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1、高分子材料双语往年考题一、英语题(每题5分,每次从题库中选择5题)1. Which polymer occurs in nature? _(a) polypropylene (b) polystyrene (c) cellulose 2. Which has the higher entropy (熵)? _(a) stretched rubber (b) unstretched rubber? 3. Arrange the following materials in order of increased density,_(a) wood that floats on water (b)

2、a piece of heavy plastic that sinks when placed in water (c) a paper clip(回形针)made of metal. 5. Name any two properties that you may look for in describing a polymer. _ and _ 6. Which polymer occurs in nature?(a) poly(vinyl alcohol) (b) polystyrene (c) cellulose 7. Which has the higher entropic elas

3、ticity (熵弹性)?(a) rubber (b) plastics 8. Arrange the following polymeric materials in order of increased Tg:(a) polypropylene (b) natural rubber (c) PC9. Which has a higher degree of crystallinity? (a)HDPE or (b) LDPE14. Initiators (引发剂) begin and may end a polymerization reaction. As the number of i

4、nitiators increase in a polymerization, the length of a straight chain will(a) increase (b) decrease (c) keep constant16. Which polymer occurs in nature?(a) polyethylene (b) polystyrene (c) proteins 17. When we stretch a rubber, the conformational entropy (熵) of rubber chains will?(a) increase (b) d

5、ecrease (c) keep constant 18. Arrange the following polymeric materials in order of increased Tg:(a) polyisoprene (b) PE (c) PC19. Which has the higher cohesive energy density (内聚能密度)? (a) elastomer (b) fiber (c) thermoplastics21 Which of the following can not be used as elastomer? ( )A. EPDM B. pol

6、yethylene C. SBS D. natural rubber 22 Which one can most easily crystallize in following polymers? ( ) A. PET B. POM C. PVC D. PMMA23 Which of the polymers is generally used to make agricultural films ? ( ) A. PE B. PP C. PVC D. PS24. Which will have the higher crystallinity?A. atactic PP B. isotact

7、ic PP? 25 Which has the highest heat resistance in following polymers ( ) A. polycarbonate B. polyethylene C. polystyrene D. polyimide26. Which of the following are polymers?( )A. ethylene B. protein C. cellulose D. polyethylene 27. Which of the following are thermoplastics? ( )A. hard rubber B. Bak

8、elite C. PVC D. polystyrene28. Which has the higher cohesive energy density (CED) ( )A. an elastomer B. a fiber?29. Which of the following are engineering resins? ( )A. polystyrene B. polypropylene C. polyimide30. Which of the following fibers can not manufactured by melt spinning ? ( )A. PET B. nyl

9、on C. polypropylene D. polyacrylonitrile二、论述题1.合成纤维有那几种主要纺丝方法?为什么不可以采用熔体纺丝的方法加工聚丙烯腈纤维?如果你想采用熔体纺丝方法加工聚丙烯腈纤维,你需要从原料上作那些改进?请说明原因。2.对比聚乙烯和聚丙烯的结构,分别阐述他们的性能和应用。3.聚乳酸(PLA)与聚乙醇酸的降解性能的差异,阐述他们的降解机理。4.玻璃纤维增强环氧树脂和玻璃增强不饱和树脂的主要性能和应用领域。5.MF、UF、NF、RO膜的名称、膜孔径的大致范围,驱动力和主要应用领域。6.水性涂料和溶剂性涂料的优缺点7.运动装大多选用细旦丙纶作为里层,棉或涤纶为外层

10、的双层织物,为什么?请给出适当的解释?8.按应用对塑料进行分类,每一类型的塑料给出一个代表性的例子。(10分)9.请问主要有哪几种膜材料?这些膜孔径的大致范围,驱动力和主要应用领域。(10分)10.从分子结构出发论述聚丙烯、聚氯乙烯耐热性的特点,并讨论改进它们耐热性的方法。(10分)11.常见的特种橡胶有哪些?指出它们各自的优点和不足之处及主要用途。(10分)12.写出聚乳酸和聚乙醇酸的结构式,并从分子结构上解释为什么聚乳酸的水解速度小于聚乙醇酸?(提示:乳酸HO-CH(CH3)-COOH; 乙醇酸HO-CH2-COOH)13.阐述共轭二烯烃类橡胶的结构和性能特点,举例说明如何提高橡胶的耐热、

