疹疫苗、流感疫苗、天花疫苗、脊髓灰质炎疫苗29以下几种免疫制剂属死菌苗的是A百日咳B卡介苗 C破伤风 D乙型脑炎 E白喉30以下几种免疫制剂属减毒活疫苗的是 A卡介苗B脊髓灰质炎 C伤寒 D白喉 E乙型脑炎31以下免疫制剂属活菌苗的是 A伤寒 B霍乱 C卡介苗 D百日咳 E白喉32以下免疫制剂属类毒素的是 A脊髓灰质炎 B乙脑 C麻疹 D百日咳 E破伤风33以下所列几组免疫制剂的性质为死菌 苗、减毒活疫苗、类毒素的是 A百日咳、乙型脑炎、

8、白喉 B卡介苗、脊髓炎质炎、破伤风 C伤寒、麻疹、破伤风 D霍乱、白喉、卡介苗 E卡介苗、脊髓灰质炎、白喉34按计划免疫程序6个月婴儿已接种过的 免疫剂是 A卡介苗、乙肝疫苗、百白破三联制 剂麻疹疫苗 B卡介苗、脊髓灰质炎疫苗、麻疹疫 苗、百白破三联制剂 C乙肝疫苗、百白破三联制剂、乙脑 疫苗、脊髓灰质炎疫苗 D卡介苗、百白破三联制剂、麻疹疫 苗、乙脑疫苗 E卡介苗、乙肝疫苗、脊髓灰质炎疫 苗百白破三联制剂35以下几种情况的婴儿,不能接种卡介苗的是 A2个月以内婴儿 B1个月前曾患肺炎已愈 C1个月前曾患腹泻已愈 DOT试验阳性的1岁婴儿 E有先天性6指畸形的婴儿36某4个月婴儿第2次接种百、

9、白、破混 合疫苗后,上臂外侧出现红、肿、热、痛、并伴淋巴结肿大,红肿直径在28cm,考虑是 A接种后局部反应 B接种后全身反应 C接种后过敏反应 D接种后局部中等反应 E接种后局部强反应37某3岁婴儿接种乙脑疫苗,5min后突然 出现烦躁不安,面色苍白,口周发青, 四肢湿冷呼吸困难,脉细弱、应考虑 A接种后局部反应 B接种后全身反应 C接种后局部强反应 D接种后中等反应 E接种后过敏性休克38. Russells traction is prescribed for a child with a lower leg fracture. The mother of the child asks

10、the nurse about the purpose of the traction. Which of the following does the nurse explains to the mother that this type of traction primarily? A. Reduces or realigns a fracture site. B. Keeps the child from moving around in bed. C. Provides a form of restraint for the child. D. Relieves the childs

11、pain.39. A nurse is caring for a child after an appendectomy. The nurse plans care knowing that in chil- dren pain is: A. expressed differently according to the developmental stage. B. diminished because of the immaturity of the nervous system. C. easily forgo. D. unmeasurable.40. A nurse is providi

12、ng instructions about home care to the parents of a 3-year-oil child who has been hospitalized with hemophilia Which statement, if made by a parent, indicates a need for further instructions? A. I should not leave my child unattended. B. I should pad the table corners in my home. C. 1 should remove

13、household items that can tip over. D. I need to avoid immunizations and dental hygiene for my child. 41. A child who was admitted to the hospital for sickle cell crisis is preparing for discharge. Thenurse provides instructions to the childs parents about measures to prevent a crisis. Whichstatement

14、, if made by the parents, indicates a need for further instructions.? A. Our child needs to avoid high altitudes and air travel. B. We need to be sure that our child increases oral fluid intake. C. We need to notify the physician if vomiting or diarrhea occur. D. We need to increase the dose of the

15、analgesic as soon as the pain begins. *42. A nurse provides dietary instruction to the parents of a child with a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis(CF) . The nurse tells the parents that the childs diet should consist of: A. low-protein foods. B. low-fat foods. C. high-calorie foods. D. low-sodium foods.4

