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1、考研英语4000单词课练习题答案4000单词课练习题答案11. I was so absorbing in that book that I didnt hear you.(96真题)我被这本书吸引住了,所以没有听见你叫我.2. Some leaders abuse their authority and position to get profit.(96真题)一些领导滥用他们的职权去谋取利润.3. Their political action accelerated the fall of the government;.他们的举措加速了腐败.4. Before liberation pe

2、ople had no access to education.解放前人民没有受教育的机会.5. You should take into account that she has been ill recently .she could do better if she were well 你应考虑到她最近生病了,否则她会干得更好 .(考研真题)6. accumulated energy under the earth must be released in one form or another, for example, an earthquake.(02真题)地下聚集的能量一定会被以某

3、种形式释放出来,比如说,地震.7. The shop assistant was dismissed as she was accused of cheating customers那个商店助理因为欺骗顾客而被开除了 (03真题)8. Do you acknowledge this signature?. 你承认这是你的签字吗 ?9. It is through learning that the individual acquires many habitual ways of reacting to situations.通过学习,个人可以获得对应环境的许多方法(98真题)10. You

4、will soon adapt yourself to this new environment.你会很快就适应这新的环境.11 When one makes a large purchase, he should have adequate opportunity to change his mind.当一个人大宗购买时,他应该有适当的机会去改变主意(00年真题)12 The old couple decided to adopt a boy and a girl.那对老夫妇决定去收养一个男孩一个女孩(97真题)13 The astronaut is affected by the prob

5、lem of weightlessness.宇航员被失重的问题所影响(97真题)14 Mankind cant afford to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources人类已经无法承担对于资源的浪费性应用了(98真题)15 The doctor dont anticipate that he will live much longer.这个医生并没有预期能住的长久(01年真题)16 A good appetite is a good sauce.(谚)好的胃口就是好的调味酱 饥不择食.17 I would greatly appre

6、ciate your keeping it a secret.我极感激,你一直为我保守秘密.(95真题)18 With the approach of Christmas the weather turned colder.圣诞节迫近,天气越来越冷.19 Jane was dressed in black, which was appropriate to the occasion.简穿黑色的衣服,这样才适合当时的场合.(考研真题)考核五单词 abstract achieve applicant ambition ambulance1. If only the committee would

7、approve the regulations.(97真题)要是委员会批准这些规章,那该有多好.(实际情况是没有批准)2. All residents are requested to assemble in the courtyard.所有的居民都被要求在院子里集合(97真题)3. I dont think it advisable that Tim be assigned to the job since he has no experience.我认为蒂姆没有经验不应该被派这件工作(97真题)4. A healthy life is thought to be associated wi

8、th the open countryside.健康的人生被认为与开放的田园生活有关(96真题)5.assuming it to be true, what should we do now?假定这是真的,我们现在该怎么办?6.He assured us that he would try as hard as possible.他向我们保证他最大的努力(03真题)7. All the men carried guns lest they should be attacked by wild animals.所有的人都带着枪,以防备野生动物的攻击(03真题)8.Shelly had prepa

9、red carefully so that she could be sure of passing the exam on her first attempt.赛丽复习的非常认真,所以她相信一次就能通过考试(96真题)9. This is the nurse who attend to me when I was ill in hospital.这就是在医院里照顾我的那个护士(03真题)10. She attributed her success to good luck. 她把自己的成功归因于好运气.11. Convenience food are available in grocery

10、 stores.方便食品在杂货店里是可以买到的(97真题)12. Tryon was extremely angry ,but cool-headed enough to avoid storming into the bosss office托恩非常生气,但是还是很冷静的避免了在老板办公室大发雷霆(02真题)13. The tops of some hills are still bare.那座小山的顶上还是光秃秃的(99真题)14. There is a ban on smoking in museum.博物馆禁止吸烟.15. Remember that customers dont ba

11、rgain about prices in that city.要记住在那座城市里,顾客是不讨价还价的(99真题)16. The chairman signed the contract on behalf of the company.主席代表公司签字.17. The mother didnt know who to blame for the broken glass.这位母亲不知道打碎玻璃这件事该怪谁(02真题)18. All the key words in the article are printed in bold type文章中所有的关键词都被印成了黑体(01真题)19. Br

