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本文(17赵振增众善奉行佛教思想与企业的和谐发展.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、17赵振增众善奉行佛教思想与企业的和谐发展眾善奉行佛教思想與企業的和諧發展 趙振增 河北武山水泥有限公司董事長內容摘要:佛教是社會文化,是社會現象諸多的一種,佛法真諦也是現代化企業管理理念的指南。本文在闡揚佛教文化精粹同時,多角度、多側面概述了佛教精神與企業文化、社會責任及和諧發展的內在聯繫及現實意義。關鍵詞:佛教 企業 發展 責任 佛教自東漢傳入中國以後,千餘年來一直是中國人民的主要信仰,其間經歷代高僧大德的弘揚提倡,許多帝王卿相、飽學鴻儒也都加入這個行列,終於使佛教深入社會各個階層。它的信仰深入了民間,“家家阿彌陀,戶戶觀世音。”正是真實的寫照;而佛教的哲理部份則與儒、道等相結合、相融會、





6、善惡不過是真妄分別而導致的後果。善惡是可以轉化的,去佛教主張一種最廣大的平等觀,佛教講“是法平等,無有高下”(金剛經),主張強弱、富貧、大小、上下互相之間應該理解、諒解、寬容,彼此之間應該互相尊重,建立互信與合作。這種和合共生、自他不二的主張對於今天建立人與人之間的和諧合作關係具有非常積極的意義。 佛教講緣起,就是指一切事物的產生、發展都是有原因和條件的,一因不能生果,世間萬物都處在多種因果相續相連的關係之中,都息息相關。也就是說,每一事物、每一個人的存在都有其不可替代的獨特的價值,萬事萬物都是一種和合共生的關係。在人與人之間的關係上,佛教主張“自他不二”,就是從緣起法則觀察人與人、人與社會的








14、平自心到平天,就能實現“人心和善,家庭和樂,人際和順,社會和睦,文明和諧,世界和平”的美好願景!BenevolenceA Harmonious Development between Enterprises and Buddhism Zhao ZhenzengAbstract: As one of the phenomena from society and culture, Buddhism has placed its leading role in the management of modern enterprise as well. This thesis deals from ma

15、ny aspects with the elite of Buddhism, the relationships among Buddhism, culture of enterprises, social responsibility, and the harmonious development of the whole society. It shows very clearly the significance of Buddhism in the social life.Key words: Buddhism Enterprise Development Responsibility

16、 Buddhism was introduced into ancient China during the Eastern Han Dynasty and since then it has been the most important religion of the Chinese people. In the history of its development, many great people got involved and had made enormous contributions. Among them were emperors and ministers, scho

17、lars and philosophers. It was them who made Buddhism spread over every layer of the society. As time went on, the religious part of Buddhism won its ground among the ordinary people”every family believes in Buddhism ”, while the philosophic theory gradually met with Confucianism and Taoism, thus bec

18、ame the main trend in the sea of Chinese culture. The philosophy of Buddhism is full of profound wisdom, and has a special view on the insight of the universe, the self-reflection of human beings, and the analysis of all conceptions. Its always shining brightly and brilliantly.The relationship and s

19、ignificance of Buddhism to the management of enterprisesIn the modern society, with the advanced development of the high-tech, the life of ordinary people is going better and better. Well, instead of the highly improved conditions, there are “avarice, anger and infatuation” in their minds. In front

20、of immoderate troubles, competition stresses, and desires, people cant enjoy the coziness, happiness and peacefulness of their life. Instead, tension, exhaustion, dysphasia, worry, pain, annoyance, all kinds of problems come into human heads. Why? The mind. Everything depends on ones mind. When we e

21、xpose the surface and look at the essence of a subject, we would find that the reason why there are so many problems and troubles, rights and wrongs is that something is wrong with the human minds. Mixed selfishnesses and lusts drive people away from the truth and lost in the illusions. And the soci

22、ety, which seems so developed and civilized, is actually full of chaos and tribulations.It is said in the sutra that “only those who do what Buddha does can finally be a Buddha, and those who merely know will never be.” Buddhism thinks Buddha and common people come from the same ancestors, as a whol

23、e. So it can not be a single one that knows the truth while all the others are lost. Buddhism has no single God, but Buddha all over the world. Its self-selvation is built on the base of every peoples personal effort and their effort to help others. “Save the others, save yourself” is the essential

24、spirit of Buddhism.As a social organization, an enterprise should accept the spirit of Buddhism and set a strong social obligation as the final goal to pursuit. Although to establish an enterprise is to earn profits, it should not be the single aim or principle. An enterprise can make use of their p

25、roducts and brings the others the freedom spiritual and physical. As to the management manner and the products of an enterprise, it should clearly know what to do and what not to do. As well as it making profits, an enterprise should help its employees even the society escape their pain and find the

26、ir happiness. On the other hand, when the employees or the society received the help, they will certainly believe in the faith and concept advocated by the enterprise. Once established by the enterprise and acknowledged by the employees and society, the Buddhism spirit will serve much more for the d

27、evelopment of the enterprise. In the head office of our company, there is a grand statuary of Buddha Maitreya. I take it as the following understanding: “Wu Shan” should absorb all of the splendid traditional Chinese cultures and make good use of them. Most of our employees come from the less develo

28、ped districts with rather poor education background. Their purpose of coming to the company is to earn money, but not to accept the idea like “quality is our life”. Under this circumstance, I propose the slogan as “to make a first-class product is to do a first-class behavior, to do good to yourself

29、, the others and the society ”. In this way, the employer and the employees can stand together. Inspired by this slogan, the employees become very energetic and are very strict to the product quality, and the profit is growing every year. There are many refined beliefs in Buddhism, like morality, co

30、nsciousness, duteousness etc, they are all beliefs which suits the modern management quite well. “Save all flesh” in Buddhism is quite similar to our motto “serve the people”. Buddhism in China believes in human beings. “Do nothing but benevolence” is one of the basic Buddhist notions. Both villainy

31、 and virtue come from the mind. One is not villain or virtuous when he was born and acquired villainy or virtue is not real and stable but only the distinction of truth and falsity. In fact, Buddhism believes that all things are equal, even villainy and virtue can change into each other. So is the s

32、aying in Diamond Sutra “All principles equal each other, no discrimination”. Strong and weak, rich and poor, huge and small, high and low should understand each other, forgive each other, and respect each other. They should form a relationship of confidence and cooperation. Buddhism also believes th

33、at things are all Symbiosis. They are conjugate, homologous and unitary. Nowadays, “all from one” plays a very positive role in the founding of harmonious between people. Buddhism sticks to origin. That is to say, every outcome has a reason to come out. One single reason may not have a certain result, an

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