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1、精选3份合集黑龙江省牡丹江市英语八年级上期末经典模拟试题八年级上学期英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。一、选择题1Theres going to _ in tomorrows newspapers.A.have something new B.h

2、ave new something something new new something2Mrs. Smith _ on the ground and hurt her arm.A.fell back B.fell into C.fell down D.fell behind3 your brother_ talk shows?He cant stand them.AWhat do; think ofBHow does; likeCWhat does; likeDHow does; think of4All we need is enough money to _ our

3、 work .A. carry B. carry onC. carry on with D. carry with5Wow,here are so many beautiful skirts.I dont know _ to buy.Awhich Bwhat Cwhy Dthat6Of all the teams in NBAI think the Los Angeles Lakers played this year.Amost successfully Bthe more successfullyCvery successfully Dmuch more successfully7Turn

4、 on the TV now, your favorite program _ soon.Astart Bstarts Cstarted Dwill start8Mrs. Wang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year.She said she would never forget some pleasant _while working there.Aexperiments BexpressionsCexperiences Demotions9We have two _ pens and _ books.

5、A.hundreds; hundreds of B.hundred; hundred ofC.hundred; hundreds of D.hundreds; hundred of10Id like a cup of coffee _ anything in it.A.with B.for C.through D.without11Mr Green often teaches us to _ delicious food. Hes really good at cooking.Acheck Bdo Cturn Dmake12_ he _ to the mountains with his fr

6、iends last Sunday?A.Did; went B.Does; go C.Does; went D.Did; go13When I got the good news, I couldnt wait to _ it with my family.A.start B.share C.make D.tell14Li Hai,_ you speak Chinese?Yes,only a little.A.must B.needC.have to D.can15I like learning English because the language sounds beautiful. ,i

7、t is also very useful.AOtherwise BHowever CMoreover DInstead16Jim , can you help me to wash the dishes?Sorry , Dad , I _to the shop.Ago Bwent Cam going Dhave been17一It seems that Peter has nothing to do at the moment .一 Let me give him _to read .Aanything Bsomething Ceverything Dnothing18These days

8、teenagers have more and more worries.-It helps a lot to _ a relaxing hobby , such as running.Acut up Bmake up Ctake up Ddress up19Eric and Amy arrived _ the village on a snowy C.on D.of20Mike,you look so excited!Yeah!There _ a tennis game this evening. A.will have going to be C.

9、is going to have D.are going to be二、单词填空21根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1)He is a great a_ movie star.2)That was the r_ why he was late.3)Shes helpful. Shes always r_ to help others.4)The accident h_ at three oclock in the afternoon.5)I cant s_ talk shows. I never watch them.三、句型转换22句型转换按要求完成下面各句,每空一词(含缩写)。1)Kate

10、went to summer camp last year. (改为一般疑问句)_ Kate _ to summer camp last year?2)My parents bought nothing special in Shanghai. (改为同义句)My parents _ buy _ special in Shanghai.3)In Joes class, he jumps higher than any other student. (改为同义句)In Joes class, he _ _.4)Mr. Black stays up latetwice a week. (对划线部分

11、提问)_ _ does Mr. Black stay up late?5)Jennycant standscary movies. (对划线部分提问)What does Jenny _ _ scary movies?四、完成句子23根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。1)杰克擅长弹钢琴。 Jack is_ _ _the piano.2)去哪里吃饭,由你定。 _ _ _ _to decide where to eat.3)抱歉,在本次运动会中我没有发挥重要的作用。 Sorry,I didnt_ a _ in this sports meeting.4)各种各样的蔬菜都在打折销售。 _ _ _vegeta

12、bles are all on sale.5)所有这些信息都是编的,对吧? All the information are_ _,right?五、完形填空24完形填空Li Lei is a Chinese boy. He is Sams cousin. He comes 1 Hefei, China. He is only twelve years old. He goes to New York with his 2 . Now he is 3 in a middle school in New York. His parents work in a shopping center. The

13、y dont have much 4 . So Li Lei 5 a part-time job (兼职工作) at a Chinese restaurant . He goes to work from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. every evening. His boss is Mrs. Wang . She is 6 a Chinese woman. She is from Beijing. She is 7 to Li Lei. Li Lei gets 10 dollars from Mrs. Wang every evening. Mrs. Wang has a

14、n 8 daughter. Her English is very good 9 her Chinese is not good. Mrs. Wang asks Li Lei to 10 her daughter with her Chinese on weekends. She gives Li Lei 10 dollars each time.1)Aat Bfrom Cfor Dof2)Aaunt Buncle Cbrother Dparents3)Astudying Bliving Cworking Dplaying4)Atime Bfood Cmusic Dmoney5)Ajoins