12、eeding a wild plant into a major food crop requires much time.把一种野生植物培育成粮食作物需要很多时间(98真题)20. The education budget for the coming year is about 4 billion.明年的教育预算是四十亿元(97真题)考核五单词 approximate auxiliary beneficial automatic bounce4000单词课练习题答案31.All flights having been canceled because of the terrible wea

13、ther.因为天气糟糕,所有的航班都取消了(02真题)2.Housewives feel they are not working to their full capacity.家庭主妇们觉得她们没有发挥出他们全部的能力(97真题)3.Great as Newton was, many of his ideas have been challenged today.即便象牛顿那样伟大,他的很多观点还是在今天受到了挑战(97真题)4.Mozarts music is characterized by its naivety and clarity.莫扎特的音乐特色是纯朴与清澈.5.This ho

14、tel charges $60 for a single room with bath.这间酒店的带浴室的单人间收费是$60(95真题)6.At no time and under no circumstances will china be the first to use nuclear weapon. 中国政府庄严承诺在任何时候及任何情况下,中国将不会首先使用核武器.(考研真题)7.Id rather you didnt make any comment on the issue for the time being.我情愿你对于这个问题现在先不要发表评论(98真题)8.The chil

15、d was almost choked by the heavy smoke.这孩子几乎被浓烟窒息了.9.A wallet has been found and can be claimed at the managers office.捡到一个钱包,失主可到经理办公室认领.(考研真题)10.Your explanation has clarified this difficult sentence.你的说明使这句的意思清楚了.11.By coarse computation, he estimated that the repairs would cost $1000粗略计算一下,他估计维修

16、费用会花到$1000(97真题)12.A heavy flood caused the collapse of the bridge.大洪水使桥倒塌了.13.The company combined with its closest competitor.该公司与跟它竞争最激烈的公司合并了.14.I committed an error in handling the business. 我在处理这一业务时犯了一个错误.15.We always try to keep our commitment.我们总是尽量信守我们的承诺.16.Nothing compares with a day on

17、at the beach.没有什么比得上在海边度过一天.17.Mark proved to be a very competent manager. 马克证明了自己是个很能干的经理.18.She is the most competitive girl in our class. 她是班上最争强好胜的一个女孩.19.Such crimes may be so complex that months or years go by before anyone discovers them.这样的犯罪也许是因为太复杂以至于数年数月以后人们才会发现它们(03真题)20.We compromised w

18、ith them on the matter. 关于那件事我们跟他们妥协了.21.I conceal nothing from you.我对你什么也不隐瞒.22.conceding, for the moment, that he is right,. .姑且承认他是对的,23.He concentrated on his new job driving the car. 他专注于新工作 专心开车.24.As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said.(97真题)考核五单词 catalogue certificate circ

19、umference collision complicated4000单词课练习题答案41.We condemn his foolish behavior.我们谴责他的愚蠢行为.2.The mayor was asked to condense his speech.那个市长被要求压缩他的演讲(97真题)3.The man confessed to having told a lie to the manager.那人承认对经理撒了谎(97真题)4.It is not good to confine a wild bird in a cage.把野生的鸟关在笼里是不好的.5.The lates

20、t developments confirmed me in my belief.最新的发展使我坚信我的信仰.6.I am confronted with enormous difficulties.我面临着非常大的困难.7.They would not consent to my leaving school. 他们不同意我辍学.8.Im quite willing to accept the consequence.我完全愿意承担后果.9.A university consists of teachers, and students.大学由教师,和学生组成.10.It is our con

21、sistent policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.(01真题) 用和平手段达到统一是我们的一贯政策.11.In Britain people consume four million tons of potatoes every year.在英国,人们每年消费掉四百万吨土豆(00真题)12.Ill do nothing without consulting you. 我采取行动之前一定和你商量.13.Please contact us at the address below.请于下列地址联系我们.14.Young

