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1、复习专题八年级英语下册语法填空知识点归纳经典1复习专题八年级英语下册语法填空知识点归纳经典1一、八年级英语下册语法填空专项练习(含答案解析)1阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(每空不多于3个单词)。 Lin is a very kind girl. She is always ready to help people who are _trouble. Now Lin is studying in the University of Texas. At the same time, she volunteers _(t

2、each) at Heart House in her free time. Heart House is a local after-school study program for children. It provides some extra(额外的) _(educate) for children who are not doing _(good) in school. Lin goes to Heart House to teach the children _(two) a week. She also makes a website for Heart House. In th

3、is way, people will learn more _Heart House and better help the children there. _(thank) to Lins website, every week 125 volunteers spend two hours helping the children at Heart House now. _ Lins website, Heart House would never be able to have enough volunteers, the program leader says. I feel happ

4、y to teach those kids _to study. I wont give up _(volunteer). I hope to continue teaching kids who need help. Lin says. 【答案】 in;to teach;education;well;twice;about;Thanks;Without;how;volunteering 【解析】【分析】文章大意:林是一个善良的女孩,现在在大学读书,他利用业余时间帮助那些没有学好的孩子补习,在他的帮助下,Heart House的影响力越来越大,有很多志愿者去那里工作。林还创建了网站吸引了更多的

5、志愿者。 (1)句意:他总是准备帮助那些处于困境中的人。in trouble固定搭配,处于困境,故答案是in。 (2)句意:同时,他在业余时间Heart House志愿教学。volunteer to do sth.志愿做什么,在这里应使用动词不定式,故答案是 to teach 。 (3)句意:这样就给了那些在学校做的不好的学生额外的教育。根据some可知应使用名词形式,educate的名词是education,不可数名词,只有一种单数形式,故答案是 education 。 (4)句意:这样就给了那些在学校做的不好的学生额外的教育。从句子结构上看good是修饰doing的,do是动词,修饰动词使

6、用副词,应将good改为well,故答案是well。 (5)句意:林一周两次去Heart House教孩子们。这里的two表示的是次数,two不能直接表示次数,应将two改为twice,故答案是twice。 (6)句意:用这种方式,人们将更多的了解有关Heart House 的情况。learn sth about固定搭配,了解有关的情况,故答案是about。 (7)句意:多亏了林的网站。多亏thanks to,固定搭配,位于句首首字母大写,故答案是Thanks。 (8)句意:没有林的网站,Heart House从不会有那么多的志愿者,没有without,故答案是Without。 (9)句意:教

7、给孩子们如何学习我很快乐。如何how,后跟动词不定式类似宾语从句,故答案是how。 (10)句意:我不会放弃志愿工作。volunteer动词,根据句子结构可知应使用动名词形式, volunteer 的动名词直接加ing,故答案是volunteering。 【点评】考查单词在具体语境中的运用,通读全文了解文章大意,然后根据语法、语境个固定搭配逐一作答,再读全文核实答案并检查答案。2根据短文内容及括号内所给单词的提示填空 My good friend is Bill. He is twelve years old. He _(be) born (出生) in New York in 2005. A

8、t the age of seven, he _(start) to go to school. When he was eleven,he _(leave) New York with his parents and moved to Washington D.C. At his new school, he _(meet) me. He became my deskmate (同桌). Because some terrible things were going on, at that time I wasnt enjoying _(I). I didnt want to say any

9、thing to _(anyone). So of course, I didnt say hello to him. However, Bill said to me with a smile (微笑) on his face, Hi, Dale! Do you need my help? Bills smile made me feel better. I didnt keep silent (沉默的) anymore. I _(decide) to say something to him. After that Bill and I became good friends. Now B

10、ill is still my deskmate. Every day he _(take) the subway to school with me. Like me, he _(study) and exercises hard. We are in good health. We always _(get) good grades. 3阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Birthday is an important day in ones life, especially for children. For

11、365 days the child waits for that special day because hell become one year _(old). Birthday is also the best time _(have) a party with your friends and family members. To have _ different birthday party, you have to prepare lots of _(thing). You should get everything ready. You may invite your frien

12、ds _(come) to the party because you hope to celebrate the meaningful day with the ones you love. Its best _(send) some beautiful birthday invitation cards to them. There _(be) many ways for you to have the invitation cards. You can buy some invitation cards in the shops or choose some e cards on the

