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高考新课标英语二轮专题复习 专题三训练1记叙文一.docx

1、高考新课标英语二轮专题复习 专题三训练1记叙文一专题三完形填空训练1记叙文(一)A(导学号59430085)(2016福建神州一模) Even as I write this story,I am still smiling.The past few weeks have been rather _1_,but when a large number of smile cards arrived in my _2_ the other day,having travelled all the way from the United States to my home in the Nether

2、lands,I knew things were about to _3_I _4_ where to leave the cards as I went to bed that night:the train,benches at the station,the workplace,libraries,mailboxes,the gymthe possibilities _5_ endless.I woke up,went to work,and afterwards,I went _6_ to the shop to buy some candy bars,planning to leav

3、e them as anonymous (匿名的) _7_ for people on the train.However,_8_ my early morning train,my train home was extremely crowded.An elderly man must have seen me searching for a place to _9_ a smile card,because he asked me if I was looking for something.Right then I _10_ that my first smile card would

4、not be anonymous.With a big smile and cheeks _11_ with excitement,I told him that I _12_ what I was looking for,_13_ him the candy bar and smile card I had in my hands.He had only just finished reading the card _14_ I arrived at my stop,but he was still smiling and _15_ his candy as I waved at him f

5、rom the _16_ _17_ having worked a full day,I almost bounced (跳) home.Before I entered my apartment,I delivered a few more smile cards and candy bars to peoples mailboxes.I added an _18_ candy bar for a neighbour who I knew was in a difficult financial _19_,but who I saw working hard every day to get

6、 the very best for her young son.I figured they both _20_ a tasty little treat.【语篇解读】本文为记叙文。作者在艰难的日子里,收到了别人寄来的微笑贺卡,这给作者的生活带来了希望。后来作者效仿这种做法,给别人送微笑卡片和糖棒。这样做不仅给别人带去了微笑,自己也心情舒畅。真可谓:赠人玫瑰,手有余香。1A.pleasant BsimpleCtough Dmon解析:根据本空前的副词rather及后面的并列连词but引导的分句可知:过去几周作者的日子过得很艰难,故答案为tough。答案 BroomCma

7、ilbox Dhands解析:根据最后一段中的“I delivered a few more smile cards and candy bars to peoples mailboxes.”可知答案选C项。答案:C3A.turn away Bturn aroundCturn up Dturn down解析:turn around“好转,有起色”,符合语境。turn sb away “把某人拒之门外”;turn up “被发现”;turn sb/sth down “拒绝,顶回(提议、建议或提议人)”。答案:B4. Arequired BaskedCconcerned Dplotted解析:pl

8、ot“谋划”。答案:D5A.came BhadCoccurred Dfelt解析:可能性是无穷无尽的。feel是系动词,与后面的形容词endless构成系表结构。答案:D6. Aslowly BsmoothlyCfreely Dstraight解析:我直接去了商店。答案:D7. Asurprise BgiftsCnotice Dintention解析:计划把它们作为匿名的礼物送给火车上的人们。答案:B8A.unlike BunusualCunsure Dunlucky解析:unlike介词,“不像”;其他三项都是形容词,放在这里不合适。答案:A9A.drop BgiveCleave Dhide

9、解析:根据第二段中的“where to leave the cards”和本段中的“planning to leave them as”可知答案为C项。答案:C10A.wondered BdecidedCdoubted Dsuggested解析:decide that.“决定”。答案:B11A.filled BfacedCsatisfied Dcontent解析:此处表示“脸上满是兴奋”,故答案为A项。be filled with.“充满”。答案:A12A.found BinventedCforgot Dremembered解析:根据后面的was looking for可知答案为found。答

10、案:A13A.transporting BdeliveringCsending Dhanding解析:hand可作动词,意为“递给”。答案:D14A.when BwhileCuntil Donce解析:had only just done.when.为固定句式,意为“刚就”。答案:A15A.reading BenjoyingCbuying Dcarrying解析:他还在微笑着“品味(吃)着”那个糖棒。答案:B16A.entrance BofficeCplatform Dbench解析:根据“arrived at my stop”可知作者下车了,在站台上向那位老人挥手。答案:C17A.Becau

