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1、英镑贬值英镑贬值The surprising thing about the fall in the value of sterling is that it has not been more precipitous.关于英镑贬值,令人意外的是贬值幅度没有更加陡峭。Britain is shuffling towards an outright rupture with the EU and an immigration clampdown that would weaken engagement with the world beyond.英国正逐渐滑向与欧盟彻底断绝关系,并对移民关上大门

2、,从而削弱它与世界其他地区的接触。The government has yet to grasp a simple fact of globalisation: nations cannot declare themselves open for business and then close the door to foreigners.英国政府至今没有搞懂全球化的一个简单事实:一个国家不可能宣称自己对商业开放,随后却对外国人关上大门。Britain will be poorer after Brexit the pounds devaluation is acting as a trans

3、mission mechanism to reduce living standards.英国在脱离欧盟后将变得更加贫穷英镑贬值正作为一种传导机制,降低英国人的生活水平。Just how much poorer will depend on the quality of the relationship Britain retains with its biggest trading partner and on whether it can compensate for lost European opportunities by becoming a more attractive des

4、tination for others.最终在多大程度上变穷,将取决于英国与其最大贸易伙伴能够保留的关系质量,以及它能否成为对其他国家更具吸引力的经贸往来对象,从而弥补在欧洲失去的机遇。A soft Brexit and an open economy should be the goal.目标应该是软退欧和开放经济。The preoccupation, some would say obsession, with immigration points in the opposite direction, to a hard break with the EU and a less hospi

5、table business environment for nations further afield.念念不忘(一些人会说纠结于)移民问题指向相反的方向,即与欧盟彻底斩断关系,同时对欧洲以外国家来说商业环境变得不那么友好。Theresa Mays debut this week at an EU summit in Brussels will see the prime minister pressed by European colleagues for a clear sense of Britains direction.特里萨.梅(Theresa May)本周首次作为英国首相出席

6、在布鲁塞尔举行的欧盟峰会,届时欧洲其他国家领导人将追问她:英国究竟会怎么走?他们将会失望。They will be disappointed.英国政府迄今仍未提出一套连贯的分手战略。The government has yet to come up with a coherent strategy for disengagement.英国政府拿不出计划,有的只是一系列不一致的冲动,In place of a plan, there are a series of inconsistent impulses and a cabinet power struggle between anti-EU

7、 zealots and economic pragmatists.以及内阁中反欧盟狂热分子与经济务实主义者之间的权斗。At the Conservative party conference Mrs May felt obliged to lean towards zealotry.在保守党大会上,梅觉得有必要偏向狂热分子。Britains red lines, she said, include national control of borders and an end to the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice.她说,英国的

8、红线包括国家控制边境以及终结欧洲法院(European Court of Justice)的司法管辖权。Now she is beginning to assess the likely economic costs of such a stance.现在她开始评估此类立场可能造成的经济代价。After talks the other day with Mrs May in Copenhagen, Lars Lokke Rasmussen, Denmarks prime minister, remarked: Theres quite a lot of work that needs to b

9、e done in the UK before there is a clear view of what the British want.丹麦首相拉尔斯.勒克.拉斯穆森(Lars Loekke Rasmussen)最近在哥本哈根与梅交谈之后表示:英国需要做大量工作,才能明确表述英国想要什么。That is a charitable interpretation of the infighting in Whitehall.此言是对白厅内斗的委婉解读。On the one side, the argument is the now familiar one about whether to

10、opt for a clean break with the EU or try to seek a close association that preserves privileged access to the single market; on the other, the debate is whether a post-Brexit Britain can become a beacon of free trade and a destination of choice for global businesses.一方面,如今人们耳熟能详的争论是:应该与欧盟一刀两断,还是试图争取一

11、种密切联系,保住单一市场的优惠准入?另一方面,人们就退欧后的英国能否成为自由贸易的灯塔和全球企业的首选目的地展开辩论。Some of the more fervent Brexiters like to say that an unequivocal rupture, freeing Britain from all EU encumbrances, would be the prelude to an opening-up to the rest of the world.一些比较狂热的退欧人士喜欢说,让英国摆脱所有欧盟累赘的坚决分手,将是英国向世界其他国家开放的序曲。Britain wou

