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顶尖学案届高考英语 BookⅢ Unit 3 The land down under大纲人教版.docx

1、顶尖学案届高考英语 Book Unit 3 The land down under大纲人教版2020届高考英语顶尖学案:大纲版Unit 3The land down under澳大利亚核心词汇1The police had to break into the house where the_(罪犯)was hiding.2The situation closely_(类似)that of Japan in 1980.3You can look up this word in the_(词汇)booklet.4All the_(女性)workers in this factory got a p

2、resent on March 8.5Children of all ages should be_(在户外)several hours a day.6The Sahara Desert is a natural_(屏障)between north and central Africa.7It may take a few weeks for you to build up your_again.The exercises are designed to strengthen your stomach musles.8用pronounce的适当形式填空:(1)She was_dead on a

3、rrival at the hospital.(2)Speak as much French as you can,and dont worry about your_.1.criminal2.resembles3.vocabulary4.female5.outdoors6.barrier7.strength8.(1)pronounced(2)pronunciation高频短语1as a _ (of)作为(的)结果2break _(指激烈事件)突然发生3feed._ 喂养;饲养4round _ 使集合在一起5benefit _ 从中受益6transform._ 把转化成7differ _ 与不

4、同8stand _ 代表1.consequence2.out3.on4.up5.from6.into7.from8.for重点句式1After the Second World War,Australia began to transform itself into the modern country_today.二战后澳大利亚开始转变为现代的澳大利亚。2_some of the Aboriginal languages have been lost,people are trying hard to protect and record_.虽然土著人的一些语言已经失传了,但是人们正努力保护

5、和记录剩下的语言。3The climate is different_the area.气候因为地域而不同。4_ from other continents for millions of years,Australia has many plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.由于与其他的大洲分离了几百万年了,澳大利亚有许多在世界上其他任何地方都找不到的植物和动物。 is2.While;what is left3.depending on4.Having been separated知识详解

6、1.resemblevt.像;类似【教材原句】(P22)In the early twentieth century,Australia resembled the USA of the eighteenth century.在二十世纪早期,澳大利亚像十八世纪的美国。She resembles her sister in appearance but not in character.她和她姐姐外貌相似,但性格不同。(朗文P1738)Its amazing how closely Brian and Steve resemble each other.布赖恩和史蒂夫长得这么像,真是太不可思议了

7、。The boy grew up to resemble his father.这男孩长大后很像他的父亲。(1)resemble sb./与在相似 (2)look看起来与在相像/相似 be the same as sb./与在相同 be similar to与相似 have common with sb./sth.与有共同之处思维拓展They have a lot in common with each other,so they get along well.他们彼此有许多共同之处,因此相处的很好。即境活用1完成句子Whoever

8、meets the little girl thinks thathe_(长像像他母亲).答案:resembles her mother in appearance2. strengthenvt.加强;巩固vi.变强【教材原句】 (P23)In the late 1960s,the government passed laws to strengthen the rights of Aborigines and Islanders and to improve their living conditions.在20世纪60年代后期,政府通过法律加强对土著居民和岛民的权力保护和提高他们的生活水平

9、。His purpose is to strengthen his position in the company.他的目的就是要巩固他在公司的地位。The school hopes to strengthen its ties with the local communities.学校希望加强其与当地社区的联系。(朗文P2040)Our friendship has steadily strengthened over the years.我们的友谊逐年加深。strength n.力量,力气;长处,优点 have the strength to do sth.有做某事的力量 build up

10、 ones strength增强体力/实力 with all ones strength尽力思维拓展(朗文P2039)Your prayers and support have given me the strength to carry on.你的祈祷和支持给了我坚持下去的力量。即境活用2完成句子(1)我太累了,再也没有力气向前走了。I was so tired that I didnt_.答案:have the strength to walk any further(2)你应该每天锻炼一小时以增强体力。You shoud exercise one hour every day to_.答

