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北师大版Unit10 Learning to learn教学案.docx

1、北师大版Unit10 Learning to learn教学案.根据词性及汉语意思写出单词1nativeadj.出生地的,本土的2billionn. 十亿3bowvi. 鞠躬,点头致意4Romann. 古罗马人,罗马城5defeatvt. 战胜,击败6motivatevt.使有动机,促使,激发motivationn动力,诱因7percentagen百分比,百分率percentn百分之一,百分比8techniquen技术;技巧technicaladj.(有)技术的;工艺的techniciann技术员,技师technologyn工艺学9fluentlyadv.流利地fluentadj.流畅的flu

2、encyn流行,流畅10passerbyn经过的人,过路人passersbyn(复数形式)11defeatvt.战胜;击败.用所给词的适当形式填空12In our real life, only a few made great achievements,_but most didnt achieve their dreams in fact.(achieve)13The universe has existed for billions of years, but no one knows when it came into existence.(exist)14People brought

3、 a variety of their pets to the show and took part in various activities.(variety).补全短语1be similar to与相似2look up 抬头看;查阅3take every opportunity to do sth. 利用一切机会做某事4put off推迟,拖延5a variety of种种,多种多样的6at present 目前,现在7in danger of 有的危险8work sth.out解决;算出;计划9pick up拾起,捡起10round up使聚拢起来11round .off圆满结束12b

4、reak up散(会);分开;拆散1. The more you use English, the more you will want to learn it.你使用英语越多,你就越想学英语。句式分析the比较级 ., the比较级 .,意为“越越”。佳句赏析付出越多,获得越多。The more you give, the more youll get.2(长难句分析) One view is that English is going to become even more important as a global language,being most widely used in t

5、rade and media while some other languages will become less important or just disappear.有一种观点认为,作为全球通用语的英语会变得越来越重要,并在商界和传媒界应用最广泛,然而其他一些语言会变得不那么重要或者会面临消亡。句式分析句中that引导一个较长的表语从句,直到句末。在这个表语从句中,并列连词while连接两个分句构成一个并列句,表示对比关系,意为“然而”。考点1achievement nU达成,完成;C成就,成绩教材原句Thats a big achievement!那是一项大成就!He has bro

6、ken two world records in one day, which is quite an achievement!他一天打破两项世界纪录,这真是了不起的成绩!(1)a sense of achievement成就感achievement of an ambition 抱负的实现make achievements in (doing) sth.在(做)某事方面取得成就(2)achieve v完成,达到,实现achieve success 取得成功achieve victory 获胜achieve ones goal/purpose 达到目标/目的I felt a great sen

7、se of achievement when I reached the top of the mountain.当我到达山顶的时候,我有一种巨大的成就感。A man who doesnt want to learn from others cant achieve much.一个不想向别人学习的人是不会有多大成就的。1单句语法填空Ive achieved (achieve) only half of what I hoped to do.He was proud of his daughters achievements (achieve)They hope to_achieve (achi

8、eve) their goals by peaceful means.China has made great achievements in space exploration.2完成句子首次飞越大西洋是一个伟大的成就。Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a_great_achievement.要想取得科学上的成就,你首先要热爱科学。To_make_scientific_achievements,_you must love science first.我们的目标一定要达到!We must achieve_our_goals!考

9、点2put off 推迟,拖延教材原句Dont put it off. Begin now!不要拖延,现在就开始吧!Its raining hard.Wed better put off the sports meeting.正在下大雨,我们最好把运动会延期。put off doing sth.推迟做某事put off sth. till/until时间 将某事推迟到时候put up with 忍受,容忍(讨厌的人)put up 举起;安装;张贴;建造,搭起;为提供住宿put out 熄灭;关(灯);出版;生产put forward 提出(理论、意见等)put down 记下;镇压;杀死put

