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1、江苏省译林牛津版中考复习专题创新+完形填空中考复习专题 完形填空导向一社会现象类短文(原创)The problem of waste is becoming more and more com mon,so it must be controlled.We should join the “clear your plate” campaign(光盘行动)against wasting food.Every day,a large amount of food goes uneaten and ends up in the trash,while many people in developin

2、g countries cannot even_1_to have one meal every day.The next time you_2_ to a delicious dinner,ask yourself,“How much food will I_3_eat?” If you think about only taking as much food as you can_4_,it will help cut down on waste.The problem of waste_5_all over the world.People often consume_6_than th

3、ey really need.This often results in waste and it can be a big_7_However,there are many things_8_we can do to help cut down on trash and waste.The most important thing to remember is to be friendly to the_9_Only take as much food as you can eat,dont buy things you neither want nor need,and leave lit

4、ter in its proper place._10_every person could cut down on waste in daily life,even just a little,the whole result would be great.No one is perfect,but if everyone works together,our earth would be cleaner.【语篇解读】 浪费的现象随处可见,如果人人都能关爱环境,减少浪费,这个问题就能得到抑制。 Bpay Cspend Dafford解析考查习惯用法。前三个动词后面只能跟名词,不能

5、跟动词不定式;只有afford 后面即可以接名词,也可以接动词不定式。答案D2A.sit down Bput downCcome down Dwalk down解析考查词义辨析。A为“坐下来”;B为“放下”;C为“下来”;D为“沿着走”。由句意可判断为A。答案A3A.can BcouldCbe able to Dam able to解析考查语法知识。此空前有助动词will,后面一般为动词原形,这样可排除B和D;另外,情态动词can只有一般现在时和一般过去时,没有一般将来时,这样可排除A。答案C4A.cook Bmake Cbuy Deat解析考查语境理解。联系上下文很容易判断这里的句意是:如果

6、你考虑到只拿你能吃得了的那么多食物。故选D。答案D5A.sees BhasChappens Dtakes place解析考查词义辨析。A为“看见”;B为“有”;A、B为及物动词,后面要带宾语,故都可排除。happen“偶然发生”,take place“必然发生”。浪费在全世界应该是偶然发生,而没有必然性。故选C。注意:做此题时不要受汉语习惯影响。答案C6A.many Bmuch Cmore Dmost解析考查语法知识。根据后面有than引导的比较状语从句来判断,这里要用比较级结构。答案C7A.problem Bquestion Cdifficulty Dpuzzle解析考查语境理解。文中多处提

7、到浪费问题,故选A。答案A8A.what Bthat Cwhether Dso that解析考查语法知识。关系代词that及其后面部分为定语从句,修饰前面名词things。答案B9A.people BfoodCenvironment Dlife解析考查分析判断。结合上下文来判断,由最后我们的地球就会更清洁可知,这里是讲要善待环境。答案C10A.Though BIf CUntil DUnless解析考查语境理解。由句意理解可知,这里要用连词if,引导的是条件状语从句。答案B导向二情感故事类短文(改编)I live in the north of New York.One day last_1_

8、when we received our first snowfall,I looked out and knew that I had to stay at home.An hour later,I tried to go out to let my dog out.But to my_2_,I found my sidewalk and path were cleaned.I had no idea_3_ did this good deed.I looked over to my neighbors sidewalk.There stood the husband with also s

9、urprising looks on his face.I _4_ him who did it.He also had no idea.About a week later,we had another snowfall and I_5_ to find the snow angel.It was a good plan,but I got busy inside and_6_ to keep a look out.When I remembered to look out,the sidewalk was_7_ again.Now I became determined to find m

10、y snow angle.I asked everyone I knew in the neighborhood.I have_8_ here for only three years and only know some of them.So once again my snow angel got away.I waited for the third snow.While I was reading I_9_ some noise.Tears came to my eyes.I found my snow angel was an 8yearold boy.He lives a few

