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1、牛津译林版八年级上Unit1第2课时教案讲解分析习题设计Period : Reading(第二课时)第一部分 教案设计教学内容Reading(第8页),本课时主要学习Reading A文章的内容,了解三个好朋友的特征。教材分析“Reading”部分A,学生将重点学习如何用形容词来描述好朋友所具备的品质,以及对人物外貌、性格特征的描写所需掌握的重点词汇、短语及表达法。教学目标基础知识掌握词汇:any time,voice, almost, round, bored, fit, straight, sweet,Choose, singer, sense, knock, smile词组:give h

2、er seat to someone in need, want to be a singer, make him look smart, make me laugh, have long straight hair, be good at telling jokes, have a good voice, wear small round glasses, have a good sense of humour, feel bored,say a bad word about anyone句型:She is also helpful and ready to help people any

3、time. She wants to be a singer when she grows up.He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh. They do not fit well under his desk.基本技能 1掌握本课出现的重点词汇、词组和句型。 2能用所学知识和方法谈论朋友的外貌和品质。3通过讨论朋友的外貌和品质,激发学生对朋友的认识及对友谊的思考。综合素质 利用所学内容,激发学生对朋友的认识及对友谊的思考。教学重难点及突破重点:掌握基本的四会单词、词组及句型。难点:学会用英语谈论朋友的外貌和品质。教学突破: 课前让学生就自

4、己喜欢的朋友的照片和资料收集,为课堂上的讨论进行充分地准备。教学准备教师准备:多媒体课件 学生准备:有关朋友的视频或照片。 教学设计Step I Review(复习)1就“朋友”这个话题进行交流,复习前一课时的内容。Yesterday we learnt to talk about friends. Friends are very important in our lives. Almost everyone needs a friend and almost everyone has a friend, do you think so? Lets look at some interest

5、ing English sayings about friends. Please try to guess the meanings of them2 Are your friends looks very important to you?有的学生会回答:No.教师接着说:1 agree with you. We should never judge a person just by his or her looks or clothes. But its useful for you to learn some words to describe your friends looks,

6、right?Step II Pre-reading(阅读前)1呈现一张教师自己朋友的照片:Look at this photo. This is my best friend. 让学生描述照片上的人物,学习 smilesweetlong straight hairwear small round glasses等关于外貌的词汇和短语。2 My friend often shares things with others, so he/she is very generous.板书generous。Im very happy when Im with him/her, because he/ s

7、he often tells jokes. He/She often makes me laugh. He/She has a good sense of humour。板书make me laugh、have a good sense of humour。理解黑板上所写内容的意思,并能正确朗读。Step III While-reading(阅读中)1 Teenagers magazine is holding a writing competition about best friends. Some students have written articles for it. Read t

8、he entries and find out whether the following sentences are true or false.快速阅读文章并完成B2部分。解释词组be kind to sb、look smart in his small round glasses,并核对答案。2 Now lets learn more about Betty, Max and May. Please listen to the tape and read the entries again. Then try to answer the following questions.提问以检查

9、理解情况。3再次播放录音,学生跟读:Lets repeat after the tape.4. There are three entries here. Id like each team to read one entry.5. Read the entries by yourselves.Step IV Practice(操练)1完成B1部分的练习。Mr Zhou, the editor of the magazine, is making profiles of Betty, Max and May. Help him complete the information in Part

10、Bl.巡视并随时加以指导和纠正。 2完成B4部分的练习。鼓励学生组扮演Mr Wu、Suzy、Simon和 Sandy进行对话,加深对课文信息的掌握。Mr Wu is asking the students who they would choose as their best friends. Complete the conversation with the words in the box.教材习题教材第9页Keys:Part B1 1. slim 2. short 3. generous 4. tallest (boy) 5. glasses6. humour 7. bright 8.