15、Bfinds Carrives Dleaves6)Aalso Btoo Ceither Dwell7)Alovely Bcurly Csorry Dfriendly8)A8-years-old B8-year-old C8 years old D8 year old9)AAnd BOr CBut DSo10)Ahelp Btalk Cmeet Dwant六、用所给的词正确形式填空251)We look forward to _ (invite) Tu Youyou to our school.2)Im _ (surprise) to see you in Shanghai.3)Ms Clark

16、 came into the classroom without _ (say) a word.4)She refused his _ (invite) to the tea party.5)We should make _ (prepare) for the welcome party.七、阅读理解26We all want to have vacations. To me, its very important to relax myself. I finished a one-week vacation just now. Let me tell you what I did. I kn

17、ow you will feel bored when you look at other peoples vacation pictures!My son finished his last week of school. During that week, I became a school mom. They had a class party at a teachers house, so I volunteered (志愿) to drive some of the students and attend the party. That was the last week my so

18、n would be with them. So it was time for me to spend time with them. I had lunch with the class and then attended their meeting. I never had time to be with the class before. I found it very interesting and my son was happy to show off (炫耀) that.1To the writer, the best thing to do on her vacation i

19、s .A. to play with her child B. to have a good restC. to work from day to night D. to go to a new place2According to the writer, people .A. dont like looking at others vacation pictures.B. often help their childrens teachersC. often work for their childrens classes. D. like showing them off in the s

20、chool3From the passage, we can guess the party is to celebrate (庆祝) .A. the teachers birthday.B. the teachers childs birthdayC. the childrens graduation (毕业).D. the finishing of their vacation4The word “attend” means .A. 组织 B. 离开 C. 观赏 D. 参加5The writers son was very glad because .A. he ate much food

21、 at the partyB. he made many new friends at the partyC. he could go to his teachers class againD. his mother worked for the party27阅读短文,从各题所给的三个答案中选择最佳答案回答问题或完成句子。Here are some students New Years resolutions of 2016.Hi, my name is Selina. Im going to do my best at school. Im going to finish my homew

22、ork on time. If I need some help with a subject, Im going to ask my teacher for help.My name is Dave. Im going to eat fruit and vegetables every day. Im going to drink more water and milk. Im also going to brush my teeth after meals every day.My name is Tina. Im going to meet more people and make mo

23、re friends this year. Im also going to be nice to other kids in my class. Im going to be friendly to kids who need friendslike someone who is shy or new.Im Tony. Ill never give out personal information such as my name, home address, school name and telephone number on the Internet. Also, Ill never s

24、end a picture of myself to someone or talk with someone online.1)How many students made their New Years resolutions here?ATwo BThree. CFour.2)Who made New Years resolutions about studying?ASelina. BDave. CTina.3)What isnt Dave going to do to keep healthy?AEat fruit and vegetables every day.BDrink le

25、ss water and milk.CBrush teeth after meals every day.4)What is Tina going to do?AShe is going to finish homework on time.BShe is going to drink more water and milk.CShe is going to be friendly to other kids.5)What do you think of Tony?AHe loves studying. BHe isnt healthy. CHe loves using the Interne

26、t.八、书面表达28请写一篇介绍你理想中的学校的作文,须包含下列要点,1. 学校在早晨9点开始上课,下午3点放学。我们有足够的时间可以去参加课外活动。2. 学校有一个很大的食堂,里面有各种新鲜和健康的食物。3. 学校一边有一个公园,公园是个休息的好地方。另一边有一个博物馆。4. 老师们对我们很亲切,我们每天只有半个小时的家作,周末甚至没有作业【参考答案】*一、选择题题号123456789101112131415161718答案CCBCAADCCDDDBDCCBC题号1920答案BB二、单词填空211)Action2)reason3)ready4)happened5)stand三、句型转换221

27、) Did; go 2) didnt; anything 3) jumps highest 4) How often 5) think of 四、完成句子231) good at playing 2) Its up to you 3) play role 4) All kinds of 5) made up 五、完形填空241)B2)D3)A4)D5)B6)A7)D8)B9)C10)A六、用所给的词正确形式填空251)inviting 2)surprised3)saying4)invitation5)preparations七、阅读理解261A2A3C4D5D271)C2)A3)B4)C5)C

28、八、书面表达28My Ideal SchoolMy ideal school stars at 9:00 a.m. and finishes at 3:00 p.m. We have enough time to take part in the after-school activities.My ideal school has a very big dining hall. There are different kinds of fresh and healthy food in it.There is a park on one side of the school and a mu

29、seum on the other side. The park is a good place to rest in.The teachers are very kind to us. We only have half an hour of homework every day. We dont even have homework at weeekends.八年级上学期英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修

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