11、案:build up your strength(3)经理们要了解同事们的长处和弱点。Managers need to know their colleagues_答案:strengths and weaknesses3. differvi.不同;相异【教材原句】 (P23)Australian English differs in pronunciation from British and American English.澳洲英语在发言上不同于英国英语和美国英语。differ frombe different from与不同 differ in在方面不同 differ with sb.和

12、某人意见不同 differ about/on/over sth.关于某事意见不一致 different adj.不同的,差异的 difference n.差异,不同,分歧 make a/some/no difference(to sb./sth.) (对某人/某物)有一些/没有影响/作用 tell the difference(between A and B)分辩(A与B )思维拓展(牛津P552)French and English differ in this respect.在这方面英语和法语不同。(牛津P552)I have to differ with you on that.在这一

13、点上我不能同意你的看法。Their opinions completely differ from ours.他们的观点完全不同于我们的观点。The family differ with each other about where to spend their holiday.关于到哪里去度假,一家人意见各不相同。The rain made no difference to the game.这场雨对比赛没有影响。The twins look so alike that I can hardly tell the difference.这对双胞胎长得太像,我很难分辨出谁是谁。即境活用3Tho

14、ughts of westerners differmuch_ours in a number of ways.AbetweenBbetween thoseCfrom Dfrom those of解析:选D。differ from “与不同”,固定搭配。在英语中,前后进行比较的对象要一致,故选D。4.Leaves are found on all kinds of trees,but they differ greatly_size and shape.Aon BfromCby Din解析:选D。句意:在各种各样的树上都可看到树叶,但是它们大小不同,形状各异。考查动词与介词的搭配。differ

15、常用搭配:differ from与不同;differ in在某方面不同,故选D。4. as a consequence (of)作为(的)结果【教材原句】 (P22)As a consequence,the original Australians suffered.Many Aborigines and Islanders were moved and had their land taken away from them.结果,原来的澳大利亚人吃尽苦头。许多土著居民和岛民被赶走了,他们的土地被剥夺了。as a consequence/in consequence/as a result因而

16、,结果 as a consequence of/in consequence of/as a result of由于 take/suffer/face the consequence of.承担的后果 be of no/little consequence毫不/不大重要的思维拓展(朗文P424)Tyler rarely paid for anything and,as a consequence,had no idea what things cost.泰勒很少买东西,所以不知道东西的价格As a consequence of your work, Im forced todismiss yo

17、u.由于你工作很差,我只得解雇你。He was caught driving after drinking,and he had to face the consequence of his action.醉酒驾车时他被抓了,他不得不承担他行为的后果。He failed to respect the rules.In consequence,he was fired by the company.他没有遵守规定,结果他被公司解雇了。(朗文P424)Your opinion is of little consequence to me.你的意见对我而言并不重要。即境活用5Thousands of

18、 people lost their lives_the wenchun earthquake.Ain spite of Bin case ofCas a consequence of Dregardless of解析:选C。句意:由于汶川地震,上千人失去他们的生命。as a consequence of由于,符合句意。6.You made the wrong decision and now you must take the_.Aeffects BresultsCimportance Dconsequences解析:选D。句意为“你作出了错误的决定,那么你也必须承担后果。”effect 效

19、果;result 结果,但是无take the results 这一搭配;importance 重要性;suffer/take the consequences 承担后果,承担责任。5. break out(指激烈事件)突然发生【教材原句】 (P25)Her eldest son has been away from home ever since the war broke out.自从战争爆发以来,她的大儿子就离家出走了。(牛津P233)They had escaped to America shortly before war broke out in 1939.1939年战争爆发前不久

20、他们逃到了美国。Whenever a new type of disease broke out in the past,many people would suffer from it,even some people would die from it.在过去每当一种新流感爆发时,就会有许多人患上这种病,甚至有些人会死于这种流感。break away from脱离,摆脱,与断绝往来 break down出毛病,出故障;(健康、精神等)垮掉,失败;分解 break in插嘴;突然闯入 break into强行闯入 break off突然停止,暂停;折断;绝交 break through突围,

