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1、美国司法部长在香港知识产权峰会上的讲话美国司法部长在香港知识产权峰会上的讲话时间:2010-10-22 12:58来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1950次Remarks at the Intellectual Property Summit in Hong KongUS Attorney General Eric HolderOctober 18, 2010在香港国际知识产权峰会上的演讲美国司法部长 埃里克霍尔德2010年10月18日Thank you, Superintendent OGrady. I appreciate your warm welcome, and I am grat

2、eful for the support and the inspiring example that you and your colleagues in the An Garda Siochana are providing to the international law enforcement community.谢谢你,奥格雷迪侦警司,感谢你的热情欢迎和支持,并感谢你和爱尔兰国家警察局的同事们为国际执法界树立鼓舞人心的榜样。I would also like to thank INTERPOL, Hong Kong Customs, and Underwriters Laborato

3、ries for hosting this important conference and for bringing together so many leaders, experts, and partners from law enforcement agencies across the world.我同时也感谢国际刑警组织、香港海关和保险商试验所联合举办此次重要会议,使全世界执法机构的众多领导、专家和合作伙伴有机会聚集在一起。During my service as the Attorney General of the United States, I have had the p

4、rivilege of working with many of you on a broad range of issues. I have seen, firsthand, the power of our joint efforts. And I am convinced that the work of our nations law enforcement agencies to combat terrorism, to dismantle drug cartels and human trafficking rings, to stop child pornographers an

5、d others who would prey on our most vulnerable citizens is more effective because of our collaboration. To address new and emerging threats and to protect the security, and defend the liberties, of the people we serve this cooperation must continue.作为美国司法部长,我有幸在广泛的领域与你们当中的很多人一起合作。我亲眼见证了我们合作努力的成果。我坚信

6、,我们的合作将使各国执法部门能更有效地打击恐怖主义、贩毒集团和人口贩卖,制止儿童色情和其他伤害弱势群体的行为。为了应对出现的新威胁,保护我们公民的安全和自由,必须继续有这种合作。It is fitting that we are gathered here in Hong Kong a center of global innovation to chart our course forward. Not only is Hong Kong one of the worlds most vibrant and modern cities, it is headquarters for so m

7、any leading international organizations and corporations. It is a hub for international politics, law, education, and commerce. And, this week, I hope it is the meeting ground for unprecedented international cooperation.香港作为一个全球创新中心,是我们相聚和规划未来的一个恰如其分的地点。香港不仅是世界上最充满活力的现代化城市之一,也是众多国际主要机构和公司总部所在地,它是一个集

8、政治、法律、教育和商业为一体的国际中心。我希望,它也将在本周成为一个空前的国际合作的场所。This conference is an important opportunity a chance to focus the attention, and to harness the talents and resources, of the international law enforcement community in protecting intellectual property rights, safeguarding innovation, ensuring the health

9、and safety of our citizens, and combating the international networks of organized criminals now seeking to profit from IP crimes.本次会议是一个重要的机会,使国际执法界更加关注并投入更多的人力和资源来保护知识产权和创新,保障我们公民的健康和人身安全,并与正在试图通过知识产权牟利的国际有组织犯罪网络进行斗争。Together, we are signaling that a new era of cooperation, engagement, and vigilanc

10、e has begun. And we are sending an unequivocal message to criminals profiting from the ingenuity of others or endangering the safety of our citizens by selling defective or dangerous counterfeit goods. We will find you. We will stop you. And you will be punished.我们聚集在这里,标志着一个合作、行动和警醒的新时代的开端。我们向那些利用他

11、人的创造发明牟利或销售危险的假冒伪劣产品危害公民安全的犯罪分子发出一个明确的信息:我们将抓住你们,制止你们,你们将受到惩罚。Protecting intellectual property is a top priority for the United States for President Obama, for me, and for Americas law enforcement community. Today, I am eager to share some of ways we are working to accomplish this goal and to overco

12、me the challenges we all face.保护知识产权对美国来说对奥巴马总统、对我和美国的执法部门来说是一项首要任务。今天,我非常希望与你们共同探讨为达到这个目标、克服我们共同面对的挑战而努力的一些方法。In the United States, and here in Asia, intellectual property accounts for a significant and growing segment of commercial trade. But the same technologies that have spurred rapid growth in

13、 the legitimate economy have also allowed criminals to misappropriate the creativity of our innovators and entrepreneurs and to operate global enterprises that survive by executing IP schemes. In fact, for every technological and commercial quantum leap we have made, criminals and often entire inter

14、national criminal syndicates have kept pace. They have developed sophisticated methods for committing every imaginable type of intellectual property offense. They arent just selling counterfeit clothing or electronics. Theyre selling defective and dangerous imitations of critical components, like br

15、ake pads, or everyday consumer goods, like toothpaste. Theyre conducting corporate espionage. Theyre pirating music, movies, games, software, and other copyrighted works both on our cities streets and online. And the consequences are devastating. The global software industry is a prime example. Acco

16、rding to recent industry reports, it is now estimated that, worldwide, more than 40 percent of all software installed on personal computers is obtained illegally with forgone revenues to the software industry topping $50 billion. These are funds that could have been invested in new jobs and next-gen

17、eration technologies. And software piracy affects more than just the software industry since, for every $1 of PC software sold, its estimated that more than $3 of revenues are lost to local IT support and distribution services. Other IP and support industries are seeing the same ripple effect of los

