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本文(贵州省遵义市学年八年级下学期暑假练习英语试题word版无答案精品教育doc.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、贵州省遵义市学年八年级下学期暑假练习英语试题word版无答案精品教育doc2019-2019 学年第二学期八年级英语暑假练习一、单词拼写专题一:词汇专练1. At birth, most babies w between 3 and 3.5 kilos.2. My e brother is three years older than me, but he looks younger.3. This kind of music comes from the s states of America.4. The jacket f me well. So Ill buy it.5. How bea

2、utiful the lake is! We shall never forget the b of the nature.6. I had a bad cold and c day and night.7. Sometimes it rains h in Hangzhou.8. He was so excited! We could hear her l outside the room.9. Our city develops in such a r way. It has changed a lot in recent years.10. They turned p of the boo

3、k, looking for the answers to the questions.11. N and doctors work in hospitals.12. Think t before you make the decision.13. My grandpa lives in the countryside by himself, but he doesnt feel l .14. Judy is a shy girl. She feels n when speaking in front of many people.15 F trees, broken windows and

4、rubbish were everywhere after the storm.16. He was so fat t he couldnt get through the door.17. Never give up a your dreams when you meet with some difficulties.18. Work hard, and you will be s .19. Tony has been living like that ever s the birth of his little brother.20. I couldnt decide w or not I

5、 wanted to go.21. Although he is wrong, I think its not a big d .22. John fell down the stairs and was badly h in the arm.23. In Japan, many places dont a people to stay in with shoes.24. People were making fun of him, but he didnt seem to n it.25. Feel f to ask me any questions on todays lesson, ev

6、erybody!26. The computer doesnt b to me. It is his.27. Be careful when you are climbing the tree, or you may have some t .28. When I got to the cinema yesterday, I found a long l of people waiting at the gate.29. Anna doesnt like playing computer games. Sometimes she does it s to relax.30. W animals

7、 are our friends.31. W you do, make sure not to cause any trouble.The temperature r as spring comes.32. Small steps sometimes l to big changes.33. There is a river in front of my school. It is 10 meters w .34. Its not s for the little boy to swim in a river alone.35. The young firefighter is dead, b

8、ut his s lives on.36. The invention of computers is a symbol of m technology.37. They are going to sell old books to c some money.38. The c loved their children very much.39. It is n cold nor hot in summer here.40. Tony turned and walked t his car.41. My parents e me to take a summer course to impro

9、ve my writing skills.42. All the friendly people in the world want to have a p world.43. Today is so cold that she wears a woolen s around her neck.44. Be sure to take n when listening to the report.45. We cant solve the problem u we have good luck.46. How many English words can you m in ten minutes

10、?47. A s begins with a capital(大写)letter and ends with a full stop.48. She is a very p nurse. She does everything carefully.49. She took an a part in the school sports meeting and got the first place in jumping.50. To prepare for the mid-term exam, I r all the subjects.51. I think doing lots of list

11、ening practice is one of the s of becoming a good language learner.52. There were only two paintings for sale and he bought b .53. Someone s my wallet when I was on the bus home.54. My mother always w me not to swim in that dangerous river by myself.55. Everyone will be p if he or she breaks the law

12、 of our country.56. I always a my mother for her kindness and patience in life.57. Never t such a serious matter as a joke.58. Dont l your coat near the fire. Its kind of dangerous.59. Nobody taught Ann drawing. She learned it by h .60. C with others is very important if you want to get well with th

13、em.61. The little boy has a f . Youd better take his temperature first.62. The more exercise kids take, the s they will be.63. I dont like noodles at all. Please bring me some rice and meat i .64. We really want to have a good time outside, but it all d on the weather.65. She always wears a sweet s

14、on her face.66. Many students have to spend most of their time on schoolwork in o to get good grades.67. My classmates will help me out w I am in trouble.68. It is t to eat mooncakes in China on Mid-Autumn Festival.69. My father has been d for one year. I still miss him very much.二、根据中文提示完成句子1. 我刚要洗

15、澡,这时电话响了起来。I was just getting into the shower .2. 多亏了互联网,我们可以在家里看到来自世界各地的最新消息。 , we can learn the latest news from all over the world.3. 我头疼很厉害,我该怎么办?I had a bad headache. ?4. 他太累了,所以很快睡着了。He was he soon fell asleep.5. 作为一名爬山爱好者,Peter 习惯于冒险。As a mountain-climbing lover, Peter .6. 有了她的帮助,我才有可能完成任务。Sh

16、e helped to for me to finish the task.7. Tom 曾是他班里最好的学生。Tom the best student in his class.8. Mary 乐于做她喜爱做的事情Mary is ready to do .9. 看到了你们的志愿者工作,老师我有一种极强的满足感。After I have seen your volunteer work, your teacher felt .10. 照看好这些孩子是我们的职责。 take care of these children.11. 疲劳的孩子们在 7 点以后才能回家。The tired childr

