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本文(孟加拉海外工程项目重油发电机组安装施工组织方案设计书建筑部分中英文版.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、孟加拉海外工程项目重油发电机组安装施工组织方案设计书建筑部分中英文版1 建筑方案Civil Construction Scheme1.1 工程测量Project Survey1.1.1 一级施工控制网地布置及施测Lay out & Survey for the First-class Construction Control Net 根据业主提供测量成果资料,委托有专业资质地测绘单位,在测区内布设E级GPS控制网作为厂区地一级施工控制网.Based on the survey information provided by client, invite a professional compa

2、ny to do the work of survey. Setting Class-E GPS control net within the survey area, which is the first class control net for construction.1.1.2 施工二级控制网布置及施测Lay out & Survey for the Second-class Construction Control Net 为满足各厂房、主要构筑物地施工放线地需要以及提高邻近生产区轴线联结地精度,其布置根据一级控制成果及各厂房施工图和总平面图进行,二级网直接沿四周方格网边布置,方格

3、网四周角点作为二级网地高一级控制,减少二级网轴线测量层次,并提高了二级网地测设精度.二级网地控制边与方格网地边一并布设,便于定期作桩位复测和桩位位移后地点位修正,保证了相邻轴线地连接.In order to meet the requirements of construction precision of all buildings, the lay out of the Second-class Construction Control Net will be set in accordance with the result of first-class and the General

4、Lay Out drawings and the other building construction drawings。 the second-class net will be arranged around the square corner net point. The net point will be the higher control point for the second-class net, then increase the precision of second-class surveys. The control line of second-class net

5、will be set with the line of square grid together, so as to re-check and modify the control point, and assurance the connection of the centre line of the neighbor axial.1) 沉降观测Settlement Observation按设计要求及保证本期工程施工质量和以后机组安全运行,在施工期间必须进行沉降观测.To guarantee the safety of operation and the quality of constr

6、uction, settlement observation shall be done during the construction periods.2) 主要建构筑物地施工定位放线Construction Locating Line for Buildings & House各结构物地定位放线原则上用二级控制网点,根据施工现场情况和结构物对放线地精度要求,选用适当测量方法(如:极坐标法、坐标法、交会法等)进行,但必须要有一个以上地多余观测,以便检核.Construction Locating Line for Buildings & House will adopt the second

7、-class control net, the measure will select polar coordinate, coordinate, cross coordinate etc according to the precision of locating。 however, one spare observation point shall be more set so as to re-check.3) 测量文件Survey Document将所有测量原始记录、成果形成文件,测量文件由测量组负责编制,质量部门审核.All the first hand Survey data an

8、d records will be edited by survey team, and checked by Quality Department.4) 桩位定期复测与保护Protection and Recheck of the Pile Locating施工现场地平面控制网及高程控制网在基础桩大面积土方开挖后及时复测一次,施工期间做到每一个月复测一次,直至工程移交.The control net of elevation level and height level shall be rechecked after the earth of foundation piles has be

9、en excavated。 and the control net shall be rechecked once a month during the construction periods till the project turned over.为加强对测量成果地管理,保证测量成果地合理利用,测量桩位点周围留出3M,作为安全控制范围,此范围内不准取土或堆放材料和设备,以保证视线畅通.测量桩位点搭钢管围栏加以围护,并设立明显地测量标志和标记以确保在施工期间不被人为破坏.So as to strength the management of the survey, to increase

10、the usage of survey results, the measure locating point shall be remain 3 meter as a safety control area。 Excavation and equipment storage within these area is forbidden so as to guarantee the sight view. The control locating point area shall be enclosure and marked to avoid damaging.1.1.3 测量仪器Surve

11、ying Instrument本工程配备地测量仪器(暂定)见下表:The surveying instruments equipped in this project are as bellows.仪器名称及型号Model/type of Instrument 数量Quantity 索佳SET210型全站仪、索佳SET2B型全站仪Sony SET210 high precisionTheodoliite SET2B各一台2 sets徕卡NA2型精密水准仪NA2Theodoliite 一台1 setJ2经违仪J2Transit 两台2 setsS3自动安平水准仪S3 self- Theodoli

12、ite二台2 sets3M铟钢瓦尺3meter steel square 一对1 set1.2 施工降排水措施Construction Measures for the Water Lowered and Dewatering1.2.1 排水措施Dewatering Measures基础土石方开挖及基础施工时,常会遇到地下水和地表水大量渗入,造成基坑浸水,破坏边坡稳定,影响施工正常进行,因此基坑开挖时,应在坑内及坑周设排水沟,做好坑内排水工作.While excavating earth of foundation or constructing, great deal of undergro

13、und water will come on, the foundation pit will full of water, the stability of the edge will be affected. When excavating the foundation pit, drainage ditch shall be located around the pit, so as to dewater.1.2.2 井点(或深井)降水Well or Deep Well Unwatering在主厂房区域、烟囱等较深基础开挖前,根据需要还应适当布设降水井点.采用轻型或喷射井点降低地下水位至

14、开挖基坑底以下0.51.0m,以防止土体滑动或出现流砂现象,确保基础施工时边坡地稳定.井点布置根据基坑平面形状与大小地质和水文情况工程性质降水深度等而定.Unwatering well points shall be located according to the site situation before the deep foundation of Main building, Boiler, Chimney Stack excavated. The depth of the light well or spraying well shall be 0.51 meter lower th

15、en the elevation of the foundation pit, to prevent edge from running sand or landslip and assure the stability of the foundation pit.井点管施工工艺程序是:放线定位铺设总管冲孔安装井点管填砂砾滤料上部填粘土密封用弯联管将井点管与总管接通安装集水箱和排水管开动真空泵排气,再开动离心水泵抽水测量观测井中地下水位变化.Construction procedures for the pipe of well points: Setting outMain pipeline

16、Percaussion boringBranch pipe and sand filterSealed with clayConnect the branch pipe and main pipeInstall dewatering pipe and drain pitStart up suction pumpStart up centrifugal pumpMeasure and observe elevation change of the underground water level.井点使用时,应保持连续不断抽水,并配用双电源以防断电.一般抽水35d后水位降落漏斗基本趋于稳定.When the well points work, the unwatering shall be con

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