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Analysis to Charles Dickens.docx

1、Analysis to Charles Dickens:本科毕业论文封面设计中文题目 :雾都孤儿人物性格分析外文题目:AnAnalysisoftheCharacters ofOliverTwist系别:外语系专业:英语年级:2007级学生姓名:张海文指导教师:结稿日期 :AnAnalysisoftheCharacters ofOliverTwistThesis statement: In this composition, I will share my views on the analyzing for Oliver Twist and its relationship with the

2、characters in the work. Abstract CharlesDickensisoneofthemostprominentrealistsinEnglishliterature.OliverTwistisOneofDickensmostenduringlypopularstories.ThenoveldescribesthetragiclifeofthepoorpeopleandrevealsthedarknessofworkhouseinEngland.Oliverisoneofthemostsuccessfulcharactersinthenovel.Heispure,k

3、ind,brave,eveninthedarkhostileenvironment;hestillremainedtheperfectcharacter.Dickenshasacontradictoryopinionabouthumannature.ThatissomepeoplesnatureisbornwithgoodvirtueandwillnotchangewiththeinfluenceofenvironmentsuchasOliverwhilesomepeoplescharacteriseasilyinfluencedbytheenvironment,suchasNancy. Th

4、is paper consist of five parts : firstly ,brife introduction to the works , the second part mainly ananlysis the Characters of Oliver Twist. the third part from the persperctive of social view ananlysis the works characters. the fourth part :the author , associated with morden society ,expose people

5、 indifferent and cold relationship . Finally,therewillbeaconclusion .Keywords:purity;kindness;brave; nature.摘要 查尔斯.狄更斯是英国文学史上最著名的现实主义作家之一。雾都孤儿是他最具代表性的作品之一。这部小说描写了18世纪伦敦底层社会中贫苦儿童的的悲惨生活,揭露了贫民救济所的黑暗。小说的主人公奥利弗是其塑造的最成功的人物之一,他单纯,善良,勇敢,即使在黑暗恶劣的环境中仍然保持着完美的品德。狄更斯分析关于人性的矛盾的观点,即:有些人的本性是天生的,不会因恶劣的环境而改变天性,例如主人公奥

6、利弗。而有些人的本性是容易收到环境的影响的,例如南希。这部作品由五部分构成。首先简单介绍作品。第二部分分析作品主要人物性格,第三部分从社会的角度分析作品的写作特点。第四部分:,揭示现代社会人际关系的冷漠。最后是作品的结论部分。关键词:纯洁,善良,勇敢,人的本性。 I .IntroductionII. Character analysis of Oliver Twist 1. Positive charactersA Oliver Twist B. Mr. Brownlow.C. Nancy2. Negative character.A. Fagin IV. An View of society

7、 and charactersV.AssociatedwiththeModernSociety VI. Conclusion TheresultfromtheresearchofanalysisofOliverTwistscharacterandwhatcanwegetassociatedwiththemodernsociety.I .IntroductionOliverTwistisoneofthemostimportantcharactersinDickensnovels.ItisalsooneofDickensmostenduringlypopularstoriesisOliverTwi





12、broughtthepublicsattentiontovariouscontemporarysocialevils,includingtheworkhouse,childlaborandtherecruitmentofchildrenascriminals.SotheanalysisofcharacterofOliverTwistissignificantinliteratureandforthemodernsociety.II. An Analysis of the positive characters Oliver Twist1. Oliver Twist Oliver is a yo

13、ung, good-hearted, and kind-but often mistreated-orphan who is raised in a workhouse, and finds himself indentured to an undertaker, living with thieves, and eventually taken in by the kind Mr. Brownlow and Mrs Maylie. His generosity of spirit is total, and even when faced with serious maltreatment,

14、 he never loses his sense of morality or kindness.The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. In spite of the fact that he was born and brought up in the workhouse and suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. He

15、 remain wants to be loved. Oliver is not a believable character, although he was raised in corrupt surroundings, his purity and virtues were absolute. Throughout the novel, Dickens use Olivers character to challenge the Victorian idea that paupers and criminals are already evil at birth, arguing ins

16、tead that a corrupt environment is the source of vice. At the same time, Olivers incorruptibility undermines some of Dickenss assertions. Oliver is shocked and horrified when he sees the Artful Dodger and Charley Bates pick a strangers pocket and again when he is forced to participate in a burglary.

