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1、英语单选题“三大模块”题库(英语单项选择)5. An internal ratings system is NOT intended to: (B)A. promote a better credit risk selection B. allow the bank to process a higher number of applicationsC. allow for more accurate credit risk assessmentsD. allow for more accurate pricing of exposuresE. ensure consistency throu

2、ghout the organization (The purpose of an internal ratings system is to ensure consistency throughout the banking organization and promote more accurate risk quantifications, better risk pricing and therefore a better credit risk selection. It is not primarily intended to allow the bank to process a

3、 higher number of applications, although this could be a side effect.)9. Economic capital (EC): (C)A. is the minimum amount of money an institution can lose over a specified time horizon.B. is used for market risk only.C. can be allocated to a specific transaction.(EC can be allocated to specific tr

4、ansactions, business areas within a bank or the entire bank.The other two statements are incorrect. Economic capital is not the minimum amount of money an institution can lose. It is the amount of money that is needed as a buffer against the risk or potential loss related to a transaction, a busines

5、s unit or the entire institution. EC can be used for many types of risks and not just market risk.)10. What effect does a large capital base have on a bank? (B)A. Reduces the banks credit ratingB. Reduces the banks vulnerability to large unexpected lossesC. Exposes the bank to adverse economic chang

6、esD. Increases the banks susceptibility to large unexpected losses(A large capital base lessens the banks vulnerability to adverse economic changes or large unexpected losses)13. A large subsidiary in a banking group acquires a sizeable competitor whose operations complement the acquirers business l

7、ines. What is the likely effect on the acquirers operational risk? (A)A. An increase B. A reduction C. No change(The likely effect is an increase on the acquirers operational risk because, typically, the larger the entity the higher the level of operational risk.)22. According to the law of Peoples

8、Republic of China on Commercial Bank, a commercial bank in bankrupt shall give priority to pay (D) after paying the liquidation fees and its staff wages and labor insurance fees in arrears.A. fiscal depositsB. money for inter-bank borrowing C. tax for countryD. the principal and interests of savings

9、 deposits25. According to the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Commercial Bank, a commercial bank shall not engage in (C) or invest in real estate not for its own use within the Peoples Republic of China.A. credit card businessB. trade settlementC. trust investment or stock business,D. automo

10、bile consumption loan business26. According to the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Commercial Bank, when a banking financial institution change its shareholders, the total capital amount or total share amount of the banking financial institution held by shareholders reaching above ( A )% sha

11、ll be approved by CBRC.A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 2028. According to the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Commercial Bank, a commercial bank shall not need to obtain the approval from the CBRC. (D)A. change of the name of the commercial bank;B. change of the registered capital;C. readjustment in bus

12、iness scope;D. change of the department chief in the commercial bank30. In a letter of credit transaction, the bank pays the seller against _ which agree(s) with_.A. documents. the credit B. merchandise. the contractC. documents. the contract D. merchandise.the buyer orderedanswer:A31. What of follo

13、wing is NOT included in the three pillars under the New Basel Accord?A. Minimum capital requirement B. Supervision,C. Information disclosure D. Market disciplineanswer:C(出处:三大模块)32. The value of money varies _.A. directly with the unemployment rate B. directly with the price levelC. inversely with t

14、he unemployment D. inversely with the price levelanswer:D(出处:三大模块)33. Liquidity measures the _.A. value of an assetB. ease with which an asset can be exchanged C. usefulness of an assetD. economic and monetary reliability of an asset compared with other assetsanswer:B35. The earliest bank in the wor

15、ld originated from_ A. Greece B. AthensC. Ancient Rome D. Ancient Babylonanswer:D36. Those banks who adopt Advanced Internal Measurement Approach, when to measure default risk exposure, long-term should be applied to.A. Time weighted Average B. Default Weighted AverageC. Data provided by competent a

16、uthority D. None of the aboveanswer: B 38. In the year , Hong Kong began to design and carry out the risk-based supervision , that was modeled by the U.S., under the help of IMF?A:2000 B:2001 C:2002 D:2003标准答案: B39. How many specific regulatory steps which are connected with each other in the risk-b

17、ased regulatory framework are there?A:5 B:6 C:7 D:8标准答案: B40. Which of the following is an ideal accounting measure from the perspective of economics, but not has been widely used in banks?A: The book value method B: The market value method C:Net present value D: Fair value method标准答案: C43. Determin