17、en come back home 7:00 p.m.12. 为何你不能把这些想法告诉你的父母亲呢? tell your parents these feelings?13. 同学之间友好相处很重要。Its very important for the students .14. 我们在厨房吃中饭时,听到了电台上的消息。We breakfast we heard the news on the radio.15. 刚才我打电话给你, 你没接。Just now, I called you, but you .16. 我不记得在某地见到过她。I cant remember somewhere.17

18、. 大风过后到处都是落叶和碎石。After the storm, and were everywhere.18. 他每天骑自行车而不是开车去上班。He rides his bike to work every day driving.19. 一读完这本书我就还给你。I will return the book to you I finish it.20. 尽管天黑了,他们还在继续工作。 it was dark, they still working.21. 据我所知, 他明天不会来参加晚会的。 , he will not come to attend the meeting.22. 熊猫一天吃

19、十公斤食物。The panda .23. 大象要比狗重许多倍。An elephant weighs a dog.24. 你晚上最好不要熬夜。You burn the midnight oil.25. 我还没决定买哪本书。I which book to buy. 26. 这本小说书两周后就到期,我得看快点。The novel two weeks. I have to read it through quickly.27. 乡间音乐是一种传统类的音乐。Country music is music.28. 我想知道他们现在过得怎样。I they are getting on.29. 新加坡是一个讲英

20、语的国家。Singapore is country.30. 五年前我就有了这辆自行车。I this bike 5 years ago.31. 他等不下去了。He could not wait .32. 真遗憾,你这么快就要走了。 that you have to leave so soon. 33. 老实说,我希望自己多年前就做出了这个决定。 , I wish I had made this decision years ago. 34. 我们家乡的美丽在我们的心里留下了许多温馨和甜蜜的回忆。The beauty in our hometown has in our hearts.35. 我好

21、几个月没去图书馆了。I to the library for months.专题二:语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入一个适当的内容(1 个或 2 个单词),或括号内单词的正确形式。AMaybe you are more interested in sports than in history. You probably think you (1) never be a top student. In fact, anyone can become a better student (2) he or she wants to. If you can use your time well,

22、you may improve your study without much work. Heres (3) :Plan your time carefully. When you plan your week time, you should make (4) list of things that you have to do. First write down the time (5) eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide on a good time for studying. Of course, (6) shouldnt tak

23、e all of your time. Dont forget to leave yourselves enough time for hobbies.Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study place. Keep this space, which may be a desk (7) just a corner of your room. No games, radio, or television! When you sit down to work, think only about the s

24、ubject!Make good use of your time in class. Listen (8) (care) to what the teacher says. Careful listening in class (9) less work later. You also need to take notes in class, because it can make it easier for you to learn well.There are only a few ways mentioned here (10) (help) you with your studyin

25、g. I believe you find many other ways besides these.BSchoolchildren today are under much pressure to do well at school. They are (11) (tell) they must work hard, do homework and pass exams. However, Summerhill is a (12) (real) different school where the students go to classes when they want to and d

26、ont have to do homework or exams.The school was set up in 1921 and (13) (remain) open today. It offers a wide range of subjects, (14) (include) science, math, and foreign languages. There is a timetable for all classes, but the students decide (15) they want to do each day.It might come as (16) surp

27、rise to learn that the school has a lot of rules that students and staff have to follow. The students and staff meet four times a week (17) decisions about what happens in the school, and to set school rules.Summerhill isnt right (18) all children. The school sometimes tells students to leave if (19

28、) (they) negative attitude upsets other people. However, most students enjoy themselves at Summerhill and are (20) (success) in their careers.CAndrew Brash returned this week from Nepal after successfully climbing to the summit of Qomolangma Peak. This was Brashs second time to climb the mountain.Tw

29、o years ago he and his team (21) (give) up his dream of reaching a Peaks summit. Why? Because they found a climber (22) (lie) on the ice slope when they were less than 200 meters away from the summit. The climber was Lincoln Hall. He had become (23) (serious) ill earlier that day, and his own group

30、thought he was dead and left him by mistake. Without (24) second thought, Brash and his group turned back at once. They spent a lot of time (25) (carry) Hall all the way down the mountain in (26) to find help. At last Hall was saved, and he was very thankful for the help (27) the group of mountainee

31、rs.Brash never regretted(遗憾)his (28) (decide) not to reach the summit: “Its still there if Iwant to try again,” he once said.And last week, thats exactly (29) he did. “Im just so happy for him that he (30) (reach) his goal and is safe,” his wife, Jennifer, told CBC News.DThe Water Festival is the most important traditional festival of the Dai people in Yunnan. It usually takes place in mid-April of the solar calendar, often ten days before (31) after the Tomb Sweeping Day, marking the New Year in the Dai Calendar.(32) that day, the Dai people get (33) (dress) up and shoulder

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