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1、创业构想规划书TIC100科技创新竞赛2000年PC-based生活自动化全国创意暨创业大赛创业构想规划书(一):E-2000( (三)小组阵容成员姓名学校科系指导老师温肇东副教授国立政治大学队长杨晴媚国立政治大学科技管理研究所队员王希宁国立政治大学科技管理研究所队员吴心慈国立政治大学科技管理研究所队员李恩洙国立政治大学科技管理研究所队员詹韵如国立政治大学财务管理研究所(四)配对创意产品组队名名称:X-2000- (五)小组成员合照 人物说明:左起詹韵如、王希宁、杨晴媚、李恩洙、吴心慈中华民国八十八年十一月十一日目次壹、相关说明 1一、源起 1二、经费来源 1三、相关支持 1四、参考资料 1贰

2、、摘要 2一、中文 2二、英文 4参、公司简介 7一、公司CIS介绍 7二、团队基本背景资料 8肆、事业愿景 8一、缘起 8二、颠覆传统的新世代产物 9三、声音领域中的NO.1 9伍、产品概念与核心技术 10一、核心技术概述 10二、产品概念与发展 10三、技术限制与鸿沟 11陆、产业与竞争分析 12一、市场现况 12二、产业主要特性 14三、主要竞争者与竞争层次 15四、台湾企业简述 15五、SWOT分析 16柒、销售预测暨行销策略 17一、产品策略与产品介绍 17二、定价策略 20三、通路策略 23四、促销策略 23五、第一个顾客 23捌、制作策略 23一、灵活的生产方式 24二、易于从外

3、界取得关键零组件 24三、生产有品质保证的优良产品 24四、技术服务与维修体系 24五、初步成本预估 24玖、财务策略 25一、资本形成策略 25二、财务假设 26三、预估损益表 26四、预估资产负债表 27五、预估营运现金流量表 28六、预估资金来源及运用表 28七、敏感度分析(每年销售量减半) 29拾、组织及人事策略 30一、设计完善的组织图 30二、激励制度 31拾壹、研发策略及智财权管理 32一、关键及互补技术的获得 32二、智财权的保护 32拾贰、风险评估 35一、营运风险 35二、财务风险 36三、技术风险 36四、产业风险 36拾参:参考资料 38一、原型机照片 38二、参考文献

4、 38拾肆、附录 39附录一:VOITECH创业计画决赛工作时程进度表 39附录二:资金来源 40附录三:麦克风相关专利 41壹、相关说明一、源起 本公司是由一群政大商学院硕士班学生所组成的创业团队,一群年轻学梓之所以会有创业的构想是来自于政大科管所一直强调Enterpreneurship的缘故。科管所不但在课程的安排上不断的给予我们新创事业的意念及创新、创业的刺激之外,还带领我们在1999年年初时,到新加坡大学参与MIT 50K创业竞赛工作营的活动,在那里,我们听到了很多创业者的心声,同时和来自世界各国的青年学梓们,交换了许多彼此宝贵的观念,进而加速了我们自创事业的期待与决心。 本公司成员来

5、自韩国及台湾各大学,除了所学的专长背景皆不同,可以互相补强之外,来自不同学校,甚至不同国籍的不同思考模式也让我们在脑力激荡的工作中获得Multi-dimensional 的结果。这种创新与多元的组合,是任何一个创业团队在种子期最需要的刺激。二、经费来源目前本公司并未接受任何单位经费赞助,不过,由于事业的需求,我们将会在往后的日子中寻求相关研发单位、金融机构或国家辅导计画的支持,详细的说明将会在财务策略一节中揭露。三、相关支持本公司目前未曾与任何单位进行技术合作或协助研究 本创业团队除了可获得政大商学院丰富的师资、经验之传承外,因为团员个人的人际网络连结之下,我们还有团员以往大学科系的相关资源、

6、经济部中小企业处、工研院、亚太智能财产权发展基金会等产、官、学、研机构的协助。可以说在技术及资金上应该都将不虞匮乏。四、参考资料本公司未曾引用任何研究成果,但是合作的技术团队有,其引用的主要是讨论数组讯号处理方面的论文与讯号处理方面的书籍,如下:1. O. L. Frost, “An Algorithm for Linear Constrained Adaptive Array Processing,” Proc. IEEE, vol.60, no.8, pp.926-935, Aug. 1972.2. Hu, J., Yu S.H. and Huang S.C., 1998, Applica

7、tion of Model-matching Techniques to Feedforward Active Noise Controller Design, IEEE Trans. on Control System Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 33-42.3. Yu S. H., 1998, Fractional Delay FIR Filter Design4. B. Widrow and S.D. Stearns, 1985, Adaptive Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N

8、ew Jersey.5. L. Griffiths and C. W. Jim, “An Alternative Approach to Linear Constrained Adaptive Beamforming,” IEEE Trans. Antenna Propagation, vol.30, no.1, pp.27-34, Jan. 1982.贰、摘要一、中文本公司为魔音塔克科技股份有限公司,希望透过新技术的开发、新产品的提供,有效收集、纯化(过滤杂音)声音,并且透过适当的媒介(如电话线、网络),将高品质的声音传送出去,使人与人之间距离缩短,沟通更加便利,进而产生3C(Connect