18、ses and current trends are alarming. Perhaps most concerning of all, however, is the widespread growth weve seen in the international sale of counterfeit pharmaceuticals, which can put the stability of corporations and, more importantly, the health of consumers at serious risk.在美国和亚洲这里,知识财产是商业贸易中重要而


20、安装的软件的40%以上是非法获取的使软件产业失去的收入高达500亿美元以上。这些资金本来可以投资在创造新的就业机会和下一代的技术。软件盗版不仅仅影响软件行业因为个人电脑软件每销售1美元,据估计当地信息技术的支持和销售服务都会损失超过3美元的收入。知识产权和其他附属行业的损失也出现了同样的涟漪效应目前的趋势令人不安。不过,也许最令人关注的是我们所看到在国际上出售的假冒药品普遍增多,这会把公司的稳定更重要的是消费者的健康置于严重危险之中。For too long, these illegal activities have been perceived as “business as usual.

21、” But not anymore. As each of you knows, stealing innovative ideas or passing off counterfeits can have devastating consequences for individuals, families, and communities. These crimes threaten economic opportunities and financial stability. They suppress the ingenuity of our people and businesses.

22、 They destroy jobs. And they can jeopardize the health and safety of the men and women we are sworn to protect. Intellectual property crimes are not victimless. And we must make certain that they are no longer perceived as risk-free.长久以来,这些非法活动被视为“惯常行为”。但再不会如此。正如你们每个人所知,偷窃创新意念或假冒伪造对个人、家庭和社区都有毁灭性后果。这

23、些罪行威胁着商业机会和金融稳定。它们抑制我们的人民和企业的创造力。他们破坏工作机会。他们可能危及我们宣誓要保护的百姓的健康和安全。知识产权犯罪不是没有受害者。而且我们必须确保不让它再被视为是无风险之举。As global criminal networks increasingly fund their illicit activities through intellectual property crimes, our challenge is not simply to keep up. Our strategies must become more sophisticated than

24、 those employed by the criminals we pursue. Our collaboration across borders must become more seamless. And our determination must not waver.随着全球犯罪网络越来越多地利用知识产权犯罪手段资助其非法活动,我们面临的挑战是不能仅限于跟上应付。我们的战略必须变得比我们所追踪的犯罪分子所使用的更高超。我们与其他国家的合作必须更加天衣无缝。我们的决心绝不能动摇。But the simple truth is that our chain of necessary

25、and desired enforcement is only as strong as its weakest link. Let me be blunt: Not every country, not every organization has done enough. It is time to be clear, and honest, about where we can and where we must improve. If we are going to turn the page on the problem of international intellectual p

26、roperty crime, we must fully assess current efforts and commit to making meaningful, measurable enhancements.但一个简单的道理是,我们需要和期望的执法链条强不过最薄弱的环节。让我坦率地说:并不是每一个国家,并不是每一个组织都尽力而为了。现在是清楚、坦率地说明在哪些地方我们能够而且我们必须改进的时候了。如果我们要在国际知识产权犯罪问题上翻开新篇章,我们一定要充分评估当前的努力,承诺作出有意义、可衡量的改进。Like many of your own governments, the Oba

27、ma Administration recognizes that our nations economic prosperity is increasingly tied to industries like software or life sciences that rely on strong IP enforcement. That is why we have created a new framework, and called for an increased level of activity, to better protect intellectual property

28、rights.就像许多你们各自的政府一样,奥巴马政府认识到,我们国家的经济繁荣越来越与一些行业联系在一起如软件或生命科学这些都依靠强有力的知识产权执法。这就是为什么我们创建了一个新的框架,并要求有更多行动,更好地保护知识产权。As many of you know, last year, President Obama created a new leadership role in the White House Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator and appointed Victoria Espinel to fill this

29、position. I am pleased that Victoria is here with us today. As IP Enforcement Coordinator, her first order of business was to develop a comprehensive strategic plan to guide our governments efforts to protect intellectual property, including copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. The strategic p

30、lan was released by the White House this summer. Already, it is strengthening and streamlining our efforts to detect and prosecute IP crimes. This work is just one example of the administrations renewed focus on IP protection.你们很多人都知道,去年,奥巴马总统在白宫设立了一个新的领导角色,即知识产权执法事务协调员,并任命维多利亚埃斯皮内尔担任这个职务。我很高兴,维多利亚今

31、天也在这里。作为知识产权事务协调员,她的第一项任务就是制定一项全面的战略计划来指导我国政府保护知识产权的努力,包括版权、商标权和贸易机密。这项战略计划已于今年夏天由白宫公布,并已增强了我国侦破和起诉侵犯知识产权犯罪行为的努力,提高了这方面的工作效率。这项工作仅仅是本届政府更加重视保护知识产权的一个例子。Last December, Vice President Biden convened the administrations first intellectual property summit, which brought together cabinet officials and in

32、dustry leaders to discuss intellectual property rights and policies and to identify ways to improve our enforcement efforts. During that summit, I had the chance to discuss the Justice Departments intellectual property enforcement strategy and the critical work being done by some of our most talented lawyers and investigators.去年12月,副总统拜登召集了本届政府的首次知识产权峰会,与会的内阁官员和产业界领袖讨论了知识产权及政策问题,确定了改善我们执法工作的途径。在峰会期间,我有机会阐述了司法部的知识产权执法战略以及我国一些最有才智的律师和调查人员正

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