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1、学年高一英语寒假训练05Unit5NelsonMandela寒假训练05 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela - a modern hero一、单词拼写1. Q is more important than quantity.2. His (献身精神) to music is plain to see.3. She did a very good job and got ar from the company.4. I cant stand some peoples _ (残忍) to animals.5. Boys are usually not a in English class

2、.6. He killed a boy, so he was _ (判刑)to death.7. In our country people of or over 18 have the right to v .8. Women are fighting for (平等的) pay with the men because they do the same job.9. We hope that you will give o_ and suggestions about our work.10. They will start their project to help the poor c

3、hildren to be _ (教育) in the west of China.二、完成句子11. 这所学院于1895年由她的家族创办。The college _ by her family in 1895.12. 你是投票赞成还是反对他的决定?Do you _ or _ his decision?13. 只有通过努力拼搏,才能实现自己的梦想。Only by working hard you your dream.14. 她第一次看到汤姆的时候,他躺在床上。_, he was lying in bed.15. 只是到了战后,他才回到自己的祖国。_ after the war _ to hi

4、s motherland.三、单项选择16. By all , you must try every to help him.A. mean; mean B. means; meansC. means; mean D. mean; means17. Ms Black is considered a(n) lady by her neighbors, for she often helps the poor old man next door.A. generous B. equal C. mean D. selfish18. Thousands of people to watch yeste

5、rdays match against Ireland.A. turned on B. turned inC. turned around D. turned out19. Shes having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesnt know whom to .A. turn to B. look forC. deal with D. talk about20. Jane is unhappy now, for she has for two weeks.A. been out of job B. been out of

6、 work C. lost her job D. been out of jobs21. We will put off the picnic in the park until next week, the weather may be better.A. that B. where C. which D. when22. Experiments with domestic dogs, one animal was given a treat and another denied, have shown that they possess a sense of fairness as the

7、y shared their treats.A. what B. where C. that D. which23. Do you know the reason Mary is crying?A. when B. where C. why D. that 24. This is the hotel last month.A. which they stayed B. at that they stayedC. where they stayed at D. where they stayed25. Many young people, most were well-educated, hea

8、ded for remote regions to chase their dreams.A. of which B. of themC. of whom D. of those四、阅读理解A【2018-2019学年内蒙古巴彦卓尔一中高一上学期期中考试】Anjali Mishra is a rising junior at Sunset High School in Portland, Oregon. At 17, she is president and founder of her schools UNICEF (United Nations Childrens Fund) USA clu

9、b, and a member of UNICEFs national council (委员会). She also volunteers her time in different communities.How did Anjali develop such a passion (热情) for helping others? When she was a freshman, she had an experience that greatly changed her attitude. She was invited to a cousins wedding in India.“My

10、mom kind of forced me to go,” Anjali says. “When I saw children on the street, I realized how lucky I was as a child. I was able to get whatever I wanted, and my every need was satisfied.”Anjali asked herself: “What can I do to help? UNICEF stood out to me because its always on the front lines helpi

11、ng children in need.”After starting a UNICEF club at her school, Anjali noticed that the community responded actively. She took things a step further by applying to UNICEFs national council.“UNICEF really liked my work,” she says. “Out of 3,000 applicants, they chose 6 high school students to be on

12、the national council, and I was one of them.”As a member of the council, Anjali helps organize high school UNICEF clubs around the country and provide resources so that the clubs can manage themselves.The teen also founded an organization called “Activists United.” Members educate people on the dang

13、ers of guns. Anjali encourages other kids to start local clubs and organizations, too. “It takes a lot of effort, but you can get it done if youre passionate,” she says.26.Why did Anjali go to India?A. To be a volunteer.B. To see her mother.C. To spend a holiday.D. To attend a wedding.27.What has le

14、d Anjali to set up the UNICEF USA club?A. Her mothers suggestion.B. Her volunteer experience.C. The situation faced by poor children.D. The encouragement from her cousin.28.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 6 refer to?A. 3,000 applicants.B. UNICEF officers.C. 6 high school students.D

15、. Founders of UNICEFs national council.29.What does the organization “Activists United” do?A. It educates people on gun safety.B. It raises money for children in need.C. It helps kids start local organizations.D. It provides support for UNICEF clubs.B【2018-2019学年江西省南昌市第二中学高一上学期期中考试】Emily Temple-Wood

16、 was 12 years old the first time she was bullied(欺凌) online. They left ugly comments on her Wikipedia and Facebook pages about her looks “that would make my mothers hair curl.” says Temple-Wood, now 22 and in medical school. The reason? “I was a woman on the Internet,” she said.Over the years, she c

17、onsidered how she might take revenge(复仇). Then, as a freshman in college, it hit her: “What do misogynists(men who hate women) hate most?” she asked herself. “Women who are productive!” Her solution: For every rude comment she received, Temple-Wood would post a biography(传记) of a woman scientist, an

18、d thus, in 2012, Wiki Project Women Scientists was born. She wrote about her heroes, like Barbara McClintock, who received the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, and Caroline Still Anderson, one of the first African American women to become a doctor in the United States, in the late 1800s.

