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1、口语背诵精彩篇章1运动与健康 保持心理健康 Possessing a Healthy Psychology If you are always in a good mood, everything will seem to be more beautiful. If you are always optimistic, there is no difficulty that cannot be conquered. On the contrary, you may feel sad, frustrated through out your life. So keeping a healthy

2、psychology is necessary. There are at least three methods to have a healthy psychology. First, try to control yourself when you are in a mess. Second, believe in yourself when you have to decide by yourself, and have enough courage to take on any results of your own decision. Third, you should culti

3、vate the ability of self-discipline, which makes you more sensible when you are really at the edge of the outbreak. In a word, be kind to everyone around you and keep calm when you feel angry is an important way to own a healthy psychology.译文 如果心情好,人会觉得什么都很美。如果保持乐观,就没有征服不了的困难。否则,你就会心情难过,一辈子都灰心沮丧。因此,

4、保持心理健康至关重要。如何保持靖康心理有以下三个方法。首先,心情烦乱时尽量控制自己。其次,在需要做决定时要相信自己,并有勇气承担结果。最后,要培养自律的能力,这会使你在崩溃的边缘仍然保持理智。总之,对他人友好,生气时保持平静,是拥有健康心理的关键。 2,校园与学习英语学习English StudyIts been years since I started learning English as a second language. And Ive always been seeing the same vicious circle in practicing it. Those who al

5、ways say “I cant. My English is poor! ” would feel that using English is difficult. The more they say so, the more difficult they find it. On the other hand, those who dared to break the ice and use English would probably get good grade easily. And the praise and honor from being good at English, th

6、e foreign language, would be the best encouragement to them to improve. 译文把英语作为第二语言,我已经学了好几年了。我感觉在练习时,有一种恶性循环。那些说“我不行”,“我英语很差”的学生总觉得用英语很难。他们越是这样说,就越觉得难。相反,那些敢于打破僵局敢于使用英语的人却很容易拿到高分。他们因为英语不错受到的夸奖和称赞就是对他们继续努力提高的最大的鼓励。 成功的讨论 A Successful DiscussionA successful discussion usually depends upon how well th

7、e participants understand the topics and how many ideas they have put forward. Brainstorming is a very helpful step to generate creative ideas within a short time in group discussion. It is beneficial for the understanding of the topics or problems and eventually settling solutions for the problems.

8、 While participating in discussion, you should try your best to find out what the other parties of the group think. A group discussion would be pointless and fruitless without organization and cooperation. The group leader should try to keep the discussion proceed in an orderly way and encourage par

9、ticipation and contribution. And participants should support and maintain the discussion. 译文 成功的讨论常常有赖于参加者如何理解要讨论的话题,有赖于他们能提出多少想法。自由讨论非常重要,因为可以在短时间内产生创造性想法。而且有利于话题和问题的理解,并最终促成解决问题的办法。在讨论中,你应该尽可能发现其他成员的想法。没有好的组织和合作,集体讨论是没有意义的,也不会有任何结果。组长应该使讨论有秩序地进行,还应该鼓励大家的参与讨论和发表意见。而参加者应该支持和维持讨论,使之顺利进行。 文化与语言Culture

10、 and LanguageWhen two people from two different cultural backgrounds speak English, they dont seem to have much difficulty interacting because they use the some language. But do they understand each other well enough? In fact, different cultures have different expected behavior. What is right in one

11、 culture may be wrong in another. Therefore, language learning should go in hand in hand with culture learning. Actually, people begin to understand their own culture better only after they have begun interacting with people from another culture. It must be realized that cultural mistakes in communi

12、cation make the other side more uncomfortable than grammatical mistakes do.译文当两个来自不同文化背景的人用英语交流,他们似乎不会碰到任何障碍,因为他们说同一种语言。但是他们真正理解对方的意图吗?实际上,不同的文化对行为有不同的期待。在某一文化里被认为是正确的,在另一文化里可能不妥。因此,语言学习必须与文化学习同步进行。事实上,只有开始跟其他文化的人交往时,一个人才能更深刻地理解自己的文化。需要清楚的一点是:跟语法错误相比,文化上的错误让人更加不舒服。3工作与事业 对团队精神的理解 My Understanding of

13、 Team Spirit We are all social creatures who couldnt live separately from other beings. When faced with a task, we need to cooperate with others to get it done. By working with others we increase our working power and efficiency. When working together, people help each other, as well as learn from e

14、ach other. People also make friends through co-working. Good team spirit means that we should not show off before others, and we should not envy others ability and high position. As to personality, we had better be modest and outgoing. If we really have a conflict with some colleagues, we ought to p

15、ut work in the first place.译文人是社会性的生物,我们都不能孤立地生活。当面临一项任务,我们有必要跟他人合作,将任务完成。大家一起工作能增加我们的工作能力和效率。一起工作时,大家可以互相帮助,互相学习。人们还可以通过合作成为好朋友。好的团队精神意味着在大家面前出风头;我们不应该嫉妒人家的能力和高职位。就个性而言,最好是做到谦虚而友好。万一跟同事有什么冲突,也应该以大局为重,把工作放在首位。 我的工作风格 My Working Style Although I am a rather independent man, I can easily work with oth

16、ers to accomplish a common goal. Last summer, some of my friends wanted to start a Childrens Sumner Camp. I actively took part in it and contributed a great deal to make it happen within three months. Along with five other staff members, we worked up a budget, created a camp organizational staffing

17、plan, hired the counselors, designed programs, and managed the sign-up. My biggest contribution was in program design, which required working closely with the swimming and tennis coaches. When the surveys from the parents of the campers came in at the end of the season, the strength of the program w