11、 straight 9. sweet 10. secretPart B2 I.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6. F 教材第10页Part B3 1 May is sweet. She smiles often and never says a bad word about anyone.2 Max is humorous. He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh. I never feel bored with him3 Betty is helpful. She helps me with my homework and she

12、always gives her seat on the bus to someone in need.Part B41. worries 2. keep a secret 3. tell funny jokes4.feel bored 5. share 6. ready to help随堂小练习根据所给中英文提示完成句子1. I can _(选择)one of the students as my best friend.2. The basket is _(几乎)full of apples .3. Father Christmas is _(慷慨的)and all the childre

13、n like him very much.4. Im really _(bore) because there is nothing interesting to do. 5. His little sister is really a s_ girl. We all like her .6. She s_ and said “hello” to me when she saw me .7. The little girl has a _ (圆形的)face. She is so cute.8. June has _(直的)shoulder-length hair.9. The student

14、s in this school are always _(will) to help others at any time.10. He will help you at _(任何时候)when you are in need.Keys: 1.choose 2.almost 3.generous 4.bored 5.sweet 6.smiled 7.round 8.straight 9.willing10.anytimeStep V Homework(家庭作业)1熟读课文,能力较强的学生背诵课文。2记忆本课时所学的词汇、词组和句型。3完成教师布置的书面练习。板书设计 Unit 1 Frien

15、ds Reading Words: any time,voice, almost, round, bored,fit, straight, sweet,Choose, singer, sense, knock, smilePhrases: give her seat to someone in need, want to be a singer, make him look smart, make me laugh, have long straight hair, be good at telling jokes, have a good voice, wear small round gl

16、asses, have a good sense of humour, feel bored,say a bad word about anyoneSentences: She is also helpful and ready to help people any time. She wants to be a singer when she grows up.He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh. They do not fit well under his desk.教学探讨与反思:本节课主要内容是三篇文章的整体学习梳理,帮助学生了

17、解文章,在阅读三篇文章时,学习描绘人品质和外貌的词汇和结构。在阅读教学过程中,我们应该着重培养学生的阅读技巧和提高学生的阅读能力。在梳理文章阶段,要注意在具体语境中帮助学生学习重要的词汇,进而做到灵活使用。第二部分 讲解分析一、 新词的导学与解读1. ready【用法】ready为形容词,意为“乐意的;愿意的”“准备好了的”【举例】She is always ready to help others.她总是时刻准备着帮助别人。Are you ready, children?同学们,你们准备好了吗?【拓展】ready可构成下列短语:get/be ready for sth 为某事做准备get/b

18、e ready to do sth 准备做某事/愿意做某事【举例】They are getting ready for the welcome party.他们为开欢迎晚会做准备。Are you ready to go on a trip?你准备去旅行吗?【实践】用所给词的适当形式填空The runners in the room are ready to_(run)in the sports meeting.【点译】 run2. almost【用法】almost为副词,“几乎,差不多”的意思。 【举例】She almost ran into the river the day before

19、yesterday. 前天她差一点掉到河里。【辨析】nearly与almost这两个词的意思相近,许多时候可以通用。almost比nearly 在程度上更接近的意思。但almost可修饰否定代词或副间no, nobody, never, no one, nothing,而nearly 则不能,但它可与 not 连 用,not nearly 意为“远不及”。【举例】Long long ago there was almost nothing in this place.很久以前,这个地方几乎什么都没有。His father gets up at nearly eight every day. 他

20、爸爸每天几乎都在八点钟起床。His work isnt nearly as good as his brothers. 他的作品远不及他哥哥的好。【实践】单项选择He has_ no time to have breakfast every day.A. always B. almost C. nearly D. never 【点译】B3. true【用法】true为形容词,意为“忠实的;真的;真实的”,其名词 为truth,副词为truly。【举例】This is a true story.这是个真实的故事。 【辨析】real与truereal着重表示某物是客观存在的,并非凭空想象出来的,而

21、 true着重于表示某物与事实相吻合,另外true还可表示“忠实的”意思,而real则不具有此含义。【举例】Lets give them some real Chinese food to eat.让我们给他们点真正的中国美食吃。Lili is always friendly to me. She is my true friend.莉莉对我总是很友好,她是我真正的朋友。【实践】单项选择It is_ that she has left for Beijing.A. real B. true C. really D. truly 【点译】B 4. seat【用法】seat为“座位”之意,是可数名

22、词,复数为seats。【举例】There are eighty seats in my classroom. 在我的教室里有80个座位。【拓展】seat还可作动词使用,意为“使坐下”,常用短语:seat oneself 相当于 sit down。seat的短语还有:take/have a seat 坐下 take ones seat 就座 give ones seat to sb 给某人让座 【实践】单项选择Lucy and Lily often_ to others on the bus.A. give seats themselves B. give seats C. give seats

