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1、外企面试准备面试的十大必杀技外戚面试:准备面试的十大必杀技Tip 1 面试前必须做准备面试就像场考试,你必须做考前复习。I think the first and most important thing to say is you need to prepare. Its just like an exam you know, could you imagine as a student going into an exam without preparing? I hope not. If you fail to prepare, really you prepare to fail.Ti

2、p 2 如何做准备在准备的过程中你需要考虑到以下两点:一、了解自己并学会介绍你自己;二、了解你想要应聘的企业。In preparing, you need to think about two things. First of all, yourself. Whats really important to you and what kind of skills have you got that you can offer an employer? The other side of preparation is researching the employer. We expect you

3、 to have been on the web and done some research. And the candidate who really stands out is the candidate actually whos gone one step further. They may, for example, have downloaded a copy of our annual report and be able to talk about that. They may actually have sought out somebody who works at KP

4、MG and chatted to them about the job and the careers service at the university will help them with that kind of thing.Tip 3 我的准备过程在此,我想与大家分享下我的面试准备经验。首先,我会以很认真、全面的态度去对待这件事,将可能被问到的问题一一列出。然后自己进行演练。最后,我会请我妻子充当考官,问我那些问题。Let me share with you how I would actually prepare for an interview because I do it

5、really really rigorously. My last interview, I would say I probably prepared for two to three days. First thing I do is to try to think about the organisation and what questions it is going to ask me. And I make a list of all those questions maybe ten, twenty, thirty what are they going to ask? What

6、 do they want to know about? And then what I do is, I develop specific concrete examples which will enable me to answer those questions and I rehearse those. I actually wander round the room, I look in mirrors and talk to myself. And I use a tape recorder to play it back to me. And then the final th

7、ing I do is that I go to my wife and I get her to ask me the questions I think Im going to be asked and we rehearse them again. And shes really helpful because she kind of says, No, dont do that, Say it this way!, You realise youve repeated yourself? She spots things that Ive forgotten.Tip 4 用实例来表述你

8、的能力大多数企业都会用能力来评估应聘者,这就意味着我们要用实际例子来表明自己的能力。最好从各个方面来多准备几个实例,而不仅仅局限于你的学术成就。Most employers use something called competency based interviewing. And this basically means that what were looking for are examples of your skills and abilities in practice. So one of the things we might be interested in, for ex

9、ample, is your ability to manage a project. And what we want is a specific example. And we dont always just want the same example repeated over and over again. So we might want an example about a project at university. And we might then press you a bit further and say Well tell me now about a projec

10、t in your working life or Tell me about a project that you did in some kind of social context. Generally, the best advice is to think about two or three examples which you can talk confidently about and try to make sure that theyre drawn from different aspects of life, not just your academic studies

11、, for example.Tip 5 介绍自己时的要点介绍你自己时,最为重要的一点就是你要意识到你谈论的是你自己以及你做出的贡献。Whats really important is that you talk about yourself and your contribution. So lets take something like a team project. Yeah, its good to introduce it and say I was a member of a five-man team doing this but what we really want to k

12、now is what difference did you make to that team ? Because its you that were interested in, its your skills that we need to know about, because were recruiting you, not the team.商务专家Keith Dugdale的面试准备提点,条理清晰,行文流畅。下面让我们来看看有哪些好词好句可以学为己用。重点词句解析:1. First of all.The other side of preparation is.2. First

13、thing I do is. And then what I do is. And then the final thing I do is.这样的连接词能让文章思路条理清晰3. stand out:v. 站出来,突出,坚持抵抗,显眼,引人注目Eg. I stand out in a group interview. 在集体面试中脱颖而出4. go one step further : 进一步地 .Eg. Lets appreciate and even love those exotic differences, but lets go one step further and also e

14、arnestly seek out our likenesses. 让我们去理解,欣赏,并深深地爱不同于自己的差异吧,但还要更进一步地认真寻找我们的共同性。5. wander around:到处走动,四处闲逛Eg. Hey, you cant wander around without ID,Just park your ass in that chair. 嘿,没有ID卡你哪里都去不了,乖乖的给我坐在这儿6. play it back:重放Eg. It sounds like shes in trouble. Id better play back the whole thing.好像她有困

15、难。我最好重头播放一次7. draw sth. from . : 从.汲取;从.体会Eg. What moral are we to draw from this story?我们从这个故事里体会到什么教训?8. take something like. : 文中为拿.来说,也可以表示为对待某事Eg. I would never have dreamed that youd take something like this so seriously. 我做梦也没想到你会这样认真对待一件事。9. what kind of differences did you make to. : 你为.做出了

