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1、九年级英语第一学期期中质量分析九年级英语第一学期期中质量分析初三英语 听力部分(26分)一、听力选择(26分,116题,每小题1分,1721题,每小题2分)A)对话理解(每小题1分)听下面16段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。1AHome BTo the hospital CTo school2AHorses BDogs CPandas3A8:50 B9:00 C9:104AYesShe will come to China to learn Chinese BYesShe is planning to learn Chinese CN

2、oShe doesnt think it is a good idea5ATo go to the shop BTo post his letter CTo visit his mother6AShe felt very sad BShe felt quite happy CShe felt very tired7AShe will go to Sichuan BShe will go to HangzhouCShe hasnt decided yet8ASince three months ago BThree weeks ago CFor three weeks9 AOn the morn

3、ing of Sep1 BOn the morning of Sep2COn the afternoon of Sep210ABy plane BBy train CBy car11ADecember BJanuary CFebruary12AAt the cinema BIn the street CAt a shop13ANature and growth。 BCahn and peaceful CMoney and envy14AThey dont know each other BThey are good friends CThey are brother and sister15A

4、Its strange to drink tea with sugar and milk BSome people just like milk CPeople dont like tea at a1l16ASomething is wrong with his hand BSomething is wrong with his head CSomething is wrong with his legsB)短文理解(每小题2分)听下面的短文。短文后有5个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。17When did the first laughter club ope

5、n? AIn 1996 BIn 1994 CIn 1 99518Where did the man who opened the first laughter club come from? A1ndia BAmerica CEngland19Who is Steve Wilson? AThe man who opened the laughter club BThe scientist who discovered that laughter is good for health CThe man who took laughter clubs toAmerica20Which of the

6、 following is not true? ALaughter is the same in any language BLaughter is good for us CLaughter is different in different languages21How many laughter clubs are there around the world now? ALess than 1,000 BMore than 1,000 CAbout 1,000笔试部分(104分)二、选择填空(从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项,把其编号填入下面相对应的空格内。共30

7、小题,每小题1分,满分30分)A)单项选择22Paper money was in use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in thirteenth century Athe, Bthe,the C,the D,23一Dont forget to bring my new books tomorrow afternoon 一NO, I Adidnt Bneednt Cwont Dcouldnt24I to join in some activities yesterday Atell Btelling Cwas told Dtold2

8、5They looked forward with hope a chance to receive further education Afor getting Bof getting Cto get Dto getting26一Is there in the box?一No, Asomething,anything Banything,something Canything,nothing Dnothing,anything27Which you rather ,tea or coffee? Awould,to drink Bwould,like Cwould, Dwould,drink2

9、8The noise of the TV almost Adrive he mad Bdrives mad him Cdrove he mad Ddrives him mad29 useful advice he gave us! AHow BWhat CWhat a DHow a30His failing in the exam again made him Afeeling sadly Bto feel sad Cfeel sadly Dfeel sad31一I like my teacher very muchHe is very kind us 一Oh,thats very kind

10、him Aof to Bto,of Cto,to Dof ,of32Simon hardly speaks English, ? Ais he Bdid he Cdoes he Disnt he33一How many students listened to the teacher carefully enough in the class? 一 ANobody BNone CSomeone DSome one34At the shopping centre,he didnt know what and with an empty bag Abuy,leave Bbuy ,to leave C

11、to buy,left Dis to buy,leaves35I think this talk is worth Ato listen Bto listen to C1istening D1istening to36He broke his left leg last week,so he can dance Ano;any more Bnot;any much Cno;any much Dnot;any more37What do you think we should do to improve our English? Athat B Cwhich Dhow38I prefer her

12、 some presents her some money Ato buying,to giving Bto buy,to give Cbuy, give Dto buying,to giving39There are in the reading room, but many of those books arent to read Aenough books,enough easy Benough books,easy enough Cbook enough,easy enough Dbook enough,enough easy40Could you please tell us our

13、 English teacher? Awhere we can find Bwhere can we find Cwhere we to find Dwhere to we find41My mother asked me to go Shopping yesterdayIn this sentence to go shopping is AObject BPredicative CAdverbial DObject complementB)完形填空What is your favourite colour? Do you like yellow, orange,or red ?If you

14、do, you must be an optimist(乐观者),a leader or an active person who enjoys lifeDo you prefer grey and blue?Then you are probably quiet, shy and youd rather follow than 42 .You seem to be a pessimist(悲观者)。Colours 43 our moods , there is no doubt about it . A yellow room makes most people feel more 44 a

