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1、大学英语考前复习题1. Will there be a fun sports meet in our school?A. Yes, on Saturday afternoon. B. Yes, it must be very kind of you.C. Sorry, I must go now.D. Sorry, I dont think to travel.2. Sunday morning, there will be a fun sports meet in the stadium.(体育场) Can we go to participate参加 in it?A. Everybody

2、is welcome!B. Everybody is nice!C. Everything is all right!D. Everything will work!3. There is a poster海报 at the school gate大门?A. Whats on it?B. What can we do for you?C. How can we do it?D. Whats in the post office?4. Where are you having the swimming contest?A. In the School Swimming pool.B. On th

3、e playground.C. On the school stadium.D. In the school building. 5. There will be a cycling race. Will you take part in it?A. Sure.B. Soon.C. So.D. So long. 6. The City Inter-college Basketball Championship will be held. Will you watch it?A. Me. I can hardly wait.B. Me. I cant make it.C. Yes, its de

4、licious.D. No, it tastes awful.7. There will be an international womens volleyball match. Who versus whom? A. China and Cuba.B. Students and teachersC. Doctors and patientsD. Engineering department and Math department. 8. You are crazy about football. Will you go to see the match?A. Yes, I will. Ive

5、 never missed anyone in this city!B. Yes, Ill go to play it.C. No, I wont play it.D. No, I dont believe it.9. Would you like to come with us?A. Why not?B. Thats terrible.C. Never mind!D. You are welcome.10. Both the two football teams are very strong.A. The match must be very exciting.B. Lets go on

6、foot.C. Are you crazy about basketball?D. Whats wrong with them?11. Walking is a healthy outdoor activity.A. Shall we go for a walk now?B. Work makes me tired.C. Would you like to come?D. Are you interested in the work?12. The Students Union is organizing a dancing party for us?A. Really? When and w

7、here will it be held?B. Really? Why not?C. Really? Is it between the school teams?D. Really? What is it?13. Do you observe Fathers Day in China?A. Yes, more and more people have begun to celebrate it. B. Yes, this notice contains something interest for us.C. No, you have to give a clear idea of the

8、event. D. No, well have it in the Students Center. 14. What gift have you prepared for your dad?A. Look at the fishing tackle. Ill go fishing with my dad.B. Lets have a look. There is going to be a swimming race. C. Really? Where and when will the party be held?D. Look! Dragon boat races are popular

9、. 15. When and where is the Christmas Party being held?A. Its going to be at the College Hall on Christmas Eve. B. Id like to learn more about English holidays.C. The Students Union is organizing a dancing party for us. D. Id like to invite you to a concert sometime this week.16. Whats on the poster

10、? It looks nice.A. Lets go to have a look.B. Lets have a walk.C. Lets look at the fishing tackle. D. Lets go to play basketball.17. It there any typical Chinese festival you celebrate?A. Yes, there are many. B. Yes, they are.C. No, well go for it.D. No, we havent made up our mind.18. Could you give

11、me some advice on how to write a notice for the English party?A. Sure. First, you have to give a clear idea of the event. B. Sure. First, you must draw a picture and use different fonts. C. Sure. First, you will have it in the Students Center. D. Sure. First, you need to make it look attractive. 19.

12、 Mr. Wang, this notice contains something interesting for you.A. Oh? Whats it about?B. Oh? Whats wrong with it?C. Oh? What has happened to it?D. Oh? Whats the matter with it?20. When will the party be?A. It will be in the winter holiday.B. It will be in the Students Stadium.C. It will be on the play

13、ground.D. It will be in the school building. 21. Do you know when we will have the New Year party?A. Tomorrow evening. B. No problem.C. Yes, it is.D. In the classroom. 22. How will you celebrate your first summer holiday in China?A. Ill go traveling. B. It is in spring.C. We often throw a party.D. T