13、 Internet. _you have time, you can even make cards by _(you). They will show your effort to invite friends. Im _(sure) people would be happy to receive those hand-made cards.4阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 A young husband _(lose) his life in a war. He left behind his wife, M

14、ary and his son, Jimmy. Mary and Jimmy were very poor and their life was very hard. The wife tried her best to look after her son with the best _(educate). Jimmy studied hard and became _engineer. He moved to a city and found a good job there. He used to write letters and sent _to his mother. He wen

15、t back home and visited his mother every year. _, year by year, Jimmy didnt travel home to visit his mother with many different _(excuse). When the mother died, Jimmy returned home _(sad). Jimmy saw a box in his mothers bedroom. He opened the box and found _in it. There was lots of money and a piece

16、 of paper. It said, My son. Here _(be) the money you sent to me. I dont spend much money. I miss you a lot. Every time I hear a car passing by, I run out of the door. But it wasnt my son, I saved the money for you. You can use it _you get sick.5【答案】was;started;left;met;myself;anyone;decided;takes;st

17、udies;get 【解析】【分析】本文介绍作者和朋友比尔的友谊。句意:他于2005年出生在纽约。根据in 2005可知用一般过去时,故答案为was。句意:7岁的时候,他开始上学。根据时间at the age of seven可知用一般过去时,故答案为started。句意:当他11岁的时候,他和父母离开纽约搬到了华盛顿特区。根据When he was eleven和and moved可知此处用一般过去时,故答案为left。句意:在他的新学校,他遇到了我,成为了我的同桌。根据下文的became和上文的动词moved等可知此处用一般过去时,故答案为met。句意:因为发生了一些糟糕的事情,那时我不开

18、心。短语:enjoy oneself玩得开心,所以用反身代词,故答案为myself。句意:我不想跟任何人说话。anyone,任何人。故答案为anyone。句意:我决定跟他讲一些事。之后比尔成了我的好朋友。根据上下文可知此处用一般过去时,故答案为decided。句意:每天,他和我乘地铁上学。根据前一句的now和本句的every day可知此处用一般现在时,he是第三人称单数,故答案为takes。句意:像我一样,他努力学习,努力锻炼。根据exercises可知此处用一般现在时的第三人称单数形式,故答案为studies。句意:我们总是取得好成绩。always是一般现在时的标志,故答案为get。【点评

19、】本题考查在语境中根据语法规则对单词进行正确使用。需要考虑词性变化,固定搭配,动词的各种形式等语法知识。答题时注意上下文所提供的信息。平时要夯实自身的基本功,加强词汇记忆以及学会灵活词性转换。6【答案】 dreams;sleeping;in;worrying;an;about;feeling;remember;quickly;longer 【解析】【分析】短文大意;我们需要做梦,梦占据睡眠时间四分之一,从梦的内容里我们可以找出一些工作的答案,我们总是不能记住梦的内容。 (1)句意:我们需要做梦。根据前句提到 Dreams may be more important than sleep 可知,

20、此处用dream的复数dreams,故答案为dreams。 (2)句意:梦占据了我们睡眠的四分之一的时间。根据空缺修饰time,可知应该填入sleep的形容词sleeping,睡着的,故答案为sleeping。 (3)句意:他们通常有颜色。根据短语be in color,有颜色,可知空缺填入in,故答案为in。 (4)句意:那可能因为做梦者在担心一些事情。根据be doing sth,可知空缺填入worrying,短语worry about,担心,故答案为worrying。 (5)句意:梦境可能找出一个答案。answer,答案,可数名词单数,前面要加不定冠词,根据answer是以元音音素开头,

21、可知应该用an,故答案为an。 (6)句意:他们可能一整天都在思考他们的工作。根据前文提到 Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams 可知,空缺的意义为思考,think about,故答案为about。 (7)句意:有时我们从梦境里伴随一个好的感觉醒来。根据此处作名词,填入feel的名词形式feeling,感觉,故答案为feeling。 (8)句意;但是我们经常不能记住梦。根据can后面加动词原形,可知空缺填入remember。 (9)句意:这个梦能迅速从记忆中离开。根据空缺修饰go,可知应该用副词形式,填入quickly。

22、(10)句意:我们睡的越多,我们梦境越长。根据此处为the+比较级,the+比较级,可知空缺填入long的比较级为longer,故答案为longer。 【点评】考查语法填空,做此类题首先熟悉文章大意,联系上下文,确定空缺单词,结合语法知识,给出单词的正确形式,即可。7【答案】 lives;give;tries;to save;reading;has bought;invited;goes;taking;has become 【解析】【分析】主要讲了作者的朋友Danny。 (1)句意:他生活在一个富裕的家庭。时态是一般现在时,主语是he,所以live用单三lives,故填lives。 (2)句意

