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1、四年级英语下册第二单元课题Lesson7 Months of the Year课时1教学目标1、能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:month,Jan.,Feb.,Mar.,Apr.,May,Jun., Jul.,Aug.,Sept.,Oct.,Nov.,Dec.2、能认读、理解并运用句式:Whats your favorite month? Whose birthday is in .?3、能唱歌曲Twelve Months.重点同目标1-2难点同目标2教学准备录音机、磁带教学过程二次备课1、Greeting 新的一单元要开始了,我们即将要学的内容与月份、日期有关。如何正确的表述几月几日。接下来我

2、们就来学习一下一年当中的十二个月如何用英语表达。2、New Concept(一)学习本课单词1)Month 即“月份”,其复数形式为months例:How many months in a year? Twelve.2)用英语表述12个月份 一月 January 或 Jan. ; 七月 July 或 Jul. 二月 February Feb. ; 八月 August Aug. 三月 March Mar. ; 九月 September Sept. 四月 April Apr. ; 十月 October Oct. 五月 May May ; 十一月 November Nov. 六月 June Jun.

3、 ; 十二月 December Dec.3)注意:十二个月份的缩写形式,除May 和September特殊之外,其余均 取单词中的前三个字母再加“.”。如:Jan. May的缩写形式不变; September的缩写形式多一个字母即为Sept.(2)Part2:Lets sing! 播放歌曲Twelve Months,欣赏并学习,当听到歌曲中的月份时指出来。(3)Part3:Lets do it! 学习句型(如何表述生日在哪个月份): 1)Whose birthday is in_? My birthday is in _.2)What is your favourite month? My f

4、avourite month is _.注意:表示“在几月”,用in;表示“在星期几”,用on.3、总结:1、能认读十二个月份的单词,能听、会写十二个月份的单词的缩写 形式; 2、会表达自己的生日是在哪个月份。 4、Homework:1、熟读课文、单词,背诵单词; 2、完成基本功训练Lesson7. 板书设计课后反思与重建Lesson7 Months of the Year1、Twelve monthsJanuary ,February ,MarchApril ,May ,JuneJuly ,August ,SeptemberOctober ,November,December2、重点句式:1

5、)Whose birthday is in _? My birthday is in _.2)What is your favourite month? My favourite month is _.课题Lesson8 First,Second,Third课时1教学目标1、能听懂、会说和认读这些序数词:first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh, eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth.2、能识别、理解并能根据正确的顺序排列第一到第十二月份。重点同目标1-2难点同目标2教学准备录音机、磁带教学过程二次备课1、Gr

6、eeting and review Hello!Whose birthday is in July? My birthday is in July. My birthday is in July,too.2、New Concept1、导入:按顺序将十二个月份排列,但怎么告诉别人哪个月是第一,哪个月是最后?我们今天就学习带有排列顺序的数词,即为序数词。1)特殊序数词:1 one first 2 two second 3 three third2)其他均以th结尾,但有些单词内字母有些许变化。 5 five fifth 8 eight eighth 9 nine ninth 12 twelve t

7、welfth注意:5、12的变化规则是变ve为f再加th; 8、9的变化规则是省略末尾字母再加th3)最后,4、6、7、10、11均是“数词+th”,直接组成序数词。 4 four fourth 6 six sixth 7 seven seventh 10 ten tenth 11 eleven eleventh2、观察part1图中的三位同学,回答:Question:1)What are they doing? 2)Who is the winner? 3)What place are they in the race?Answer :1)Li Ming is the winner. He

8、is the first. 2)The girl is the second. 3)The boy in red shorts is the third.3、Practice:1、将学生两两一组,一名说月份,一名说对应的序数词,进行口语练习;2、口语练习结束后,做课文Part3.4、Homework:1、熟读课文; 2、将月份与序数词对应起来,如January-first。写下并熟练掌 握序数词的听、说、读、写技能。 板书设计课后反思与重建Lesson8 First,Second,Third1、数词-序数词 One-first ; two-second Three-third ; four-f

9、ourth Five-fifth ; six-sixth Seven-seventh ;eight-eighth Nine-ninth ;ten-tenth Eleven-eleventh ;twelve-twelfth2、重点句型: _ is the _ month.课题Lesson9 When Is It?课时1教学目标1、学生能识别、理解和运用以下句式结构:When is it?2、学生能够使用序数词正确说出6个主要节日的日期 (新年、春节、国际劳动节、儿童节、教师节和国庆节)重点同目标1-2难点熟练运用所学句型进行交际交流。教学准备录音机、磁带教学过程二次备课一、Review1、复习上

