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高中必修1 复习.docx

1、高中必修1 复习Unit 1 一、基本词汇、句型1. steal sth.from sb. / steal sbs sth. (stole,stolen) thief theftrob sb. of sth. (robbed,robbed) robber robberycheat sb. out of sth. (cheated,cheated) cheat 2. share sth. with sb.share happiness and sorrow 同甘共苦share joys and sorrowsThey shared the same tastes and interests.他们

2、趣味相投。the lions share 最大份额3. be crazy about/ over They are crazy about / over pop music.go crazy/mad The girl went crazy with sb. crazy What he said at the meeting nearly drove me crazy The workers have to work like crazy to finish the work on time.4. form a habitform the habit

3、of form good habits5. join the Party/ the League/ the club/ the group/ WTO/ the army/ the organizationjoin in the game/ the discussion/ the conversationjoin sb. in the game6. advise do sth.advise doing sth.advise that sb. (should) do sth.a piece of advice/ some advice/ a lot of adviceturn to s

4、b. for advicefollow/ take ones advicegive sb. some advice on how to do7. It (so) happened that It appeared that It seemed that It is said/reported/believed that It happende that he was out. He happened to be out.It seemed that they were eating something. They seemed to be eating something.It was rep

5、orted that they had finished their homework. They were reported to have finished their homework.8. 另外10个人another 10 people / 10 more people / 10 other people9. He lives alone, but he doesnt feel lonely.He lives on a lonely island.You should finish the work alone.10. make + n. + n. make sb. do be mad

6、e to do make oneself done (heard/ understood/ known)make + n. + adj. Mr Ding made Zhao monitor. Zhao was made monitor by Mr Ding. I raised my voice in order to make myself heard. I raised my voice in order to make people hear me.Exercise can make me strong and healthy.11. tell lies /tell a lie tell

7、the truth12. cant help doingcant help (to) doI cant help feeling sorry because I cant help do anything for you.13. let sb. domake sb. dohave sb. doget sb. to do14. have difficulty /trouble (in) doing sth.have difficulty /trouble with sth.take great trouble to do sth.make great efforts to do sth.15.

8、too much 不可数名词too many 可数名词much too 形容词、副词be too much for This job is too much for an old man of 80.16. add Then he added that add to The fireworks added to the attraction of the Spring Festival. add up to All his school education added up to no more than one year.17. to the point 中肯,得要领 off the poi

9、ntbe short and to the point 简明扼要be on the point of 将要,正要point out / It is pointed out that指出 the freezing point a turning point in history gain a point The point is that my strong / weak point point out the mistakes18. be (much) concerned about 十分关心,十分挂念As / So far as Im concerned , 就我个人而言19. German

10、y German GermansRome Roman RomansFrance French Frenchmen20. dare在肯定句中,dare,dares,dared之后,一般加to He dares to do most things, but he doesnt dare to do this. He dared to do that and something even worse.(2) 在否定句和疑问句中的dare之后, 一般不加to We could see he dared not tell the truth. Dare she tell them what she kn

11、ows? How dare you say so?(3) 在do 、does 构成的否定、疑问句中,应当有但往往省略We didnt dare (to) tell him that he had failed again this time.Does he dare (to) go out at night in such stormy weather?21.It is the first time that It is high time that It is the second time that John has held an art exhibition. It is high t

12、ime that we started work. It was the third time that she had come to this mountain village to see the children.22. Important sentences of this unit:1) I stayed awake on purpose in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.2) Im getting along well with a boy in my class. We often do homework to

13、gether and we enjoy helping each other.3) They say that this boy and I have fallen in love. This has made me angry.4) Im not very good at communicating with people. So I feel quite lonely sometimes.5) I would be grateful if you would give me some advice.6) As good friends, we trust each other and ar

14、e always concerned about each other. Sometimes we do quarrel, but soon we calm down and have a heart-to-heart talk to solve our problems.7) True friends should share happiness and sorrow.8) Keep on trying. Im sure youll make even greater progress in English.二、根据中文意思写出单词。点,分数 n. 列出 vt.不理睬,忽视 vt.( )(

15、)( )在户外,在野外 adv.松散的 adj.涉及vt.; 关心,关注 n.( )( )( )欺骗,作弊vt & vi. & n.理由,原因 n.使不安vt.&vi.;心烦意乱的adj.( )( )( )分享vt. 份额n,感觉,感情 n. 德国人,德语n. 德国的adj.( )( )( )疯狂的,狂热的 adj.自然界 n.敢,胆敢 vt.& v.aux( )( )( )雷声n.; 打雷 vi完全地,整个地 adv.能力,权力 n.( )( )( )信任,信赖vt.& n.在室内 adv.遭受,忍受 vt.& vi.( )( )( )十几岁的青少年 n.忠告,建议 n.测验n.; 对进行测