11、se BDespiteCAlthough DThough解析:此处表示让步,且后面是动名词短语,故用介词despite。答案:B18A.affordable BavailableCextra Dexcellent解析:根据前面的added可知答案为extra。答案:C19A.situation BpanyCstaff Dstate解析:in a.situation“处于状况”。答案:A20A.admired BdeservedCwon Drewarded解析:admire “羡慕”:deserve “应得”;win “赢得”;reward “回报”。答案:BB(导学号59430086)(201

12、6安徽江淮十校) Due to a long series of unfortunate events,my mother is in a serious property tax debt,a burden that has been left on her as a result of her divorce.Because of the divorce and the legal and medical _1_ it has left her with,she is unable to _2_ a loan.She has done everything in her _3_ to he

13、lp keep the house for my sisters and herself.Since I was a child,my mother has always been the type of woman to _4_ others needs before her own.For 13 years she _5_ abused and neglected children to find sanctuary through foster care in our house.This was no _6_ task as many of these children had end

14、ured (忍受) years of physical and emotional abuse from their parents.Not long after my father became abusive,our _7_ was being physically and emotionally _8_ daily before our eyes.The abuse _9_ for some time before she was able to file for divorce,_10_ to finally put an end to her _11_. Unfortunately,

15、the divorce was not as _12_ as one would expect.After ten years,the divorce was finalized and my mother was _13_ to continue on with her life.Due to _14_ problems with her knee caused by the abuse,my mother is unable to work.The _15_ has left her with huge amounts of medical,legal and now property t

16、ax debts.She is _16_ her last bit of money into helping save the house for my younger sisters and herself.As a _17_ mother,she is the most inspirational woman I have ever met.Despite the continuous turmoil (混乱),she has _18_ found a way to stay positive and _19_I am hoping to help her get back on her

17、 feet and _20_ some muchneeded financial and emotional support.【语篇解读】本文为记叙文。作者介绍了自己的母亲历尽生活磨难,依然乐观,依然不忘帮助他人。1A.accidents BdebtsCteams Dresearch解析:此处与15空后的内容照应,故选B项。答案:B2A.take out Bput outCmake out Dthink about解析:由前文可知,母亲欠下很多债,因此不能得到贷款。take out a loan获得贷款,故选A项。答案:A3A.duty Bpany Cwebsite Dpower解析:由下文可

18、知,母亲很坚强,她竭尽全力来保住房子。do everything in ones power为固定短语,意为“尽某人所能”,故选D项。答案:D4Apare Bimprove Cplace Dsupport解析:此处表示母亲总是为他人着想。答案:C5A.helped Breminded Cbeat Dtaught解析:此处表示母亲帮助那些受虐待的孩子,故选A项。答案:A6A.difficult BeasyCmerry Dcasual解析:此处表示收养那些孩子不是件容易的事,故选B项。答案:B7A.sister BdaughterCmother Dassistant解析:由下一段中的“Due to

19、 _14_ problems with her knee caused by the abuse,my mother is unable to work.”可知母亲受到虐待,故选C项。答案:C8A.inspired BcriticizedCblessed Ddestroyed解析:由本句中的physically and emotionally可判断此处应是“身体和精神上的伤害”,故选D项。答案:D9A.paused BstartedCcontinued Dargued解析:这种虐待持续了(continued)一段时间,后来我母亲起诉离婚。答案:C10A.refusing BhopingCreg

20、retting Dmanaging解析:母亲起诉离婚,希望结束自己的痛苦。答案:B11A.pain BfeteClife Dconfusion解析:母亲在精神上和身体上均受到了伤害,所以希望结束这种痛苦。答案:A12A.slow BpracticalCbitter Dquick解析: 由下段首句的提示,可知选D项。答案:D13A.proud BableCunwilling Dtired解析:由上文的“the divorce was finalized”可知,母亲能够继续她的生活了,故选B项。答案:B14A.mental BmedicalCtechnical Denergetic解析:由后面的“