14、hats a good idea.23. Why not join us for an exciting evening?A. Ill be glad to. B. You are welcome.C. Dont mention it.D. Hurry up.24. When do you celebrate Christmas in Australia?A. In summer time.B. We also have big dinners.C. Oh, everybody likes it!D. The same to you!25. Oh, doctor, I feel so terr

15、ible!A. Lets see. What seems to be the problem?B. Lets see. Where are you from?C. Lets see. When did you begin to do it?D. Lets see. How did you do it?26. How shall I take the medicine?A. Two pills a time, three times a day.B. My whole body hurts.C. Take this medicine. D. Take dental checks.27. Have

16、 you seen a doctor?A. Yeah. He asked me to have a good rest.B. Yes, Ill go to see a doctor tomorrow. C. No, he asked me to have a rest.D. No, he prescribed the best medicine for me! 28. Whats the trouble with you?A. Ive got a bad headache.B. Ive got something to tell you.C. Ill sign up for the baske

17、tball match. D. Ill take the medicine. 29. Have you taken the medicine?A. Not yet. But perhaps I should.B. Thank you for the advice.C. I went to see a doctor.D. Three times a day after meals.30. Does this new treatment work well?A. Well, lets wait and see.B. Yes, it is beautiful.C. The doctor works

18、too hard.D. The nurse treats me well. II. 英 - 汉 1. When this new model was first put to the market, people all gave it plenty of praise, saying it was the best design ever made. A. 这种新的型号刚一投放市场,就受到所有人的赞扬,他们说这是见到的最好的设计。B. 这种新产品一投放市场,就受到所有人的喜爱,人们纷纷前去购买。C. 这个新的模特儿一走上前台,就受到所有人的欢迎,人们纷纷效仿她的服饰。D. 这种新的型号一投放

19、市场,就受到所有人的欢迎,人们纷纷前去购买。2. Red is the color of the Sun and the Holy Fire, representing life and a new beginning. A. 红色是太阳和圣火的颜色,代表生命和新的开始。B. 红色是奥运圣火的颜色,代表新的生命的开始。C. 奥运圣火的颜色是红色,代表新的生命就要开始了。D. 红色是太阳和圣火的颜色,代表新的生命正在开始。3. The contest functions as the stage where ideas are exchanged, experiences introduced

20、and friendship made.A. 比赛提供了一个舞台,在这里人们交流思想,介绍经验,增进友谊。B. 网络提供了一个舞台,人们能获取信息,发表意思,消磨时光。C. 比赛提供了一个舞台,在这里人们介绍经验,发表意思,增进友谊。D. 户外活动提供了一个舞台,通过活动来提高身体素质,增进友谊。4. It is the most extensive outdoor activity ever organized.A. 这是当前组织起来的最大规模的户外活动。B. 这是目前为户外活动建立的最大范围的公园。C. 这是看过的最大规模的户外活动。D. 大规模的户外活动正在被组织起来。5. Though

21、 the ways of cooking and eating vary, the joy of food remains the same everywhere.A. 尽管烹饪和饮食方式存在差异,人们对食品的喜爱在世界各地都是一样的。B. 尽管人们对食品的喜爱是一样的,人们对烹饪和饮食方式还是存在巨大的差异。C. 尽管发音方法存在差异,汉语的书写系统在全国各地都是一致的。D. 尽管演奏音乐方式存在差异,人们对音乐的喜爱在世界各地都是一样的。6. It would be wrong to assume that this news is only passed among the govern

22、ment officials.A. 认为这个消息只是在政府官员中流传就错了。B. 认为这些名片只是在政府官员中相互交换就错了。C. 认为这些交流只是在各国政府中进行就错了。D. 认为只有政府才能得知这消息就错了。7. Few people ever gets to see the guards here, though, because they only come out when other people go to work or school.A. 很少有人见过这里的保安,因为他们只是在大家都去上班或上学时才出来。B. 很少有人见过这里的保安,因为只有大家在上班或上学的路上才能见到他们

