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1、广州市第四中学中考二模英语试题精华版广州市第四中学2017学年下初三英语二模试题时间:120分钟 总分:110分注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、试室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。2选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。不能答在试卷上。3非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作

2、答的答案无效。4考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷(75分)一、语法选择(共15个空格, 15分; 每个空格1分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1-15各题所给的A、B、C、和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Alittle boy without parents lived with his grandmother.One night their house caught fire.The grandmother tried to save the little boy asleepupstairsand _1_ in t

3、he smoke and fire.Acrowd gathered around the burning house.The boys cries for help were so _2_, but no one answered.They didnt seem to know _3_ to do in front of the terrible fire.Suddenly a stranger rushed from _4_ crowd and circled to the back of the house.And he found an iron pipe that could _5_

4、an upstairs window.Hedisappearedfor a minute,and thenappeared with the boy in his arms. _6_ the cheers of people, he climbed down the hot pipe as the boy hung around his neck.Afew weeks later, a public hearing _7_ in thetownhall to decide who could care for the boy.Eachpersonwanting the child was al

5、lowed _8_ a few words.The first man said,“I_9_ a big farm.”The second man said he was a teacher and that he would give the child the _10_ education. Then, a well-dressed man said,“Ihave a lot of money.Iwill give the boy _11_ he wants.”In the end, a stranger stood up from thebackseat.The little boydi

6、dntlook up _12_ the man stood directly in front of the little boy.The stranger took out his hands _13_ from his pockets.Themans hands wereterriblyscarred.Suddenly the boy cried.Here was the man _14_ saved his life.With a rush the boy threw _15_aroundthestrangersneck and held on for life.There is no

7、love greater than risking ones life.1. A. had diedB. diesC. were diedD. died2. A. loudB. loudlyC. louderD. more loudly3. A. howB. whichC.whatD. when4. A. aB. anC. theD. /5. A. reachB. to reachC. reachingD. reached6. A. AtC. InC. BetweenD. Among7. A. holdB. heldC. is heldD. was held8. A. to sayB. say

8、ingC. to sayingD. being said9. A. hasB. haveC. hadD. was having10. A. goodB. betterC. much betterD. best11. A. somethingB. nothingC. everythingD. anything12. A. thatB. untilC. whenD. while13. A. slowlyB. slowlierC. slowD. slower14. A. whichB. whoC. whatD. whom15. A. hisB. himC. heD. himself二、完形填空(共1

9、0个空格,15分; 每个空格1.5分)阅读下面短文, 掌握大意, 然后从16-25各题所给的A、B、C、D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Early every morning, a shepherd(牧羊人) took his sheep out into the fields to eat grass and then he would sit down under a tree. Sometimes, while_16_ his sheep, he would sleep for a short time. After the sheep were _17_, he woul

10、d walk back home with them.One day, the shepherd saw a_18_ watching his sheep. It was standing some distance away. At first, the shepherd stood on guardagainstthe wolf. He thought he would have a _19_ with the enemy. He kept a strict watch over its movement. But the wolf didnothing. When the shepher

11、d walked back home with his sheep, the wolf _20_ followed themat a distance.This continued for a few days. The shepherd would find the wolf waiting near the _21_ every morning, but itjustwatched and didnt catch any sheep. By and by, the shepherd _22_ the wolf less and less. After a few days he even

12、began to look forward toseeingthe wolf.One day,whilethe sheep were eating, the shepherd was called back home. Now he began to look upon the wolf as a guardian of his sheep.So he left the sheep in the fields and went home _23_. When he came back, what did he find? The wolf had_24_most of his sheep. T

13、he dead sheep were everywhere.The shepherd was_25_. It is my fault. he cried. After all, I put my trust in a wolf!16.A. watching B. findingC. seeingD. showing17.A. tired B. boredC. fullD. free18.A. dog B. child C. tigerD. wolf19.A. fight B. wordC. gameD. meal20.A. happily B. quietlyC. excitedlyD. no

14、isily21.A. mountain B. river C. fieldsD. house22.A.looked afterB.waited forC.thought ofD. worriedabout23. A. abroadB. alongC. aloudD. alone24.A. beaten B. stolenC. killedD.eaten25.A. painful B. regretfulC. forgetfulD. awful三、阅读(共两节,满分45分)第一节阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从26-45各题所给的A.B.C.和D项中选出最佳的选择,