18、e the borrowers ability to repay,the principal basis is:(A)A.The borrowers cash flowB. The borrowers profit levelC. Whether the borrower is state-owned enterprises D. The borrowers trade cycle44. which factor is the first concern of bank on the repayment ability of borrowers? ( C )A. Future profits

19、B. Future accounts receivableC. Future cash flows D. Financing ability45. Commercial bank is allowed to provide a loan no more than ( B ) of the commercial bank capital to the same borrower.A.5% B.10% C.15% D.20% 46. Open market operations refer to( C )A. Credit activities of commercial banksB. Cent

20、ral Bank regulation of commercial bank loansC. The central bank buys or sells government bondsD. Central bank increase or decrease the supply of currency48. If taxes decrease, which of the following correctly describes the effects?Disposable income _, consumption _, and savings _. ( B )A、increasedec

21、reasedecreaseB、increaseincreaseincreaseC、decreaseincreaseincreaseD、decreasedecreasedecrease50. As a CFA candidate, to fulfill the requirement of complying with the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, a candidate must tell:(A)A. her immediate supervisor in writing.B. her immediate s

22、upervisor orally.C. the CEO of her firm in writing.D. everyone in the firm through a written memo.51. the price in the foreign exchange market is called:(B)A.the trade surplus B.the exchange rateC.the money price D.the currency rate52. Business process savings institutions may not be absorbed by sav

23、ings deposits for the purchase of:(D)A.National debt B.Policy financial bondsC.Subordinated Debt D. Corporate BondsE. Foreign Bonds54. the main liability on a bank banlance sheet is:(A)A.deposits and and overdrafts D.cash56. The Phillips Curve shows the relationship between

24、(D)A. aggregate demand and aggregate supplyB. interest rates and inflationC. recessions and boomsD. inflation and the unemployment rate57. The most liquid of all assets is(B)A. the stock of commercial banksB. M 1C. intelligenceD. the debt of major corporations59. Which is not one of the three major

25、risks that banking industry confront nowadays?Answer: A Credit Risk B: Liquidity Risk C: Market Risk D: Operation Risk 标准答案:B60. Commercial bank should investigate and classify all its loan at least_Answer: A: Monthly B: Quarterly C: Per annum D: Yearly标准答案:B61. The cumulative extension period of lo

26、ng-term loan can not be exceed _Answer: A one year B: three years C: the half period of original loan D: the period of original loan 标准答案:B62. In what age period can a Mainland Chinese apply for credit card?Answer: A : from 18 year-old to 60 year-old B: from 20 year-old to 65 year-oldC: from 18 year

27、-old to 65 year-old D: from 25 year-old to 65 year-old标准答案:C63. The ratio of commercial banks loan to its deposit can not exceed _Answer: A : 60% B:75% C: 80% D: 65%标准答案:B64. The minimum capital requirements of commercial bank is: _Answer: A:4% B:6% C:8% D:10%标准答案:C65. RAROC (Risk-adjusted Return on

28、 Capital) = Risk-adjusted profit after tax/_Answer: A: Paid-in Capital B: Commercial Capital C: Market Risk Capital D: Retained Profit 标准答案:B66. Say a Japanese import from American exporter. Which way can he avoid the risk of USD appreciation and lock the cost?Answer: A : selling forward Yen B: buyi

29、ng forward Yen C: selling forward USD D: buying forward USD标准答案:D67. In National inter-bank bond market, debt settlement and fund settlement must be carried _Answer: A: at the same time B: at the same day C: at the same location D: In trading hall标准答案:B68. The capital ratio of real estate developmen

30、t project (not including affordable housing project) can not be below_Answer: A: 20% B: 30% C: 35% D: 40%标准答案:B70. Which account should be established when commercial bank issue land reserve loan?Answer: A: a special account B: a margin account C: land reserve institution account D: special fund acc

31、ount标准答案:C71. Nowadays, the main source of Chinese commercial banks profit is:Answer: A: asset business B: liability business C: off balance sheet business D: middleman business标准答案:A72 Short-term loan is:Answer: A: within a half year B: one year or within one year C: five years or within five years D: three year or within three years 标准答案:B73. Which capital can be included in supplementary capital of commercial banks?Answer: A: Subordinated bond B: Capital surplus C: Undistributed profit D: Equity 标准答案:A74. The standard on interest rate of depo

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