11、houses away from me,_10_ he comes here to clean my sidewalk.For a short time I know,he is an angel for everyone,not only for me.【语篇解读】 在纽约,第一场降雪后,我发现我家门前的人行道已被清扫干净。直到第三次降雪,我才发现,原来我的“白雪天使”竟然是一个八岁的孩子。1A.spring Bsummer Cautumn Dwinter解析根据客观情况可判断,冬天才会下雪。答案D2A.interest Bsurprise Cinterested Dsurprised解析t

12、o ones surprise“使某人吃惊的是”。答案B3A.what Bwhose Cwho Dwhen解析联系上下文可知,作者一直想知道是谁帮他打扫了人行道上的雪,因此用who。答案C4A.told Btalked Csaid Dasked解析句意为“我问他谁做的”。空格后是个问句,因此用ask。答案D5A.began Bdecided Chad Dwanted解析根据语境可判断,作者决心要找到那个扫雪的天使。答案B6A.remembered BforgotCthought Dhad解析联系上下文可知,作者这次又没发现那个扫雪的天使,原因是他在房间里忙的忘记了出去看。答案B7A.noisy

13、 Bquiet Cclean Ddirty解析联系上下文可知,作者家门前的人行道上的积雪被清除,因此变得干净了,与安静、肮脏无关。答案C8A.worked Btaught Ccome Dlived解析句意为“我住在这里只有三年”。文中没提到作者工作以及教学的事情,排除A、B;come是瞬间性动词不能用于一段时间,排除C,故选D。答案D9A.listened Bheard Clooked Dsaw解析根据空格后的some noise可知,噪音是听到的,排除CD;listen只表示“听”的动作,不涉及听到的内容,排除A,故选B。答案B 10A.and Bor Cif Dbut解析空格前后的句子为转

14、折关系,句意为“他住在离我有几处房子远的地方,却跑来给我打扫积雪”。答案D导向三文化教育类短文(原创)In the United States,learning is childrens own thing.When US.students are_1_a young age,they know they should learn according to their own interests,and_2_is their own thing.The selflearning attitude is impressed in their_3_And more,when the childre

15、n are very young,their_4_tell them they shouldnt depend on parents but themselves.In the United States,if_5_are after the age of 18,they must make money to_6_themselves.Even some very rich families would usually not _7_all kinds of fees for children,but let them write an IOU to the home,_8_them to r

16、eturn after graduation.In China,of course parents also love their children very much.But I think the way parents love children between China and USA are quite_9_Chinese parents often offer all things that children need to them.Especially,most children of the very rich families do nothing all day,the

17、ir parents will give much money to them,but the childrens_10_dont develop at all.Is that right or wrong?【语篇解读】 这是一篇介绍中西文化差异的短文,第一段介绍了美国父母在孩子教育上的做法,第二段介绍中国父母在孩子教育上的做法。 Bin Cof Dwith解析在某一个年龄阶段用介词at。答案A2A.speaking Blearning Creading Dwriting解析此处是说学习是他们自己的事情,learning是动名词作主语。答案B3A.hung Bheads Cheart

18、s Dstomach解析此处是自学的这种态度要铭记在心。答案C4A.friends Bparents Cteachers Dcousins解析此处说的是家长们告诉孩子要靠自己而不是父母。答案B5A.fathers Bmothers Cparents Dchildren解析当孩子们超过18岁时。答案D6. Afeed Bgive Cthank Dteach解析此处是他们必须自己赚钱养活自己。答案A7. Apay Bcost Cspend Dtake解析此处是即使是富裕的家庭也不会为孩子而花费各种费用。答案A8A.wanting Bdreaming Cforcing Dasking解析让某人做某事

19、,现在分词作状语。答案D9A.different Bsimilar Csame Dopposite解析考查句意。根据后面的内容可知,父母爱孩子的方式中国与美国不同。答案A10A.age Bheight Cabilities Dstudy解析考查句意。但是孩子的能力一点也得不到发展。答案C导向四励志教育类短文(原创)What can lead you to success?The most important thing is what you do every day.It is very simple.Your habits will decide_1_you are successful

20、or not in the future.If you have strong and healthy_2_habits,it doesnt matter whether you fail or not today,because you are sure to succeed in the end.Having good habits does not mean that you will_3_every time.However,if it goes long,you will_4_all your goals and be successful.On the other hand,if