22、 people are not content to stand and look at works of art.年轻人不满足于站在这里观看艺术品(00真题)15.conpare may make something appear more beautiful than it is when seen alone对比往往会使某物显得比单独好看(02真题)16.Eating too much fat can contribute to heart disease and cause high blood pressure吃了过多的肥肉有助于引起心脏病和高血压(01真题)17.He used t

23、o be a christian, but now converted to Buddhism.他由基督徒转成了佛教徒.18.A good teacher must know how to convey his ideas.好老师知道如何转达思想.(93)19.He tried to convince me of his innocence他试图使我相信他是清白的.20.I am corresponding with an American schoolboy.我在和一个美国学童通信.21.I bought it under the counter at half price.我以私下交易用半

24、价买了它.22.He watched the baby crawl across the room.他看着婴儿从房间这边爬到那边.23.Our truck crashed into a freight train.我们的卡车轰隆一声撞上一列运货火车.24.He bought the furniture on credit.他赊账买了这家具.25.The director was critical of the way we were doing the work.这个经理对于我们现在进行的工作是决定性的.(00真题)26.Improved consumer confidence is cruc

25、ial to an economic recovery.促进消费者信心对于经济恢复是很重重要的(01真题)27.People were deceived into thinking that she was a good person.人们被蒙骗所以认为她是一个好人(96真题)28.The movie is not decent for children to see.这电影对于孩子来说不像样(00真题)29.Do you have anything to declare?.你有要申报纳税的东西吗?(进出海关的时候)30.Last year, the crime rate in Chicago

26、 has sharply declined.去年芝加哥的犯罪率有了急剧下降(97真题)考核五单词 conjunction constitution contemporary conviction currency4000单词课练习题答案51.From this fact we may deduce that he is sick.从这个事实我们可推断他生病的事.2.The French defeated the English troops.法国人打败了英国军队.3.Everyone has the defaults of his qualities(谚)每个人都有美中不足之处.4.I can

27、t make a definite promise to help you.我没有办法承诺一定帮你(96真题)5.They were deliberating how it should be done.他们在慎重考虑该如何去做那件事.6.Great care has to be taken to protect the delicate silk from damage.已经很小心的来保护这些纤细的丝绸不被损坏了(02真题)7.Frankfurt,Germany,is the most densely populated region of Europe.德国法兰克福是世界上人口最稠密的地区

28、(94真题)8.He departed for Japan with his brothers in 1991.1991年,他与兄弟们前往日本.9.You can deposit your bags at the counter.你可将皮包存放在柜台处.10.When business is depress,there is usually an increase in unemployment.当经济萧条的时候,失业总是会有增加(96真题)11.I think that something cheerful may still be derived from it.我认为某些值得高兴的事情也

29、会由它而来(考研真题)12.The English countryside is beautiful beyond description.英国乡间美得难以描绘.13.I have devoted four weekends to writing papers and now I feel I deserve a rest.我已经花了四个周末去写我的论文了,现在我觉得我应得到休息(93真题)14.It is desirable that we provide for the poor at Christmas.在圣诞节时施舍穷人是可喜的事.15.He despairs of winning a

30、 scholarship.他已不抱赢得奖学金的希望了.16.She devoted herself to her children.她把自己全副心力都倾注到她的孩子身上.17.Why should anyone want to read digests of books by great authors为什么有人想要读名家作品的摘要呢(97真题)18.The officer was dismissed (from) the army.那名军官被除去军籍.19.There were beautiful clothes displayed in the shop windows.商店橱窗里摆设着有

31、漂亮的衣服(93真题)20.After a few rounds of talks,both sides regarded the territory dispute as settled.经过几轮谈判,双方认为领土争端已经平息了(98真题)21.He can distinguish a genuine antique from a reproduction.他能区别真正的古董与复制品.22.We should make a clear distinction between the two scientific terms.我们应该把这两个科学用词做一个明确的区分(99真题)23.The opinions of the two factions are widely diverse.两个派系的意见大不相同.24.This book is expected to dominate the best seller lists.这本书被认为能够主宰畅销榜(00真题

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