10、 away 把收起;储存,积攒They put up a tent by the fire.他们在火堆旁搭起了一个帐篷。Who put forward the suggestion?这个建议是谁提的?Never put off the work till tomorrow that you can do today.不要把今天能完成的事情推到明天做。/今日事,今日毕。名师点津put off delay,后跟名词、代词、动名词作宾语,而不能跟不定式。He keeps putting off going to the hospital.他把去医院的事一拖再拖。用put短语的适当形式填空The fi

11、re was_put_out soon.We put_up at a hotel that night.When they finished playing, the children were made to put_away all the toys they had taken out.I will not put_up_with her carelessness.She put_off writing her essay until the last minute.考点3exist vi.存在,生存 教材原句Two thousand years ago, English did not

12、 exist.2 000年前,英语还不存在。Why do you think these differences exist?你为什么认为存在这些区别?That word doesnt exist in English.英语中没有这个单词。(1)exist in存在于exist on sth. 靠生存(2)existence n. 存在,实有come into existence come into being 产生;成立in existence 现存的,现有的bring sth.into existence 使出现,使产生Salt exists in many things.盐存在于许多东西

13、之中。They exist on very little money.他们靠极少的钱来过活。When Facebook came into existence its founder Mark Zuckerberg was still a student in Harvard University.“脸谱网”(Facebook)创建时,其创始人马克扎克伯格还是在哈佛大学就读的学生。语境串记Do you believe in the existence of ghosts?Perhaps they only exist in some peoples imagination.你相信鬼魂的存在吗?

14、或许它们只存在于一些人的想象里。1完成句子The workers mainly exist_on (靠生存) bread and milk.This new country came_into_existence (成立) in 1951.Experience exists_in (存在于) practice.A group of young men brought the Communist Party of China into_existence (使产生) in the 1920s.2翻译句子没有人知道这个世界是怎样形成的。No_one_knows_how_this_world_com

15、e_into_existence.据说这是该书仅存的一本了。It_is_said_that_this_is_the_only_copy_of_the_book_in_existence.考点4at present 目前,现在教材原句At present, over half the worlds 6,500 languages are in danger of disappearing.目前,全世界6 500种语言有半数以上面临消亡的危险。We are badly in need of teachers at present.当前我们急需教师。(1)for the present暂时(2)pr

16、esent adj. 目前的,现在的;出席的,到场的at the present time at present目前be present at 出席(3)present v. 赠送;呈现present sb.with sth. 赠送/授予某人某物present sb./sth. 捐赠某物给What I have given you are about all for the present.我所告诉你的,大概就是目前所需要的。His father promised to present him with a computer if he passed the examinatio

17、n.他父亲承诺如果考试及格,就送给他一台电脑。名师点津present作“出席的,在场的”讲时,常放于被修饰词之后;作“目前的,现在的”讲时,常放于被修饰词之前。Did you see the government leaders present?你见到在场的政府领导人了吗?Did you see the present government leaders?你见到现任的政府领导人了吗?1写出下列句中present的词性和汉语意思Do you enjoy your present job?adj.目前的He gave me a handsome present.n.礼物Everybody pre

18、sent welcomed the decision.adj.出席的,到场的He presented a bunch of flowers to her.v.赠送2单句改错What is your address present?address_presentpresent_addressMost of the present guests at the party are scientists.present_guestsguests_present考点5variety nC种类,品种;U变化,多样性 教材原句Although different varieties of English w

19、ill continue to develop around the world, standard English will survive for international communication.虽然不同种类的英语将继续在全世界发展,但是以国际交流为目的的标准英语仍将存在。My life is full of variety.我的生活丰富多彩。This is an early variety of tomato.这是一种早熟的西红柿品种。(1)a variety ofvarieties of各种各样的(2)various adj. 不同的,各种各样的(3)vary v. 改变,变更

20、,修改vary from .to . 由到不等vary with . 随变化/改变vary in . 在某方面不同There are different varieties of plants in the garden.花园里有各种各样的植物。With various ways to wear them, the long skirts have come into fashion again.因其百搭的风格,长裙又开始流行起来。This pile of apples vary in size.这堆苹果大小不一。That sort of thing varies from person to