15、并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。( A )The first Starbucks coffee shop opened in 1971 in downtown Seattle, Washington, in the United States. It was a small coffee shop that roasted its own coffee beans. The coffee shops business did well, and by 1981 there were three more Starbucks stores in Seattle.Things really began

16、to change for the company in 1981. That year, Howard Schultz met the three men who ran Starbucks. Schultz worked in New York for a company that made kitchen equipment. He noticed that Starbucks ordered a large number of special coffee makers and he was curious about the company. Schultz went to Seat

17、tle to see what Starbucks did, and he liked what he saw. He wanted to become part of the company. In 1982, the original Starbucks owners hired Schultz as the companys head of marketing.In 1983, Schultz travelled to Italy. The special atmosphere of the coffee bars there caught his eye.Back in the USA

18、, Schultz created an environment for Starbucks coffee shops, and customers everywhere seemed to like it.Starbucks began opening more stores across the USA.Then the company opened coffee shops in the other countries as well.Today, there are more than 16,000 Starbucks coffee shops all over theworld.On

19、e thing that helps make Starbucks succeed in cities outside the United States is the way Starbucks works with local stores and restaurants. By working together with a store already in the city, Starbucks gets an understanding of customers in the city. This understanding helps Starbucks open stores i

20、n the right locations for their customers.However, that does not mean Starbucks has not had problems.In fact, many Starbucks stores have closed over the past few years.On one hand, this was because there were too many coffee shops competing forbusinessin one small area.On the other hand, stores in s

21、omecountriesclosedbecausethe coffee culture there did not match with the“feel the same everywhere”environmentofferedby Starbucks.( ) 26. Which is true about the Starbucksfirst ten years ofbusiness?A.It grew very quickly.B.It was a small company.C.It made special coffee makers.D.It was run by Howard

22、Schultz.( ) 27. Who is Howard Schultz?A. An coffee maker in Seattle.B. A coffee seller in New York.C. The man who changed the company.D. One of the original owners of the company.( ) 28.What helps Starbucks succeed in places outside the United States?A. Learning about local customers.B. Only selling

23、 locally produced coffee beans.C. Working with other major coffee-making companies.D. Opening restaurants in just a few locations each year.( ) 29. Why did so many Starbucks close in small areas?A. Because the coffee in these places was too expensive.B. Because the style of the coffee stores seems t

24、he same.C. Because there were too many coffee shops in one place.D. Because people like to drink coffee at home with friends.( ) 30.What is the main idea of this passage?A.How Starbucks has grown.B. Starbucks customers.C. What Starbucks makes.D. How Starbucks makes its coffee.( B )When I was growing

25、 up, I had an old neighbor, Dr. Gibbs. He didnt look like any doctor Id ever known. He never invited us to play in his yard, but he was a very kind person.When Dr. Gibbs wasnt saving lives, he was planting trees. He owned a large field and wanted to make it a forest.The good doctor had some interest

26、ing ideas about planting trees. He never watered his new trees. Once I asked why. He said that watering plants spoiled them, and that if you watered them, each baby tree would grow weaker and weaker, so you had to make things difficult for them andpick out the weaker trees early on.He talked about h

27、ow watering trees made for shallow(浅的)roots, and how trees that werent watered had to grow deep rootsin search ofwater under the earth by themselves. Deep roots were very important.So he never watered his trees. Hed planted an oak and, instead of watering it every morning, hed beat it with a rolled-

28、up newspaper. I asked him why he did that, and he said it was to get the trees attention.Dr. Gibbs died several years after I left home. Every now and then, I walked by his house and looked at the trees that I watched him plant about twenty-five years ago. Theyre very big and strong now.I planted so

29、me trees a few years back and carried water to them for a whole summer. After two years of caring too much, whenever a cold wind blows in, they shake a lot.Every night before I go to bed, I check on my two sons. Mostly I praythat their lives will be easy. But lately Ive been thinking that its time t

30、o change my prayer. I know my children are going to face difficulties. Theres always a cold wind blowing somewhere, so what we need to do is to pray for roots that reach deep into the brave heart, so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we could face it strongly and wont be beaten down.( ) 31.What can we know from the passage? A.The doctordidnt know how to plant trees at all.B.The doctorwasnt good at his own medical job. C.The doctorhad his own ways of planting trees.D.The doctorhad nothing to do but plant trees.( ) 32.What didDr. Gibbsmean when hesaid “ pick out the w

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