12、ld swap its ties with a sclerotic Europe for a stake in the dynamism of rising economies such as China and India.英国将与僵化的欧洲斩断关系,代之以参与中国和印度等充满活力的崛起中的经济体。Liam Fox, the trade secretary, imagines this buccaneering Britain as a global champion of free trade and economic liberalism: Singapore writ large.按照

13、英国贸易大臣利亚姆.福克斯(Liam Fox)的想象,这个敢于闯荡的英国将成为全球自由贸易和经济自由主义的捍卫者:一个放大版本的新加坡。The flaw is that is not what people on the Leave side thought they were voting for in the June referendum.问题在于,这不是持退欧立场的人们在今年6月的公投中投票支持的格局。The Brexiters promised to tame the plutocrats and offered a calculatedly nationalist message

14、about turning back the tide of immigration.当初退欧阵营承诺驯服有钱有势的人,同时传达出有关挡住移民潮的精心构思的民族主义信息。Brussels was cast as the agent of a global capitalism that saw Goldman Sachs and the European Commission in cahoots.布鲁塞尔被描述为全球资本主义的代理人,按照那种逻辑,高盛(Goldman Sachs)和欧盟委员会(European Commission)沆瀣一气。The referendum result wa

15、s a vote for economic nationalism rather than for laissez faire.公投结果说明选民支持经济民族主义,而非自由放任主义。Mrs May has taken this message to heart, in part because it chimes with her personal political instincts.梅认真对待这个信息,这在一定程度上是因为它与她本人的政治直觉合拍。She has castigated overpaid corporate bosses, called for worker represen

16、tatives on company boards, imposed stricter controls on foreign investment in strategic sectors of the economy, and emphasised the role of government in shaping the economic landscape.她谴责薪酬过高的企业老板,呼吁工人代表加入公司董事会,对战略经济领域的外国投资施加更严厉控制,并注重政府在塑造经济格局中的角色。What the prime minister is looking for is a new soci

17、al contract in which big business acknowledges a wider set of responsibilities.这位英国首相寻求一种新型社会契约,让大企业承担更广泛的责任。The prime minister has a point.梅不无道理。But she has also reinstated a pledge to cut net migration by more than two-thirds: from its present level of more than 320,000 a year to less than 100,000

18、.但她也重申将净移民数量削减三分之二以上:从当前的每年逾32万人降至不足10万人。To put that target in perspective: even if the frontiers were shut entirely to migrants from the EU something not demanded by even the most strident Eurosceptics the numbers arriving from countries such as India, China, the US and Australia would have to be h

19、alved.这个目标在实践中意味着:即便完全禁止欧盟国家公民移民英国就连最强硬的欧洲怀疑论者也没有这么要求那也得将印度、中国、美国以及澳大利亚等国家的移民数量削减一半。Next month Mrs May plans to travel to India to promote investment opportunities.下月梅计划访问印度以推介投资机遇。Her hosts will remind her that if foreign companies are to flourish in Britain they need an immigration regime that all

20、ows them to attract the best and brightest not just from India but from across the rest of Europe.她的东道主将会提醒她,要想让外国公司在英国蓬勃发展,就需要有能够吸引最优秀、最聪明人才的移民机制不仅来自印度,也来自欧洲国家。Whether it is vehicles, banking, technology, pharmaceuticals or food processing, multinational supply chains depend on multinational labour

21、 forces.无论是汽车、银行、科技、制药还是食品加工行业,跨国供应链有赖于跨国劳动力。Free movement of people is more than one of the pillars of the EUs single market.人员的自由流动不只是欧盟单一市场的支柱之一,It is a description of the nature of modern businesses.它还是现代企业固有的特质之一。That is why bilateral trade agreements almost invariably include provision for vis

22、a liberalisation.这就是双边贸易协定几乎无一例外包括免签证内容的原因。So even as it takes Britain towards a hard Brexit, the proposed immigration clampdown makes Britain a less attractive destination for the rest of the world no small problem for a nation running a current account deficit of more than 5 per cent of its nation