16、3. Which intervention would the nurse carry out to promote safety for a 2-month-old hospitalized child. A. Place the infant in a supine position for sleep. B. Remove the pacifier from the mouth as soon as sleep begins. C. Place netting over crib when the infant is unsupervised. D. Use only plastic b

17、ottles and toys.44. A school nurse responsible for the routine health assessment of ll-year-old children wouldscreen for: A. meningitis. B. congenital hip disorder. C. phenylketonuria (PKU) . D. seoliosis.45. A nurse in the well baby clinic has provided instructions regarding dental care of a mother

18、 of a 10-month-old child. Which statement, if made by the mother, indicates a need for further instructions? A. I need to start dental hygiene as soon as the primary teeth erupt. B. I need to use fluoride supplements if the water is not fluoridated. C. I can coat a pacifier with honey during the day

19、 as long as I do not give my child a bottle at nap or bedtime. D. I need to limit the amount of concentrated sweets. 46. A clinic nurse has provided information to the mother of a toddler regarding toilet train-ing. Which statement, if made by the mother, would indicate a need for further instructio

20、ns? A. I should wait until my child is between 18 and 24 months old. B. I know that my child will develop bowel control before bladder control. C. I should have my child sit on the potty until the child urinates. D. I know my child is ready to begin toilet training if my child is walking. 47. When a

21、dnfinistering a liquid medication to an uncooperative toddler, the nurse would imple-ment which strategy to ensure the childs cooperation? A. Allow the parents to remain in the room. B. Remove the child to another room away from the parents. C. Restrain the child in a high chair. D. Restrain the chi

22、ld in a papoose.48. A home health nurse is providing instructions to the mother of a toddler regarding safety meas-ures in the home to prevent an accidental burn injury. Which statement, if made by the moth-er, indicates a need for further instruction? A. I need to remain in the kitchen when I prepa

23、re meals. B. I need to be sure to place my cup of coffee on the counter. C. I need to use the back burners for cooking. D. I need to turn pot handles inward and to the middle of the stove? 49. A nurse has been asked to perform a safety survey at a childrens day care center. All of thechildren cared

24、for at the center are 1 to 3 years of age. Which of the following does present the greatest hazard to toddlers at the center7 A. Toys with small, loose parts in the playroom. B. A swimming poot in the neighbors gated yard. C. A hot water heater set above 120F. D. Toxic plants in the front yard of th

25、e center.50. A nurse is assigned to care for a hospitalized toddler. The nurse plans care knowing that thehighest priority should be directed toward:A. protecting the toddler from injury.B. adapting the toddler to the hospital routine.C. allowing the toddler to participate in play and divisional act

26、ivities.D. providing a consistent caregiver. 51. A nurse is caring for a neonate in the nursery. The most appropriate site to administer hepatitis B vaccine is: A. intramuscularly in the vastus ateralis muscle. B. intramuscularly in the dorsal gluteal muscle. C. subcutaneously in the abdomen.D. subc

27、utaneously in the upper arm. 52. A nurse is planning care for a child with an infectious and commnunicable disease. The nurse determines that the primary goal is that : A. the child will experience only minor complications. B. the child will not spread the infection to others. C. the public health d

28、epartment will be notified. D. the child will experience mild discomfort.53. A 6-month-old child has a history of severe local reactions to previous diphtheria- tetanus-per-tussis (DTP) immunizations. In planning for future DrIp immunization administration, what echnique could the nurse use that wou

29、ld be most effective in reducing local irritation? A. Warm the vaccine to increase speed of absorption. B. Use at least a 1-inch needle to deposit vaccine deep into muscle tissue. C. Divide the dose and give on two separate visits. D. Apply a topical anesthetic to the injection site for 24 hours.54.

30、 A nurse is employed in the health office of a local high school where the annual tuberculosis screening (PPD testing) has just heen completed. Fourteen freshman students have positive PPD results of 10ram or greater. The nurse has scheduled a meeting with the students and their parents to discuss follow-up interventions. Which

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