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高中英语知识讲解 选修6第45单元复习与巩固.docx

1、高中英语知识讲解 选修6第45单元复习与巩固选修6第4-5单元复习与巩固学习目标重点词句说明:重点单词短语在各个单元的重点词汇中已经详细讲过,在复习单元不再重复,只就容易用错的部分进行提示和补充。Unit 4:consume, random, consequence, advocate, mitment, refresh, contributionUnit 5:fountain, shoot, panic, diverse, bathe重点语法it的用法动词-ing形式复习综合运用-ing形式在书面表达中的应用重点词句consume【点拨】consume vt. 消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完 vi.

2、 消耗, 用掉/光,烧光; 消灭;枯萎He had consumed the best years of his life in prison.他在狱中度过了他的大好年华。She consumes much of her time in studying.她把很多时间用在学习上。They consumed all the hot dogs and hamburgers.他们把热狗和汉堡包统统吃光了。A big fire consumed the whole house.一场大火把这所房子整个烧光。【拓展】consumer n. 消费者,顾客The consumers plained about

3、 the poor quality of the electronic products.消费者们都抱怨这个电子产品的低劣的质量。random【点拨】random adj. 任意的,胡乱的,随便的,随机的 adv. 胡乱地,随意地,随机地搭配:at random 任意地,随便地He was not listening and made a random answer to the teachers question.他不在听讲,对教师的问题瞎答一通。Childrens words and actions are often fairly random.小孩子的言行常常是随性而为的。The li

4、brarian took a book at random from the shelf.图书管理员从书架上随便拿了一本书。The children sat around the table at random. 小孩们随便地围坐在桌子旁边。consequence【点拨】consequence n. C结果,后果;影响搭配:in consequence/as a consequence/consequently 因此;结果in consequence of/as a consequence of 由于原因take/suffer/face the consequence of承受/承担后果I o

5、verslept, and in consequence I was late for class我睡过头了,因而上课迟到了。Im quite willing to accept the consequences.我完全愿意承担后果。 You should know the consequence of not studying hard.你应该知道不用功学习的后果。 This had the unexpected consequence that he got fired.这件事有了意外的后果,那就是他被革职了。 【拓展】consequently adv. 结果;因此;必然地The rain

6、 was heavy and consequently the land was flooded.雨很大,结果淹了那片土地。advocate【点拨】advocate vt.拥护;提倡;主张;支持 n.提倡者,辩护律师搭配:advocate doing sth./that-从句 提倡做某事(从句谓语常用“should+动词原形”,should可省) We should advocate saving energy./ that energy (should) be saved. 我们应该提倡节约能源。 He advocates reforming the prison system. 他主张改良

7、监狱制度。The manager of the hotel advocates rewarding the waitress for her good service.这家酒店的经理主张对这个服务员的良好服务加以奖励。The headmaster advocated that all the teaching buildings be well-equipped.校长主张所有的教学楼都应当装备完善。Mrs White is an faithful advocate of free speech.怀特夫人是言论自由的忠实支持者。mitment【点拨】mitment承诺,承担义务搭配:make a

8、 mitment to sb./sth. 对某人/某事做出承诺Our pany has a mitment to quality and customer service.我们公司对质量和顾客服务有承诺。I felt I did not have to make such a mitment to them.我觉得我没有必要对他们做出那样的承诺。His laziness and lack of mitment are unbelievable. 他的懒惰和不负责任令人难以置信。I couldnt go to the movie with you because of family mitmen

9、t.我因为家里有事不能跟你一起去看电影。【拓展】mit vt. 使承担义务;使作出保证做(不合法的、错的或愚蠢的事);犯He didnt mit himself to anything.他没有作任何承诺。The agreement mits them to real singing performances.该协议使他们在演出时必须真唱。Its said that most crimes are mitted by young men.据说多数罪行都是年轻人犯下的。refresh【点拨】refresh vt. & vi. 使恢复精力;使振作;使记起,刷新(页)The long sleep ha

10、d refreshed her.一场酣睡使她的精力充沛。They had stopped by a spring to refresh themselves.他们曾在一处泉边停歇休息。He awoke feeling pletely refreshed.他醒来感到彻底恢复了精力。He had to refresh his memory by looking at his notes.他不得不靠看笔记本来提醒自己。【拓展】refreshment n. 提神,精神恢复;点心,茶点contribution【点拨】contribution n. 贡献搭配:make contributions to (

