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1、人教版高中英语必修三第二学期期中考试高中英语学习材料(灿若寒星*制作整理)2014学年第二学期期中考试高一英语试卷选择题部分(共80分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分1 0分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。1. I know you dont like music very much. But what do you think of music in the film we saw yesterday? A. 不填;不填 B. the; the C. the; 不填 D.

2、 不填;the 2. -Its better for you to help others on the farm during the harvest time. -_. A. I dont know B.I dont care C. Im sorry D.I couldnt agree more3. So suddenly _ the disease that the whole family were at a great loss. A. did he catch B. he caught C. was he caught D. he was caught4. The weather

3、turned out to be very good, _ was more than we could expect. A. what B. which C. that D. it5. Often he_ sit for hours doing nothing at all when he was in low spirits. A.should B.would C.could D.might6. According to a UN report, some 844 animals and plants _ in the last 500 years and the dodo is one

4、of them. A. disappeared B. have disappeared C. was disappeared D. had disappeared7. Susan pretended _ a book when Mr Li came into the classroom. A. to be reading B. reading C. to not read D. having not read8. Studying Wendys menu, I found that many of the items are similar to_of McDonalds. A. those

5、B. ones C. any D. that9. As far as I am concerned, Jim is a very _ boyif he promises to help us, hell do it. A. Independent B. confident C. reliable D. stubborn10. -Why not join us in the game? -Id love to, but my mother insists that I _ all my homework first. A. finish B. will finish C. must finish

6、 D. have finished11. -Why are you so late for such an important meeting? -Im very sorry. I started early, but my car_ halfway. A. broke through B. broke out C. broke up D. broke down. 12. -Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you. -Thanks. You_it. I could manage it myself. A. neednt do B. neednt h

7、ave done C. mustnt do D. shouldnt have done13. Mr. Wang is a boss, _ factory Li Ping worked. A. in whose B. whose C. in whom D. of which14. Nearly three months had gone by _ the seriously injured girl showed a slight sign of recovery. A. until B. before C. since D. after15.He seems to be giving the

8、impression that he didnt enjoy himself in Paris. _he had a wonderful time. A. Above all B. Whats more C. As a result D. On the contrary16. _ and out of breath, we reached the top of the mountain and stopped _ the beautiful scenery. A. Tiring; to admire B. Being tired; admiring C. Tired; to admire D.

9、 Tired; admiring17. Is it in the factory you visited last weekthis kind of car is made? A.;that B. where;when C. where;that D.;when18. A special meeting was held _ the man who died when he was trying to rescue the drowning boy. A. in memory of B. in need of C. in charge of D. in place of 19. If traf

10、fic moves at low speeds, the number of accidents will be . A. cut up B. cut down C. turned down D. got away20.-Do you mind if I keep pets in this building? - _. A. Of course not. Its not allowed here. B. Id rather you didnt, actually C. Great! I love pets. D. No, you cant.第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分:满分20分)

11、 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项( A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。I was born with a heart illness. When I was born, the doctors told my mum that she would 21 her baby quickly because I wouldnt live long. As the days went by, doctors couldnt 22 I was still alive. I was a person that 23 couldnt defeat.

12、Every day I 24 to live. After about a month, the doctors took off the machine from my body to see if I could 25 on my own. I went beyond their expectation and I 26 . Several months later, when the doctors said I would be better, suddenly my mum became very 27 . She was crying uncontrollably. 28 when

13、 I was in the eighth grade, I had a constant pain in my chest. After several days, the pain became 29 and I had to tell my mum. She made a(n) 30 with a doctor for the next day. Doc was one of the most 31 doctors, so I was confident Id get the answer I needed. However, he couldnt 32 to me at once wha

14、t was 33 the pain. Over the next week, Doc performed 34 one after another. He finally found the cause. It wasnt good and Id have to have an operation right away.I was ill 35 for many years. I couldnt focus all my attention on my 36 . My teacher always said it was hard for me to 37 other people. I as

