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高中英语选修七Unit 4Sharing Section Ⅲ Learning about LanguageUsing Language.docx

1、高中英语选修七Unit 4Sharing Section Learning about Language Using LanguageSection Learning about Language & Using Language根据提示写出下列单词1 vt. 烤(面包等);敬酒n. 烤面包(片);干杯2 vt. 捐赠3 adj. 自愿的;志愿的;无偿的4 vt.& n. 买;购买5 n. 周年纪念(日)6 vi.& vt. (使)发出咔嗒声n. 咔嗒声7 vt. 分配;分发8 n. 安全;保护;保障9 vi. 工作;运转vt. 操作10 adj. 政治的;政党的【答案】

2、nate3.voluntary4.purchase5.anniversary6.click7.distribute8.security9.operate10.political根据提示补全下列短语1 need 在困难中;在危急中2set 建立;建造3as well 和,也,又4turn 变成5add. . 把加入到6care 照顾,照料【答案】1.in2.up3.as4.into5.to6.for根据提示补全下列教材原句1She was dying to see him again but what if he didnt want to see her?她极想再见到他,但如果他不想见她怎么办

3、?2The gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a voluntary contribution towards the lives of people who really need it.你送的礼物不是给你所爱的人留念的,而是给那些确有生活需要的人的一项自愿性捐助。3They are easy and fun for children to care for.孩子们照看它们既轻松又有趣。阅读P34课文,选择最佳答案1Where is the passage from?AA newspaper. BA magazin

4、eCA textbook. DA website.2What is the aim of the passage?ATo sell the goods of the poor people.BTo help people to pick out a better gift.CTo expect more people to raise money to help the poor people.DTo encourage people to buy things for the poor people.3The gifts you give are Asomething your loved

5、one keepsBsome beautiful cardsCsomething really needed by the poor peopleDsome lovely toys and fashionable clothes4One characteristic of the catalogue is that the goods are listed Ain the order of their pricesBaccording to the lengths of their namesCbased on their importanceDout of order5Which count

6、ry may receive the special gifts according to the passage?AAmerica. BKenya.CBritain. DItaly.【答案】15 DDCAB donate vt.捐赠(教材P34)Would you like to donate an unusual gift?你是否想要捐赠一份特殊的礼物?(1) 把捐赠给(2)donation n. 捐赠物;捐赠,赠送make a donation/donations to. 向捐赠collect donations (for) 为募捐Last year he donat

7、ed$1,000 to cancer research.去年他捐了1 000美元支持癌症研究。All donations (donate) will be gratefully received.我们将十分感激地接受所有的捐赠。 in need在困难中;在危急中(教材P34)Choose from this catalogue a really useful gift for some of the worlds poorest and bring hope for a better future to a community in need.从这份清单中选择一份确实有用的礼物,送给世界上最穷

8、苦的人并且给急需帮助的社区带去改善的希望吧。When(you are)in need,dont hesitate to ask me for help.需要时,请尽管找我帮忙。(1)be in need of sth. 需要at ones need 在某人困难时satisfy/meet ones needs 满足某人的需要(2)There is no need(for sb.)to do sth. (对某人来说)没必要做某事I have patients in need of medical attention right now.现在我有病人急需治疗。There is no need for

9、 you to change(change)any of these.您无须更改这些中的任何一个。 purchase vt.& n买;购买(教材P34)When you purchase an item,we will send you an attractive card for you to send to your special person.当你选购一件礼物时,我们会给你一张精美的卡片,让你送给你的某个特殊的人。The new couple spent some money for the purchase of the furniture necessary for their n

10、ew house.这对新婚夫妇花费了一些钱为他们的新房子购买了必要的家具。(1)purchase sth.for. 以的价格购得某物purchase sth.from. 从处购得某物(2)make a purchase 采购The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier.这种设备可从您当地的供应商那儿购买。They purchased the house for $30,000.他们以3万美元买了这座房子。名师点津purchase用作名词,作“购买”讲时,为不可数名词,作“购买物,购买量”讲时,为可数名词。 distributio

11、n n分配;分发;分布状态(教材P35)This gift covers the cost of production and distribution of seedlings,as well as training in tree care for the local villagers who are working hard to prevent their land from turning into desert.这个礼物包括了树苗的培植和分配费用以及对当地村民进行树林保护的培训费用,村民们正在努力防止他们的土地变成沙漠。distribute vt. 分配;分发distribute