11、doing) sth 对(做)某事做出贡献They made an important contribution to the success.他们对这次的成功做出来重要的贡献。 This invention made a major contribution to road safety. 此项发明为道路安全做出重大贡献。 Each of us was asked to make a contribution of $25. 我们每人要求捐25美元。【拓展】contribute v. 贡献;有助于;投稿;捐款搭配:contribute()to 向捐()款/投稿;对(做)某事做出贡献;促成,有

12、助于His research has contributed a lot to our understanding of this disease.他的研究对我们对这种疾病的理解做出很大贡献。It was generous of her to contribute such a large sum. 她很大方,捐助了这么大笔钱。Smoking certainly contributed to his early death. 吸烟肯定导致了他的早逝。fountain【点拨】fountain n. 泉水;喷泉;水源 (知识等的)源泉;根源 (常加of)v. 泉水般喷出或涌出A beautiful

13、 stone fountain was set in the middle of the garden.花园中央砌造了一个漂亮的石头喷水池。Ancient Greece was a fountain of wisdom and philosophy.古希腊是智慧和哲学的发源地。The water is fountaining ten meters into the air.水喷出了十米高。When it broke out, red lava was fountained hundreds of metres into the air.当(火山)喷发时,红色的熔岩喷向空中达几百米。shoot【

14、点拨】shoot vt. & vi. 射中,射伤;拍摄;投篮(过去式、过去分词 shot)对比:shoot at 朝射击He shot himself yesterday.昨日他吞枪自杀。The spy was shot through the heart.那个间谍被击穿心脏。Where was the movie shot?电影在哪里拍摄的?He should have shot instead of passing.他本该射门,不应该传球。She shot at that target but missed it.她向靶射击,但没有命中。I shot at the bird but it

15、flew away.我举枪向鸟射击,可是它飞走了。【拓展】shot n. 射击;枪炮声panic【点拨】panic v. (使)惊慌 (panicked; panicked) n. 惊慌,恐慌搭配:in (a) panic感到惊慌;惊恐地The children panicked when the planes flied over the city.当飞机飞过城市的上空,孩子们惊慌失措。The thunder panicked the baby.雷声吓坏了婴儿The old woman panicked when he realized he had the wallet stolen.当意

16、识到自己的钱包被偷了,这位老妇人感到很惊慌。People in panic had nothing to do but wait for death.惊恐万分的人们只好坐以待毙。All the people fled in a panic as the earth shook.当大地摇晃时,所有的人们都惊慌逃散。diverse【点拨】diverse adj.多种多样的,不同的(相当于different and various)Her interests are very diverse.她的兴趣非常广泛。They are the people from diverse cultures.他们是

17、些有着不同文化背景的人。The program deals with subjects as diverse as pop music and Beijing Opera.节目涉及从流行音乐到京剧这样形形色色的题材。【拓展】diversity n. 差异,多样性He made us realize that beauty can have a diversity of forms.他使我们认识到了美可以有种种不同的形式。bathe【点拨】bathe vi.& vt. 洗澡,游泳;用水冲洗,浸 n. 游泳,(在河、海等)游泳(英国英语,较正式)On hot days we often bathe

18、/go bathing in the river. 天热时我们常在河里游泳。I always bathe/ bath before I go to bed. 我睡觉前总要洗个澡。The nurse bathed the wound. 护士冲洗伤口。The doctor told him to bathe his eyes twice a day. 医生叫他每天洗眼两次。【拓展】bath n. 沐浴,洗澡;浴缸,澡盆;洗澡水 vt. & vi. (给)洗澡(美语多用bathe)I shall have/ take a hot bath and go to bed. 我洗个热水澡就将上床睡觉了。H

19、e bathed in cold water winter and summer. 不论寒暑他都用凉水洗澡。Its your turn to bath /bathe the baby. 该你给孩子洗澡了。重点语法it的用法-常考点与代词itI. 常考要点:1It作代词的用法(包括人称代词和非人称代词),而尤其后者出现的形式多。2作形式主语3作形式宾语4用在固定搭配中5强调句(此种结构考查的次数最多,应该引起我们平时备考的足够重视)II. 代词it判断下面句子中it指代意义。1. They watched the train until it disappeared in the distanc

20、e.2. It was nearly midnight when she came back.3. It was very quiet in the caf.4. Nothing is wrong, is it? 5. There is a knock on the door. It must be the postman. 6. Its 35 centigrade now. So I feel hot.7. Toms mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but it didnt help.8. She heard a ter

21、rible noise, and it brought her heart into her mouth.答案:1. 上文提到的事物:train 2. 指时间 3. 指环境 4. 指nothing5. 指需要确定身份的人 6. 指气温 7. 指上文的事情 8. 指a terrible noise易混的句型-放在句首的it比较下面句子,归纳it的用法。A. 形式主语 B. 引出强调句 C. 指时间 D. 用于固定句型,无意义1. It is high time you made up your mind.2. It is a pity that such a thing ( should ) h

22、appen in your class.3. It was they that (who) cleaned the classroom yesterday.4. It is necessary that he (should) remember these words.5. It was ordered that we (should) arrive there in two hours.6. It is (has been) five years since his father died. 7. It will not be long before he finishes his job.