15、nd warmer than a dark green oneIt seems that a red dress brings warmth and cheer On the other hand, black is depressing(令人压抑的)A black bridge 45 the River Thames , near London, used to be the scene of more suicides(自杀)than other bridges in the are- a until it 46 green,The number of suicide attempts(企

16、图)fell sharply at once,perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done 47 pink or baby blueLight and 48 colors make people not only happier but also 49 . It is true fact that factory workers work better,harder ,and have 50 accidents when their machines are painted orange rather 51

17、 black or dark green 42Ago back Bcome Clead Dthink43Ainfluenced Bdont influence Cinfluence Dinfluences44Acheerful Bcheer Cnervous Dworried 45Aon Bover Ccross Dthrough46Apainted Bis painted Cgot Dwas painted47Aon Bby Cin Dfor48Adark Bbright Cclear Dgood49Aactive Bmore quiet Cmore active Dmuch active5

18、0Alittle Bless Cfewer Dmore51Ato Bthan Con Dat三、阅读理解(共13小题;每小题2分,满分26分)A April 21st in 2006 was the 80th birthday of Queen Elizabeth.She is one of the most famous women in the worldHere are some interesting stories about the Queen Queen Elizabethis the fortieth monarch(君主)since 1066She has been the

19、queen of Great Britain for 54 yearsDuring her 54-year reign(统治),she has made over 250 official visits to 129 different countries, including China in 1986She has also hosted more than 90 formal dinners for those important people from foreign leadersWhen she visits foreign countries or hosts formal di

20、nners,the Queen often receives presents from foreign leadersSome unusual presents include animals like jaguars and sloths from Brazil,and black beavers from Canada The Queen is a great animal lover and she is known for her love of dogsSo far,the Queen has had more than 30 dogsShe is also really fond

21、 of horses and good at feeding horsesHer horses have won major races several times The Queen usually sends a telegram(电报)of congratulations to her people who are 100 years old on their hundredth birthdayPerhaps she will send herself in twenty years1ts not impossible,since all her family members have

22、 enjoyed a long lifeThe Queens mother died in 2002 at the age of 10152We can learn from the passage that Queen Elizabethis years old this year A80 B81 C100 D10153When did Queen Elizabethbecome the queen of Great Britain? A1n 1950 BIn 1952 CIn 1006 DIn 198654According to the passage,we can guess that

23、 jaguars and sloths are two kinds of Aplants Banimals Ctrees Dflowers55The Queen likes animals and she loves Acats Bdogs Chorses Dboth B and C56At the age of 100,any person in Britain may Asend a telegram to the King Breceive a telegram from the QueenCcelebrate 0ueents birthday Dmeet the KingB Over

24、1,400 university students from 37 countries and regions came to China for the 2006s WorldMUN meeting(世界大学生模拟联合国大会)The meeting was held in Peking University from March 27th to 31 St,2006 The idea of the WorldMUN began in 1991A group of students at Harvard(哈佛)University wanted to make a new meeting to

25、 bring together the students who were interested in the worldThey wanted to discuss different problems around the worldThe WorldMUN is based(以为基础)on understanding,compromise,learning and friendshipThe first meeting was held in Poland in 1992After thatit is held in spring every yearLast year,it was h

26、eld in Scotland This was the first time the WorldMUN meeting was held in Asia(亚洲)It was also the biggest one in historyThe students came from the best universities around the worldDuring the fiveday meeting,they did everything that people in the UN doThough their skin colors and cultures(文化)were dif

27、ferent, they had the same wish to make the world better57By the end of the year 2006,the WorldMUN meeting had been held A12 times B13 times C15 times D17 times58The word“compromise”in the passage means in Chinese A友谊 B理解 C和解 D屈服59Which of the following is NOT true? AThe students want to travel aroun

28、d the world BThe students are interested in the world CThe students want to discuss different problems DThe students wish to make the world better60The best title of the passage is AThe First WorldMUN Meeting BThe WorldMUN Meeting CUniversity Students DProblems Around the WorldC Jenny felt more conf

29、ident about her life after reading about her star signShe always followed the advice for her star sign,VirgoOne Monday, it said,“Be careful not to answer phone calls this week,or you could miss a great opportunity!(机会)”“I think Im patient enough not to answer the phones for a week,”thought JennyTwen

30、ty minutes later,her mobile phone rangIt was from her companyThey were calling to tell her that she was needed to go to the office early that day,but Jenny did not answer the phoneWhen she arrived at the office,her boss was angry because Jenny,his only secretary(秘书),was four hours lateHe became even angrier when he knew that she did not answer any phone calls for the whole day When the same thing happened the next day,Jennys boss became impatient and told her to go home !During the rest of the week,Jenny did

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