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新人教版9年级Unit 6 When was it inventedSec A 1a3c.docx

1、新人教版9年级Unit 6 When was it invented Sec A 1a3cUnit 6 When was it invented Sec A 1a-3c 【明确目标】1掌握下词汇及句型:invent,heat,calculator,scoop light bulb, microwave oven, the most helpful When was the telephone invented? I think it was invented in 1876. What are they used for? What do you think is the most helpf

2、ul invention? I think the most helpful invention is2. 掌握一般过去时态的构成。3. 鼓励学生观察日常生活中发明给人们的学习、工作、生活带来的好处,培养学生发明创造的兴趣。【重、难点】: 掌握一般过去被动语态的构成。【温故检测】:1_由.制造(看出原材料) 3_把.变成.2_制造(看不出原材料) 4 _即使 5 _查明;弄清 7 _被.覆盖1) 8)_ 被使用 9)_ 被用于做 11)_习惯于某事或干某事 10)_过去常常做某事【激趣导入】: 谁能说出咱们日常生活中最重要的发明是什么? 【自主学习】1词汇检测1)发明,创造 2)网站 3)高兴

3、愉快 4)项目工程 5)scoop 6)heel 7)style _ 8)电灯泡 9)闹钟 _ 10) 有用的发明 11)偶然意外地 _ 2.完成1a 3.完成1b【学习探究】:1. 讨论3a中所填答案。2. 小组合作完成3b3辨析 :invent & discoverInvent 指发明以前根本不存在的新事物。discover指发现了原来已经存在的但不为人知的东西。1) He always strives to something new.2) He America in 1492. invent v. _n. 发明 _ n.发明家。Edison was a great _ He _lots

4、 of_ in his life.(用invent的适当形式填空)4 use1) be used for+ n / pron / v-ing= be used to do sth. 被用于做 2)be used by 被使用 3)be used as被当作而使用 4)used to do sth.+v 过去常常做某事5. What do you think is the most helpful invention ? do you think 插入语后跟陈述句语序6 helpful adj. n+ ful. 类似的词有: _ 【当堂训练】: 、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Do you k

5、now when the computer _ ( invent)?2 .When_ the Great Wall _ (build)?3. This machine is used for _(make) fresh air.4.The pencil is used_ (write) and drawing .5 The knife cutting meat.6 My mother _ getting up early in the morning .7 English _most people around the world.8 He _like watching TV, now he

6、likes playing computer games. 中考连接:1. The helicopter was invented in 1990 (对画线部分提问) _The helicopter _ ?2.Someone turned down the television just now .(改被动语态) The television _ down just now.3.English is spoken as a second language in many countries.(改为主动语态) People _ as a second language in many count

7、ries.【盘点收获】:本节课我学会了: _ 书面等级: 质量等级: 批改日期: Unit 6 When was it invented (Section A)Grammar主备人 王艳芳 袁娜 审核 林苑 时间:【明确目标】巩固4种时态被动语态的构成【重、难点】: 掌握被动语态的构成 【温故检测】:被动语态由_+_构成。人称、数和时态的变化是通过_的变化表现出来的。一般现在时:_一般过去时:_一般将来时:_情态动词的被动语态构成:_【激趣导入】:当你小时候被人打了的时候,你首先向打人的家长怎么说才能表达自己受委屈了?【自主学习】自己写几个被动语态的句子【学习探究】:交流自己如何理解一般现在时

8、、一般过去时、一般将来时、情态动词的被动语态构成【当堂检测】: 完成4a 、4b中考连接:【2013陕西】 The mobile phone has influenced peoples life a lot since it _. A. invents B. invented C. is invented D. was invented 【2013哈尔滨】26. On June 11th, 2013,Shenzhou-10 carrying three astronauts _ into space from the space center in Jiuquan. All the Chin

9、ese people are proud of its successful launch. A. sent up B. are sent up C. was sent up 【2013湖南益阳】The sports meeting _next month. A. will hold B. is going to hold C. will be held【2013河南】28. Excuse me. Im looking for Be the Best of Yourself.Sorry. The book you ask for_ out.A. is selling B. is sold C.

10、 was selling D. will be sold【2013河北】38. Annie to the party. She had a wonderful time with us. A. invites B. is invited C. was invited D. has invited【2013广西玉林】. Many houses _ in the earthquake of April 20, 2013 in Yaan.A. is destroyed B. are destroyed C was destroyed D. were destroyedooks are popular

11、. They by many teenagers.A. is read B. was read C. are read D. were read【2013 湖南衡阳】 Teenagers allowed to drive.A. should not be B. should be not C. not should be【2013湖北宜昌】At present, one of the best ways to study is working in groups. More chances _ to students to learn from each other. A. offer B.