11、耐油、耐紫外光及耐臭氧性能?(10分)14.何谓熔体纺丝?何谓溶液纺丝?列出两种主要的溶液纺丝方法。为什么有的聚合物不可以采用熔体纺丝方法加工成纤维? (15分)15.从分子结构出发论述聚丙烯、聚氯乙烯耐热性的特点,并讨论改进它们耐热性的方法。(10分)16.塑料的分类方法有哪几种?塑料的主要成型方法有哪几种?(10分)17.请问主要有哪几种膜材料?这些膜孔径的大致范围,驱动力和主要应用领域。(10分)18.什么是高分子液晶,它在材料加工中有什么意义?请举例说明。(10分)19.为什么水性涂料近年来得到较快的发展?(10分)20.常见的特种橡胶有哪些?指出它们各自的优点和不足之处级主要用途。(

12、10分)21.简述成纤聚合物的基本性质。(15分)22.什么叫热塑性弹性体?热塑性弹性体有哪些优点和不足之处?(10分)23.试述聚苯乙烯的性能和用途,针对聚苯乙烯性能上的主要缺点,工业上用哪些方法进行改性,并简述改性聚苯乙烯的用途。(10分)24.涂料的主要成分有哪些?为什么水性乳胶涂料需要加增稠剂?(10分)25.什么叫智能凝胶?pH敏感的智能凝胶分子结构上有什么特点?10分) 26.比较热固性塑料与热塑性塑料在性能方面的主要区别。并且说明产生这种差别的主要原因。(10分)27.在血液透析中使用的透析膜与海水淡化中使用的反渗透膜有明显区别,试将其与微滤膜和纳滤膜进行对比,比较其在膜孔径、操

13、作条件、适用范围等方面的区别。28.纺丝方法与聚合物的性能有关,给定一种聚合物,如何判断用什么方法纺丝。(15分)29.请给出水性乳胶涂料的主要成分并解释各组分的作用?(10分) 30.下列那些是智能凝胶的必须有的特征?为什么? 化学交联;高含水量;刺激-应答性;聚合物网络 (10分)38 试述聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯的结构、性能和用途。(10分)39. 常见的共轭二烯类橡胶主要有哪些品种?简述它们结构、性能和主要应用。(10分)40不饱和聚酯是一种常用的热固性高分子材料,其性能随着组成的不同,变化幅度非常大。请简单叙述不饱和聚酯中各种组分对力学性能的影响。(10分)41在很多情况下,疏水的聚砜膜分离

14、蛋白溶液时,容易造成明显的蛋白吸附污染。为防止膜污染,请从膜表面处理、使用条件、使用方法等方面提出改进措施。2004年A卷一、用英语选择填充或回答下列问题 (25分)1. Which polymer occurs in nature?(a) polypropylene (b) polystyrene (c) cellulose 2. Which has the higher entropy (熵)?(a) stretched rubber (b) unstretched rubber? 3. Arrange the following materials in order of increas

15、ed density:(a) wood that floats on water (b) a piece of heavy plastic that sinks when placed in water (c) a paper clip(回形针)made of metal. 4. Initiators (引发剂) begin and may end a polymerization reaction. As the number of initiators increase in a polymerization, the length of a straight chain will(a)

16、increase (b) decrease (c) keep constant5. Name any two properties that you may look for in describing a polymer. 二、论述题1.合成纤维有那几种主要纺丝方法?为什么不可以采用熔体纺丝的方法加工聚丙烯腈纤维?如果你想采用熔体纺丝方法加工聚丙烯腈纤维,你需要从原料上作那些改进?请说明原因。(15分)2.对比聚乙烯和聚丙烯的结构,分别阐述它们的性能和应用。(10分)3.阐述聚乳酸(PLA)与聚乙醇酸的降解性能的差异和它们的降解机理。(10分)4.玻璃纤维增强环氧树脂和玻璃纤维增强不饱和树脂