23、。C. 很少有人见过这里的保安,因为只有当大家走在上班呀上学的路上时他们才出来维持秩序。D. 很少有人见到这里的保安,因为他们只出现在人们上班或上学的路上。8. Not only do we take Nature for granted, we are upset when bad weather, such as a storm or heavy snow, keeps us from doing what we want.A. 我们不仅把大自然看作是理所当然的,而且当出现暴雨或大雪之类的坏天气,使我们没法想做的事时,我们便会感到很难受。B. 我们不仅把自己的职责看作是理所当然的,当出现暴

24、雨或大雪之类自然灾害时,使我们没法想做事时,就会感到很难受。C. 我们在相信大自然,爱护大自然,这样就不会出现暴雨或大雪这类的自然灾害,我们就能做我们想做的事了。D. 我们不仅要爱护大自然,也要认清暴雨或大雪之类的灾害会给我们带来不便,这样我们不能做我们想做的事了。9. His talent, simple lifestyle, and strict work schedules had a positive impact on his career, though not obvious.A. 他的天赋,简单的生活方式和严谨的时间安排,都给他的事业带来了虽不明显却很积极的影响。B. 他的天赋

25、,简单的生活方式和严谨的时间安排,都给他的事业带来了不但明显而且很积极的影响。C. 他的贪杯,糟糕的生活方式和大量的加班,都给他的健康带来了虽不致命却是可怕的影响。D. 他的贪杯,糟糕的生活方式和大量的加班,都给他的健康带来了不仅是致命而且是可怕的影响。10. Good behavior smiling, and talking gently has gradually become her habit rather than forced actions.A. 良好的举止,如微笑和文雅的谈吐,已逐渐成为她的习惯而非需要强迫自己去做的行为。B. 良好的行为,如游泳和散步,已逐渐成为她的生活方式

26、而不是要花力气去做的事。C. 积极的行为,如锻炼身体注意饮食,已逐渐成为她的常规习惯而不是强制完成的努力。D. 良好的举止,如微笑和文雅的谈吐,已逐渐成为她的习惯而再也不用努力去学做这事些情了。III 汉译英1. 明天将有一场精彩的网球比赛,我已经搞到票了!A There will be an excellent tennis match tomorrow. I have got the tickets already!B Tomorrow will have an exciting tennis match. I already have got the tickets!C Tomorrow

27、 there will have an exciting tennis match, I already got the tickets!D Tomorrow will be an exciting tennis match. I already had got the tickets. 2. 等明年的这个时候,一座现代化的体育馆将在我校建成。A. A modern gymnasium will have been built at our university by this time next year.B. Wait the next years time, a modern gymna

28、sium will be built at out university. C. Wait until this time next year, a modern gymnasium will be built at out university. D. A modern gymnasium will be built at out university by this time next year. 3. 这次徒步大会受到所有参与者的高度赞扬。A. The Walking Festival got high praise from all the participants.B. The Wa

29、lking meeting was got all take part in persons high praise.C. The Walking meeting got whole participants high praise.D. This time Walking meeting was got all participants high praise. 4. 这个女孩的穿着是班里最时髦的。A. This girl dressed in the most fashionable way in her class.B. This girls dress is the class mos

30、t fashionable. C. This girl wears the class most fashionable. D. This girl dress the most fashionable in her class. 5. 这次旅行比我想象的要顺利。A The journey is smoother than I have expected.B This journey than I expected is smoother.C This journey is than I expected smoother. D This is smoother than I expected

31、 journey. 6. 现在留在这个小村子里人中只有10%是三十岁以下的,大部分都外出到城市里打工去了。A Now of all population who is still remaining in this small village, only 10% are under thirty and the majority are out to find a job in a city. B Now only leave in this small villages people only have 10% under thirty, most of them go out to the city to work.C Now of all the people who is still remaining in this small village have 10% under thirty, majority are out to find a job in a city. D Now le

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