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北师大版高中英语必修3 Unit7 课文知识点的总结.docx

1、北师大版高中英语必修3 Unit7 课文知识点的总结Unit7 课文知识点的总结重难点解析 1. They achieved this long before Columbus ever set sail.1) long before 早在.之前,很久之前 eg. He told me that he had seen the film long before. before long 不就之后,很快 相当于soon eg. Before long he had to move again. achieve完成 (功绩等); 实现 (目标, 目的等); 获得。例1:They achieved

2、the victory at last. 他们终于获得了胜利。例2:She achieved a six-minute mile. 她用6分钟跑完了一英里。例3:He will never achieve anything if he doesnt work hard. 他如果不努力工作就永远不会有所成就。2) set sail张帆, 启航。例:Mr. Li set sail for Japan yesterday. 李先生昨日乘船启航去了日本。拓展:关于set的常用句型和短语: set an example树立一个榜样例:Lei Feng set a good example to othe

3、rs. 雷锋给他人树立了一个好的榜样。 set off出发例:We set off at dawn. 我们黎明时就动身了。 set out出发; 着手开始做例:The reporter immediately set out to get these important facts as soon as the accident happened. 事故一发生,那位记者就立即着手去采集这些重要的资料。 set up建立例:One of my dreams is to set up my own school. 我有一个梦想是建立属于我自己的学校。2. because he had commit

4、ted a murder, for which he got into trouble.本句中commit意思是 “犯(错误, 罪行); 干(坏事)”。1) commit a murder犯谋杀罪commit suicide自杀commit sb./oneself to 承诺; 保证例:He didnt commit himself to anything. 他没有做任何承诺。2) get into trouble招致不幸, 陷入困境。例1:Youll get into trouble. 你会遇到麻烦的。例2:This mistake may get him into trouble. 这个错

5、误可能使他陷入困境。3. He persuaded some people to go back with him to Greenland. persuade sb. to do sth. = persuade sb. into doing sth. 劝说某人干某事。例:He persuaded me to enter / into entering the competition. 他劝我去参加比赛。拓展:1) persuade sb. not to do sth. = persuade sb. out of doing sth.劝说某人不要干某事。2) persuade sb. of s

6、th. 使某人相信3) advise sb. to do sth. = try to persuade sb. to do sth. 试图劝说(强调极力劝说, 但不一定能成功。persuade sb. to do sth.一般指劝说某人做某事已成功) 。例1:I wasnt still persuaded of the plan. 我仍然还不相信这个计划。例2:I tried to persuade him to see a doctor, but he didnt. 我极力劝说他去看病, 但是他没有去。4. of which only 14 made it to Greenland. (P8

7、)make it意思是 “达到预定目标; 及时抵达; 走完路程”。例1:They wont make it, you bet. 他们肯定办不成。例2:We can make it if we start off now. 现在我们出发还赶得上。5. a man called Biarni set sail from Iceland in search of Erics party. (P8)in search of意思是 “寻找”。= in ones/ a / the search for 例:Im always in search of someone who can understand

8、me. 我一直在寻找一个能理解我的人。拓展: search sp./sb. “搜查某个地方或某人”例:He is searching the house. 他正在搜查屋子。 search for sth. “查 (某地) 寻找某物”例:He searched the room for his passport. 他搜查了这个房间想找到他的护照。 search for sb./sth.搜查,查找某人或某物。 例:The police searched for clues in that area. 警方在那一带查找线索。6. but he was blown off course and fou

9、nd himself in an unknown land 1)a map that shows the courses of the chief rivers 标有主要河流航道的地图2)find oneself 表示 “发现自己(处于某状态);不知不觉地来到”。例:I found myself spending a whole day in my tent. 我发现自己在帐篷里不知不觉地呆了一整天。拓展:find+宾语+宾补 (分词、形容词、副词、名词、介词短语或to be) 等。例1:A group of children were found playing on the playgro

10、und. 有人发现一群孩子正在操场上玩耍。例2:We have found him (to be) a dishonest person. 我们发现他是一个不诚实的孩子。例3:I find it necessary to get a map while traveling. 我感到旅行的时候有必要搞到一张地图。7. I suppose it must be. (P11)suppose表示 “想; 猜测; 认为”。例如:Well, I suppose aspirin is okay for me. 哦,我想阿司匹林对我管用。拓展:1) 假定; 假使例:Lets suppose (that) th