17、的主要性能和应用领域。(10分)5.试述MF、UF、NF、RO膜的名称、膜孔径的大致范围,驱动力和主要应用领域。(10分)6.水性涂料和溶剂性涂料的优缺点?(10分)7.阐述共轭二烯烃类橡胶的结构和性能特点,举例说明如何提高橡胶的耐热、耐油、耐紫外光及耐臭氧性能?(10分)(B卷)一、用英语选择填充或回答下列问题 (25分)1. Which polymer occurs in nature?(a) polyethylene (b) polystyrene (c) proteins 2. When we stretch a rubber, the conformational entropy (

18、熵) of rubber chains will?(a) increase (b) decrease (c) keep constant 3. Arrange the following polymeric materials in order of increased Tg:(a) polyisoprene (b) PE (c) PC4. Which has the higher cohesive energy density (内聚能密度)? (a) elastomer (b) fiber (c) thermoplastics5. Which has a higher degree of

19、crystallinity?(a) HDPE (b) LDPE 二、论述题1何谓熔体纺丝?何谓溶液纺丝?列出两种主要的溶液纺丝方法。为什么有的聚合物不可以采用熔体纺丝方法加工成纤维? (15分)2从分子结构出发论述聚丙烯、聚氯乙烯耐热性的特点,并讨论改进它们耐热性的方法。(10分)3塑料的分类方法有哪几种?塑料的主要成型方法有哪几种?(10分)4请问主要有哪几种膜材料?这些膜孔径的大致范围,驱动力和主要应用领域。(10分)5什么是高分子液晶,它在材料加工中有什么意义?请举例说明。(10分)6为什么水性涂料近年来得到较快的发展?(10分)7常见的特种橡胶有哪些?指出它们各自的优点和不足之处级主要

20、用途。(10分)补考一、选择填空1. Which polymer occurs in nature?(a) poly(vinyl alcohol) (b) polystyrene (c) cellulose 2. Which has the higher entropic elasticity (熵弹性)?(a) rubber (b) plastics 3. Arrange the following polymeric materials in order of increased Tg:(a) polypropylene (b) natural rubber (c) PC4. Which

21、has a higher degree of crystallinity? (a)HDPE or (b) LDPE5. Name any two properties that you may look for in describing a polymer. 二、论述题1.运动装大多选用细旦丙纶作为里层,棉或涤纶为外层的双层织物,为什么?请给出适当的解释?(15)2.按应用对塑料进行分类,每一类型的塑料给出一个代表性的例子。(10分)3.请问主要有哪几种膜材料?这些膜孔径的大致范围,驱动力和主要应用领域。(10分)4.从分子结构出发论述聚丙烯、聚氯乙烯耐热性的特点,并讨论改进它们耐热性的方法

22、。(10分)5.对比聚乙烯和聚丙烯的结构,分别阐述它们的性能和应用。(10分)6.常见的特种橡胶有哪些?指出它们各自的优点和不足之处及主要用途。(10分)7.写出聚乳酸和聚乙醇酸的结构式,并从分子结构上解释为什么聚乳酸的水解速度小于聚乙醇酸?(提示:乳酸HO-CH(CH3)-COOH; 乙醇酸HO-CH2-COOH)2005年一、选择填空1 Which of the following can not be used as elastomer? ( )A. EPDM B. polyethylene C. SBS D. natural rubber 2 Which one can most ea

23、sily crystallize in following polymers? ( ) A. PET B. POM C. PVC D. PMMA3 Which of the polymers is generally used to make agricultural films ? ( ) A. PE B. PP C. PVC D. PS4. Which will have the higher crystallinity?A. atactic PP B. isotactic PP? 5 Which has the highest heat resistance in following p

24、olymers ( ) A. polycarbonate B. polyethylene C. polystyrene D. polyimide二、论述题(75分)1.简述成纤聚合物的基本性质。(15分)2.什么叫热塑性弹性体?热塑性弹性体有哪些优点和不足之处?(10分)3.试述聚苯乙烯的性能和用途,针对聚苯乙烯性能上的主要缺点,工业上用哪些方法进行改性,并简述改性聚苯乙烯的用途。(10分)4.涂料的主要成分有哪些?为什么水性乳胶涂料需要加增稠剂?(10分)5.什么叫智能凝胶?pH敏感的智能凝胶分子结构上有什么特点?10分) 6.比较热固性塑料与热塑性塑料在性能方面的主要区别。并且说明产生这种

