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1、经典英语语法全套练习题难题经典英语语法全套练习题难题 (答案+解析)一、冠词The Article1、 We cant live without air. Aan B Cthe Dsome2、Have you seen pen? I left it here this morning. Is it black one? I think I saw it somewhere. Aa; the Bthe; the Cthe; a Da; a3、Ive been waiting for him for hour and half. A; Bthe; a Ca; the Dan; a4、What fi

2、ne weather we have today! Aa B Csome Dan5、Have you ever seen as tall as this one? Aa tree Bsuch tree Can tree Dtree6、Children usually go to school at age of six. A; the Ba; an Cthe; Dthe; the7、 Himalayas is highest mountain in world. A; the; BThe; the; the CA; a; a D;8、They each have _book. Li Huas

3、is about writer. Wang Lins is on science. Aa; a; Bthe; ; the C; the; Da; the; a9、 Physics is science of matter and energy. AThe; B; C; the DA; a10、 sun rises in east and sets in west. AA; an; a BThe; CThe; the; the DA; the; a11、Many people agree that_knowledge of English is a must in international t

4、rade today. Aa; Bthe; an Cthe; the D; the12、 _Mr Jones called while you were out (neither of us knows this man). He was in bad temper. A;a BA; CThe; the DA; a13、They were at dinner then. It was delicous one. Aa; the B; C;a Da; a14、what kind of car do you want to buy? A Bthe Ca Dan15、Alice is fond of

5、 playing piano while Henry is interested in listening to music. A; the B; Cthe; Dthe; the16、Beyond stars, the astronaut saw nothing but space. Athe; B; the C; Dthe; the17、Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone in 1876. A Ba Cthe Done18、Wheres Jack? I think hes still in bed, but he might just be in

6、 bathroom. A; Bthe; the Cthe; D; the19、Many people are still in habit of writing silly things in public places. Athe; the B; Cthe; D; the20、Id like information about the management of your hotel, please. Well, you could have word with the manager. He might be helpful. Asome; a Ban; some Csome; some

7、Dan; a【答案】: 1、B air是不可数名词。 扫我用溯源记忆法快速记单词 2、D 此题为97年高考题。根据句意,第一空是泛指,第一次出现;第二空仍是泛指,且表数量“”。 3、D 元音前用an。 4、B weather是不可数名词。 5、A 此题为85年高考题。泛指。 6、A go to school是固定短语。 7、B 山脉、形容词最高级及世界上的唯一的名词前加定冠词。 8、A 第一、二空泛指,第三空,science是不可数名词。 9、C 第一空,科目前不加冠词;第二空特指,有定语。 10、C 11、A 第一空,a + 不可数名词表具体的介绍;第二空,trade不可数。 12、D 第一

8、空是指有一位琼斯先生在您不在的时候来访。(括号里说明,我们俩都不认识这个人,因此不是特指。)第二空是固定短语,情绪不好。 13、C 第一空at dinner正在吃饭,固定短语。 14、A 泛指 15、C 此题是89年高考题:乐器前加定冠词;music是不可数名词。 16、A 此题是90年高考题:stars前应加定冠词;space不可数。 17、C 此题是91年高考题:发明应是特指。 18、D 此题是92年高考题。in bed是固定短语,不加冠词。 19、C 此题是93年高考题。第一空后有定语,固是特指。第二空, public places,公共场所,泛指。 20、A 此题是95年高考题。inf

9、ormation是不可数名词;have a word with sb.是固定短语。二、名词Nouns1、There are only twelve in the hospital. Awoman doctors Bwomen doctors Cwomen doctor Dwoman doctor2、Mr Smith has two , both of whom are teachers in a school. Abrothers-in-law Bbrother-in-laws Cbrothers-in-laws Dbrothers-in law3、How many does a cow ha

10、ve? Four. Astomaches Bstomach Cstomachs Dstomachies4、Some visited our school last Wednesday. AGerman BGermen CGermans DGermens5、The of the building are covered with lots of . Aroofs; leaves Brooves; leafs Croof; leaf Droofs; leafs6、When the farmer returned home he found three missing. Asheeps Bsheep

11、es Csheep Dsheepies7、That was a fifty engine. Ahorse power Bhorses power Chorse powers Dhorses powers8、My father often gives me . Amany advice Bmuch advice Ca lot of advices Da few advice9、Mary broke a while she was washing up. Atea cup Ba cup of tea Cteas cup Dcup tea10、Can you give us some about t

12、he writer? Ainformations Binformation Cpiece of informations Dpieces information11、I had a cup of and two pieces of this morning. Ateas; bread Bteas; breads Ctea; breads Dtea; bread12、As is known to us all, travels much faster than . Alights; sounds Blight; sound Csound; light Dsounds; lights13、She

13、told him of all her and . Ahope; fear Bhopes; fear Chopes; fears Dhope; fears14、The rising did a lot of to the crops. Awater; harm Bwater; harms Cwaters; harm Dwaters; harms15、How far away is it from here to your school?Its about Ahalf an hours drive Bhalf hours drives Chalf an hour drives Dhalf an

14、hour drive16、The shirt isnt mine. Its . AMrs Smith BMrs Smith CMrs Smiths DMrs Smiths17、Miss Johnson is a friend of . AMarys mother BMarys mothers CMary mothers DMarys mothers18、Last week I called at my . Aaunt Baunts Caunts Dauntes19、The beach is a throw. Astone Bstones Cstones Dstones20、I can hard

