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本文(北京市学年八年级第一学期期末学业水平调研英语试题答案+解析.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、北京市学年八年级第一学期期末学业水平调研英语试题答案+解析【市级联考】北京市2020-2021学年八年级第一学期期末学业水平调研英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1Nowadays, students often have problems with schoolwork and friends.Athey Bthem Ctheir Dthemselves2The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge opened to traffic October, 2018.Aon Bin Cat Dto3We think Town Cinema is the be

2、st it has the biggest screens.Abecause Bso Calthough Dbut4 sugar do we need to make popcorn?One teaspoon.AHow many BHow old CHow long DHow much5Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?Sorry, I . I have to prepare for an exam.Amay Bcan Ccant Dmustnt6How often does your mother exercise?She almo

3、st every day.Aexercises Bis exercising Cexercised Dwill exercise7Tony is much than any other boy in our class.Atall Btaller Ctallest Dthe tallest8What did you do when you were in London?I Buckingham Palace.Avisited Bam visiting Cvisit Dwill visit9If you go to the party, you a great time.Aare having

4、Bhave Chad Dwill have10Our English teachers plan a New Year party for us.Ahold Bholding Cto hold Dheld二、其他Thanksgiving in the United StatesIn most countries, people usually eat traditional food on special holidays. special day in the United States is Thanksgiving. It is always on the fourth Thursday

5、 in November, and is a time to give thanks for _ in the autumn. At this time, people also remember the first travelers from England who came to live in America about 400 years ago. These travelers had a long, _ winter, and many of them died. In the next autumn, they gave thanks for life and food in

6、their new home. These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their _ . The main dish of this meal is almost always turkey, a large bird.Making a turkey dinnerHere is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner. First, mix together some

7、bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper. Next, fill the turkey with this bread mix. Then, put the turkey in a hot oven and cook it for a few hours. When it is _ , place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy. Finally, cut the turkey into thin pieces and eat the meat with vegetables like c

8、arrots and potatoes.11Afood Bclothes Chouses Dweather12Adry Bhard Cbusy Dboring13Agroup Bneighbors Cfriends Dfamily14Ahot Bgood Cready Dfresh三、完型填空Mike was the despair(绝望) of his parents. In many ways, he was a model child. He was well-behaved and polite. He did well in math and science. However, th

9、e reason for his parents despair was that Mike would not 15 , not even a magazine. His parents had asked his teacher for advice on how to make Mike read. They had taken him to the local library and shown him all the different types of books. For his birthday, they bought him books with bright covers

10、. He took no 16 of them. His favorite aunt presented him with an exciting video as his birthday present. The video was based on a well- known 17 . Mike would watch the video and talk about it for days. But when his aunt suggested that he might like to read the book, Mike would lose all his 18 . When

11、ever Mike got facts wrong, the rest of the family laughed at him, “Oh, Mike! You know nothing! All because you wont read books.”But there came one momentous(重要的) day when Mike returned home with a book. He 19 it under his shirt trying to take it into the house secretly. His keen-eyed sister noticed

12、it. It was she who discovered how Mike had come to take an interest in reading. Unknown to the family, Mike had often made 20 trips to the library. There, he had taken part in some activities. At one meeting, Mike listened to a speaker talk about the excitement of reading science fiction. The talk 2

13、1 Mikes life. From that moment on, his head was always buried in a book. When books were opened, Mike discovered that he had wings. Science fiction at first, but, as his 22 broadened, he read widely. His parents were amazed at the change in Mike and wondered what had persuaded him to read.15Alisten

14、Bspeak Cwrite Dread16Aphotos Bnotice Cchance Dnotes17Abook Bmovie Cperson Dprogram18Away Bface Cbreath Dinterest19Ahid Bleft Cfelt Dfound20Ashort Bbrave Csecret Ddifferent21Adecided Bchanged Cstarted Dmade22Aplan Brole Ctaste Dpromise四、阅读单选This Monday, David got four invitations. Lets read and see.H

15、i David,Can you play the piano? Are you good at dancing? Welcome to our school talent show. It starts at 4:00 pm next Monday at the gym. You can bring your friends if you like. Looking forward to your reply. SarahHi David,Im having a birthday party at 6:00 pm next Friday at my house. Would you like