15、ked my mum to go to school to fetch some papers about the testing I had 38 . I sat on the bed for hours, doing them. I found I was a 39 student, because my marks were higher. I was 40 about my life; I would be a normal person.Now, I am a normal person. I do remember: if I have determination, I can a

16、ccomplish anything!21. A. feed B. hurt C. lose D. touch22. A. believe B. identify C. forgive D. promise23. A. money B. death C. doctors D. hospitals24. A. needed B. hated C. remembered D. struggled25. A. sing B. eat C. drink D. breathe26. A. survived B. understood C. slept D. sat27. A. lucky B. stra

17、nge C. tearful D. quiet28. A. Besides B. Even C. So D. But29. A. strange B. impressive C. terrible D. controllable30. A. interview B. foundation C. appointment D. announcement31. A. serious B. experienced C. interesting D. subjective32. A. read B. explain C. write D. translate33. A. covering B. remo

18、ving C. causing D. controlling34. A. operations B. music C. experiments D. plays35. A. continually B. simply C. finally D. proudly36. A. entertainment B. management C. study D. life37. A. catch up with B. make use of C. pay attention to D. take care of38. A. done B. missed C. passed D. found39. A. h

19、andsome B. happy C. qualified D. curious40. A. optimistic B. worried C. surprised D. disappointed第二部分:阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)第一节:阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。AHas technology changed your life? No doubt it has. In what ways has technology changed your life and mine durin

20、g the past decade? Lets take a look. What people do with technology determines whether change is good or bad.Cell phoneDuring the past decade the cell phone has certainly “changed” life in all sorts of ways. Many of us have cleared the old style LAN-line phone from our homes. The cell phone with its

21、 voice, text, image, and Internet capabilities has connected us in ways people 50 years ago never dreamed of. Peoples use of cell phone has changed my entertainment for a few years. I stopped going to movie theaters because I grew tired of asking people “be quiet”, “put away your phone” and so on.Mo

22、re importantly, some people have changed their life a lot by using cells while driving. On one occasion I was a walker. Ive had nearly a dozen near-misses with people running a red light while using their phone.Online shoppingIn the last 10 years, online shopping has increased quickly. Whenever I ca

23、n I shop online. I even send gift cards via various retailers websites. I like shopping online much more than in a physical store (实体店). I should also add that not once have I had a problem with so-called identity theft. I think one reason is that I only online shop at established retailers (零售商) an

24、d I never shop via emails.Online entertainmentDuring the past decade the television and movie possibilities on the Internet have gone from near zero to thousands. I rent and watch movies via Internet much more now than from a physical store. All the major networks now also offer shows on the Interne

25、t. It wont be long before more of us are using a single device for all those activities. Some people are already doing it.Ive touched on only a few obvious ways technology has changed life over the past decade. Its changing lives for better or for worse in all parts of our life: medicine, education

26、and warfare to name a few. If the past decade is any indication, the next decade will be even more amazing.41. Some drivers have nearly knocked into the authors because they _.A. were not skillful enough in driving B. were not familiar with the roads C. ran a red light at the crossing D. did not foc

27、us on driving42. From the listed new technology we can conclude _. A. they all have brought a lot of convenience to our life B. more and more people are interested in new technology C. the author isnt satisfied with the new technology at all D. they have both advantages and disadvantages to our life

28、43. Whats the authors attitude toward future technology? A. Worried. B. Opposed. C. Hopeful. D. Uncertain.44. The passage is developed by _. A. describing development of technology B. explaining the advantages of technology C. listing changes brought by technology D. showing peoples attitudes toward

29、s technology45. The author wrote this text in order to give us some examples of _.A. how technology has changed our life B. how we enjoy our life in modern timesC. what changed our life in the last decade D. what has taken place in the field of scienceBSummer is the time for having fun in the sun! C

30、hildren and teens should be able to have fun but they also should be safe. Parents have many concerns when their children are out having fun without their supervision(监管). Here are some summer safety tips for children and teens that all parents should discuss with their sons and daughters.First of all, children and teens shouldnt talk to strangers. It is important to always remind your children and teenagers know that if someone they dont know comes up to them they should immediately either run away if th

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