23、al income.因此,拟议中的移民限制在把英国推向硬退欧的同时,也使英国对全球其他国家的吸引力下降,这对一个经常账户赤字与国民收入之比超过5%的国家来说,绝不是一个小问题。The reaction of overseas investors in marking down the value of the pound has been entirely rational.海外投资者调低英镑价值的反应完全是理性的。It is no more or less than a dispassionate judgment on Britains future economic prospects

24、if it continues on its present course.这是对英国未来经济前景(如果英国继续当前做法)作出的不带感情色彩的评判。中国呼吁巴国内政界人士化解分歧In recent weeks the Chinese embassy in Islamabad has twice issued press statements calling on Pakistans bickering politicians to resolve their differences over the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.中国驻巴基斯坦大使馆最近数周

25、已两次发布媒体声明,呼吁巴国内争吵不休的政界人士化解在中巴经济走廊(CPEC)上的分歧。Beijing is growing increasingly frustrated on a number of fronts at a time when Islamabad faces increasing international and regional pressure for continuing to host militant groups and is having to depend on Chinas sole support in international groupings

26、such as the UN.在北京方面在多个领域日益受挫之际,伊斯兰堡因继续为激进组织提供庇护也面临越来越大的国际和地区压力,而且不得不在联合国(UN)等国际组织中依赖中国的独家支持。And if Beijing needed a reminder of the precarious security situation, an attack by terrorists this week on a police training college in Quetta, Baluchistan, left 60 police cadets dead and 120 wounded.上周,巴基斯

27、坦俾路支省(Baluchistan)奎达(Quetta)的一所警察培训学院遭武装分子袭击,导致60名学员死亡,120人受伤该事件可以提醒北京方面巴基斯坦严峻的安全形势。Several militant groups active in the province claimed credit for the attack.多个活跃在该省的激进组织宣称对此次袭击负责。The IMF has warned that Pakistan is building up huge debt and repayment obligations are building up as a result of Ch

28、inese loans for CPEC but this investment is crucial for Islamabad outside CPEC, foreign investment in the country is at an all-time low.国际货币基金组织(IMF)警告称,巴基斯坦正在积累巨额债务,中国为中巴经济走廊提供的贷款正在让巴基斯坦的偿债义务激增,但这些投资对伊斯兰堡至关重要除了中巴经济走廊外,巴基斯坦的其他外国投资眼下处于历史最低水平。Once completed, the project has the potential to turn aroun

29、d Pakistans economic fortunes but all the countrys political parties must agree to use the schemes benefits judiciously.一旦完工,中巴经济走廊有可能扭转巴基斯坦的经济命运,但巴国内所有政党必须一致同意好好利用该计划带来的好处。For now, the government and the army are at odds over who controls foreign policy, and opposition parties are determined to cre

30、ate mayhem for Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.就目前而言,巴基斯坦政府和军方正在为谁控制外交政策争执不下,而反对党决意要给巴基斯坦总理纳瓦兹.谢里夫(Nawaz Sharif)创造混乱。Earlier this month, in a rare move Sun Weidong, Chinas ambassador to Pakistan, met the opposition leader Imran Khan, chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI), seeking assurances that hi

31、s protest march planned to bring Islamabad to a halt on November 2 will not affect his support for CPEC.10月初,中国驻巴基斯坦大使孙卫东罕见地会见了反对派领袖、巴基斯坦正义运动党(PTI)主席伊姆兰汗(Imran Khan),希望后者确保其计划于11月2日发动的、旨在让政府瘫痪的抗议游行不会影响其对中巴经济走廊的支持。Mr Khans opposition to Mr Sharif is threatening the stability of the government, and he

32、 is also demanding a judicial investigation into the corruption of leading figures in the administration named in the Panama leaks scandal.伊姆兰汗与谢里夫的对抗威胁着巴基斯坦政府的稳定,伊姆兰汗还要求对巴拿马文件泄露丑闻中被点名的多名政府头面人物的腐败行为进行司法调查。Beijings investment over 10 years is part of the One Belt, One Road initiative that will eventually link the country with China and Europe.北京对巴基斯坦计划持续10年的投资是其一带一路倡议的一部分,该倡议最终将把巴基斯坦与中国和欧洲连接起来。In Pakistan it will entail building a highway, energy pipeline

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