16、验vt.( )( )( )情形,位置 n.编辑 n.习惯,习性 n.( )( )( )三、根据中文意思写出词组。合计合计达平静下来,镇定下来不得不,必须关心,挂念遛狗经历,经受躲藏,隐藏放下,记下,登记一连串的,一系列故意为了面对面地按照;根据所说与相处,进展相爱,爱上参加,加入对疯狂的太多/ 太如此以致于与交流考试作弊与交朋友寻求建议四、根据中文意思补全句子1. 你的朋友把相机弄坏了,而你不得不花钱请人将它修好。Your friend _ the camera and you had to pay to _ _ _.2. 这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚,与它面对面。 It was _ _ _

17、 in a year and a half that I _ _ the night _ _ _.3. 安妮将日记当作自己最好的朋友。 Ann _ her diary _ _ _.4. 有天晚上天气很暖和,我熬到11点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮。 When it was so warm, I _ _ _ _ until half past eleven one evening _ _ _ have a look at the moon for once by myself.5. 我一直等到非关窗不可的时候才下楼去。 I _ go downstairs _ the window had

18、 to be _.6. 你英语学得怎么样了? How _ you _ _ _ your English study?7. 他离开的如此匆忙以至于忘记了他的钥匙。 He left in _ a hurry _ he forgot his key.Unit 2 一、基本词汇、句型1. English-speaking countries:The U.K. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandThe U.S the United States of AmericaCanadaAustraliaNew Zealand2. in

19、clude This group include 3 men and 5 women.including There are 8 people in the group, including 5 women.included There are 8 people in the group, 5 women included. follow Can you follow me?following The teacher entered the room, following some students.followed The teacher entered the room, followed

20、 by some students.interest interesting interested 3. because of becauseThe meeting had to be put off because it rained heavily/hard.They had to put off the meeting because of the heavy rain.4. play a role in / play a part inShe played an important role / a major part in winning the match.He played a

21、n active part in the local community.5. in the direction of in all directions = in every directionunder the direction of 6. make full use of make good use of You should make better use of your time7. in the early /middle / late 1980s/1980s/80sin ones early /middle /late thirties 8. Monday Tuesday We

22、dnesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 9. January February March April May June July August September October November December10. a number of the number of 11. Important sentences of this unit:1) India has a very large number of English speakers.2) Today the number of people learning English in Ch

23、ina is increasing rapidly.3) Actually, it was based more on German than present day English.4) All languages change when cultures communicate with one another.5) The hospital is 4 blocks from here. You may go there by taxi or on foot. 二、根据中文意思写出单词。包括,包含 vt.橡皮,橡胶n.统治,支配v.( )( )( )角色,任务n.汽油(英) n.词汇,词表

24、n.( )( )( )国际的,世界的adj.气体,煤气 n.使用,用法n.( )( )( )本地人n.& 本地人的adj.近代的,现代的 n.( )( )( )电梯,升降机n.文化,文明n.迅速地 adv.( )( )( )公寓住宅n.事实上,实际上adv.糖果(美) n.( )( )( )公寓住宅n.& 平坦的adj.现在的,出席的adj.命令,指令 n&v.( )( )( )请求,要求n.&v.复述,重述 vt.有礼貌的adj.( )( )( )老板,上司n. 闪电n.中西部的adj.( )( )( )南方的adj.东方的 adj.东南方的 adj.( )( )( )地铁,地下

25、人行道n.辨认出,承认vt.口音,腔调 n. ( )( )( )标准n.& 标准的adj方向,指导 n.街区,块 n.( )( )( )三、根据中文意思写出词组。在中担任角色充分利用不仅仅_因为,由于大量的信不信由你_尽管,即使的数目,的数量靠近,接近_与某人交流例如关心,挂念_以为基础举例说明与不同_走近,上来在17世纪_四、根据中文意思补全句子1. 英语在一段时间里为什么会起变化呢?Why has English changed _ _ ?2. 当今在中国学英语的人数正在迅速增长.Today _ _ _ _ learning Engish in China _ increasing rap

26、idly.3. 即使在电视和收音机里,你也会听出人们说话时的差异.Even on TV and the radio you will hear the differences _ _ _ people speak.4. 或者是你或者是他得去那里._ you _ he has to go there.Unit 3 一、基本词汇、句型1. persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事into doing sth. talk sb. into doing sth.out of doing sth. out of doing sth. try to persuade sb. to d

27、o sth., but 说而不服 advise sb. to do sth., but 请翻译: 我爸爸劝我参加夏令营。 他妈妈劝他不要参加夏令营。 我爸爸劝我参加夏令营,但我拒绝了。manage to do sth. try to do sth.succeed in doing sth. fail to do sth.success failure 抽象名词具体化Failure is the mother of success.The meeting was a great success.As a father, he is a failure. But as a teacher, he is a success.2. He determined on going to college. = He was determined to go to college. = He made up his mind to go to college. = He dec

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