21、problems with her knee caused by the abuse”可知本空应选B项。答案:B15A.marriage BjourneyCdivorce Ddebate解析:由第一段可知,离婚后母亲欠下了很多债务,故选C项。答案:C16A.pouring BwastingCavoiding Dstealing解析:此处表示母亲在把最后一点钱用在为我的妹妹们和她自己保住房子上。pour ones money into sth/doing sth为固定短语,意为“把某人的钱大量投入到中”。答案:A17A.single BlearnedCnoble Dlazy解析:由上文的“Aft

22、er ten years,the divorce was finalized”可知母亲是单身了,故选A项。答案:A18A.never BalwaysCeven Dhardly解析:尽管生活一直混乱不堪,但是她总是能找到办法来保持积极乐观,故选B项。答案:B19A.grateful BenjoyedCoptimistic Dpatient解析:所填词应与positive为并列对等关系,故选C项。答案:C20A.reduce BcancelCconfirm Dprovide解析:由前面的“I am hoping to help her get back on her feet”可推断,为母亲提供一

23、些经济上和情感上的支持,是作者想做的事情,故选D项。答案:DC(2016河南中原名校三模) Around three years ago,I was at a stop sign when I heard whimpering (微弱的狗叫声) coming from inside a car parked on the street near me.It was very _1_ and the dog was trying to get some of the cooler fresh air outside the car.Without thinking I _2_ my car an

24、d got out to help him.There was no way to _3_ the dog because the car was locked.Thinking of the irresponsible owner I became _4_ I didnt know if I should _5_ the window and take the dog or try to contact the owner.Just then,I _6_ a police car on the opposite side of the street.I ran out to seek for

25、 help.When the police officer helped open the door,the dog _7_ both of us and ran quickly towards the garage the car was parked in front of.We _8_ the dog to make sure he was OK.Then we saw _9_ the dog had run:The dogs owner was _10_ in the middle of his garage.Obviously,the man had a condition that

26、 caused him to have a(n) _11_This one was particularly _12_ and required medical attention.After the incident I learned that had I not _13_,both the dog and the man would likely have died.I was overcome with _14_ and I felt tears well up in my eyes.I realized how much of an effect you can have on ot

27、her peoples lives by doing the _15_ thing.I was so quick to _16_ assuming the dogs owner ignored his pet.And had the police officer not been around I might have just left a(n) _17_ on the car after I took the dog.I cannot _18_ what I would feel if I knew that man had died because of any number of th

28、ings that might have gone _19_It made me understand that things are not always as they _20_,and there are always several sides to every story.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。作者救了一只被困在车里的狗,并对狗的主人有诸多不满。没想到狗被救之后直接跑向车库,原来它的主人突然发病晕倒了。作者由此感触颇多。1A.quiet BdarkChot Ddry解析:根据下文“get some of the cooler fresh air outside the car”可

29、知当时天气很热(hot)。答案:C2A.drove BparkedCtook Dlocked解析:此处表示“我”停下车去帮忙。答案 BfindCwalk Dtouch解析:因为车门紧锁,所以没有办法来救那条狗。答案:A4A.sad BboredCpuzzled Dangry解析:句意:想到那个不负责任的车主,我很气愤(angry)。答案 BbreakCclean Dreplace解析:句意:我不知道我是应该将车窗户砸开(break)将狗救出来还是应该尽量与车主联系。答案:B6A.hit BcalledCnoticed Dstopped解析:句意:那时我注意到

30、(noticed)在街的对面有一辆警车。答案:C7A.disappointed BfrightenedCexcited Dsurprised解析:狗被救后竟然跑了,这让作者和警察很吃惊(surprised)。答案:D8A.looked after Bwent afterCshouted at Dpointed at解析:作者和警察紧随其后(went after)以确保那条狗没什么事。答案:B9A.why BhowCwhen Dwhere解析: 冒号后的内容是狗很快向车库跑去的原因。答案:A10A.working BsleepingCstanding Dlying解析:句意:那条狗的主人正躺在(lying)他车库的中央。答案:D11A.attack BrestCopportunity Dfight解析:attack“(疾病的)发作,侵袭

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