11、e news is true. 我们假定这消息是真的。Suppose he is absent, what shall we do? 假使他不在,我们怎么办? (given, if , supposing)2) be supposed to (do)“被期望或要求; 应该”,主语是“人”时,意为“应该”;“被期望”。它可以用来表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等,相当于情态动词should。例:Everyone is supposed to wear a seat-belt in the car. 每个人在汽车里都应该系安全带。 当be supposed to. 的主语是“物”时,它表示“本应;本该”

12、,用于表示“某事本应该发生而没有发生”。例如: The train was supposed to arrive half an hour ago. 火车本应在半小时之前到达。8. journey 指长途陆路旅行 Eg. I took a journey from Beijing to Shanghai last year. Trip 短途短期旅行 eg. They planned to make a wedding trip to Paris. Tour 观光旅行 eg We were given a guided tour of the palace. Voyage 海上空中航行 eg.

13、She usually gets sick during the voyage. Travel 游历 旅行常指长时间远距离的旅行,尤指出国旅行 eg. He came home after years of foreign travel1.Unit 7 L2 Protecting the sea & L3 The sea world重难点解析1. Some government departments are trying to deal with the with 处理,应付。涉及,论及。 跟 做生意eg. I dont know how they dealt

14、with the problem. Her poems often deal with the subject of death. I have dealt with this company for 20 years. Deal with do with 的区别 Deal with 与how连用 eg. Do you know how to deal with the problem? Do with 与what 连用 eg. What would you do with an armed burgular?2. often it is quite difficult to find who

15、 is responsible for pollution It is +adj+of sb+to do sth 对人的评价 It is +adj+for sb+ to do sth 对事的评价 Eg. It is clever of you to work out the problem. It is very dangerous for children to cross the busy streets. Be responsible for sth 对某事负责 Be responsible to sb 对某人负责Eg. Who is responsible for the accide

16、nt? He is responsible to his kids.3. Well, they are animals of high intelligence and they communicate. of high intellingent of +名词, 在句中做表语,定语和补语。 Of +名词的用法名词是抽象名词时,相当于名词对应的形容词,说明被修饰词具有某种特征或属性。例如 use/importance/help/value/quality/necessity等。名词表示种类,数量,度量等,表示不同的人或物的共同特征,此时名词前带有不定冠词。例如 size/kind/shape/d

17、epth/length/age/color等Eg. The book is of great value. The boys are of the same age. 4. Its three times as big underwater. Some fish can produce sounds almost twice as loud as your speaking voice. (P12)这是英语中倍数的表达方式:a. A is N times as great (long, much) as B. b. A is N-1 times greater (longer, more) t

18、han B. c. A is N times the size (length, amount, weight, height) of B. 以上三句应译为: A的大小 (长度、数量等) 是B的N倍。例:This road is four times longer than that one.= This road is five times as long as that one.= This road is five times the length of that one.d. A is N times as many+ 可数名词复数+as e. A is N times as much

19、+ 不可数名词+as5. You certainly wont find a noisier fish. Notnoiser 表示最高级的含义 常见的结构有 比较级+than+all the other+名词复数 the other +名词复数 any other+名词单数 any of the other +名词复数 anything/anyone else 否定词+so/as +形容词/副词原级+as否定词+形容词/副词比较级 Eg. Tom is more intelligent than any other students in his class. Nothing is easie

20、r than this.6. Especially for younger children. (P12)especially “尤其;特别”,在句中通常作状语,用来加强语气,后面是要强调的内容。例:I love the country, especially in spring. 我喜爱乡村, 尤其是在春天。拓展:specially “特意地;专门地”,在句中通常作状语,修饰动词、形容词或其他副词。例1: I came here specially to see you. 我是专程来看你的。 例2: I made this specially for your birthday. 这是我特意

21、为你生日而做的。 7. How to they stop it from melting? Stopfrom (doing)阻止做. Preventfrom (doing) Keep from doing Eg. He was prevented /stopped/kept from going abroad.Lesson 4 Sea Stories 1. I noticed that the heavier objects went down more quickly than the smaller, lighter ones. Ones 指代前面出现过的objects,为了避免重复 It

22、/one/that/those It 替代上文提过的同一事物,替代可数名词或不可数名词 Eg. He bought a book and lent it to me. One 替代上文提到的同名异物中的一个,替代可数名词单数,复数用ones。 Eg. Its color is blue, so I want a red one.That 替代上文提到的同名异物中特指的一个,替代不可数名词。Eg. The weather here is colder than that in China. those替代上文提到的同名异物中特指的事物,替代可数名词复数。Eg. The books are bet

