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1、高一英语上册课后随堂检测15Module 2No Drugs.单词拼写1The rate of interest _ (影响) us all.2She was _ (禁止) from athletics for two years after failing in a drug test.3Its more than _ (可能的) that Ill see Ben this week.4This shirt was greatly _ (减少) in the sale.5It seems common in China that some stars are _ (上瘾) to taking

2、 drugs.6It is _ (违法的) to drive a car that is not taxed and insured.7I respect the president but I _ (不同意) with his decision.8A group of gunmen attacked a prison and set nine _ (罪犯) free in Inner Mongolia.9You must leave immediately. Youre in great _ (危险) here.10Reports show that nicotine is more _ (

3、有功效的) than cocaine.答案:1.affects2.banned3.likely4.reduced5.addicted6illegal7.disagree8.criminals9.danger10.powerful.完成句子1受邀参加会议的人数减少到五十人。The number of people invited to the meeting _ 50.2今晚可能要下大雪。It _ snow heavily this night.3这是我见过的最漂亮的房子。I _ beautiful house.4玛丽是如此可爱的一个女孩,我们都喜欢她。Mary is _ we all like

4、 her.5你的意见不会影响我的决定。Your opinion will not _.6我的那本书在桌子上。The book _ is on the desk. 答案:1.was reduced likely to3.have never seen a lovely a girl that/such a lovely girl that5.affect my decision6.belonging to me.单项填空1(2018周口市高三第四次月考)The notices outside our teaching building _ what we stud

5、ents showed an interest in when I was a schoolboy.Ahad always been bannedBwere always banningCwere always bannedDhad always been banning答案:B考查ban的时态和语态。根据排除法,what引导名词性从句,因此排除A, C 两项,它们都是被动语态。又根据when I was a schoolboy可知主句谓语动词应用一般过去时态。因此选B项,句意为:当我上学大的时候,教学楼外面的通知总是禁止一些我们学生感兴趣的事情。2If a northerner lives

6、in the south, he will probably feel that _.Ahe disagrees to the climate thereBthe climate disagrees with himChe disagrees with the climate thereDthe climate disagrees to him答案:Bdisagree with表示“不同意,(食物,气候等)不适宜”。此处指这种气候不适宜他。表示“(食物,气候等)不适宜某人”时,主语通常是食物、气候等。3(2018宝鸡模拟)Facing the global financial crisis,

7、the Chinese government has taken many measures _ peoples life to deal with it.Arelated Brelated toCrelating Drelating to答案:B考查非谓语动词。句意:面对全球金融危机,中国政府已经采取了和人们的生活相关的许多措施来应对它。(be) related to 表示“与有关”,related to peoples life在此处作后置定语。4When he returned from his vacation, he found his apartment _ and a lot o

8、f things _.Abreaking into; stealingBbroken into; stolenCbreaking in; stolenDbroken in; stealing答案:Bbreak into和break in都表示“破门而入”,但后者不能接宾语,不能用于被动语态。此处break into与his apartment以及steal与a lot of things之间都是逻辑上的被动关系,故都用过去分词的形式。broken into与stolen在此处作宾语补足语。5So _ that everybody wants to take a photo with him.A

9、a wellknown man he isBwellknown he is a manCa wellknown man is heDwellknown a man is he答案:D句意:他是那样一个著名的人以至于每个人都想与他合影。so与单数可数名词连用时,要用soadj.a/ann.,提到句首,主句要用部分倒装语序。6The matter _ your study surely requires _ carefully.Arelated to; dealing withBrelating to; dealt withCrelated to; being dealt withDrelatin

10、g to; have dealt with答案:A第一个空用related to作定语,表示“与有关的”;require表示“需要”时,后接doing,相当于to be done,所以第二个空用dealing with。故A项正确。7_ miss the early train, we should start right now.ASo as to not BTo notCIn order to not DIn order not to答案:D考查目的状语的表示方法。so as to不放在句首,in order to用于否定句时,not加在to之前。8The _ soldier told u

11、s his story before long he _. His _ made us very sad.Adying; died; death Bdying; death; diedCdead; died; dying Ddied; dead; death答案:Adying表示“快要死的;临终的”;die为动词;dead为形容词“死的”;death为名词“死亡”。9I found the mark rather frightening._ It frightened me to death just now.AThats reasonable advice.BIsnt it a good i

12、dea?CDo you think so?DI cant agree more.答案:D考查交际用语。Thats reasonable advice.那是合理的建议;Isnt it a good idea?这不是个好主意吗?Do you think so?你这样认为吗?I cant agree more.我完全同意。根据It frightened me to death just now.可知第二个说话者同意第一个人的看法。故选D。10I thought I _ my wifes voice as soon as I entered it though many people were tal

13、king in the room.Arecognised BknewCrecited Dfound答案:A考查动词词义辨析。recognise认出;know认识,知道;recite背诵;find发现。句意:虽然很多人在房间里说话,但我认为一走进房间我就听出了我妻子的声音。此处强调辨认出,故选A。11She runs about 15 miles every day, _ the weather is like.Awhichever BhoweverCwhenever Dwhatever答案:D考查连词。句意:不管天气怎样,她每天都跑大约15英里。whatever the weather is

14、likeno matter what the weather is like。12All childrens shoes are now _ to $20 a pair so its a real bargain.Aincreased BreducedCsold Dfallen答案:B考查动词辨析。根据its a real bargain可知童鞋降价了。把减少到。13(2018济宁模拟)Shes very _ to ring me tonight so I will have the mobile phone on all the time.Apossible BprobableClikely Dmaybe答案:Csb./sth.belikely to do sth.某人或某物可能会做某事。possible和probable不能用于这种类似的结构。14With little ti

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