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1、译林英语六下补充习题听力稿及答案Unit 1The lion and the mouseAListen and number录音文字稿:1. Mr Brown is reading a book quietly.2. Wang Bing is watching a cartoon happily.3. The girls are cheering excitedly for Mike and Liu Tao.4. Helen is dancing beautifully.5. Tim and Jim are playing with their toy cars happily.6. The

2、little girl is crying sadly because she cannot find her mum.参考答案:a 2b 3c 6d 1e 4f 5BListen and write录音文字稿:Last weekend,Nancy had a big birthday party at home. Miss Li and Nancys friends came to the party. There was a nice birthday cake on the table. Nancy made a wish quietly. Her friends sang “Happy

3、 Birthday” to her. They sang happily and loudly. Then,Miss Li gave Nancy a birthday present. It was a pretty doll. Nancy liked it very much. Finally,they ate the birthday cake. Everyone had a good time.参考答案:1. had2. quietly3. happily4. loudly5. gave6. doll7. liked8. ateCLook and say参考答案:1. There was

4、 a tiger and a mouse in the forest. One day,the tiger was sleeping. The mouse walked by and woke him up.2. Tiger:Im the king of animals. Im going to eat you!Mouse:Please dont eat me. I can help you some day. Lets be friends. Tiger:Ha!Ha!Thats funny. Youre so small and weak. But you can go.3. Tiger:H

5、ow can I get out of the net?Help!Help!Mouse:Mr Tiger,dont be sad/afraid. Let me help you. Tiger:Thank you very much,my dear friend.DLook,read and choose参考答案:1. quietly 2. loudly3. beautifully4. happilyE Read and order参考答案:a. 2b. 1c. 4d. 6e. 3f. 5F Read and judge参考答案:1. 2. 3.4. 5. Unit 2Good habitsAL

6、isten and circle录音文字稿:1. Helen has a good habit. She always keeps her bedroom clean and tidy.2. Liu Tao likes Maths. He always listens to his teacher carefully and takes some notes.3. Its seven thirty in the evening. Yang Ling is washing the dishes in the kitchen.4. Its nine thirty. Mike is playing

7、a computer game. He should go to bed.参考答案:1. b2. a3. b4. aBListen and choose录音文字稿:When do you usually get up,Kevin?I get up at six.Thats early!Yes,I usually get up early. I brush my teeth,wash my face and have breakfast. Sometimes I help my parents with the housework.Thats nice!When do you go to sch

8、ool?I go to school at seven thirty.When do you usually go to bed at night?I go to bed at ten.Oh,thats late. Do you do your homework late?No. I usually do my homework early, but I often read before bedtime. I like reading.Thats a good habit,but you should go to bed early.Youre right.参考答案:1. a 2. b 3.

9、 a 4. c 5. bCAsk and answer参考答案:略DRead and choose参考答案:1. a2. e3. f4. b5. d6. cELook,read and write参考答案:1. slowly,early2. messy,clean,tidy3. late4. good,well,goodFRead and answer参考答案:1. He does not wash himself.2. Because he is dirty.3. He should brush his teeth and take a bath every day.4. The eleph

10、ant does.5. Yes,they do.Unit 3A healthy dietAListen and circle录音文字稿:1. What would you like,Lucy? Id like two pies.2. What do you want to drink? Orange juice,please.3. Are there any fruit and eggs in the fridge? No,there arent,but there are some vegetables.4. Whats your favourite food? I like noodles

11、 best.5. What do you usually have for lunch? I usually have some rice,some vegetables and some meat.6. Dad,Im hungry. Can I have chocolate? Its not good to have sweets before meals. You can have an apple.参考答案:1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. c 6. aBListen and tick录音文字稿:What do you usually have for breakfast,

12、Miss Li?I usually have an egg,some bread and some milk.Do you have any fruit for breakfast?Yes. I usually eat an apple.Thats nice. What about your lunch?Do you have lunch at school?Yes. I have lunch with my students. I usually have some rice,some fish and some vegetables.Do you like the food at scho

13、ol?Yes,I do. I eat a lot at lunch.What about your dinner?I usually have some vegetables for dinner. Sometimes I have some juice.You have a very healthy diet,Miss Li.Yes.参考答案:CDo a survey参考答案:略DRead and choose参考答案:1. many2. some3. any4. much5. a fewELook,read and write参考答案:1. ice,cream,water2. hambur

14、ger,cola,fruit,vegetables3. cake,too,teeth4. some,healthy/good,table,tennisF Read and judge参考答案:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Unit 4Road safetyAListen and number录音文字稿:1. Look out,boy!You mustnt play football on the road. Its not safe. OK,sir.2. Dont run on the zebra crossing,Danny!3. There arent any traffic lights

15、 here. Why does the bus stop? Look!Some children are crossing the road.4. Heres the green man. Lets cross the road. All right.5. How do you usually cross the road? I usually look left first,then right and then left again.6. In China,people drive on the right side of the road.参考答案:a. 2b. 4c. 1d. 5e.

