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1、八年级英语上册月考试题含答案2016年八年级英语上册11月月考试题(含答案) 德惠三中2016-2017学年度上学期11月份月考八年英语试题、根据句意填入一个适当的词,使句意完整。( 10 分)1 u an g t a gd universit _ u stud hard,2 I lie his dishes( 菜 ) ver uh He is a gd _3 hat is the _ f the rd “n”?4 If u ant t be a translatr翻译家, u shuld learn a_language Peple ill have their _ rbts in the

2、future 6 There ill be re air _ if re and re peple drive ars t r7 I hpe there ill be rld _ in the future 8 The hite fail ved &nt;_a ne apartent last nth9 Dnt fall _&nt;&nt;_,be areful ! 10 The fatr ften _ the aste ater int the river 、用所给词的适当形式填空 (1 分 )11、Lang Lang is a faus (pian)12、He is ging t be a

3、n atr hen he _( gr ) up13、The students sang a sng at the (begin) f the lass14、Heres (persn) infratin1、I thin that a reslutin is a p rise t (e)16、If u tr ur best, nthing is (pssible)17、esterda, T (dig)a hle in the ard18、The des is (ver) ith se nespapers19、I dnt thin its a gd idea I (agree) ith u20、Hu

4、ndreds f (travel) e t hina ever ear21、e never n hat (happen) trr22、These rers alas r in a (danger) plae23、She_(be) able t ride a bie hen she as five24、an rbts an d the sae things as (huan)2、 sister is ging t tae (at) lessns、单项选择 (2 分 ) ( )26、 He is ging t _fr his fail during the hlida A B ing s D ed

5、( )27、 He praties _the guitar ever da A pla B plaing t pla D plas ( )28、 T eeps n _ se reading befre ging t bed A d B ding t d D des( )29、 The _three en t the n last ear A sent B put hsen D brught( )30、 Nt everne _hat the ant t be A n B ns t n D ne( )31、There _a eeting next ee A ill has B ill have i

6、ll be D is ging t have ( )32、 ill there be an trees _100 ears ? A in B after t D later ( )33、 -ill this tree live _1000 ears ld ? -es, it ill A being B t be been D be ( )34、 Le ts pla a part _this prble It is interesting A disuss B t disuss in disussing D disussing ( )3、 H an _d e need t ae fruit sa

7、lad ? A abbage B ptates bananas D len( )36、 I a s hungr Please give e _t eat A sething B anthing nthing D an ( )37、 I dnt n _a banana il A hat B hen t ae h t ae D h t d ( )38、 Peel the ptates first ,then _ A ut up it B ut it up ut the up D ut up the ( )39、There ill be _ars in the it beause peple ill

8、 tae the suba A feer B less uh D re( )40、 Le ts _se salt _the sup A add , t B put t add, in D add ,up( )41、i _ se il int the glass and then he dran it A t B pured added D put ( )42、 It is dangerus _ith the anials A fr us t pla B f us plaing fr us plaing D f us t plaing ( )43、There are _in the fridge

9、 A t ups f gurt B t up f gurtx a up f gurt D t ups f gur ts( )44、- _ ill he e ba ? - In t dasA H lng B H uh H ften D H sn( )4、The hills are vered _lts f tress n A in B fr ith D fr ( )46、I need _apples A anther t B t anther ther t D re t ( )47、There is a b _appples A eating B is eating eats D t eat(

10、)48 -hat d u need fr the sandih? -_A hien and lettue B hiens and lettue hien and lettues D hiens and lettues ( )49、 I ill _spea English in ne ear A be able t B an ust D a ( )0、 She is_ gd girl A a suh B suh a s a D a s 、交际运用(根据对话内容,选择正确的选项填空,有一项是多余的。)( 分 ) A: Hi,ar 1_B: I thin I ill be a dtrA: A dtr

11、? 2_B: I ill r in AfriaA: 3_B: N, I nt 4_A: Beiing? ure idding! _B: I ill tae a UF nt that be fun?A: H ill u g t r ever da?B; hat ill u be in ten ears?: I ill live in BeiingD :here ill u r?E: Beiing is nearF ill u live in Afria?、完形填空( 1 分 )There is an English rner in ur shl Ever Sunda afternn, an f

12、lassates e t the rner teaher iss Li es here, 6 At the rner, e all 7 English The rner started last ear There ere nl 8 students beause an ere afraid t spea English After a fe ees, re and re 9 ae here At first, se students ust 60 t the ther students I as ne f the I as afraid t spea English I thught sen

13、e uld 61 &nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt;&nt; e, but I anted t speaI 62 spe English in heart teaher ent n saing,“ Dnt be 63 pen ur uth”I tried and tried t pen uth 64 ,I said “Hell!” t the teaher The teaher as ver 6 She said “Hell!” t e at ne Fr 66 n, I began t spea English I r hard at English and I tr best 67 r

14、e I learn 68 teaher and lassates at the rner N I an spea a little English Ever Sunda afternn , I e t the rner 69 Its a gd 70 t spea English Please in us( ) 6 Aals Beither t D as ell ( ) 7 Asa B tal tell D spea ( ) 8 Aa lt f B a little an Da fe ( ) 9 Aparents B students teahers D plaers ( ) 60 A tale

15、d B spe listened Dae ( ) 61 Ahelp B laugh at stp Dfit int ( ) 62 Aalas B hardl never D seld ( 很少)( ) 63 Aa relaxed B brave afraid D surprised ( ) 64 AAt first B At last At ne(立刻) DAt ties (有时)( ) 6 Ahapp B interesting sad Dafraid ( ) 66 An B then tda Dthat ( ) 67 At spea B f tal saing D telling ( )

