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1、少儿英语故事少儿英语故事 童话故事书里面有着一个个曲折,奇妙的故事,让小朋友们百读不厌。,今天给大家带来少儿英语童话故事,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。少儿英语故事 懒惰的做白日梦的人从前在一个小村庄里有一个男子特别懒,虽然很有学识,但是整日无所事事。靠乞讨为生,有一天他要到了很多东西,回到家吃完午饭后就把面粉放进一个坛子里开始想象着:要把面粉放到饥荒发生时,他能买一个好价钱,然后就能买两只羊,很快就能有一群羊Once, in a small village, there lived a poor Brahmin. He was very learned, but did

2、 nothing all day. He lived on the alms the villagers gave him every day.One day, as usual, the Brahmin got up in the morning, performed his morning rituals and set out to beg for alms. As he went from door to door, people gave him several things. Some gave dal. Others gave him rice and yet others ga

3、ve him vegetables. But one generous lady gave the Brahmin a large measure of flour.“Ah! What good luck. I will not have to beg for alms for a long time, thought the Brahmin to himself.He went home and cooked his lunch. After he had eaten, the Brahmin put the flour into a large mud pot and hung it ne

4、ar his bed. “Now, it will be safe from rats, he said to himself as he lay down in his cot for an afternoon nap.He began to think, “I will save this flour until there is a famine. Then I will sell it at a very good price. With that, I will buy a pair of goats. Very soon, I will have a large flock of

5、goats. With their milk, I will make more money. Then I will buy a cow and a bull. Very soon I will also have a large herd1 of cows. Their milk will fetch me a lot of money. I will become very wealthy. I will build for myself, a huge palace and get married to a beautiful woman. Then we will have a li

6、ttle son. I will be a proud father. In a few months my son will start crawling. He will be mischievous2 and I will be very worried that he may come to some harm. 1 will call out to my wife to take care of him. But she will be busy with house work and will ignore my call. I will get so angry. I will

7、kick her to teach her a lesson like this.The Brahmin threw out his leg up. His foot hit the pot of flour hanging overhead and it came down with a resounding3 crash, spilling the flour all over the dirty floor. The lazy Brahmin realised that his foolishness and vanity had cost him a precious measure

8、of flour. The laziness and foolishness taught him a lesson. Thereafter he lived an active life which took to heights.商人和愚蠢的理发师在一个小镇里有一个名叫Manibhadra的上染,他和妻子都很大方和商量。镇上的每个人都知道他们,经常到他们家去接受款待。In a small town there lived a merchant named Manibhadra. He and his wife were very generous and kind. Everyone in

9、 the town knew them and visited their house and enjoyed their hospitality.One day. Manibhadra lost all his ships in a storm at sea. They were loaded with valuable cargo1. All the people who had lent him money for trading demanded immediate2 repayment3. Manibhadra had to sell all his possessions and

10、pay them. In the end he was left with nothing.Along with his wealth, all his friends also left him. Manibhadra was very discouraged. “Even my friends have deserted4 me. They just liked my wealth, he thought bitterly.“I have nothing to give my wife and children except pain and suffering. Maybe it is

11、better to end my life. I cant bear to see them suffer. With such disturbed thoughts, Manibhadra went to sleep.That night he had a strange dream. A monk5 appeared in his dream and said, “If you touch me on my head with a stick I will change into enough gold to last many lifetimes. In the dream Manibh

12、adra saw himself touching6 the monk with a stick and the monk turning into a huge pile of gold coins.The next morning Manibhadra woke to the sound of someone knocking at the door. “Can my dream be true? Will I ever become rich again? thought Manibhadra to himself.“The barber is here for you, called

13、out his wife from the door.“How foolish of me to believe in a dream. It will never come true, said Manibhadra to himself as he sat down for his shave. Just then, there was a knock at the door.Manibhadra got up and opened the door. To his surprise, there stood a monk looking at him silently and meani

14、ngfully.Manibhadra picked up a stick and in a daze7, touched the monk on his head with it. And there in front of him was a huge pile of gold coins. Manibhadra was overjoyed. He sent the barber away with a generous measure of gold coins, advising him to keep things to himself.The barber was a greedy

15、man. He was also very foolish. “So when you hit these monks8 on the head, they change into gold. Now I know how to become rich. I am tired of shaving and cutting people s hair and earning a rupee or two, he thought.He went to a monastery9 and invited a few monks to his house for a feast As soon as t