21、突破 break up结束;分解;(使)破裂思维拓展(牛津P2331)The peace talk between the two sides has broken down.双方和平谈判失败了。He has broken away from all his old friends.他和他所有的老朋友断绝了来往。We dont know why they have broken up with each other.我们不知道他们的关系为何会破裂。即境活用7用break down,break away from,break in,break out填空。(1)When asked how th

22、e fire_,Mr.Alhagie Jobe said he was not present when the fire started.答案:broke out(2)Her health_under the pressure of work.答案:broke down(3)People like traveling very much.Yes,sometimes we do need a journey to_our busy life for a while.答案:break away from(4)While we were listening to the speech attent

23、ively,a voice _ to announce the result of the election.答案:broke in句型梳理1【教材原句】(P23)While some of the Aboriginal languages have been lost,people are trying hard to protect and record what is left.尽管一些当地土著居民的语言消失了,但人们正努力保护和记载保留下来的语言。【句法分析】从属连词while 的典型用法:引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然,尽管”,相当于though。While he loves his

24、students,he is very strict with them.虽然他爱他的学生,可是他对他们很严格。While I understand what you say,I cant agree with you.尽管我明白你的话,但我还是不同意。while (1)只要 (2)但是,可是,表对比转折 (3)当的时候思维拓展While there is life,there is hope.只要有生命就有希望。We know usually women stay at home and do all the housework while men go out to work.我们知道,通

25、常女人们在家里做家务,而男人们则外出工作。(2020年高考课标全国卷)Mary made coffee while her guests were finishing their meal.客人们就要吃完饭的时候,玛丽去煮咖啡了。即境活用8.In some places women are expected to earn money_men work at home and raise their children.Abut BwhileCbecause Dthough解析:选B。句意:在一些地方,人们期待妇女去挣更多的钱,而男人却在家做事,带孩子。while表示对比,有“而,然而”的意思,

26、符合语境要求。but表转折,但无对比的含义;because因为;though虽然,都不符合句子的意思。9.Are you ready for Spain?Yes,I want the girls to experience that_they are young.Awhile BuntilCif Dbefore解析:选A。句意:你准备好去西班牙了吗?是的。我想让这些女孩子趁着年轻的时候去感受一下西班牙。10_I accept that he is not perfect,I do actually like the person.AWhile BSinceCBefore DUnless解析:选

27、A。while 在此相当于although,引导一个让步状语从句,其他三个选项不符合题目的要求。该句意为“尽管我承认他不十全十美,但是我确实喜欢他。”2.【教材原句】(P25)Having been separated from other continents for millions of years,Australia has many plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.由于与其他的大洲分离了几百万年了,澳大利亚有许多在世界上其他任何地方都找不到的植物和动物。【句法分析】Having be

28、en done是现在分词的完成被动式,强调分词的动作对本句主语来说是被动动作,且又在本句动词之前发生。Having finished his homework,he went home.做完作业后,他回家了。Having lived in London for many years,he knows the city well.在伦敦生活了许多年,他非常了解这个城市。Having been criticized by the teacher,Li Ming gave up smoking.受到老师的批评后,李明戒烟了。即境活用11_ to reach them on the phone,we

29、sent an email instead.AFail BFailedCTo fail DHaving failed解析:选D。句意:因为没打通他们的电话,我们只好给他们发了一封电子邮件。考查非谓语动词作状语,句子的主语 we和fail之间是主动关系,应用现在分词,故排除B项,而A项是动词原形只能作谓语;C项不定式只能表目的;故D项正确。12._their hats into the air,the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory.ATo throw BThrownCThrowing DBeing thrown解析:选C。句意为“获胜队的(球)迷们把帽子抛向空中,爆发出胜利的呼喊”。此题考查分词作状语的用法。throw和句子的主语fans之间构成主谓关系,所以排除过去分词thrown。而且throw与谓语动词let out是同时发生,所以用现在分词作伴随状语。to throw不定式作状语表示目的或(意想不到的)结果;being done结构不能作状语,常用作定语。13._that he was in

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