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1、鲁教版英语八年级上册Unit6单元测试答案+解析【同步精品课堂】鲁教版英语八年级上册Unit6单元测试学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、用所给单词的正确形式填空1He looks strong. _ (actual) he is over seventy.2It is one of the largest _ (island) in our country.3Though she is a Chinese girl, she speaks _ (France) very well.4Mount Tai has given us the _ (beautiful)of nature.5Fail

2、ure is the mother of _ (successful).6There are so many books. I havent decided which book _ (choose).7She couldnt wait _ (tell) her mother the good news.8What did you see Jim doing?I saw him _ (swim) in the river.9_ you _ (finish) your report yet?10_ you _ (visit) the art museum yet?11She _ (practic

3、e) the piano ever since.12There are at _ (little) hundreds of people dancing at the square.13The match makes me _ (feel) excited.14We decided _ (plant) some trees on the hill near our town.15_ you ever _ (listen) to Huang Qishans songs?二、根据首字母填空16Guangdong lies in the s_ part of China.17Everyone mus

4、t continue to protect our national t_ the giant panda.18Let me i_ myself first. Im Dave.19Whom does this book b_ to?Maybe its Damings.20H_up, or you will be late for the meeting.三、单选题21_have you lived with your grandparents?About three years.AHow long BHow many CHow much DHow often22If you want to f

5、inish the work today, youll have to _.Ahurry up Bcome up Ccatch up Dput up23He found a bag _ moneyAbe full of Bfull with Cfull of Dfilled of24Hello, may I speak to Mr. Smith?Sorry, he isnt in. He _ the office.Ahas been to Bhas gone to Chas been away Dhas left25At night, we can see _ stars in the sky

6、.Atwo millions Bmillion of Ctwo million of Dmillions of26Its sometimes hard to tell one twin from _.Aanother Bsome other Cother Dthe other27If you keep working hard, you will _ sooner or later.Abeat Bsucceed Csuccess Dfail28-Look! A book is on the floor .Whose is it?-It_be Ricks.It has his name on i

7、t.Amustnt Bcant Cmust Dneed29 A number of volunteers _ willing to teach in Chinas rural areas.Yes. The number _ getting bigger and bigger.Ais ; is Bare; isCis; are Dare; are30 He took up my cellphone and made a long distance call as if the phone _ him.Abelonged to Bwas belonging toCwas belonged to D

8、had been belonged to31I have got two apples. One is for you, _ is for my mother.Aother Bothers Cthe other Danother32_,or you will be late for school.AHurry up BLook up CTurn up DMake up33The chicken smells good. I cant wait _ it.Ahave Bhas Ceat Dto eat34Have you got _ to say about Jack?Aanything els

9、e Belse anything Canything other Dother anything35Its reported that there are more than 300 _ smokers (吸烟者) in China, nearly a third of all the smokers in the world.Amillion Bmillions Cmillion of Dmillions of36Look! Shes standing _the ten children.Aamong Bbetween Cof Dfrom37Look! The car is new and

10、beautiful. Who does it _?It must be Mr. Blacks.Alook forward to Bdepend on Cbelong to Dpick up38Wow, Wendy, its cool to make a short video with your mobile phone.Just with a software called Meipai. Let me show you .Awhich to use Bhow to use itCwhat to use Dwhere to use it39Tom, you ever that new fil

11、m?Yes.I it a week ago.Ahave;seen;saw Bhave;seen;seeCdo;see;see Dhad;seen;saw40His father often makes him _ his homework after school.Ado Bto do Cdid Ddoes四、补全短文5选5 Florence lived in the countryside of Kenya(肯尼亚). When she was 12, the only thing she wanted was to finish school. But for many girls lik

12、e her, school is only a dream.41Families will probably spend money educating boys. Many girls have to marry early.But Florence was able to continue her education.42Lisa started an organization to provide many girls with the best education possibly. Florence was the first of 320 Kenyan girls among th

