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1 南外剑桥词汇.docx

1、1 南外剑桥词汇南外剑桥词汇cassette n. goal radios camping jet compact disc vocabulary puzzle n. v. introduction +to sb. trumpet n. thumbprint poster investigate phrase n. English-speaking adj. arrival n. personal adj. detail n. pronoun n. submarine n. kangaroos captain quizzes Dublin Vancouver Sydney Singapore

2、Perth Calcutta Karachi 卡拉奇 巴基斯坦港口城市extension 伸长; 延长; 延展; 伸展; 提供; 给予extra adj. stopover n. 中途停留chug 发动机缓慢运转时发出持续而单调的短声; 发出突突声balloon also hot-air balloon 热气气球常悬有吊篮等以载人.Swoosh to make a sound by moving quickly through the air port n. 港口label n./v (-ll-; US -l-) curly straight description n. describe v

3、. sb/sth (to/for sb); sb/sth as sth monster 巨大 丑陋 可怕的怪物尤指想像的population encyclopaedia encyclopedia Liverpool New Delhi Pakistan Brazil/Brasilia Portuguese Portugal Spain Spanish Italy Italian The Mersey 默西河flat/apartment 公寓 单元房 一套房间mime n. 哑剧 v. 用哑剧式动作表演Wales 英国威尔士 Caf geographybreak 时间的间歇 尤指工作期间的 停歇

4、science 自然科学 理科religion religious timetable square symbol of picnic picnicking panicking woods castle motorway 英 高速公路 freeway highway expressway main adj. negative adj. positive adj. neutral adj. distance n. railway possible impossible information on/about sb/sth newsagent =news dealer newsagents fa

5、rming 耕作industrial adj. industry seaside deduce v. Board 机构 group of people controlling a company or some other organization; committee; council 公司或其他机构的主管人员; 委员会; 理事会; 董事会: the coal/gas/electricity/water board 煤炭煤气/电力/水务 部 the board of governors of a school 学校的董事会 She has a seat on/is on the board

6、of directors of a large company. 她是某大公司董事会成员之一. The board is/are unhappy about falling sales. 董事会对销售额下降很不满. attrib 作定语 a board meeting 董事会议.across the board 包括某公司 行业 社团等的所有成员 组织或阶层; 全面的: This firm needs radical changes across the board. 这家公司需要全面彻底大改组. coal mine steel Scotland Scottish postmarkcottag

7、e terraced adj. 房屋沿斜坡建造的a terraced hillside 阶梯状的山坡Terraced roads are roads which contain only terraced houses. 路边只有排屋的路。Terraced fields can be seen everywhere in this area. 这一地区到处可见梯田。parcel US package laboratory crocodile buzzmammal reptile insect bloodskindolphingiraffehumming birdhippopotamus 复数

8、hippopotamuses hippopotamitarantula biteunderground Asia Asian Africa Europe European Antarctic nectar chewing gum countrysideproduce cereal n. 谷类植物 谷物产品 谷类食物 麦片粥shed often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) one-storey building used for storing things, sheltering animals, vehicles, etc or as a workshop 用以储物 关牲口

9、 停车辆等或作车间的平房, 棚equipment n. 设备,器械repair n. v. fertilizer n. 肥料 fertilizecalf calves authority 权力; 权威 常作复数 有权力发号施令的人或团体; 当局; 官方canoe n. 独木舟 v. canoed, canoeing go canoeing 划独木舟windsurf v. 作风帆冲浪运动hang-gliding n. 悬挂式滑翔fry fried fizzyalmost +否定 nearly 区别croissant pastry pasta ache vi pain hurt vt. carbo

10、hydrate energyfatproteinmineralvitamin fiberdangermenurecipe pancakeshortbreadflour 面粉 黑麦粉excellentrule n. v. mind +doinghorrible horrible weather/children/shoes spaghettiTarzan 泰山 giantmix A and B together liquid pan frying pan 长柄平底煎锅oven tincurtaincarpetlamp vaseplanetMercury Venus Earth Mars Jupi

11、ter Saturn Uranus Neptune Plutosolarsystemuniverse universal adj. expand happenastronomer 天文学家 neighbourspaceperhapsalonetide 潮汐gravity level pull 引力 rocketastronautpresenter 广播或电视节目主持人moon-car 月球车solar systemthe smallest planetgo around the sun in 365 1/4 days move away from each othermove with the

12、 sunit takes a long time for to light from the stars take millions of years to come to us see how the stars were many years agonot too hot or too coldlife on other plantsit is possible thatour nearest neighbour have the same size much nearer be very different fromsix times weaker than make the tides

13、 the changes in the level of the sea go into the shadowdisappear for a few minuteswait for the eclipseeat space foodstart the rocketArctic Circle a snake biteSingle or return?adventure millions ofplatform 台;平 台 讲台,舞台,戏台 coast land bordering the sea n. 海岸 shipbuilding n. U .造 船 beach hovercraft n. 气垫

14、船 mechanical adj.机械的;用机械的;机械制造的current n. AC alternate current DC fishing U钓鱼;捕鱼:渔业Bristol n. 布里斯托尔英国西部的港都 pull the seaThe tides depend on the pull of the moon. 潮汐是月亮引力作用的结果.high/low tideThe difference between and is very big. land on the moonput his foot on the moonget on the ladderput up a flagcol

15、lect rocksdrive a moon-cargo up/down the ladderleave the moonWhat does it look like on the moon?Its time for you to .eclipse an eclipse of the sun an eclipse of the moon shadow (patch of) shade caused by an object blocking direct rays of light n.disappear no longer be visible; vanish jogging run slo