19、With help from other women, many of them scientists who have also been bullied online, Temple-Wood has published hundreds of these biographies and women of all ages have taken notice.“When I was a kid, I could count the number of women scientists I knew about on one hand,” wrote SikoBouterse, who us

20、ed to work for the Wikimedia Foundation. “But our daughters have the chance to get much more knowledge about scientists who look like them because of Emily.The ugly comments still come, says Temple-Wood. Being a strong woman online is not easy. “We all have days when we break down and need to have a

21、 glass of wine,” she says. “I tell people who are being bullied that its OK to be sad. But now you need to find a productive way to take revenge.”30.The underlined part in Paragraph 1 shows a feeling of _.A. shockB. disappointmentC. excitementD. confidence31.How did Emily react to the ugly comments

22、about her?A. She paid no attention to them.B. She posted about great women.C. She became a talkative woman.D. She learned from women scientists.32.What does SikoBouterse think of Emilys efforts?A. They are helpful.B. They are fruitless.C. They are creative.D. They are surprising.33.What does Emily T

23、emple-Wood advise people to do?A. Sit down and have a glass of wine.B. Try hard to be a productive person.C. Never feel sad about ugly comments.D. Fight ugly comments in a positive way.五、短文改错【2018年昆明模拟】When a student told Katie that he wanted bike but couldnt afford to buy it, she decided to make hi

24、s dream come true. And she even took the whole school under consideration. At the school that she worked, a lot of students were poor. But Katie thought own their own bikes would make wonderfully memories for every child. To earn money for hundreds of new bike, Katie launched an online page, and fin

25、ally raise enough money to pay for them. Katie was surprised the kids by announcing a gift over a loudspeaker at school. “Joy is the basic childhood right”,she said. “A bike is one of the top things that represents that.”寒假训练05 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela - a modern hero一、单词拼写【答案】1. Quality 2.devotion 3.r

26、eward 4.cruelty 5.active6. sentenced 8.equal 9.opinions 10.educated二、完成句子【答案】11. was founded12. vote for; against13. can; realize14. The first time she saw Tom15. Only; did he return三、单项选择【答案】16-20 BADAB 21-25DBCDC【解析】16.考查mean的用法。句意:你一定要想尽一切办法去帮助他。by all means为固定短语,意为“一定,想尽一切办法”;try every me

27、ans表示“千方百计,用各种方法”,故选B。17.考查形容词。句意:布莱克女士的邻居们认为她很慷慨,因为她经常帮助隔壁那个贫困的老人。generous“慷慨的,大方的”;equal“相等的,平等的”;mean“吝啬的”;selfish“自私的”。由句意可知选A。18.考查动词短语。句意:结果成千上万的人观看了昨天对阵爱尔兰的比赛。turn on打开(电器);turn in上交;turn around转身;turn out结果是,证明是。19.考查动词短语。句意:她在使用新电脑上有很多困难,但是她不知道该向谁求助。turn to“求助于”;look for“寻找”;deal with“处理,对付

28、”;talk about“谈论”。由句意可知选A。20.考查固定搭配。句意:简现在很不开心,因为她已经失业两个星期了。表示失业要用be out of work,故选B。21.考查定语从句。句意:我们将把公园的野餐推迟到下个星期,那时天气可能会更好。这是一个定语从句,先行词是next week,定语从句中不缺少主、宾、表语,缺少时间状语。故选D。22.考查非限定性定语从句。句意:用家犬做试验,试验中一只给了食物,而另一只没有,这表明了它们有一种分享食物的公平感。分析句子结构可知,先行词是Experiments,where在非限制性定语从句中作地点状语,表示抽象地点,where相当于in whic

29、h。故选B。23.考查why引导的原因状语从句。句意:你知道玛丽哭的原因吗?the reason why.是一个固定句型,why在此引导原因状语从句,并在从句中作原因状语,故选C。24.考查定语从句。stay为不及物动词,where是关系副词,表示地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。25.考查定语从句。定语从句的先行词是young people,表示他们中的大多数应该使用most of whom。因为先行词指人,不能选择of which。四、阅读理解A【语篇解析】本文为介绍说明文。文章介绍了俄勒冈波特兰日落中学的一名新兴少年Anjali Mishra。17岁的她现在是学校联合国儿童基金会美国俱乐部的

30、主席和创始人,也是联合国儿童基金会全国理事会的成员。【答案】26-29 DCCA【解析】26.细节理解题。根据第二段中的“She was invited to a cousins wedding in India.”可知,Anjali去印度是为了参加一场婚礼。故D选项正确。27.细节理解题。根据第三、四段的内容可知,当Anjali看到印度大街上的孩子们的时候,她感觉自己要为这些孩子们做点事情,想到UNICEF一直处于帮助儿童的最前线,所以她在学校里成立了UNICEF俱乐部。故C选项正确。28.词义猜测题。根据第六段中的“Out of 3,000 applicants, they chose 6

31、 high school students to be on the national council, and I was one of them.”可知,在3000名申请者中,他们选择了6名高中生参加全国理事会,Anjali是他们中的一个。由此可知,them指的是6 high school students。故C选项正确。29.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Members educate people on the dangers of guns.”可知,Activists United的成员们教育人们枪支的危险性,对人们进行枪支安全教育。故A选项正确。B【语篇解析】本文是一篇议论文。Emily对那些关于她的丑陋评论,她发表了关于伟大女性的文章。Emily Temple-Wood建议人们用积极的方式与丑陋的言论作斗争。【答案】30-33 ABAD 【解析】30.词义猜测题。根据第一段中T

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