16、怎么样的贡献 /影响Eg. Simple things can make a big difference: the difference between a product your users tolerate and one that they love. 细微的差别会导致极大的不同,比如用户是真心喜欢还是在勉强接受你的产品。Tip 6 如何谈及失败的经历面试时可以谈及自己失败的经历,但要强调自己从中学到的所得,并如何学以致用。Its ok to admit to failures in interview. The key here is to talk about what you

17、learned from that experience and how youd do it differently next time. So if you.if you led a project, for example, and actually the project fell to pieces, clearly thats bad news - you dont want that to happen. But if you can say but the next project I was involved in, I did this and that really ma

18、de a difference and it just shows I learned, then thats fantastic because actually thats waht an employer is looking for: somebody who can learn from their experiences and next time round, avoid those mistakes and in fact, really capitalise on that learning.Tip 7 如何更好得讲述你的项目实践最好用专业商务术语描述自己参加过的项目,强调所

19、取得的项目成果。You know, if youre thinking about a project you can describe it in lots of different ways. You can talk about I did this, I did that but a much better approach is to use business language and to talk about how you set objectives, how you prioritised your time, how you focused on outcomes. Yo

20、ure saying exactly the same thing, but youre using business language and business terminology to express it and as an interviewer. Im sitting here thinking, Fantasitc! This is a great candidate - this is the person we want to recruit.Tip 8 回答问题时如何组织你的语言建议利用“三点原则”,列出三点,再进行扩充。但注意不要对所有的问题都千篇一律得使用“三点原则”

21、。I think a really key point of advice is to think about how you can structure an answer. and my advice is to think about the rule of three- and I always kind of say, there are three points to this answer and actually put some structure around it, so simply say Well the first point is, The second poi

22、nt is, And finally the third point is because then, if Im interviewing you I know there are going to be three points and I can follow it very very clearly and its logical. But just one piece of advice: dont do that to every question, you know, because theres nothing worse than just repeating the sam

23、e old kind of model, so vary it slightly, but its a great way of getting the points across three points, fantastic!Tip 9 如何有效地运用肢体语言恰当地运用肢体语言能非常有效地表达你的观点,首先要在面试开始时放松,另外一点是注意眼神交流,此外微笑也能为你的面试加分。What can you do with your body language to really be effective? I think the first thing to say is, just make

24、 sure youre sitting comfortably and relaxed in your chair at the start of the interview. Just the way you sit can convey the fact that youre confident and relaxed. The second thing is, try to use your hands a bit during the interview. You actually use gestures because thats a really Im doing it now

25、you know, its a really effective way to convey a particular message and give some emphasis. And the other thing is eye contact. You know, try to make eye contact with the individual, not in a fixed stare so that you frighten them to death but actually in a kind of really gentle way. Smiling is fanta

26、sticbecause if you smile during an interview just try it! the interviewer will smile as well. Its a fantastic way of building rapport. So I think those are the key points about body language and how to make an impact in a different way at an interview.Tip 10 面试是双方的交流平台好的面试官会尽量让你在面试时感到轻松自在,希望你能发挥自己的最

27、佳状态,以便他们做出合理的选择。所以面试是个双方选择双方交流的平台,但你要懂得如何把自己“卖出去”。A good interviewer will make you feel at ease, will make you feel relaxed, will want you to give your best. If I have a candidate whos really struggling I try to help them as much as possible. I really do want the candidate to be able to tell me some

28、thing about themselves and something about their skills so that I can make a reasonable judgement about them. And I think its really awful when somebody leaves an interview and I thought, What a shame, theres somebody who I know could do a really good job in this organisation but they just havent so

29、ld themselves. And I suppose thats a really important message that in the final analysis, its a two-way conversation but youve got to sell yourself.商务专家Keith Dugdale的面试准备提点,条理清晰,行文流畅。下面让我们来看看有哪些好词好句可以学为己用。重点词句解析:1.Fall to pieces 摔得粉碎,形容失败Eg. Nigel will fall to pieces if he doesnt stop working so har

30、d.奈杰尔如果再这样拼命干下去,身体会垮下来的。2.Capitalise on 利用Eg.The aim now is to capitalise on this new, more positive mood.现在的目标是要利用这个新的,更积极的气氛。3.Prioritise vt.把 . 区分优先次序 【英】=prioritizeEg.Everyone should take time to be alone, to prioritize and meditate .每个人都应该找时间独处,理出优先顺序和静思4.Nothing worse than 没有比.更糟糕的Eg.There is

31、nothing worse than apathy哀莫大于心死5.Get.across 被理解Eg.Did your speech get across to the crowd?你的演说听众理解吗?6.Frighten . to death 吓死,吓坏Stop playing about with that gun, or youll frighten me to death别玩那支枪了,否则你要把我吓坏的。7.Rapport n.融洽的关系eg.Father and son have a great rapport. 父子情深。8.Give your best: 展现最好的一面,尽其所能Im not very good at hacking but Ill give it my best.我不擅长安装但是我会尽力。

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