16、wly and steadily for a time, for physical exercise Kilimanjaro n.乞力马扎罗山Mount Qomolangma n.珠穆朗玛sports ground circus travelling company of entertainers, including acrobats, riders, clowns and performing animalssingle n. 单程票 return n.往返票force n C (power of the) wind, rain or another of the natural elem

17、ents natural forces 大自然的力量musical adj. of or for music 音乐的;用于音乐的 Beethoven symphony 交响曲 thunder n U loud noise that follows a flash of lightning lightning frequency n U rate of occurrence or repetition of sth, usu measured over particular period of time calendar n chart showing the days, weeks and m

18、onths of a particular year chilly (-ier, -iest) rather cold; unpleasantly cold chilli Chilefoggy (-ier, -iest) not clear because of fog; very misty rise come or go upwards; reach a high or higher level, position, etc fall come or go down from force of weight, loss of balance, etc; descend or dropvap

19、our (C/S vapor) n U 蒸气 water vapour blow (often with it as the subject 常与作主语的 it 连用) (of the wind or a current of air) be moving (指风成气流吹,刮,流动shine v give out or reflect light; be bright static / sttk / adj not moving or changing; stationary adj. 静止的 稳定的 静态的stationery n. bang n sudden loud noise 突然的巨

20、响experiment n C, U (esp scientific 尤用于科学test or trial done carefully in order to study what happens and gain new knowledge fill sth with sth make sth full (of sth) plastic adj. n. leave cause or allow (sb/sth) to remain in a certain condition, place, etc 使成让某人/某物处某状态.某地等pour v cause (a liquid or sub

21、stance that flows like liquid) to flow in a continuous stream使液体或液体般流动之物不断流动;倒;灌;注bucket n. 圆桶 提桶Hot air rises.high up in the skyThe sun shines on the ground.blow the cloudscome to take ones place=take the place of make static electricityjump to the groundmake lightningThe lightning warms the

22、ke a bangpole the North Pole Norway n 挪威calculate v work (sth) out by using numbers or ones judgement; estimate 计算 推算 估计the countries at the North and South Polesat midnightgo down and rise againcalculate the answers to these questionsHow much sun do they have in December?hours of sunlightplan my bi

23、rthday partygo to my grandmothersgo to the dentistscarf jumper 套头衫glove n手套通常指分指的fantastic 了不起的;极好的hibernate 冬眠heating n.加热,供暖;暖气装 central heating 中央暖气系统 on (esp of electrical apparatus, etc or power supplies) in action or use; 指电器等或电源在接通成使用中 The lights were all on灯都开着。conker n horse-chestnut 七叶树果co

24、mpetition n C event in which people compete; contest boxing, chess, beauty competitions 拳击、棋类、选美竞赛hit sb./sth with sth. break I, Ipr (in/into sth) hopscotch跳房子,眺间一种儿童游戏turn n time when each one of a group must or may do sth (轮到的机会step v lift and put down the foot, or one foot after the other, as in

25、walking 踩 踏 跨步hop (of a person) move by jumping on one foot 单足跳跃,单足跳行miss v fail to hit, catch, reach, etc (sth aimed at) 未击中,未抓住,未达到drop v fall or allow (sth) to fell (by accident) 降落;使某物意外地落下Central heatings on.have the heating on all the timeat the beginning of SeptemberIt doesnt get dark until a

26、bout six o clock.School finishes in to each other a lot morecompare A and B compare A with/to BIf you compare her work with his/If you compare their work, youll find hers is much better. 要是把他俩的工作比较一下, 就会发现她的好得多.A beginners painting cant be compared to that of an expert, 初学者的画不能与专家的相比He can

27、not compare with (ie is not nearly as great as) Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies. 在悲剧写作方面他根本不能与莎士比亚相比.caveman (史前石器时代的穴居人poisonous containing poison or producing poison adj.有毒的hunt v. chase (wild animals or game) and try to kill or capture them, for food or sport 打猎;猎取n. C (often m compounds 常构成

28、复合词act of hunting wild animals; chase 打猎 a fox-hunt.mammoth large hairy type of elephant, now extinct 猛犸象frightened a.受惊的.受恐吓的cliff n. steep, usu high, face of rock, esp at the edge of the sea 峭壁 海边的悬崖 绝壁spear 枪 标枪 brain n. the part inside the head of a person animal, which thinks and feels.painting

29、 n action or skill of painting sth涂色;上油漆;粉刷;汕漆技巧;绘画.picture that has been painted 图画:pot n. 罐 壶 pipe n 管.导管,烟斗sitar n. 锡塔尔琴 印度的一种大弦弹拨乐器tabla n. 塔布拉鼓 印度的一种手敲小鼓,能敲出各种不同的音调drum n. 鼓 鼓声 vi. 击鼓 race n. 种族 赛跑 vi 赛跑 vt 与赛跑 tradition 传统:event 事件Bangladesh bglde 孟加拉国 亚洲 a country in South Asia, east of India

30、. Population: 138.448.210 (2003). Capital: Dhaka.celebrate celebration 庆祝,庆典government n. ( 常作 the Government) CGp body of persons governing a state 政府;内阁:carnival ,ka:nival C festival of this kind, usu with a procession n.狂欢节 (通常冇游行活动Pakistan 巴基斯坦.Caribbean 加勒比海.DiwaIi /djwa:li/ (印度的宗教节日排灯节n.Guy Fawkes Night 盖伊福克斯之夜11月5日焚人像并燃放焰火之夜Parliament n.国会,议会 the H

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