15、ly imagine sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. APeter BPeter CPeters DPeters【答案】: 1、B 2、A 3、C stomach(胃)虽是“ch”结尾,但其发音为k,所以加“s”,不用加“es”。 4、C 5、A roof, chief, gulf, belief等词的复数形式,直接加“s”。 6、C 7、A 名词作定语一般不用复数。 8、B 9、A 根据句意,打破的应是杯子,而不是茶;名词作定语表类别不用加“s”。 10、B 11、D 12、B 13、C 14、C 15、A 16、D 根据上句,

16、此处应是史密斯太太的衬衫。 17、D 18、C 19、D a stones throw是固定短语,意为“近在咫尺”。 20、B 此句中Peter作动名词sailing的所有格,本应用Peters,但因其在动词后作宾语,所以可用宾格,因此B为正确答案。三、主谓一致Agreement1、Nothing but cars in the shop. Ais sold Bare sold Cwere sold Dare going to sell2、No one except Jack and Tom the answer. Aknow Bknows Cis knowing Dare known3、Se

17、venty percent of the students in our school from the countryside. Ais Bare Ccomes Dare coming4、 of the money used up. AThree-five, are BThree-fifths, have been CThree-fifths, has been DThird-fifths, is5、The number of the people who cars increasing. Aowns, are Bowns, is Cown, is Down, are6、One of Mar

18、xs works written in English in the 1860s. Awas Bwere Cwould be Dare7、The sheets for your bed washing. Aneeds Bare needing Cwant Dare wanting 8、On each side of the street a lot of trees. Astands Bgrow Cis standing Dare grown9、Some person calling for you at the gate. Aare Bis Cis being Dwill be10、All

19、that can be eaten eaten up. Aare being Bhas been Chad been Dhave been11、Toms teacher and friend Mr. Smith. Aare Bis Care being Dhas12、Your new clothes fit you, but mine me. Adoesnt fit Bdont fit Cdoesnt fit for Ddont fit for13、Neither he nor I for the plan. Aam Bare Cis Dwere14、Many a student that m

20、istake before. Ahas made Bhave made Chas been made Dhad made15、Peter, perhaps John, playing with the little dog. Ais Bare Cwere Dseems16、Laying eggs the ant queens full-time job. Ais Bare Chas Dhave17、Between the two buildings a monument. Astand Bstands Cstanding Dis standing18、I, who your good frie

21、nd, will share your joys and sorrow. Aam Bis Care Dwas19、The United Nations in 1945. Awere found Bwere founded Cwas founded Dwas found20、 were also invited to the party. AMr Smith BThe Smith CThe Smiths DSmiths21、The glass works in 1959. Awere set up Bwas set up Cwere put up Dwere built22、Three hour

22、s with your girl friend to be a short time. Aseem Bseems Cis seeming Dhas seemed23、It was reported that six including a boy. Awas killed Bwere killed Cwas killing Dhad killed24、The police a prisoner. Ais searching for Bare searching forCis searching Dare searched for25、Deer faster than dogs. Arun Br

23、uns Care running Dwill run26、The wounded good care of here now. Ais taken Bare being taken Care taking Dis taking27、The whole class greatly moved at his words. Awas Bwere Chad Dis28、Over 80 percent of the population of China peasants. Awas Bis Care Dwill be29、There a knife and fork on the table. Ase

24、ems to be Bseem to be Cis seeming to be Dare30、Those who singing may join us. Aare liking Blikes Cenjoy Dis fond of31、His family music lovers. Aall are Bare all Cis Dare being32、A professor and a writer present at the meeting. Awas Bis Cwere Dhad been33、The pair of shoes worn out. Awas Bwere Chave b

25、een Dhad been34、The students in our school each an English dictionary. Ahave Bhas Chad Dare having35、More than one answer to the question. Ahave been given Bhas been given Cwere given Dhad given36、The boy sitting by the window is the only one of the students who from the countryside in our school. A

26、are Bis Cwere Dwas37、Our family a happy one. Ais Bare Cwas Dwere38、Most of the mistakes because of carelessness. Awere made Bare made Chas been made Dwere making39、Most of his time in reading novels. Aare spent Bis spent Cwere spent Dwas spending40、The rest of the novel very interesting. Awere Bare

27、Cis Dseem41、I know that all getting on well with her. Awas Bis Care Dwere42、When and where this took place still unknown. Aare Bwere Cis Dhas43、Not only the workers but also the machine not there. Aare Bwere Cis Dhas44、Very few his address in the town. Aknows Bknow Care knowing Dhas known45、Ten thou

28、sand dollars a large sum of money. Aare Bis Cwere Dseem46、Twenty miles a long way to cover. Awere Bare Cis Dseem to be47、Nine plus three twelve. Amakes Bmake Cis making Dare making48、There are two roads and either to the station. Aleads Blead Care leading Dis leading49、My father, together with some of his old friends, there already. Ahave been Bhas been Chad been Dwill be50、My family as well as I glad to see you. Aam Bare Cis Dwas【答案】: 1、A 因有连词but,所以谓语形式跟Nothing一致,用第三人称单数。见讲解4。

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