14、故。科管所不但在课程的安排上不断的给予我们新创事业的意念及创新、创业的刺激,还带领我们在1999年年初时,到新加坡大学参与MIT 50K创业竞赛工作营的活动,在那里,我们听到了很多创业者的心声,同时和来自世界各国的青年学梓们,交换了许多彼此宝贵的观念,进而加速了我们自创事业的期待与决心。 本公司成员来自韩国及台湾各大学,除了所学的专长背景皆不同,可说是各有专长,来自不同学校,甚至不同国籍的不同思考模式也让我们在脑力激荡的工作中获得Multi-dimension的结果。这种创新与多元的组合,是任何一个创业团队在种子期最需要的刺激,相信在这种组合之下,我们的创业生涯一定会多采多姿,并为台湾声音技术

15、的未来开创出另一片璀璨的天地。二、英文Our company is Voitech Corp. Ltd. We hope via the new technology development and the new products, effective collection & purification of voice, and to use the proper media (like telephone line, internet, etc.), to send high quality voice. It is aim to reduce the distance among pe

16、ople, and to make communication more convenient. Therefore we can produce multiple effect of 3C (Connection, Communication, & Convenience).Our company has two core competenciesgifted people and technology. In the aspect of people, all the members of our company are Taiwan and Korea first class unive

17、rsities students, and everyone has their own specialty. In the aspect of technology, which is developed by our core technology to trace the source of voice, is developed from microphone display technology. In the future, through the continuous investment in R&D, we plan to accumulate more technology

18、 to the sophisticated extent, which will eventually become the Number One in the voice technology area. We also plan to commercialize this technology and apply it for numerous uses, including all kinds of tele-conferences, telephone conferences, voice purification device, whole-hall effectiveness vo

19、ice system, etc. We want to make this company the Number One in these products market.Taiwans present telecommunication market is just in an emerging stage, If we apply this technology with the broad band application with internet, future growth is even measureless. As for the global markets demand

20、forecast for 2001, the total size of tele-conference facilities will reach 37,920 units with total market value of US$609 M. Entering the market with this excellent timing would be our companys most intelligent and correct decision. Our company will produce different levels of voice technology produ

21、cts according to various stages of technology development. The introduction of our products is shown below. ProductExplanationSmall and medium size tele-conference devicesIn the process of conference, effectively trace the voice and provide further applications, e.g. telephone conference and confere

22、nce recording. Assemble with other equipments, e.g. voice, image, and internet, etc with the system.Voice purification chipPut voice purification technology into a chip and license it to audio-video equipments related companies.E-SoftwareThe software will upgrade continually with improvement of core

23、 technology, but also other functions can be added, e.g. voice transmit into written language.Large scale conferences voice control systemIn large scale conference, through our excellent voice-receiving effect can record clearly and broadcast simultaneously during the whole process of conference.Oth

24、er productPersonal computer tele-conference unit, whole hall effectiveness voice system, long-distance education, long-distance medical treatment, virtual bank, virtual court, recorders components, home device, and use for SOHO After the comparison and analysis of domestic and foreign related compan

25、ies, we have found that our companys strength is: in the technology side, our voice purification technology is more advanced than other products; the automatic sensors capability is stronger than others, the image and voice can be harmonized sufficiently. In addition, in the price side, our companys

26、 products are priced relatively low. Thus we have the obvious price advantage.Our estimate for the coming 5 years sales volume and rate of sales growth are below.1st year2nd year3rd year4th year5th yearSales volume(NT$1,000)10,00024,00055,000103,000144,600Rate of Growth140%129%87%40%The capital and

27、financial matter of start-ups is often the key problem. Our companys capital raising strategy is shown follow. Stage ExplanationR&D stageInvestment mostly from the equity capital. The estimate collection of the capital in the initial stage is NT$5M, face value NT$10, aggregating 500,000 shares. Our

28、companys employees possess at least 55% of the shares and other individuals can have the rest. We can also apply the grant “SBIR program aids”, which can get at most NT$1M. Equity sources of our company:Employees own savingsLoan from friends and relatives.Loan from “Young Peoples Start-Ups Loan.”Pro

29、duction stageProduction stage will be run parallelly with supplement of debt capital.Loan from financial institutions: “SMEs Nurture Loan”Adding capital from original shareholdersPromotion stageIncrease debt ratio and diversify the risk of equity capital. The source of operating capital:Internal : r

30、etain earningsExternal : equity fund, debt, venture capital, etc.Employees involvement as shareholders: as an incentives to employeesMaturity stageProduce many types of products. Company should create positive net income and expand financing resources, e.g. listing stock, bank loan , bond, venture c

31、apital, etc. At this time, our financing strategy is to meet the best capital structure.Finally, well elaborate the members of our start-up team. Our company start-up members are graduate students of College of Commerce of Chengchi University (technology team is from Chiao-tung Universitys Electric-control Department). The reason for our business start-up motivation is Cheng-chi University TIM (Technology & Innovation Managem

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