21、you have strong bad habits,you are sure to_5_at last.Why are habits so important?Because you _6_the same actions and the same behaviors every day.A single good action will not change your life,but the same action repeated 1000 times will have an important_7_on your life.For example,if you go to the

22、gym one time,you wont see a big difference in your life.However,if you go to the gym 1000 times,you will see a big_8_in your body.How can you develop good habits?Theres nothing easier than developing good habits.You want to make a habit,and then you must do the action every day.If you want to develo

23、p the habit of eating healthily,_9_healthily every day.If you want to develop the habit of_10_,read every day.The more you do an action,the easier it becomes in the end.【语篇解读】 本文记叙了习惯对人的影响,习惯的重要性和如何养成良好习惯的问题。1A.if Bwhether Cthat Dwhere解析本题考查whether.or not的用法。答案B2A.interesting BgoodCrelaxing Dpleasan

24、t解析本段从好坏习惯两个方面阐述了习惯对人的影响,从后面你会成功可以看出这个地方应该是好习惯。答案B3A.find Benjoy Claugh Dsucceed解析此句意是有好习惯并不意味着你每一次都成功。答案D4A.reach Bmeet Cknow Dachieve解析此句意是如果时间长了的话,你就能实现你的目标并成功。答案 Bcry Cshine Ddrop解析从另一个方面来说,如果你有不好的习惯,你将注定最后失败的。答案 Brepeat Clike Drefuse解析从此段后半部分来看,主要讲述了重复做相同的行动,因此这里填repeat比较合适。答案B7A.

25、use Bharm Ceffect Ddifficulty解析此题意指重复1,000遍对身体的影响。答案C8A.decision Buse Cafford Ddifference解析此处意指在体育馆重复1,000遍将对身体有很大的影响。答案 Bdrink Ckeep Dget解析如果你想养成吃得健康的习惯,那么你每天要吃得健康。答案A10A.running Breading Cwalking Dseeing解析从做题技巧上来说,前面用eating,此处应该用reading,因为后面是关于read的论述。答案B导向五人物故事类短文(改编)Bryan Lee is an ordina

26、ry American high school student.Different from others,this 16yearold boy loves making bows by hand and then he _1_them on the Internet.Bryan shares a common_2_with his parents.They all love hunting and fishing.They often go hunting and go fishing in their free time. “I wanted a long bow to hunt with

27、,_3_I didnt have enough money,” Bryan said.“So I had to make one by _4_”Bryan said that he was selftaught.He learned how to make bows from the Internet and a few books.Of course,it wasnt _5_for him at first.However,after lots of hard work,he _6_knew how to make bows that look as good as those sold i

28、n stores.Bryan_7_making his first long bow when he was just twelve years old.So far he has made seven fiberglass bows and sold three of them.He has made a lot of money while _8_his hobby.Bryan said that he dreamed of _9_a bow making factory in the future.Bryan usually communicates with his customers

29、 on the phone or_10_email.He even has his own website :.Are you interested in it?Why not pay a visit to it?【语篇解读】 文章主要讲述了平凡的美国高中生非常喜欢自己制作弓箭,并且还在网上销售,赚了不少的钱。他曾梦想开一个弓箭制造厂。1A.buys Bsells Ccreates Dproduces解析考查逻辑关系。根据前半句所说的这个不同于他人的十六岁少年喜欢用手工做弓,然后就是到网上出售。故B正确。答案 Bfashion Cexperience Dinterest解析考查前后暗示。根据后句所说的他和他的父母都喜欢打猎和钓鱼可知他们有共同的兴趣。故D正确。答案 Bor Cstill Dbut解析考查连词的用法。根据前后半句我想要长弓去打猎和我没有足够的钱,可知它们为转折关系,要用but来连接。故D正确。答案D4A.herself Bhimself Cmyself Ditself解析考查逻辑关系。根据前句所提及的我没有足够的钱来买长弓可知我不得不自己亲手做了,要用by myself。故C正确。答案C5A.easy Bhard Csurp

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