10、节课学过的序数词 First、second、third、fourth、fifth、sixth、seventh、eighth、ninth、tenth、eleventh、twelfth2、按照当前座位顺序,以序数词描述座位上的是哪位同学。例:The first is Li Ming. The second is Danny. . 2、New Concept1、导入:Do you like to have a holiday? Everyone,of course. Today,lets learn how to say and talk about some important Chinese h

11、olidays and festivals.2、学习表述节日: 新年 New Years Day 春节 the Spring Festival 国际劳动节 International Workers Day 儿童节 Childrens Day 教师节 Teachers Day 国庆节 National Day注意观察:1)一般以Day 结尾的节日和一些西方传统节日前都不加冠词; 2)一般以Festival结尾的节日前要加定冠词the.延伸: 元宵节 the Lantern Festival 情人节 Valentines Day 清明节 the Qingming Festival 端午节 the

12、 Dragon Boat Festival 建军节 Army Day 中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Festival 3、学习单词:when“什么时候” 当问节日是什么(日期)时候时,应说: When is (节日)? Its (月) the (序数词). “表示月第天”例如: When is New Years Day? It is January the first. 或It is January 1.或It is Jan. 1.3、Practice:以同桌为小组单位,熟读课文并进行对答练习,以达到灵活运用 句型的目的。4、总结:1、学会表达中国的六大节日; 2、学会句型,表达节日

13、的日期是什么时候5、Homework:1、背诵课文; 2、完成基本功训练Lesson9. 板书设计课后反思与重建Lesson9 When Is It?句型: New Years Day? the Spring Festival? Childrens Day?When is Workers Day? Teachers Day? National Day?Its _.课题Lesson10 Rain and Sun课时1教学目标1、学生能听懂、会说、认读和书写下列词汇:rain,sun,hot,snow,cold.2、能唱本课歌谣。重点同目标1难点熟练运用所学句型进行交际交流。教学准备录音机、磁带教

14、学过程二次备课1、Review 节日:New Years Day 时间:January the first International Workers Day May the first Childrens Day June the first Teachers Day September the tenth National Day October the first the Spring Festival in January or February 利用基本句式,完成问答:When is _?(节日) It is _. (日期)二、New Concept(一)学习新单词 根据学习当天的天

15、气,如晴朗,引出描述自然现象和对其感觉的单词。 名词(自然现象): 形容词(对各种天气的feel): sun 太阳 hot 热的 cloud 云 wind 风 cool 凉爽的 rain 雨 snow 雪 cold 冷的 注释:可运用肢体语言演示天气或感觉。(2)Part1:What is it?1、 学习新句型,进行描述天气的任务: What is it? It is _(sun/cloud/.). The _(sun/cloud/.) is _(hot/cool/.).例如:What is it? It is the sun. The sun is hot.2、Do you see _?(

16、你看见.了吗?)3、look与look at的区别:1)Look是一个不及物动词,不能直接跟宾语,仅仅表示“看”;2)Look at是及物动词短语,后面必须跟有宾语,表示“看(某人或某物)”(3)Part2:Lets sing!学习欣赏歌谣The Month Song3、总结:学会表达各种自然现象及人们对天气的感觉。4、Homework: 1、背诵单词、课文; 2、完成基本功训练Lesson10板书设计课后反思与重建Lesson10 Rain and Sun sun. rain.This is the cloud. wind. snow. sun. rain.I like the cloud.

17、 wind. snow.课题Lesson11 Hows the Weather Today?课时1教学目标1、学生能听懂、会说、认读和书写下列词汇:how,weather,sunny,warm,cloudy, windy,cool.2、能识别、理解并运用基本句式:Hows the weather today? Its .3、学生能理解字母组合ir,ur,er,or在单词中的发音及其规则。重点同目标1-2难点熟练运用所学句型进行交际交流。教学准备录音机、磁带教学过程二次备课1、Review上节讲到关于自然现象的名词及对天气感觉的形容词,有: sun 太阳 hot 热的 cloud 云 wind

18、风 cool 凉爽的 rain 雨 snow 雪 cold 冷的2、New Concept(1)学习新单词(Part1) 本节通过学过的自然现象的单词,引出本课的关于天气的形容词: sun 太阳 sunny 晴朗的 cloud 云 cloudy 有云的;多云的 rain 雨 rainy 有雨的 wind 风 windy 有风的 snow 雪 snowy 有雪的 记忆小窍门: 除sunny外,其他形容词均是在名词后加y而来的,只有sunny是在sun的后面加ny变为的形容词。(2)学习如何谈论天气情况(Part2) 1)新单词weather,表示“天气” 2)学习句型:询问天气情况How is