12、are offered C. have offered D. are offering 【2013湖北十堰】. I want to borrow the book, but I dont know how long it may _. For two weeks. A. keep B. be borrowed C. borrow D. be kept【2013湖北孝感】Many trees _ on the streets every years. So the air is very fresh now. A. plant B. are planted C. planted D. were

13、planted【盘点收获】:书面等级: 质量等级: 批改日期: Unit 6 When was it invented (Section B)主备人 王艳芳 袁娜 审核 林苑 时间:【明确目标】1.掌握重点词汇及句型。2. 听力训练3. 了解署条发明的过程。【重、难点】: 听力技能提高【温故检测】:【2013天津】What languages _ in that country? German and EnglishA .are speaking B .are spoken C speak D .is spoken【2013黑龙江绥化 Boys and girls, the books in

14、the library should _ good care of.A. be taken B. take C. are taking【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】.A new park_ in our hometown next year. Really? Our hometown must be more beautiful.A. will build B. will be built C. is built【2013 甘肃白银】A year has four seasons and it _ twelve different star signs. A. divided into B. is

15、 dividing into C. divided into D is divided into【2013江苏南京】It is said that an Asian Culture Village _inside the AYG, Village in Nanjing in the coming Asian Youth Games period.A. builds B. is building C. will be built D. was built【2013广东梅州】. The child without parents _ good care of by his teachers in

16、this special school. A. is taken B. are taken C. take D. takes 【2013江苏连云港】 Clark, your room is really in a mess. It needs _ Sorry, mum. Ill do it at once.A .clean B. cleaned C .to clean D. to be cleaned【2013江苏泰州】 “Frog”, Mo Yans latest novel, please! Sorry, it _ just now. But it will come out again

17、soon.A. sold out B. is sold out C has sold out D. was sold out【激趣导入】:Do you like potato chips? 你知道他怎么发明的吗? 【自主学习】 词汇检测1)脆的,易碎的 2)咸的,含盐的 3)酸的 4)厨 师 _5)错误地 6)fridge _ 7)potato chips 8)national _ 2 完成1a【学习探究】:听磁带完成1b、1c【当堂检测】:1 by mistake 错误地(因粗心、遗忘等所致)mistake . for 错把当作Sorry, I took your bag . I mista

18、ke her her sister.2 make v. 使怎么样, 其后往往带复合宾语,常用句型如下:1)主语+make+宾语+名词(做宾补)The boss can make the young man . (rich)2)主语+make+宾语+形容词(做宾补)The news made her . (happily)3)make+宾语+do sth.Nothing will make me my mind. (change)3 salt名词,形容词salty cloud _ Sun _ rain _ snow 【中考链接】( )1. Potato chips were invented _

19、(错误地). Aby accident B. by chance C. by mistake ( )2. Helen is _to look after herself. A. old enough B. young enough C. enough old ( )3. The chips are very _, so I like them very much. A. well B. bad C. delicious ( ) 4. _ , he finished the work well. A. At the end B. By the end C. In the end ( ) 5. S

20、ome people think the alarm clock is an _ invention. A. annoy B. annoying C. annoyed ( ) 6. Which invention do you think is more helpful, the computer _the car? A. and B. so C. or ( )7. I think _invention is the light bulb because it makes people work and play more time every day. A. the most helpful

21、 B. the least helpful C. helpful( )8.When do you think the machine _? In 1890. A. was invented B. were invented C. was invent ( )9. The PRC _on October 1, 1949. The year of 2011 is her ninetieth birthday. A. is found B. was found C. was founded【盘点收获】:本节课我学会了: _ 书面等级: 质量等级: 批改日期: Unit 6 When was it i

22、nvented (Section B)主备人 王艳芳 袁娜 审核 林苑 时间:【明确目标】1.掌握重点词汇及句型。2. 培养学生的阅读理解能力3. 通过对篮球发展史的了解,关心和热爱体育运动。【重、难点】培养学生的阅读理解能力【温故检测】: 请10个同学分别说出10种不同的学习英语的方法【激趣导入】:Do you like sports? Who is your favorite athlete? 【自主学习】1. 词汇检测1)加拿大人 2)在户内 3)木制的_ 4)分开的,划分 5)目的,目标 6)篮筐 7)流行 9)hero _ 10)look up to 13)knock into _

23、【学习探究】:(根据3a图示和课文信息完成下面的短文)Basketball was invented by a_ doctor named James Naismith. He divided the men into _ teams and there were_ players in each team .The aim of basketball is to get a ball into the _:a get hanging form a metal _.Players move towards one end of the _while _the ball to each othe

24、r. In 1891,the first basketball game was played. And in 1936 in _,it became an Olympic event. Now basketball is played by more than 100 _people in over _countries, where basketball has been played in_, _ and factories. People play it for fun and _.The famous basketball organization in America is _.【

25、当堂检测】:1 the number of -的数量,做主语时谓语动词用_(单数复数)形式he number of the students in our class is 50.2 a number of 许多,大量,后面接可数名词_,做主语时,谓语动词用_形式。(1)I have collected _ stamps.A a number of B the number of C a little D a bit of(2)-How many people are there in the factory? The number of the workers in it _1800.A h

26、ave B has C are D is 3.dream of/about _4 divide.into ,5 It is believed that. 相当于people believe that.人们相信/认为类似用法的还有:It is said + that从句. 据说It is reported + that据报道6.take part in 和join 的用法区别:1)take part in参加群众性活动、会议等, join后加团体、组织、党派等名词,即成为的一员He the Party last year. join sb. in sth./doing与某人一起做某事、 中考连接

27、:( )1.It is that hell come here.A. say B. supposed C. believe D. expect( )2. boys come to swim. Do you know of them? Yes, I do.A. A number of, a number B. The number of, a numberC. The number, numbers of D.A number of, the number( )3.China is a country. Japan is a country.A. developed, developing B. developing, developed C. development, developing D. develops, develop( )4. We are going to divide the class small groups.A. to B. in C. of D .into( )5. _ is believed that Bell invented the first telephone in 1876.A. This B. That C. It D. One【盘点收获】:本节课我学会了: _ 书面等级: 质量等级: 批改日期:

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