23、ter than those on the shelf.2. So I tied myself to a barrel to help me float. (P14)本句中tie 意思是 “系”,tie to 表示 “把某物系到某物上”。例: I tied the horse to the tree. 我把马系在树上。拓展:tie是名词, 表示 “领带, 鞋带; 纽带, 关系”。ties of blood 血缘关系knot ones tie 打领带3. All at once, the sky was covered with dark clouds and in less than a mi

24、nute we were in a terrible storm.1) all at once (=suddenly) 表示 “突然”。 例: All at once he burst into tears. 他突然大哭了起来。 2) be covered with表示 “覆盖”之意。拓展:be covered by和be covered with的区别。这两个短语都有“由覆盖”之意,介词by用于被动语态,引出动作的逻辑主语,表动作。with用于主动或被动语态均可,指“用覆盖掩盖”,表状态。例1: When Sanxia Dam was finished, many towns and vil

25、lages were covered by water. 三峡大坝完工后,许多村镇都被水淹没了。例2: He covered his face with his hands. 他双手捂着脸。例3: The mountain tops are covered with snow. 白雪覆盖着山顶。4. With the wind and waves we were going in the direction of the whirlpool, and nothing could save the direction of表示“朝方向”之意。例: He drove in the di

26、rection of the farm. 他开着车向农场的方向驶去。拓展:in the right direction向正确方向in all directions / in every direction四面八方例: Stones were flying about in every direction. 石块朝四面八方乱飞。6. As you can see, I did escape.1)as表示 “正如”。例: As we know, the sun rises in the east. 众所周知, 太阳从东方升起。拓展:as的其它用法:“像一样”。as作连接词引导比较状语从句。例:Th

27、ere is as much water in this cup as in that one. 因为,由于。as表示的“原因”是双方已知的事实或显而易见的原因,或者理由不是很重要,含义与since相同,但语气更弱,没有since正式。 例:We all like her as she is kind. 我们都喜欢她,因为她善良。 尽管,虽然。as作为连接词, 引导让步状语从句。这时从句常用倒装语序,即把从句中的表语、状语或动词原形放在as之前。 例1:Strange as it may seem,it is true尽管这事看上去很奇怪,但却是真的。 例2:Try as he might,T

28、om could not get out of the difficulties不管怎样努力,汤姆还是 摆脱不了困境。 当时,在的同时,随着。例1:As the year went by, he became older and older. 随着时间的流逝, 他变得越来越老。例2:As they were leaving,I walked to the door. 他们离开的时候,我向门口走去。 当作,作为。例:He came to China as a tourist five years ago. 五年前, 他作为游客来到中国。2) 在肯定句中, 助动词 do/does/did用来强调或

29、加强语气。例:She dose like English. 她确实很喜欢英语。 7. In the end, a boat picked me up.pick up 表示“承载 (客人,货物等) ”。例: The taxi-driver stopped to pick up a passenger. 出租车司机停下车来搭载了一名乘客。拓展:1) 拿起, 捡起 例: He picked up a book. 他捡起一本书。 2) 收集或聚集 例: He picked up the broken pieces of glass. 他拾起玻璃碎片。 3) 学得或通过学习或经历获得 (知识) 例: S

30、he picked up French during her travel to Paris. 她在巴黎旅行期间,学习了法语。 8. but they were unable to recognize me.recognize表示 “认出;辨认出”(原来熟悉或听说过的人或事物), 为瞬间动词, 不可与时间段连用。例1: I recognized his voice. 我听出了他的声音。 例2: I recognized her as my friends daughter. 我认出她是我朋友的女儿。 拓展:know表示“知道; 认识; 熟悉”的意思。指“知道; 认识” 某人或某物, 为延续性动

31、词, 可与时间段连用。例1: I knew she was against us. 我知道她反对我们。 例2: We have known each other for many years. 我们相识多年了。 关系副词引导的定语从句Vocabulary: word building:由一个词根加上前缀和(或)后缀构成另一个词。1、前缀dis- agree 同意 disagree 不同意 appear 出现 disappear 消失 cover 覆盖 discover 发现un- able 能够 unable 不能 fair 公平的 unfair 不公平的 limited 有限的 unlimited 无限的 tie 系上 untie 解开im- possible 可能的 impossible 不可能的 patient 耐心的 impatient 不耐烦的non- stop 停止 non-stop 不停的 smoker 吸烟者 non-smoker 不吸烟者mis- understan

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