16、he monks entered his house, the barber took a stick and started to beat them on their heads. The poor monks were terrified. One of them managed to escape from the barbers house and called the soldiers for help. The soldiers arrested the barber and took him to the Judge.“Why did you beat the monks wi

17、th a stick? asked the judge. “When Manibhadra hit a monk on his head, he turned into a heap of gold, answered the barber.The judge called Manibhadra and asked him if that was true. Manibhadra explained the whole story to the judge in detail. On hearing the story, the judge realised that the barber h

18、ad acted due to greed and dishonesty and punished the foolish barber.少儿英语故事 愚蠢的狮子In a forest there lived a lion. He had grown old and could not run fast anymore. As days went by it became more and more difficult for him to hunt.One day while he was wandering through the forest in search of food, he

19、came across a cave. He peeped in and smelt1 the air inside the cave. “Some animal must be staying here, he said to himself. He crept inside the cave only to find it empty. “I will hide inside and wait for the animal to return, he thought.The cave was the home of a jackal. Everyday, the jackal would

20、go out in search of food and return to the cave in the evening to rest. That evening, the jackal after having his meal started towards home. But as he came closer, he felt something wrong. Everything around him very quiet. “Something is wrong, the jackal said to himself. “Why are all the birds and i

21、nsects so silent?Very slowly and cautiously, he walked towards his cave. He looked around him, watching for any signs of danger. As he got closer to the mouth of the cave, all his instincts alerted him of danger. “I have to make sure that everything is alright, thought the jackal. Suddenly, he thoug

22、ht of a plan.The clever jackal called out to the cave. “Hello my good cave, what happened to you today? Why are you so quiet?The jackals voice echoed deep inside the cave. The lion, who by now could control his hunger no longer, thought to himself, “I think it is because I am here that the cave is s

23、ilent. Before the jackal realises that something is wrong, I should do something.The jackal continued to call out, “Have you forgotten our agreement cave? You are supposed to greet me when I return home. The lion tried to make his voice sound hollow and called out from within the cave, “Welcome home

24、 my friend.The birds chirped2 loudly and flew away on hearing the lions roar. As for the jackal, he shook with fear. Before the hungry lion could pounce3 on him and eat him up, the jackal ran for his dear life as fast as his legs could carry him.The lion waited for a long while for the jackal to ent

25、er the cave. But when the jackal did not come in, the lion realised that he had been fooled. He cursed himself for his foolishness that made him lose a prey4.少儿英语故事 狮子和伐木工There once lived a lion, the king of the forest. He was always accompanied by a jackal and a crow. They followed him every where

26、and lived on the remains1 of his food.In a village close to the forest there lived a woodcutter. Everyday, he would go into the forest with his axe2 to chop3 wood.One day as the woodcutter was busy chopping4 a tree, he heard a noise behind him. Turning around, he saw the lion looking straight at him

27、, ready to pounce5. The woodcutter was a clever man. He quickly said, “Greetings King of this forest. It is a pleasure to meet you.The lion was surprised. “A pleasure to meet me? Are you not afraid of me?“I respect you a lotlion. I was hoping to meet you. You see, my wife is an excellent cook. I wan

28、ted you to taste her dal and vegetables.“Dal? Vegetables? Dont you know that I eat only flesh6? asked the lion in surprise.“If you taste my wifes cooking, you will stop eating flesh, said the woodcutter proudly.The lion was very hungry and he accepted the woodcutters food.“Good that the Jackal and t

29、he crow are not with me today, thought the lion. “They would laugh at me.The lion was surprised to find that the food was indeed very tasty. “I have never eaten such good food, he said.“You are welcome to share my food everyday, O king. But no one should ever know about our friendship. You must come

30、 alone.The lion promised. Everyday, the lion would eat lunch brought by the woodcutter and their unusual friendship grew to be stronger day by day.The crow and the jackal were anxious to know why the lion had stopped hunting. “We are going to starve to death if the lion does not hunt anymore, whined

31、7 the jackal.“You are right, said the crow. “Let us try to find out what has happened to the lion. The next day they followed the lion from a safe distance and saw him eating the lunch the woodcutter brought for him.“So this is why the lion does not hunt anymore, said the jackal to the crow. “We hav

32、e to get the lion to share his food with us. Then may be we can break his friendship with the woodcutter and the lion will start hunting his prey8 again.When the lion came back to his den9 that evening, the crow and the jackal were waiting for him. “My lord10, why have you forgotten us? Please let us all go hunting like we used to, pleaded11 the crow and the jackal.“No! I have given up eating flesh, ever since I met a friend who ch

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