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1、历年真题雅思机经真题回忆1月5日雅思机经真题回忆听力部分题目概览Section 1申请工作填表(新题)10填空Section 2防火知识(旧题)6多选+4匹配Section 3对一家企业的分析(新题)6单选+4多选Section 4濒危语言研究(旧题)10填空概述:这次考试填空题占比正常,难度适中;S1出现4题基本功(日期,电话,地址,时间),日期涉及年月日信息量较长,加上是第一题学生要跟上音频速度,另外时间的题目要小心干扰项,地址题注意门牌号有出现字母;S1其它的题目单词比较简单都是名词;但是其中一题涉及到动词词组的ed形式要小心;S2和S3出现多题单选和多选,题目和选项较长,读题难度较高,

2、学生需要注意读题速度,匹配题不难,但要小心有大量同义替换出现;S4填空答案词难度不高,但出现了形容词的级和名词复数较多,学生要细心,想要考高分的同学需要多练习填词准确度。Section 1新题/旧题:新题场景:咨询主题:场景咨询题型及数量:10填空题考试题目+答案:1. Date : 8 November 19872. Tel: 3. Address: Flat 22A Circle4. House with: insurance5. Focus on: location6. Looking for job related to: newspaper7. Time to see the hou

3、se: 9:508. Previous experience: cleaning duty9. Wife had: health problem10. Will have: interview考点:听力基本功日期、电话、地址及时间,尤其要注意时间9:50及9:15非常容易混淆。可参考真题:C6T2S1Section 2新题/旧题:旧题场景:教育主题:家庭防火知识题型及数量:6多选+4匹配考试题目+答案:11-16)Multiple Choice11-12)Which two types of houses are easily getting on fire?A. building made

4、of woodB. old buildingsC. buildings in poor area/low income familyD. buildings which are long unoccupiedE. rented accommodation13-14)Why the reports of fire cases late?A. the witness thought the case had been reported to policeB. most people were asleepC. people believe they can put out fire first b

5、y themselvesD. faculty instructionsE. the alarm doesnt work15-16)Which fire risks people pay least attention to?A. portable heaterB. cooking oilC. candleD. 暂缺E. 暂缺17-20)MatchingA. need to do regularlyB. need to be installed especially in big houseC. to be postponedB. often to be overlooked/forgotten

6、17. install a smoke alarmB18. discuss a fire escape planningD19. alarm cleaningA20. fire contact phone serviceC考点:多选题和匹配题型的解题方法,同义替换。可参考真题:C8T1S3;C11T2S3Section 4新题/旧题:旧题场景:学术主题:濒危语言的研究题型及数量:10填空题考试题目+答案:31. Need enough materials for language research32. Writing word in clay tablet was the oldest33.

7、 Sometimes one can guess the meaning of words through the context ofwords34. Collecting samples of words35. Some words are on monuments36. Information are mainly names37. Italian and Greek write in different direction38. From for circles39. It was a type of printing40. Served as a game or puzzle考点:同

8、意替换,结构转换。可参考真题:C6T4S4;C8T4S4相关词汇:domestic films 国内电影imported films 国外电影filmgoers 影迷1. Who is your favorite film star?Actually I wouldnt say that I have one particular favourite, and if Imcompletely honest Id have to say that I dont really pay much attention to filmstarsnames or who they are and that

9、 kind of thing, I just like watching goodfilms Im not really bothered about who the actors or actresses are.分析:此题回答难度不大,可以正面回答最喜欢的电影明星是谁,然后拓展一下此明星的背景、参演的电影以及你为什么喜欢ta。也可以参考前考官的答案,直接说没有最喜欢的电影明星。加分词汇:Actually; particular.地道表达:if Im completely honest坦诚说.; Im not really botheredabout并不介意.2. Are film star

10、s from overseas famous in your country?I think young people might be quite into film stars from overseas becausethey tend to watch more international films and especially Hollywoodblockbusters and things like that; older filmgoers are a bit different though,they probably prefer watching domestic fil

11、ms rather than imported films so oldercinema fans are less likely to know foreign film stars.分析:此题相对于第一题难度会大一些,这里有些表达必须要会,比如“好莱坞大片”的表达,“国内电影”和“国外电影”的表达,同时还要学会同义替换。加分词汇:blockbusters 大片;filmgoers 影迷, 常看电影的人;地道表达:be into 喜欢;加分短语:tend to; be likely to; domestic films 国内电影; imported films 国外电影;preferrath

12、er than.3. Which do you prefer, international film stars or film stars from yourcountry?As I said earlier I dont pay much attention to film stars but If I had tochoose Id probably pick someone from my own country simply because Id be morelikely to see that person in the media, you know like being in

13、terviewed on chatshows so Id be more familiar with that person.分析:此题涉及到比较类考点,如果你的回答选择了一方,需要重点说明原因。加分词汇:probably; simply.地道表达:chat shows 访谈节目;加分短语:be familiar with; be likely to.相关词汇:Spring festival 春节Lunar New Years Eve 除夕the Lantern Festival 元宵节Spring Festival Gala 春节联欢晚会spring festival couplets 春联

14、1. What is your favorite festival?Just like most Chinese people, my favourite festival is Spring Festival,which is also known as Chinese New Year. Its the main one in my country andmost people have quite a nostalgic connection to it, so yeah without doubt,Spring Festival is my favourite.分析:此题难度水平较低,