23、8. It was at the railway station that I met Li Ming yesterday. 9. It happened that he met his teacher in the street.10. It is no good learning English without speaking English.11. It looks as if he was ill. 12. It was not until his son came back that he went to bed.13. So it was a great honour to be

24、 invited backstage at the not-for-profit Panda Base. (2016 高考全国I)14. It is kind of you to say so.答案:1. C。句型:It is (high) time + 从句(从句谓语用过去时),意思是“到时间该做”。2. A。句型:Its +名词+that从句。3. B。去掉It was . that/who .,句子仍然合理,不缺少成分,即为强调句。4. A。句型:Its +形容词+that从句。5. A。句型:Its +过去分词+that从句。6. C。指时间。It is/has been + 一段时间

25、+since+名词/从句,意为“自从到现在已经多长时间了”。7. C。指时间。It will not be long before +从句,意为“不久就”。8. B。强调句。强调at the railway station。9. A。形式主语。it代替后面的主语从句。10. A。形式主语。it代替后面的动词-ing形式。11. D。it用于句型,无意义。12. B。强调句。强调until从句。13. A。形式主语。it代替后面的不定式to be invited backstage.14. A。形式主语。it代替后面的不定式of you to say so。形式宾语及特殊句型I. it 作形式宾

26、语助记:为了记忆方便我们可称该句型为“6123结构”6指主句中常用的动词:think, believe, make, find, consider, feel 1指的是形式宾语it;2指的是宾语补足语的两种形式:形容词或名词;3指的是真正宾语的三种形式:不定式短语,动名词短语或that引导的宾语从句。We think it our duty to clean our classroom every day.He felt it important learning English well.They found it difficult that they would finish their

27、 work in two days.II. “it”的特殊用法常出现在以下几种结构中:A. 动词 + 介词 (短语) + it + that从句。常见于answer for, depend on, rely on, insist on, look to, see to, stick to 等结构中。 You may depend on it that Tom will help you with your English. 你放心,汤姆会帮助你学英语的。B. 动词itwhen / if 从句常见于appreciate, enjoy, like, dislike, love, hate, pre

28、fer等少数动词之后。We would much appreciate it if you could do us that favour C. 动词 + it + 介词短语 + that从句常见于bring it to ones attention; owe it to sb; take it for granted 等结构中。Dont take it for granted that they will support you.D. 动词+ it + that从句常见于like, take, have, put等少数动词之后(it相当于that从句的同位语)。I take it that

29、they will succeed sooner or later. 我想他们迟早会成功的。动词-ing形式用法小结I. 相当于名词的动词-ing形式-动名词要特别关注的用法:1. 此时动词-ing形式相当于名词,可以作主语、宾语、表语和定语等。It is no use arguing with him.和他争论没有用。(主语)Her favourite job is teaching English.(表语,说明主语的内容)她最喜欢的工作是教英语。We dont allow smoking here. 我们不允许在这里吸烟。The nurse is talking with a patien

30、t in the waiting room (waiting作定语,表示用途)护士正在阅览室与一个患者谈话。2. 注意只接动词-ing形式作宾语的动词。如:I suggested asking his brother for some money. 我建议向他的兄弟要些钱。3. 注意接动词-ing形式和不定式(to do sth.)都可以,但是有区别的动词。如:I remember doing the exercise. 我记得做过这个练习。 I must remember to do it. 我必须记着做这事。4. 注意介词to常用短语后要接动词-ing形式。While the weathe

31、r is fine, I must get down to painting the house.当天晴时,我一定要油漆房子。5. 注意-ing形式作动词,后面又有宾语补足语时,常用it作形式宾语,而把-ing形式后置。 Do you consider it any good trying again? 你认为再试一次有什么好处吗?II. 相当于形容词、副词的动词-ing形式-现在分词要特别关注的用法:此时动词-ing形式作定语、表语、宾语补足语和状语。The girl standing there is my sister. 站在那儿的女孩是我的姐妹。(定语) We found the old lady lying in bed. 我们发现那老太太躺在床上。(宾语补足语) Seeing no

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