17、 Olivers moral scruples about the sanctity of property seem inborn in him, just as Dickenss opponents thought that corruption is inborn in poor people. Furthermore, other people children use rough Cockney slang, but Oliver, oddly enough, speaks in proper Kings English. His grammatical fastidiousness

18、 is also inexplicable, as Oliver presumably is not well-educated. Even when he is abused and manipulated. Oliver does not present a complex picture of a person torn between good and evil-instead, he is goodness incarnate.As the child hero of a melodramatic novel of social protest, Oliver Twist is me

19、ant to appeal more to our sentiments than to our literary sensibilities. On many levels, Oliver is not a believable character, because although he is raised in corrupt surroundings, his purity and virtue are absolute. Throughout the novel, Dickens uses Olivers character to challenge the Victorian id

20、ea that paupers and criminals are already evil at birth, arguing instead that a corrupt environment is the source of vice. At the same time, Olivers incorruptibility undermines some of Dickenss assertions. Oliver is shocked and horrified when he sees the Artful Dodger and Charley Bates pick a strang

21、ers pocket and again when he is forced to participate in a burglary. Olivers moral scruples about the sanctity of property seem inborn in him, just as Dickenss opponents thought that corruption is inborn in poor people. Furthermore, other pauper children use rough Cockney slang, but Oliver, oddly en

22、ough, speaks in proper Kings English. His grammatical fastidiousness is also inexplicable, as Oliver presumably is not well-educated. Even when he is abused and manipulated, Oliver does not become angry or indignant. When Sikes and Crackit force him to assist in a robbery, Oliver merely begs to be a

23、llowed to “run away and die in the fields.” Oliver does not present a complex picture of a person torn between good and evilinstead, he is goodness incarnate.Even if we might feel that Dickenss social criticism would have been more effective if he had focused on a more complex poor character, like t

24、he Artful Dodger or Nancy, the audience for whom Dickens was writing might not have been receptive to such a portrayal. Dickenss Victorian middle-class readers were likely to hold opinions on the poor that were only a little less extreme than those expressed by Mr. Bumble, the beadle who treats paup

25、ers with great cruelty. In fact, Oliver Twist was criticized for portraying thieves and prostitutes at all. Given the strict morals of Dickenss audience, it may have seemed necessary for him to make Oliver a saintlike figure. Because Oliver appealed to Victorian readers sentiments, his story may hav

26、e stood a better chance of effectively challenging their prejudices. The novel revealed the tragic fact of life in London, including the cruel criminals, the dirty streets, the violent and horror in London in 18th century. The novel described the struggle between good and evil, beauty and ugliness,

27、justice and viciousness.2. Mr. Brownlow. Mr. Brownlow is a very respectable-looking elderly gentleman, who has had his heart broken many times, including losing his fiancee on the day of their wedding. He takes a liking to Oliver even after suspecting him of stealing his handkerchief, and takes him

28、in, doing everything he can to help him. As most of the authors characters, Mr.Brownlow too, is brought out with an indirect presentation but it is not long after introducing him that his wholesome goodness is revealed to us. Though at first he accuses Oliver of the thief, his concern over Olivers w

29、elfare on the street is a direct hint of his innocence which successfully helps him convince Oliver to board at his house. A generous and trusting man he was, perhaps too good a man to be true; but with all the malicious characters in the story, a heroic and pure persona was needed to ensure a happy

30、 ending, with honesty and great wealth as his prime qualities, he assists Oliver in his times of need and demonstrates to society with an exemplary touch, the attributes of a perfect citizen. As the positive extreme in both social status and benevolence, Mr.Brownlow is a definite aid in the development of the theme throughout the novel 3. NancyNancy is a young woman and prostitute raised into that profession by Fagin. Nancy eventually betrays Fagin and Sikes to save Oliver, but she will not leave them, and pays her life for this decision.A major concern of Oliver Twist is the question of w

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