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1、高一英语作文练习与范文一假如你是李华,你的朋友张华春节后要转入你班学习,他向你询问有关你校的情况。请根据以下提示给张华写一封回信:1. 学校位置和规模:城市东部,有60个班级,约3000名学生;2. 学校的氛围:学生刻苦学习;3. 课外活动情况:学生可参与各式各样的课外活动和社会实践活动,以拓宽视野,发展潜能。注意:1.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2.词数100左右Dear Zhang Hua, Yours Li Hua范文Dear Zhang Hua,Im glad to learn that youre going to study in my school. Id like to g

2、ive you a brief introduction of my school. My school is located in the east part of the city, and its a very beautiful school. The school, consisting of 60 classes,has about 3,000 students in all.In my school,all the students study very hard. Besides gaining knowledge.we are encouraged to participat

3、e in colourful after-class activities and social practice, which are intended to broaded our horizons and develop our potential. Im sure that you will get used to the life here quickly.Looking forward to seeing you here. Yours Li Hua二快餐现在在中国很流行, 但快餐对人的身体却没什么好处。 请根据以下要点以“fast food” 为题写一篇短文, 准备发表在一份生活

4、杂志上。1 快餐在中国非常流行, 人们尤其是儿童和青少年喜欢吃快餐。2 快餐受欢迎至少有4个方面的原因:A 方便, 节约时间 B 既可在快餐店里吃又可以带回家C 店里环境干净, 舒服D 服务周到, 食品质量有保证3. 快餐食品缺乏营养。4.建议: 如时间来不及可考虑吃快餐, 但以偶尔品尝为宜。 儿童应尽量少吃快餐。 营养 nutrition 方便 convenientFast food范文Fast foodNowadays, fast food is very popular in china, especially children and young people enjoy eating

5、 fast food very much. Fast food is loved by people for four reasons. First, fast food is very convenient and it saves time. Second, fast food can be eaten in the restaurant or you can take it home. Third, fast food restaurants are very clean and comfortable. Last, the service in the restaurants is v

6、ery good and the quality of the food is good. However, we cant get enough nutrition from fast food and it is not good for our health. So if we dont have enough time, we can consider eating fast food. But we should eat it once in a while. Children should eat less fast food. We should eat more healthy

7、 food三假如你是李明,最近你的朋友张华因考试不利情绪低落,学习消极应付。请你用英语给他写一封e-mail劝慰他,鼓励他努力学习,并结合自身实际,提出应采取的积极态度和应对方法。 词数:120左右Dear Zhang Hua, Im sorry to hear that_ Yours Li Ming范文Dear Zhang Hua,Im sorry to hear that you didnt do well in your last exam. Quite a number of students feel the same way as you and they tend to lose

8、 their confidence and dont want to study hard any longer. Im sure you know that its unwise to do so, because you might be left far behind. I was once in the same situation as yours. Failure is the mother of success. In face of failure, what we need to do is to calm down and make some possible change

9、s or to ask teachers or friends for advice. Anyway, Rome is not built in a day. Only by sticking to studying can we make progress step by step . I truly hope I can be of some help to you. Yours Li Ming四假设一批外国友人要在中国过春节,他们想了解我国过春节的情况。请你根据下面要点写一篇英语短文。1春节是中国的重大节日;2节前人们要大扫除;3全家人在一起吃年夜饭;4孩子们会得到压岁钱;5年初一穿新衣

10、服,走亲访友,互道吉利。词数:120左右The Spring Festival范文As you know, the Spring Festival is the most colorful and important festival in China. To celebrate it people always do a lot of preparations for it. The day before the festival is the eve of the Spring Festival when people have a thorough cleaning everywhere

11、. In the evening the whole family are sitting together, having supper and watching TV until midnight. The lucky money in red paper is given to children by elders as a gift.On the first day of the new year, all the people, old and young, wear new clothes to welcome the New Years coming, pay a visit t

12、o their relatives and friends and wish each other good luck in the new year. 五假设你是星光中学的李华,将参加主题为“Lets Ride Bicycles”的英语演讲比赛。请撰写一份演讲稿,主要内容包括:1.目前汽车带来的空气污染和交通堵塞等问题。2.骑自行车的益处,如能环保有利健康等。参考词汇:低碳生活(low-carbon life)节能(energy saving)注意:1.词数:120词左右;2.演讲稿开头和结尾已给出,该部分不计入总词数。Good morning,everyone,I am Li hua fr