18、as cited as one of the top three reasons why they would sign their children up again next year. 译文 尽管我喜欢独立,但我也很容易跟他人合作,去完成共同的目标。去年夏天,我的几个朋友想举办一个孩子们的夏令营,我积极地参与,并付出了巨大的努力,使这一提议在三个月内得到实施。我跟其他五位工作人员一起做出资金预算,制定营地组织人员计划,雇佣辅导员,设计日程表,还要安排报名。我最大的任务就是制定日程表,这需要和游泳、网球教练共同安排。当夏令营结束后,我们向孩子家长征求意见。家长们都表示:明年还要把孩子送来,

19、最重要的原因之一就是日程安排得好。我对工作的态度 My Attitudes towards Work Most people think that work is just a means of earning money. As a result, they get no satisfaction or happiness from their job. But personally, I think work should be a source of happiness and pride rather than a punishment or a burden. By working,

20、 we put what we studied into real practice, and we realize our individual value as well as social value. If we fail in some cases, we can gain some experiences and insights. And when we succeed, our dreams become true and we obtain a sense of achievement. Moreover, we feel our life full and meaningf

21、ul while working. In short, without work, life will be empty and meaningless. And I think the best way is to find a job which is relevant to our major and which is we are interested in. in this case we have passion to fulfill it and easily get successful. But whatever we are doing, we should cultiva

22、te a positive attention towards it.译文 大多数人认为:工作只是赚钱的途径。结果,他们从工作中得不到任何满足和快乐。我个人认为:工作应该是幸福和自豪的源泉,而不是一种惩罚和负担。通过工作,我们学以致用,在实现个人价值的同时,也实现了社会价值。如果有时我们遭遇失败,我们也能获取经验,增长见识。而一旦我们成功时,我们的梦想就会实现,从而获得成就感。工作使我们的生活充实而有意义。简单地说:没有工作,生命就会空洞而无聊。我认为:最好的办法是找一份跟自己专业相关并且感兴趣的工作。这样,你就会充满热情,而且容易成功。但无论做什么,我们都应该怀着积极的态度去做。 怎样应付工

23、作压力 How to Deal with Pressure at Work Pressure is a natural part of work. There is no way to avoid it. Everybody should face up to that. In fact, a certain amount of pressure can provide challenges and opportunities to make progress. The most important thing is learning how to deal with it. if you h

24、ave a tough task to cope with, you can divide it into small pieces. That will be much easier. If pressure becomes difficult to deal with, we should turn to our friends or families. We can have a drink with our friends and talk out the problems. We should always discuss our problems with our families

25、. Consolation, warmth and happiness can lessen our pressures and encourages us to overcome all difficulties.译文 压力是工作的一部分,没有办法回避,每人都应该去面对。实际上,一定的压力能提供挑战和取得进步的机会。最重要的就是要学会怎样去应付它。 如果你手头上有很棘手的任务,最好把它分成一些小的任务去做,那会容易的多。如果压力大得难以处理,我们可以向朋友和家人求助。我们可以跟朋友出去喝一杯,把难题说出来。我们也可以把问题和家人讨论讨论。安慰、温暖和幸福能减轻我们的压力,鼓励我们克服一切困难

26、。 4社会与文化对假冒伪劣商品的看法 My Ideas on Fake and Inferior Commodities In order to reap staggering profits, some lawless businessmen like to produce defective products in the name of some famous brands. Sometimes they brag their inferior products to be of the top quality. This is nothing but sort of cheating.

27、 On the one hand, consumers are deceived; and on the other hand, the real producers suffered from degraded reputation as well as declining market. Apart from the loss of money, we will get hurt when we use these low-quality commodities. To build a healthy market economy environment, we should streng

28、then the legal system to regulate the market. At the same time, all consumers should be aware of their own rights and obligations to fight with this phenomenon. And the mess media should also make sure that it is the genuine products that are advertised. As to the companies, they should try their be

29、st to prevent their products from being copied. This needs qualified as well as faithful employees. To sum up, only the combined efforts of government, producers and consumers can drive the fake and the inferior commodities out of stage. 译文 为了获取暴利,一些不法商贩制造劣质产品,冒充名牌。有时,他们鼓吹自己的产品质量上乘,这完全是一种欺骗。一方面,消费者上

30、当;另一方面,真正的生产厂家名誉受损,市场下滑。除了钱财的损失以外,低质产品会给我们带来危害。为建立健全的市场经济环境,我们必须加强法制建设,规范市场。同时,消费者应该意识到自己的权利和义务,跟这种现象做斗争。媒介也应确保他们在为合法的产品做宣传。至于公司,应该竭尽全力防止自己的产品被复制。这就需要雇员合格而忠诚。总之,只有政府、生产厂家和消费者的共同努力,才能将假冒伪劣产品赶出市场的舞台。 5城市与乡村 城市生活还是乡村生活?City Life or Country Life Many people enjoy the city life since it is more exciting

31、and convenient. Besides, people in city have more opportunities to be educated and well- informed. In a city, one can always go to the new shows or latest movies. And city people can easily visit other parts of the world with modern transportation facilities. The country, however, has attraction of

32、its own. People are close to nature and enjoys quiet and gentle pace of life. In addition, country people have the advantage of knowing that there is always someone who is ready to give a hand to those in trouble and danger. As the popular saying goes, “Every coin has two sides.” Both the city and the country have disadvantages too. City residents suffer a great deal from public hazards like noise and air pollution. And country dwellers have to go far to the nearest town to do some shopping. As far as Im concerned, I like both. I hope I can find a good job a

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