16、68 At B at fr D fr ( ) 69 Alate B ften earl D t ( ) 70 Ar B shl he D plae、阅读理解 ( 30 分 )Aung peple have an dreas Here are Lei Ping and her friends dreas Lei Ping is ging t be an atr She lies ating She thins the atrs are ell-nn and the an ae lts f ne She is ging t tae ating lessns Her friend ng lies r

17、iting He is ging t rite artiles fr the agazines hen he grs up He thins reading re is gd fr riting S he ften reads bs in the librar n The ther friend Li is ging t be a teaher She thins hildren are lvel(可爱的) and in the lng vaatin she an d hat she ants t d 根据短内容,选择正确答案 ( 分 )( ) 71 Lei Pings drea is t b

18、e a(n) A atr B pilt ban ler D reader( ) 72hat des Lei Ping thin f the b f atr?A The atrs are ell-nn B The atrs an travel anhere She desnt lie atrs D She thins the are tired( )73 H is ng ging t ahieve( 实现 ) his drea?A He is ding re exerise ever daB He is riting artiles fr the agazines He is reading b

19、s in the librarD He is taing riting lessns after shl( )74 Li is Lei Pings A reader B usin sister D friend( )7 These ideas f the ung are A interesting B nt health nt true D rng( 错误 )Bhat ill ur hes be lie in the future? Here are se preditins:ant t tae a sher hen u get he? ull be able t let ur sart at

20、er heater (热水器) t start heating up hen ure n ur a he Did I turn ff the ven? Did I lse the ind? Everne a have a ent lie that But in the future, ur he ill he these fr u In ur he f the future, all f ur devie an r tgether t ae ur life re frtable hen u turn n the lights in the rning, ur inds ill pen at t

21、he sae tie The lights ill sll turn ff b theselves after the sun appears( 出现 ) ur he a have dangers The haers (黑客) uld pen ur dr and ause(导致) a ess(混乱) at ur he thrugh ur phne r ther devies(设备 ) ur he ill tell u abut it but u ant arrive in tie S peple ill have t be areful f their persnal infratin根据短内

22、容,选择正确答案 ( 分 )( )76 In the future, hat an e d n ur a he? A Tae a sher B Let the ater heater r eep ring D Have a l at ur sart he devies( )77 hat ill ur life be lie in the future in sart hes?A re frtable B Ver bus Ver safe D re bring( )78 h ill let u n if sene breas int ur he in the future?A ur friend

23、 B ur he The plie D ur neighbr( )79 hat an e NT learn fr the passage( )?A There ight be dangers abut sart hes in the future B The haers ight nl e int ur he thrugh the phne The lights ill turn ff b theselves hen the sun es ut D u dnt need t rr if u frget t lse inds in the future ( )80 hats the best t

24、itle( 题目 ) f the passage?A Se Beautiful HusesB Se Faus Preditins A Better rld D Hes f the FutureSe hildren ish t be riters se da The ant t rite stries r bs fr peple t read Thats gd! Its gd t rite sething fr peple t read! But the shuld n that the need t be gd readers first befre the are reall gd rite

25、rs The shuld read a lt f bs, instead(代替) f athing TV and spending a lt f tie plaing gaes hen the are free There is re fun in reading, u ant t l fr re bs t read Befre u deide(决定) t be a gd riter, ud better sa t urself, “I ust read re and re!” 根据短内容,选择正确答案。( 分 )( ) 81 This artile ainl tells us that _

26、A se hildren ish t be riters se da B it is gd t rite sething fr peple t read reading an be helpful fr us t bee a gd riter D riters lie t read re bs fr fun ( )82 Se hildren ant t be riters _ A beause the ant t be gd readers B t rite stries r bs fr peple t read t find gd r se da D t get re ne t eep a

27、fail ( ) 83 Its gd fr hildren _ A t d a lt f reading B t ath TV in the evening t have ishes nl D t be gd riters right n ( ) 84 Reading an _ A help u t be a gd plaer B help u rite ell ae u r better D ae u ath re TV at he ( ) 8 Fr the passage e n that _ A all hildren lie t be riters B peple lie t read

28、 fr hildren all riters are hildren D hildren need t read re and re bsDLast ee e did a surve n QQ abut hat ur future plan is These are three students ansersBluesI ging t be an auntant ( 会计)beause I lve ath s uh I need t d a lt t ahieve reslutins I ging t stud fr the PA exa, beause I have t pass that

29、if I ant t be an auntant I ging t r in Shaxing I dnt lie Shanghai There are t an peple thereBrhen I as a hild, I had an idea t be a dtr in the future I alas sa peple die n TV I felt sad S drea is t be a dtr I ant t be the persn h an save peples life ust lie ar SirusAnnaI an utging girl I lie ding ex

30、iting things drea is t r fr freign turists( 游客 ) as a tur guide( 导游 ) hats re, I lie singing Singing English sngs is favrite I believe I ill be ppular ith freign turists根据短内容,判断正误,正确写A,错误写B ( 分 )( )86 Blues is ging t r in Shaxing beause its nt rded( )87 Its nt nees sar( 必要 ) fr an auntant t pass the PA ex a( )88 Br is ging t have the sae b as ar Sirus( )89 Anna is ging t be a singer in the future( )90 All the three students ha

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