12、 把某物分配/发给distribute.into. 把分成They had distributed bonuses among the staff.他们已经把奖金分给了全体员工。The teacher distributed the textbooks to/among the class.老师把课本分发给了全班学生。 operate vi.工作;运转;动手术 vt. 操作;(被)使用;经营(教材P35)This gift covers the cost of exercise books and textbooks for community primary sch

13、ools that operate in poor or remote villages.这份礼物包含了支付贫困或偏远村庄社区小学的练习本和课本的费用。写出下列句子中operate的词性及含义The doctor had to operate on his daughter that 动手术The machine is operating运转The old man operates several companies.vt.经营,管理The sleeping pill operated at起作用,奏效(1)operate o

14、n 给动手术(2)operator n. 操作者,接线员;(外科)施行手术者(3)operation n. 运转;操作;手术bring/put into operation 实施,使生效,使运行come/go into operation 开始运转,开始生效Well have to operate on the little girl.我们得给这个小女孩动手术。The new production plant came into operation last month.新的制造厂上个月投入运转。语境助记His father is operating a big company,which o

15、perates in several cities,making high profits.In return for society,he donated much money to a patient in need,who was operated on last year.他的父亲经营着一家大公司,在几个城市里运营着且盈利很高。作为对社会的回报,他为一位去年动了手术急需帮助的病人捐了一大笔钱。.语境填词 【导学号:29180014】1The doctor said he was a and had operated on the patient.He was willing to pa

16、rticipate in the activity.(volunteer)2We to the school fund every year.The is given to those who do best in exams.(donate)3The has joined in many activities to spread his views.(political)4The machine is easy to ,so you can make it come into easily.(operate)5The his possessions to his sons,hoping th

17、e can make them happy.(distribute)【答案】1.volunteer;voluntary2.donate;donation3politician;political;political4.operate;operation5distributor;distributed;distribution.选词填空in need;operate on;;make purchases;;care for1She is willing to money a worthy cause.2Im afraid youll have to

18、 for your heart trouble.3He is ready to help others,especially those 4As an orphan,he by the local government.5He came to the nearest shop to of all he wanted.【答案】1.donate; operated need4was cared for5.make purchases (教材P34)The gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a v

19、oluntary contribution towards the lives of people who really need it.你送的礼物不是给你所爱的人留念的,而是给那些确有生活需要的人的一项自愿性捐助。【要点提炼】not.but.“不是而是”,用于连接两个结构相似、语法功能相同的并列成分,如名词、形容词、介词短语、分词、动词不定式、分句等。(1)not.but.连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数按“就近一致”原则确定。(2)not only.but(also),either.or.,neither.nor.连接两个主语时,谓语动词按“就近一致”原则确定。It is not how mu

20、ch you read but what you read that matters.重要的不是你读了多少而是你读的什么。Not you but the interpreter is(be) to answer for it.对此负责的是口译人员而不是你。 (教材P35)They are easy and fun for children to care for.孩子们照看它们既轻松又有趣。【要点提炼】本句为简单句,属于“主语beadj.(for sb.)to do”句型。(1)该句型中,句子的主语与动词不定式之间是被动关系,这时不定式有两点需要注意:一是用主动形式表达被动意义;二是不定式的动

21、词需为及物动词,若为不及物动词,应加相应的介词。(2)用于该句型中的形容词常有:light(轻的),heavy(重的),easy(容易的),difficult/hard(难的),comfortable(舒适的),unfit(不合适的),fit(合适的)等。The armchair looks rather hard,but in fact it is very comfortable to sit in.这个扶手椅看起来很硬,但是坐上去很舒服。The tractor is hard for me to handle on such a muddy road.在如此泥泞的道路上,拖拉机对我来说很

22、难操作。These questions are difficult for little children to reply(reply)to.这些问题对小孩子而言很难回答。句型转换1It is bitter to taste the coffee.The coffee 2It is easy for children to understand the book.The book is easy 3It is heavy for the old man to carry the box.The box is heavy 4He wants to buy not a skirt,but a dress.It is that he wants to buy.5Not he but you are to blame. not he but you to blame.【答案】 bitter to taste2.for children to understand3.for the old man to carry4.not a skirt but a dress5.It is;that are

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