19、the weather?/Hows the weather?It is _.(sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy/snowy/cold/hot/warm/cool)询问各个月份的天气大概情况How is the weather in _(月份)?It is _(sunny/rainy/.) 3)Practice(Part3):看图讨论各城市的天气情况(3)Part4:Letters and sounds 试读所给单词,体会ir,ur,er,or在单词中的发音及其规则。3、总结: 1、学会描述天气的单词sunny,cloudy,rainy,windy,snowy; 2、灵活运用句型

20、How is the weather in _(月份)? It is _(sunny/rainy/.)4、Homework: 1、熟读课文,背诵单词及句式How is the weather? 2、完成基本功训练Lesson11板书设计课后反思与重建Lesson11 Hows the Weather Today?句型:How is the weather in_?Its sunny. cloudy. rainy. windy. snowy.课题Lesson12 Mr.Moons Birthday课时1教学目标1、能够听懂、理解并复述简单的故事。2、能够正确排列一个简单故事中事件的先后顺序。3、

21、能够表演和呈现Mr.Moons Birthday.重点同目标1-2难点同目标3教学准备录音机、磁带教学过程二次备课1、Greeting and review Hello!Everyone,how are you? Fine,thank you.复习本单元学过的月份、序数词、主要的节日及表示天气的单词,为学习本课做好铺垫。2、New Concept(1)Re-reading1、导入:Everyone has a birthday. Its a special day. We have only one birthday every year. But what about Mr. Moon?Le

22、ts read and learn.2、在听录音之前,布置阅读任务:1)Which month is the month of the moons birthday?2)Why was the moon not able to decide which month to have his birthday?3)Who did he ask to help him?4)Was it easy for the moon to decide when to have his birthday?Why?5)In the end,how did the moon settle this problem?

23、6)Do you think it was a good way to settle it?(2)While-reading1、听录音,学生跟读;2、讨论故事,观察图片,回答问题:1)What do you see in picture1? What is the moon sitting on? Cloud.2)Which month is the first? (复习序数词、月份) What festival comes in February?(复习节日)3)Hows the weather in March? Why does April think she is the best m

24、onth for the moons birthday?4)Why does May think he is a good month for the moons birthday? Why is it fun in June?5)Look at July and August. What colour are they?6)What do you see in front of September?(cloud) Hows the weather in September and October?(cool)7)指出这幅图中的序数词 How is the weather in Novembe

25、r and December?8)What does the moon decide to do?3、Homework:阅读故事,表演故事。板书设计课后反思与重建Lesson12 Mr.Moons BirthdayWhich month is the best for Mr. Moons birthday?(说说各月份的理由)Jan.:Feb.:Mar.:Apr.:May:Jun.:Jul.:Aug.:Sept.:Oct.:Nov.:Dec.:课题Again,please!课时1教学目标1、学生要完成四项练习以展示听、说、读、写各项技能。2、学生要对自己在本单元所取得的进步进行自我评价。重点同

26、目标1-2难点同目标1-2教学准备录音机、磁带教学过程二次备课1、Listen and talk1、听录音,看图讨论并完成阅读任务: (Talk about birthday) Picture 1:1)Whose birthday is it? 2)Who is at his party? 3)When is Li Ming s birthday? (Talk about the weather) Picture 2:What are Jenny and Li Ming talking about? (Talk about holidays and festivals) Picture 3:1

27、)What are they talking about? 2)Can someone tell me when is Children s Day? (Talk about things I like) Picture 4:What does Danny like?2、再听一遍录音,学生跟读模仿。3、以四人小组为单位,按照黑板上的指令去做:(谈论生日;谈论天气;谈论节假日;谈论我喜欢的事情。可参考课本Part1)2、Listen and tick听录音,判断每组两张图中哪一张是正确的,在正确的图的右下角圆圈中打勾,录音内容如下:A、Whats your favorite month? My

28、favorite month is December.B、When is New Years Day? Its January the first.C、Hows the weather today? Its windy.D、Hows the weather in January? Its cold and snowy.3、Look and write看图片,读相应的句子,在图片的帮助下填空。复习本单元学过的序数词以及表示天气、节假日的单词。4、Read. Tick or cross看图读出下面的句子,判断句子是否正确描述了图片,正确打“”,错误划“”5、How am I doing?自我评价。六、Homework:熟读课文,完成基本功训练。板书设计课后反思与重建Again,please!1、生日 When is your birthday? My birthday is October 10.2、天气 Hows the weather in _? Its nice and cool.3、节假日 National Day is in October.4、喜欢的事情 I like _.

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