23、:他的父母总是给他许多零花钱。时态是一般现在时,主语是复数parents,所以give用原形,故填give。 (3)句意:但是Danny总是尽他最大努力节省钱。时态是一般现在时,主语Danny是单数,所以try用tries,try ones best to do sth.尽某人最大努力做某事,所以用to save,故填tries,to save。 (4)句意:Danny喜欢读书。enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事,故填reading。 (5)句意:自从他是年轻的,他已经买了许多书。since引导的时间状语从句,主句用现在完成时,结构是have/has+动词过去分词,主语是he,所以用

24、has,buy的过去分词是bought,故填has bought。 (6)句意:他邀请我去我们的城市图书馆读书。last Saturday,表明时态是一般过去时,所以invite用过去式invited,故填invited。 (7)句意:Danny通常骑自行车而不是坐公交去上学。usually表明时态是一般现在时,主语Danny是单数,所以go用单三goes,故填goes,of是介词,后面用动词ing,take的ing形式是taking,故填goes,taking。 (8)句意:Danny变得非常健康。saved是过去式,所以become也用过去式became,故填became。 【点评】考查语

25、法填空,考查词汇在语篇中的运用能力,首先理解文章大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答。注意考虑句型、搭配、语境等,最后通读一遍检查验证。8【答案】 lost;education;an;them;However;excuses;sadly;something;is;when/if 【解析】【分析】本文讲述了Jimmy因为工作忙而没能经常和妈妈联系,直到妈妈去世,妈妈给他留了一些钱以备不时之需。 (1)句意:一位年轻的丈夫在战争中失去了生命。描述过去用一般过去时,lose的过去式lost,故填lost。 (2)句意: 妻子尽力照顾儿子,给他最好的教。best是形容词,其后应是名词,educate的名

26、词是education ,故填 education 。 (3)句意:Jimmy努力学习,成为了一名工程师。engineer是用元音音素开头的单数名词,故用不定冠词an表示泛指一个,故填an。 (4)句意: 他过去常写信并邮寄给他母亲。send sth to sb,固定搭配,把某物邮寄给某人,故send后去是宾语,此处是宾格them指代letters,故填them。 (5)句意:一年又一年,吉米没有回家看望他母亲,但有很多不同的借口。此处表示转折,位于逗号前,故用however,故填 However。 (6)句意:一年又一年,吉米没有回家看望他母亲,但有很多不同的借口。many修饰名词复数,故填

27、 excuses。 (7)句意:当他的妈妈去世时他悲伤地回到家。副词修饰动词returned,sad的副词是sadly,故填sadly。 (8)句意:他打开盒子发现里面有些东西。肯定句用something表示某物,故填 something。 (9)句意:这是你寄给我的钱。描述客观事实用一般现在时,money是不可数名词,故be动词是is,故填is。 (10)句意:如果/当你生命的时候你可以用它。根据时态是主将从现,可知此处是时间状语从句或条件状语从句,故引导词 when/if 均可,故填 when/if 。 【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,语态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用

28、法。二、八年级英语下册阅读理解专项练习(含答案解析)9根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 Animals grow up in different ways. Some newborn (新生的) animals are helpless but their mothers protect them. A newborn kangaroo is very small. It is only a few centimetres (厘米) long. It closes its eyes and doesnt have hair. It stays safe in its mothers pouch(育

29、儿袋) for a long time. A newborn monkey can not walk. Its mother carries it everywhere. Other baby animals can walk soon after theyre born. They learn to run with their mothers when danger is near. A baby zebra can run, an hour after it is born. Some baby animals are born in a place that is safe. Baby

30、 wolves are usually born in big hales with little light. Other baby animals are born in the open. A baby elephant is often born on open land. Animals that drink their mothers milk are called mammals (哺乳动物). A mother bears milk is rich. Baby bears have milk for a few months. This is the same with bab

31、y zebras, As baby animals grow, they need solid (固体的) food. Baby lions cat what their mother can catch!(1)According to the passage, many newborn animals need their mothers help because the baby cant . A.Look after any foodC.walk by themselves(2)A newborn monkeys mother carries it everywhere because . is very small

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