16、6f. 3BListen and write录音文字稿:1. To cross a busy road safely,we must look for a zebra crossing and then wait for the green man.2. Before we cross the street,we can first look left,then right and then look left again.3. We can cross the road with other people,Then the drivers can see us easily.4. We mu

17、st not play or run on the road,because it is not safe.参考答案:1. busy,safely,green,man2. Before,first,left3. cross,with,drivers,easily4. play,run,safeCLook and say参考答案:1. How can we cross the road safely? We must look for a zebra crossing. We must look at the traffic lights. We can cross the road with

18、other people.2. What mustnt we do on the road? We mustnt play football or run on the road.DRead and write参考答案:1. roads2. zebra,crossing3. green,man4. pavement5. Traffic,lightsELook,read and write参考答案:1. cross,the,road,wait,for2. must,right,left,other,people3. bike,safe,cars,fast4. zebra,crossing,tra

19、ffic,lightsFRead and answer参考答案:1. Because he wants to eat the grass on the other side of the river.2. Because the bridge is too narrow.3. One of them must turn back and let the other cross the bridge first.4. Because they both want to cross the bridge first.5. They both fall into the river.Project

20、1 Being a good studentAListen and number录音文字稿:1. Sam and Bobby are not listening to Miss Fox. They are talking happily in class.2. Su Hai and Su Yang are waiting for the green man at the zebra crossing.3. It is ten oclock at night. Mike is chatting on the Internet with his efriend.4. Liu Tao usually

21、 has some noodles,some vegetables and an egg for breakfast.5. Helen always brushes her teeth before bedtime.6. The boy is crying loudly on the pavement.参考答案:a 2b 6c 4d 5e 3f 1BListen and judge录音文字稿:Paul and Robert are cousins. Paul lives in a big city and Robert lives on a farm. Paul is fat and weak

22、. Robert is thin,but he is healthy. He has a healthy diet and he helps his parents on the farm every day.Paul goes to see Robert and stays with him for the summer holiday. He says to Robert,“I like eating hamburgers and drinking cola. I like ice cream too.”“Sorry,Paul. We dont have these on the farm

23、. I eat some meat,chicken and fish every day. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. I eat some rice and bread too,”says Robert.Paul has to eat rice, meat,fruit and vegetables every day. He has to work on the farm too. When the summer holiday is over,Paul becomes thin. “Im thin now,but Im healthy. I l

24、ike living on the farm,”says Paul.参考答案:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CLook and say参考答案:1. David has some good habits. He likes eating ice cream,but he usually eats only one at a time. He always brushes his teeth in the morning and before bedtime. He often makes the bed after he gets up. He crosses the road at the

25、zebra crossing. David has some bad habits too. He sometimes gets up late in the morning. He often eats a lot of rice and meat,but he doesnt eat vegetables.2. Penny has some good habits. She always listens to the teachers carefully in class. She usually reads many books because she likes reading very

26、 much. Penny has some bad habits too. She usually goes to bed late. She doesnt put her things in order and her bedroom is always messy. She often eats a lot of sweet food at a time. She sometimes plays with her mobile phone on the road.DLook,read and write参考答案:1. sleeping,quietly2. late,bad,finish3.

27、 cola,diet,vegetables4. zebra,crossing,lights5. follow,late,listen,cleanELook,read and judge参考答案:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. FRead and write参考答案:1. went2. saw3. cross4. walked/ran5. Look6. helped7. took8. said9. good10. happyGRead and answer参考答案:1. After nine oclock.2. No,they dont.3. He thinks the watch i

28、s too small.4. He has two clocks.5. The large clock does.Unit 5A partyAListen and tick录音文字稿:Tom and his friends are going to have a party on Childrens Day. They are talking about their plans. Tom is going to buy some beautiful balloons. John likes music. He is going to bring some CDs. Frank is going

29、 to buy some fruit in the supermarket. He is going to make a fruit salad for his friends. Linda is going to bring some snacks to the party. Rose is going to bring some drinks from home. Andrea has many toys. She is going to bring some to the party.参考答案:BListen and choose录音文字稿:Andy,what are you and y

30、our friends going to do this weekend?Frank is going to swim with his father. Mary is going to see a new film with her friend. John is going to visit his grandparents. Rose likes drawing. Shes going to draw some pictures in the park. Im going to my cousins birthday party his Sunday.Wow,youre all going to have a wonderful weekend.参考答案:1. a2. c3. c4. a5. cCAsk and answer参考答案:略DRead and order参考答案:. a 3b 1c 4d 2e 5. a 4b 2c 1d 3e 5ELook and write参考答案:1. swim2. going to the library this weekend3. are going to visit th

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