13、em.43During her visit, she heard that many women made and sold baskets. They used the money to send daughters to school. Two years later, she started to help sell the Kenyan crafts(工艺品) in the US. In 1998, Lisa began helping girls continue their education.44In January, 2015, she started the fourth o

14、ne. “I want to prepare them for college,” Lisa said.The new high school is called Tembea, which means “ to walk”. Florence is walking towards a bright future.45“Florence is the first in her family to finish high school and college,” said Lisa. “ She is an example for all girls in Kenya.”ASchool cost

15、s money.BIn 1991, Lisa first visited Kenya.CAfter that, she helped build three schools.DShe left college in 2010 and is now a teacher.E.It was Lisa Stevens who helped achieve her dream.五、补全对话6选5A: Do you like pop music, Carl?B: 46.And you?A: Just a little. But Im a jazz fan.47 Do you often listen to

16、 it, too?B: Sometimes, as Im always busy studying.A: 48B: I am doing a year at painting. A: 49 But I think you are supposed to visit lots of art museums here in Paris. Maybe you can get some good ideas from them.B: 50AYoure kidding.BYes, Im crazy about pop music.CThank you for your advice.DWell, wha

17、t are you studying here?E.I know nothing about painting.F.I usually listen to a lot of good jazz on the radio.六、多任务混合问题 Jessie traveled to a small town in Australia during the summer holidays. There was a big farm near her hotel. One Saturday morning, she opened the window of her room and looked at

18、the farm. It was very beautiful. 3. There were many cows, horses and small animals on the farm. Suddenly, she saw a kangaroo and it was wearing a mans jacket. It stood there and looked hungry. Jessie walked out and gave it some bread. The kangaroo got it and jumped away happily. 4. Just then a walle

19、t dropped on the ground from the jacket pocket. Jessie picked it up and found some money and a photo in it. That was a boys photo with the name John On it.John? I have a little brother called John. But he was lost when he was young, Jessie thought.Could this boy be my lost brother? She took the wall

20、et with her and began to look for the boy, She asked many people in the town. Finally she found John and he was her lost brother. They were very happy to see each other.(一)根据短文内容,简要回答问题。51What did Jessie give the kangaroo?_52How did Jessie find her lost brother John?_(二)将短文中画线的句子译成汉语。53_54_(三)请给短文拟一

21、个适当的标题。55_参考答案1Actually【详解】句意:他看起来很壮。事实上他70多岁了。actual真实的,实际的,是一个形容词。根据句子结构可知,该空修饰后面的整句话,应用副词形式。故填Actually。2islands【详解】句意:它是我国最大的岛屿之一。“one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数”意为“最的之一”,为固定结构,故此处应用island的复数形式islands。故填islands。3French【详解】句意:尽管她是一个中国女孩,但是她法语说得非常好。speak说,用作及物动词时,后接表示语言的名词;France法国,French法语,故填French。4beaut

22、y【详解】句意:泰山已经给我们带来了自然之美。beautiful表示“美丽的”,是形容词,beauty表示 “美”,是名词。the+名词+of 表示 “的”,因此用beautiful的名词形式,故填beauty。【点睛】5success【详解】句意:失败是成功之母。“of”为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词,successful为形容词,其名词形式为success。故填success。6to choose【详解】句意:有如此多的书。我还没决定选择哪本书。根据“I havent decided which book”可知用动词不定式做后置定语,空处填动词不定式to choose。故填to choos

23、e。7to tell【详解】句意:她等不及告诉她妈妈那个好消息。cant/couldnt wait to do sth表示“等不及做某事”,故填to tell。【点睛】8swimming【详解】句意:你看见Jim在做什么?我看见他在河里游泳。根据“What did you see Jim doing”可知是询问Jim正在做什么,see sb. doing sth.“看见某人正在做某事”,故动词用ing形式,在句中作宾语补足语。故填swimming。9Have finished 【详解】句意:你完成你的报告了吗?finish完成,是一个动词。根据句意和句中的“yet”可知,这句话应用现在完成时,