25、差别的主要原因。(10分)7在血液透析中使用的透析膜与海水淡化中使用的反渗透膜有明显区别,试将其与微滤膜和纳滤膜进行对比,比较其在膜孔径、操作条件、适用范围等方面的区别。(B卷)一、用英语选择填充或回答下列问题 (25分)1. Which of the following are polymers?( )A. ethylene B. protein C. cellulose D. polyethylene 2. Which of the following are thermoplastics? ( )A. hard rubber B. Bakelite C. PVC D. polystyre

26、ne3. Which has the higher cohesive energy density (CED) ( )A. an elastomer B. a fiber?4. Which of the following are engineering resins? ( )A. polystyrene B. polypropylene C. polyimide5. Which of the following fibers can not manufactured by melt spinning ? ( )A. PET B. nylon C. polypropylene D. polya

27、crylonitrile二、论述题(75分)1.纺丝方法与聚合物的性能有关,给定一种聚合物,如何判断用什么方法纺丝。(15分)2.请给出水性乳胶涂料的主要成分并解释各组分的作用?(10分) 3.下列那些是智能凝胶的必须有的特征?为什么? (10分) 化学交联;高含水量;刺激-应答性;聚合物网络 (10分)4.试述聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯的结构、性能和用途。(10分)5.常见的共轭二烯类橡胶主要有哪些品种?简述它们结构、性能和主要应用。(10分)6.不饱和聚酯是一种常用的热固性高分子材料,其性能随着组成的不同,变化幅度非常大。请简单叙述不饱和聚酯中各种组分对力学性能的影响。(10分)7在很多情况下,疏水

28、的聚砜膜分离蛋白溶液时,容易造成明显的蛋白吸附污染。为防止膜污染,请从膜表面处理、使用条件、使用方法等方面提出改进措施。补考一、选择填空1、Arrange the following materials in order of increased density,_(a) wood that floats on water (b) a piece of heavy plastic that sinks when placed in water (c) a paper clip(回形针)made of metal.2、Which polymer occurs in nature?(a) poly

29、(vinyl alcohol) (b) polystyrene (c) cellulose3、Arrange the following polymeric materials in order of increased Tg:(a) polyisoprene (b) PE (c) PC4、Which has a higher degree of crystallinity?(a) HDPE (b) LDPE5、Which of the following fibers can not manufactured by melt spinning ? ( )A. PET B. nylon C.

30、polypropylene D. polyacrylonitrile二、论述题1、对比聚乙烯和聚丙烯的结构,分别阐述他们的性能和应用。(15分)2、什么叫智能凝胶?pH敏感的智能凝胶分子结构上有什么特点?(10分)3、请问主要有哪几种膜材料?这些膜孔径的大致范围,驱动力和主要应用领域。(10分)4、什么是高分子液晶,它在材料加工中有什么意义?请举例说明。(10分)5、在很多情况下,疏水的聚砜膜分离蛋白溶液时,容易造成明显的蛋白吸附污染。为防止膜污染,请从膜表面处理、使用条件、使用方法等方面提出改进措施。(15分)6、何谓熔体纺丝?何谓溶液纺丝?列出两种主要的溶液纺丝方法。为什么有的聚合物不可以

31、采用熔体纺丝方法加工成纤维? (15分)2006年一Multichoice1. Which polymer is made entirely from molecules of one monomer? ( a ) a. homopolymer b. heteropolymer c. copolymer d. SBS2. Which of the following is used as an elastomer? ( d )a. polyethylene b. polystyrene c. PEF d. polyisoprene3. 超滤 ( b )a. nanafiltration b. ultrafiltration c. Macrofiltration d. Dialysis 4. Which are not biomaterials in the following? ( b e )a. would dressing b. glasses c. contact len

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