15、主要是要掌握中国各类节日的英语表达。The Dragon Boat Festival 端午节;Double NinthFestival 重阳节;Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节;National Day 国庆节。加分词汇:nostalgic 怀旧的; 乡愁的;地道表达:without doubt; be known as.2. How do you celebrate this festival?Well typically in my country this festival is all about spending time withfamily so we all co

16、ngregate at a relatives home and spend one or two days thereeating home-cooked food and just chatting up with each other. The main focus ofthe festival is being with family so thats precisely what we do spend timewith our relatives.分析:此题从内容上来讲不难回答,难就难在一些表达方面,比如“春节团聚”、“拜年”等等。加分词汇:typically; congregat

17、e 聚集; precisely地道表达:home-cooked food; chat up 聊天。3. Do you celebrate festivals from other countries?There are certain festivals such as Christmas and Halloween, and wesometimes have parties with friends to mark these festivals but we dont reallycelebrate them in the same way that we celebrate festiv

18、als from our own country,we dont take them very seriously they are just an excuse to have a party.分析:此题难度不大,估计很多同学能第一时间想到的是圣诞节。难点在于如何表达除了圣诞节之外的国外节日,比如万圣节Halloween,复活节Easter等。地道表达:certain festivals; mark these festivals 度过此节日,庆祝此节日。加分语法:in the same way thatthat 引导的方式状语。4. Where do people usually go d

19、uring festivals?As I mentioned before, for almost every Chinese festival we traditionallyspend time at home with family. But in recent years this habit is shiftingslightly young people are increasingly choosing to spend festivals abroad,travelling on holiday. I think this is because they see festiva

20、ls as time-offwork so its a perfect opportunity to go travelling. So a lot of younger adultsgo travelling but older people will still opt for spending time with family.分析:此题还有一种问法就是大家节日会干什么,其实回答的内容差不多。此处前考官给的答案稍微提及了一下年轻人和年纪大一些的人的不同选择。大家在回答类似问题时可以参考,这样回答内容得以拓展延伸。加分词汇:traditionally; shifting slightly

21、有所改变;increasingly。地道表达:As I mentioned before(这个是很好的discourse marker话语标记语,雅思口语评分标准里有此要求,大家要学会使用);time-off work休假时间;opt for选择。文章题材:说明文(自然科普)文章题目:Reef Fish Study(关于岩礁鱼的研究)文章难度:文章内容:介绍了reef fish的三个生命阶段,并且介绍了bigger meansbetter的理论,以及该理论(体型越大越占优势)对于被捕食者和捕食者是否适用。题型及数量:判断题4+填空题9题目及答案:1. FALSE2. TRUE3. NOT GI

22、VEN4. FALSE5. mouth size6. medium7. artificial light8. net9. laboratory10. new moon11. fish body12. open ocean13. reef14. mortality可参考真题:C11T3P2:Great MigrationsPassage 2文章题材:说明文(商业科普)文章题目:Corporate Social Responsibility(企业社会责任)文章难度:文章内容:文章介绍了企业社会责任是如何帮助企业解决面临的各种问题,并且促进了企业和社会的相互依赖的关系。举例了三个公司(GE, Mic

23、rosoft和WholeFood Market)如何在日常运营中提现中企业社会责任。题型及数量:标题配对题7+段落填空题2+匹配题4题目及答案:14. v15. viii16. vi17. vii18. iii19. i20. ii21. equal opportunity22. internal costs23. C24. C25. A26. B可参考真题:C13T2P3:MAKING THE MOST OF TRENDS考试原文:(上下滑动查看)Corporate Social ResponsibilityThe moral appeal-arguing that companies ha

24、ve a duty to be good citizensand to “do the right thing”-is prominent in the goal of Business for SocialResponsibility, the leading nonprofit CSR business association in the UnitedStates.A An excellent definition was developed in the 1980s Meeting the needs ofthe present without compromising the abi

25、lity of future generations to meet theirown needs.” The notion of license to operate derives from the fact that everycompany needs tacit or explicit permission from governments, communities, andnumerous other stakeholders to do business. Finally, reputation is used by manycompanies to justify CSR in

26、itiatives on the grounds that they will improve acompanys image, strengthen its brand, enliven morale, and even raise the Valueof its stock.B To advance CSR, we must root it in a broad understanding of theinterrelationship between a corporation and society. To say broadly thatbusiness and society ne

27、ed each other might seem like a clich, but it is alsothe basic truth that will pull companies out of the muddle that their currentcorporate-responsibility thinking has created. Successful corporations need ahealthy society. Education, health care, and equal opportunity are essential toa productive w

28、orkforce. Safe products and working conditions not only attractcustomers but lower the internal costs of accidents. Efficient utilization ofland, water, energy, and other natural resources makes business more productive.Good government, the rule of Jaw, and property rights are essential forefficienc

29、y and innovation. Any business that pursues its ends at the expense ofthe society in which it operates will find its success to be illusory andultimately temporary. At the same time, a health society needs successfulcompanies. No social program can rival the business sector when it comes tocreating

30、the jobs, wealth, and innovation that improve standards of living andsocial conditions over time.C A companys impact on society also changes over time, as social standardsevolve and science progresses. Asbestos, now understood as a serious healthrisk, was thought to be safe in the early 1900s, given

31、 the scientific knowledgethen available. Evidence of its risks gradually mounted for more than 50 yearsbefore any company was held liable for the harms it can cause. Many firms thatfailed to anticipate the consequences of this evolving body of research havebeen bankrupt by the results. No longer can companies be content to monitor onlythe obvious social impacts of today. Without a careful process for identifyingevolving social e

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