16、to come? Itll be fun. Lots of people from my school are coming. Could you bring some lemonade and crisps? Hope you can come.JackHi David,Christmas is coming. Would you like to come to our Christmas party this Sunday at the School Hall? The party will last from 9:00 am to11:00 am. Well play games, si

17、ng songs and so on. I think well havea good time. Will you write me back as soon as possible? MaryHi David,Our foreign teacher, Miss Green, will return to England for her winter vacation soon. We will have a party for her this Thursday. It begins at 5:00 pm at the Foreign Teachers Building. Food and

18、 drinks will be provided at the party. Please reply by Wednesday. Lucas23When is the school talent show?ANext Monday. BNext Friday. CThis Sunday. DThis Thursday.24Where will the birthday party be held?AAt the School Hall. BAt the Foreign Teachers Building.CAt the gym. DAt Jacks house.25At the Christ

19、mas party, David can .Adance and play the piano Bwatch shows with friendsCplay games and sing songs Dmake lemonade and crisps26Why will Miss Green return to England?AFor a Christmas dinner. BFor her winter vacation.CFor a school talent show. DFor her friends birthday party.A Walk in the GardenOne da

20、y, Lily walked with her mother and came to a pretty garden. Lily looked in. She saw clean roads and beautiful flowers. She turned to her mother and said, “Mum, come and look at this pretty garden. I hope I can open the gate and walk in.”The gardener heard what Lily said, and kindly invited them to c

21、ome into the garden. Her mother thanked him, and then said, “Lily, if I take you into this garden, be sure not to touch anything in it.” Along the roads, Lily looked at everything, but she walked carefully so that she didnt touch anything she saw.The gardener was much pleased with what Lily did, so

22、he showed her the seeds and told her the names of different flowers and plants.While Lily was enjoying the beauty of a flower, a boy came to the gate. Finding it locked, he shook it hard. But it would not open. Then he shouted, “Let me in! Let me in! Will you not let me in this garden?”“No!” said th

23、e gardener. “I will not let you in, because yesterday when I let you in, you pulled some of my fruit and messed up my garden.” The boy felt sorry and went slowly away.Lily realized it is polite to take care of what does not belong to her, and she felt so much happier when she got the flowers as a gi

24、ft from the gardener.27Who did Lily walk with when she came to a pretty garden?AA boy. BA gardener. CHer mother. DHer father.28Lily got into the garden after .Ashe opened the gate herself Bthe gardener kindly invited herCher mother opened the gate for her Da boy shook the gate hard and broke in29The

25、 gardener did not let the boy in because the boy .Ashook the gate and felt sorry Bknew nothing about the plantsCpulled some of the flowers Dmessed up the garden30What can we learn from the story?AWe should accept something new. BWe should value others belongings.CWe should get along well with others

26、. DWe should learn to say no at some point. Have you ever eaten a whole packet of biscuits when you were planning to only have one? Or have you stayed up much later than you planned, or even all night, having “just one more” try in a game? Both of these are examples of mindlessness. When we live thi

27、s way, we are not fully awake and not fully living our lives.When we are mindful, we are different. We are conscious of our thoughts, our actions and what is happening around us. We might notice a beautiful sunset or really listen carefully to what a friend is saying, rather than planning what were

28、going to say next. We are also clear about our own feelings and thoughts. So we are consciously deciding what to pay attention to, we are not worrying about the past or planning for the future and we are not trying to control or stop our thoughts or feelingswere just noticing them.For most people, l

29、ife is getting busier and more stressful(有压力的). Technology meansthat we always have something to do and there isnt much opportunity to just “be”. People are often doing two or three things at the same time: texting while watching TV, or even looking at phones while walking.Research shows that mindfu

30、lness reduces stress. It can help you to focus, to have a better memory and to think more clearly. It can also help you to manage pain better and to improve sleep, and it can even help you to lose weight because you wont eat that whole packet of biscuits without thinking!A very simple technique that

31、 you can try right now is to close your eyes for a few minutes and count how many sounds you can hear. This will help you to focus on what is happening right now. Another technique is to focus on a piece of food. Instead of eating it without thinking, notice how it feels and how it tastes.Both of these techniques help you to slow down and focus on the present moment, as Jon Kabat Zinn says, mindfulness is: “Paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, and without judging. ”31Why do

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