23、 them D. seats them【点译】B5. be good at【用法】be good at是固定短语,表示“擅长、善于”,其后接名词、代词或动名词,相当于do well in。【举例】Andy is very good at playing basketball. 安迪擅长打篮球。【拓展】be good for意为“对有益;有好处”,其后接表示人或事物的名词。be good to“对友善。其后一般接表示人物的名词或代词。【举例】Reading in the sun is not good for your eyes.在太阳下读书对眼睛不好。Our teachers are alwa

24、ys good to us.我们的老师总是对我们很好。【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子Tony does well in volleyball.(同义句转换)Tony_volleyball.【点译】is good at6. off【用法】off为介词,意为“离开;脱离”。常构成短语get off (下车),take off(脱下),fall off(落下)等。【举例】The old must be careful when they get off the bus. 下车时老人们务必要小心。【辨析】off和away的用法区别off和away都有“离开;走开”的意思,off作介词、副词,着重指人从某

25、一位置“离开、断开、脱落”。away是副词,着重指“离开去某地,不在此地”。take away(拿走), put away(收好,放好)。【举例】Dont jump off the tree. 不要从树上跳下来。The library is far away from here. 图书馆离这儿很远。Tom has been away for 3 days. 汤姆已经离开三天了。【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子他们要离开一会儿。They_ for a while.【点译】 are off7. think of【用法】think of意为“考虑;想起”。【举例】She always thinks of

26、 others first. 她总是先想着别人。【辨析】think of,think out, think over, think of意为“考虑、想起”;think out表示“考虑”某个事情, 后面接名词可以和think of互换;think over意为“仔细考虑”,代词必须放中间。【举例】I thought of my old friends in the primary school when I saw the old photos. 每当看到这些老照片,我就想起我小学时的老朋友。Please think it over and tell me the answers.请仔细考虑一

27、下再告诉我答案。【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子你有时会想起我吗?Do you _ me sometimes?【点译】think of二、课文要点及语法详解1. She is one of my best friends.她是我最好的朋友之一。【解析】“one of.”意为“中之一”,其结构后的形容词要 用最高级形式,名词常用复数形式。“one of.”在句子中作主语 时,谓语常用第三人称单数形式。【举例】The Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world.长江是世界上最长的河流之一。English is one of my

28、 favourite subjects. 英语是我最喜爱的之一。【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子爱因斯坦是他的时代里最伟大的人之一。Einstein was_ the greatest men of his time.【点译】one of2. She is willing to share things with her friends.她愿意和她 的朋友分享东西。【解析】be willing to do sth.意为“愿意做某事”。willing 为形容词,可作表语,意为“愿意的;心甘情愿的”;而will为助动词,用来构成一般将来时。【举例】Are you willing to help Tom

29、?你愿意帮助汤姆吗?Will you see a film tomorrow? 明天你会看电影吗?share sth. with sb.意为“与某人分享某物”。【举例】Mary is very generous and she often shares her snacks with us.玛丽非常慷慨,她经常把她的零食和我们分享。 【实践】用所给词的适当形式填空Peter is willing_ (see)a film with us.【点译】 to see3. She is also very helpful.她也非常乐于助人。【解析】also的意思为“也”。【举例】The boy is

30、also good at playing football. 那个男孩也善于踢足球。【拓展】also, as well, too, either的用法区别also -般用于系动词、情态动词、助动词之后,行为动词之前,有时也可位于句首或句尾,以加强语气。如果既有情态动词 又有系动词,则放在情态动同之后,系动词之前。【举例】He also likes playing football. 他也喜欢踢足球。The little boy can also be a superstar. 这个小男孩也可以是一个超级明星。as well,只能放在句尾起副同的作用,与too的用法基本 相同,也可以相互转化使用

31、。【举例】He is a great writer, and a good swimmer as well. 他是一位伟大的作家,也是一名好的游泳者。too多用于口语中,常置于句子末尾,前面用逗号隔开,有时也不用逗号,too还可译为“太”,常置于句中。【举例】I would like to go fishing on Sunday, too. 我也愿意周日去钓鱼。The box is too heavy. 箱子太重了。either,般只用于否定句,置于句尾。【举例】1 dont know the answer and he doesnt know the answer either.我不知道答案,他也不知道。【实践】用所给词的适当形式填空但是我也喜欢篮球和体操。But I_ lik

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