21、 person.那种事因人而异。1单句语法填空I didnt like the work, because it lacked variety (vary)There are various (vary) ways to solve the problem.Her mood varies from day to day.Varieties (vary) of flowers were on show in the street on National Day.2完成句子世界上有各种不同的人。There are a_variety_of_people on the earth.这儿的天气时刻在变

22、。The weather here varies_from_hour_to_hour.在那一点上你会发现各种不同的意见。You can find various_opinions on that point.考点6defeat vt.战胜,击败 nU,C失败,战败 (1)vt.战胜,击败Our football team defeated theirs this time.这一次我们的足球队胜了他们的足球队。This kind of problems always defeats me.我总是无法应付这类问题。(2)n.U,C失败,战败He always seems cheerful even

23、 in defeat.他看上去总是高高兴兴的,甚至输了也一样。This season weve had three wins and two defeats.这个赛季我们三胜两负。辨析比较defeat/beat指在战争、比赛、竞选或辩论中战胜对手,二者可以互换,基本的动宾搭配是:defeat/beat sb.win多指在比赛或战争中获胜或在竞赛中获奖,基本的动宾搭配是:win sth.,可跟双宾语:win sb.sth.He defeated/beat the champion in three sets.他三盘击败了冠军。They won that game in the end.他们最终赢

24、得了那场比赛。1选词填空: defeat, beat, winShe was determined to win the race.He was defeated/beaten at chess.That invention won him a medal.We beat them in the game last Sunday and finally we won the match.2单句改错They defeated the battle but lost many men.defeatedwon考点7break up 分解,分裂;破裂,驱散 教材原句Another view is th

25、at English is already breaking up into several separate languages.另一种观点是英语已经被分解成几种不同的语言。Do you know what broke up their friendship?你知道是什么破坏了他们的友情吗?The meeting broke up at eleven oclock.十一点散会。break down毁掉,垮掉;出故障break in 打断;插话break into 破门而入;突然起来break off 中止,中断,打断break out 突然爆发break through 冲破,突破The e

26、levators in this building are always breaking down.这幢楼里的电梯总出故障。Our soldiers quickly broke through the enemys defence works.我们的战士很快突破了敌人的防御工事。The assistant broke in with some ideas of his own about the matter.助手插嘴讲了自己的一些关于这件事情的想法。Mr. Albert broke off speaking to answer the telephone during the speech

27、.阿尔伯特先生在演讲过程中中断了演讲去接电话。单句语法填空I hope nothing will break into your time when you work on it.The economic crisis broke out and hit heavily the world economy.Im surprised to hear Sue and Paul have broken up.Surgeons have broken through in the kidney transplantation.One view is that English is going to b

28、ecome even more important as a global language, being most widely used in trade and media while some other languages will become less important or just disappear.有一种观点认为,作为全球通用语的英语会变得越来越重要,并在商界和传媒界应用最广泛,然而其他一些语言会变得不那么重要或者会面临消亡。(1)句中while是并列连词,意为“然而”,表示前后对比。Some people like coffee, while others like

29、tea.有些人喜欢咖啡,而有些人喜欢茶。Some people waste food while others havent enough to eat.有些人浪费食物而有些人却吃不饱。(2)while作从属连词的用法:引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候,和同时”。While (I was) reading I fell asleep.读书的时候我睡着了。引导让步状语从句,相当于although,意为“虽然,尽管”。While she is a top student, she has some shortcomings.虽然她是个优秀学生,她也有缺点。引导条件状语从句,相当于as long a

30、s,意为“只要”。We can surely overcome these difficulties while we are closely united.只要我们紧密团结起来,我们肯定能战胜这些困难。翻译句子Need I water your plants while you are away?你不在的时候,需要我帮你的植物浇水吗?While I admit its difficult, I can solve it.虽然我承认此事很难,但我能解决。You dont have to worry while we are here.只要我们在,你就不必担心。.单词拼写1The motivation (动机) for the attack is unknown yet.2At the end of the yea

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