24、表示过去发生的动作对现在的影响,构成是have/has+过去分词。主语为you,应用have,变一般疑问句时,直接把have提到主语前面。故答案为Have, finished。10Have visited 【详解】句意:你参观过艺术博物馆了吗?根据“yet”可知是现在完成时,所以用have done。结合所给单词,可知此处用have,visited,且此句是一般疑问句,助动词have放句首,需大写。故填Have,visited。11has practiced【详解】句意:从那以后她练习钢琴。practice练习,是一个动词。由句意和句中的“ever since”可知,这个动作从过去开始,直到现

25、在,应用现在完成时;主语She是第三人称单数,用has。故答案为has practiced。12least【详解】句意:至少有几百人在广场上跳舞。little少的。根据空前的“at”可知,这里考查的是短语at least,意为“至少”,least是little的最高级形式。故填least。13feel【详解】句意:这场比赛让我感到很兴奋。表示“让某人做某事”用短语“make sb. do”,空处填动词原形feel。故填feel。14to plant【详解】句意:我们决定在我们镇附近的山上种植一些树。表示“决定做某事”用动词短语“decide to do”,空处填动词不定式to plant。故填

26、to plant。15Have listened 【详解】句意:你曾听过黄岐山的歌吗?根据ever可知,用现在完成时have/has done,此处是一般疑问句,主语you是第二人称,因此句首用助动词have,后面谓语用过去分词listened,故填Havelistened。【点睛】16southern【详解】句意:广东位于中国的南部。根据常识可知,广东在中国南部,空后part是名词,该空应用形容词,作定语修饰名词。southern南部的,南方的,形容词,符合语境。故答案为southern。17treasure【详解】句意:每个人都必须继续保护我们的国宝大熊猫。由句中“the giant pa

27、nda”可知大熊猫,可推测出此处应为每个人都必须继续保护我们的国宝大熊猫。national treasure国宝,是固定短语。故填treasure。18introduce【详解】句意:首先让我自我介绍一下。我是戴夫。introduce oneself自我介绍,是固定短语,let sth.让某人做某事,所以此处缺动词原形,故填introduce。19belong【详解】句意:这本书属于谁?可能是大明的。由答语“Maybe its Damings”可知,问句句意应为“这本书属于谁?”,belong to属于,是固定短语。句中有助动词does,此处应使用动词原形。故答案为belong。2

28、0Hurry【详解】句意:快点,否则你开会要迟到了。根据后半句“you will be late for the meeting”可知,这里是催促对方快点,考查hurry up,是固定短语。该句为祈使句,应用动词原形。故答案为Hurry。21A【详解】句意:你和你祖父母们住了多久?大概3年。考查短语词义辨析。How long多久,对“时间段”提问;How many多少,对“可数名词数量”提问;How much多少或多少钱,对“价格或不可数名词数量”提问;How often多久一次,对“频率”提问。根据答语“About three years”可知问时间多久。故选A。22A【详解】句意:如果你想

29、今天完成工作的话,你必须快点。考查动词短语。hurry up赶快;come up走进;catch up赶上;put up举起。根据“If you want to finish the work today”可知,你想今天完成工作,因此要快点,故选A。【点睛】23C【详解】句意:他发现一个装满了钱的包。考查后置定语。表示“装满”用“full of”或者“filled with”。 full不能和with搭配,filled不能和of搭配,故排除B、D选项;句中已有谓语found,不能再选谓语动词了,故排除A选项;此处作后置定语full of修饰bag。故选C。24B【详解】句意:你好,我可以跟Smith先生通电话吗?对不起,他不在。他去了办公室。考查动词时态。has been to去过某地(现在已经回来) ;has gone to去了某地(现在还没回来) ;has been away已经离开;has left离开。由答语中“Sorry, he isnt in.”可知,Smith先生去了办公室,还没有回来,故选B。25D【详解】句意:在晚上,我们可以看到天空中数以百万计的星星。考查数词。当hundred/ thousand/million等词前有确切数字时,其后不加

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