13、om Xingguang Middle School.The topic of my speech is “Lets Ride Bicycles”.Thank you!范文Good morning, everyone,I am Li Hua form Xingguang Middle School. The topic of my speech is Lets Ride Bicycles.As is known to all, with the improvement of peoples living standards, cars have become a popular means o

14、f transport, bringing great convenience to our life. However, they have also caused some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams.How can we solve the problems then? As far as Im concerned, riding bicycles is a good solution. For one thing, bicycles dont need any petrol and they are energy sa

15、ving. For another, bicycles are environmentally friendly because they wont give off waste gas. Whats more, riding bicycles is a good way for us to exercise and it is beneficial to our health.Therefore, lets take the responsibility to build up a low carbon city by riding bicycles. Come on and join us

16、!Thank you! 六假如你是李林,代表20班的同学给你们学校新来的外教Johnson写一封电子邮件,告诉他大家对他第一周教学的感受,内容包括:1大家对他总体评价较高;2具有独特的、使课堂生动活泼的方法;3知识渊博,且对学生很耐心;4. 希望和老师更好地相处,老师有困难也可以告诉同学们. 注意: 1 电子邮件必须包括以上内容,可以适当增加细节。2 词数:100左右。开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总字数。 Dear Johnson, On behalf of the students of Class 20, _ Yours, Li Lin范文Dear Johnson, On behalf o

17、f the students of Class 20, I write to you to tell you how we feel about your first-week teaching in our class. All of us students think highly of your way of teaching, as you can always make your class lively and interesting. In addition, you are such a learned teacher that we can learn a lot from

18、you and most important of all, you are very patient with us. To be honest, you have built up our confidence in learning English well. We all hope we can get along well with you.And if you have any difficulties in your life here, just tell us. We are ready to offer you any help. Yours, Li Lin 七以The I

19、nternet Has Changed Our Lives为题,根据提示,写一篇100字左右的文章。文章开头已给出,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 1.网络有助于学习,我们可以查找信息,下载资料,网上上课2.网络让我们的生活更加有趣,可在业余时间听音乐,看电影,玩游戏3.网络给我们提供了快捷方便的交流,我们可以通过E-mail, QQ, MSN等和世界各地的人交朋友。The Internet Has Changed Our LivesIts true that the Internet has greatly changed our lives._范文The Internet Has Chan

20、ged Our Lives Its true that the Internet has greatly changed our lives. First of all, the Internet is a great help to our study. We can search for information, download useful materials on the Internet and take online lessons as well. Secondly, the Internet makes our lives more interesting. We usual

21、ly listen to music, watch movies and play computer games on it in our spare time. Thirdly, the Internet provides us with quick and convenient means of communication, such as E-mail, QQ and MSN, which make it possible for us to make friends with people from all over the world. In a word, the Internet

22、 has made our lives much more convenient and colourful than before. 八假如你是John,给你的朋友Tom发封电子邮件,告知如下事情:1. 得悉星期天将是晴天,很高兴;2. 已邀请了几个好朋友周末去郊游(take an outing);3. 上午8点在森林公园(Forest Park)门口见面;4. 内容:上午爬山,中午野餐,在树林里采野果,下午在附近(nearby)河里划船、游泳;5. 希望Tom也参加,并在晚上9点前回复。 词数:100词左右。Dear Tom; Im glad to learn that_Yours,Joh

23、n范文Dear Tom; Im glad to learn that it will be sunny this Sunday. So I have invited several friends of mine to take an outing this weekend. Well meet at gate of the Forest Park at 8 am. Then well go climbing and have some games in the morning. At noon, we will have a picnic and pick wild fruit in the

24、 forest. In the afternoon we will go boating in the nearby river and swim in it. Will you please join us? It will be very interesting .Please give me a reply before 9 this evening. Yours, John 九假设你是李华,得知肖伟跟他的父母相处的过程中遇到一些困惑。请你根据下列信息写信给他,并提供一些建议。Xiao Weis problems with his parentsnot get along well with parents; parents do not listen to him ; have no time to be alone Li Huas advice要求

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